iols rasa ada 2 teori spekulasi..cewahhhh..dah start dah iols berangan jadi writer ni.ahahaha
teori pertama mmg Ryan cam DM masa kat airport tu..tapi dia sengaja pura2 tak tahu depan DM..sbb tu dia tak suka ngan DM..asik nak kondem je..smpi sanggup pecat DM..gadis abnormal la katakan sbb jd fangirl gitew..huhu..sian ke DM walhal dia bukan kacau org pun..just hobi dia je kan minat retis smpi tahap gitu
teori kedua...Ryan mmg tak tahu DM yang dia langgar kat airport tu..tapi Ryan mmg masih suspicious pasal DM.. dia suspek DM tu mmg ada relationship ngan Shi An si idol tu sbb masa first time dorang jumpa kt tmpt auction tu beria2 sgt DM nak beli painting tu kan..Ryan pulak mmg tahu yg painting tu Shi An je yg ada koleksinya..that's why gak Ryan sengaja nak buat exhibition tu..dan ajak DM gi jumpa Shi An..i guess dia sengaja gak nak tgk cemana reaction DM nnti..tapi nnti lain pulak jadinya kot..smpi lah nnti kantoi yg DM ni fangirl Shi An..
sekian teori spekulasi iols untuk kali ini..ahahaha
On April 10, tvN’s “Her Private Life” aired its first episode. Kim Jae Wook definitely killed it, playing the stoic, prickly, and unemotional gallery director, Ryan Gold. Here’s why it’s easy to fall for Kim Jae Wook’s character.
He has the perfect image to be in a romantic comedy
Kim Jae Wook perfectly plays the role of Ryan Gold. His fine facial features, tall height, and perfect body ratio immediately grab the attention of viewers. Kim Jae Wook’s facial expressions, fashion, and other physical characteristics also match well with Ryan’s character.
His arrogant, prickly, but still heart-fluttering personality
His sweet return in a romantic comedy from being a psychopath in his previous drama, “Voice,” is quite a change. However, Kim Jae Wook creates an appealing character with his sharp glare, accent, and arrogant way of talking. In the drama, when he says, “The title of this work of art is Ryan Gold, do you want it?” Kim Jae Wook most certainly stole our hearts with this character.
His unexpected charms
Ryan is spotless and perfect when it comes to most things, but he has some flaws of his own. We can’t help fall in love with Kim Jae Wook’s character as he shows us serious moments as well as comic ones. The airport scene with all the idol fans and the subway scene of him riding the tightly packed subway during rush hour show Kim Jae Wook’s comedic moments despite his serious personality.
“Her Private Life” is about a gallery curator named Sung Duk Mi (Park Min Young), who moonlights as an idol fangirl, and a stoic gallery director named Ryan Gold (Kim Jae Wook), who starts to become a fanboy of Duk Mi.
hm.. iolls pon rasa watak PMY mcm sama je dlm WWWSK - 1st assistant
2nd dlm HPL, dia jd fans idol, dlm WWWSK jd fans novel kan
tp disebabkan 1st time KJW jd lead akn ku gagahi jua tgk dkt tv
Post time 18-4-2019 10:59 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Tu la uols. Iols rse park min young ni blakon sama je mcm dlm secretary kim. Bezanya dlm HPL ni byk pki seluar. Dlm secretary kim byk pki pensel skirt gitu. Iols tgk utk cuci mata iols dgn hero je
hahahaha crazy epi 3 , ya Allah kesin ye kena lempang pipi tu , agak real.
Obsessive fans ni , interesting.
pandai dia berlakon masa babak babak mula nak pi melawat rumah Shi An tu.
hahahaha it was so hilarious. crazy .hilarious.
he opened up. interesting the last scene was touchingly dramatic, ye?
when PMY nah kena langgaq dengan that girl. he is so convincingly angry. I like that scene.
i love it. simply love it, the arts, the plots, the good characters. i love her style, dalam sec KIm pun nice colour blouse kan, dlm epi 3 ni i like dia nyer soft peach skirt tu and blouse hugging body sort of blouse.
huhu...mungkin watak nya lebih kurang sama dlm sec kim..mujur iols x tgk sec kim smpi abis..tgk 2 @ 3 ep je so xleh nak relate..hihi..tapi iols suka je tgk PMY blakon..