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Author: Rhyno

[2018] MUNAFIK 2

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Post time 4-9-2018 11:02 AM | Show all posts
Edited by JiEunTak at 4-9-2018 03:05 AM

watak sakinah tu sangat sinonim ngan wanita2 mcm KITA KITA nih hampa oiii... solat 5 waktu x tinggai....ada kalanya buat juga ibadah sunat zikir bagai... TETAPI... mai tang bab anak....kita selalu tewas... kesian kan anak.... tingat lagi aku anak sakinah cakap "kenapa ibu bunuh derang....nanti kalau Allah tanya nak jawab apa..." betul lah...buat aku terfikir... matlamat x menghalalkan cara... sama juga masa abuja suruh sakinah berbohong fitnahkan ust adam... sok2 kuaq dajjal mampu dak kita control diri hanya dengan zikrullah saja..?

satu lagi aku terganggu dengan setan indon yg dok kacau ust adam....disturbing sial setan nih...memang setan btoi!

demmmmmmm....tgk last saturday sampai arini aku 'terganggu' dengan sakinah nih....bab lain2 aku x terkesan sgt sbb rasa mcm dakwah nya too hard and deep sgt... plus mcm kuno sgt x dak org kg nak laporkan gerakan sesat abuja pada pihak polis ke sapa...cuma bapa si ust adam jaa yg ada sebut talipon polis... kenapa si sakinah x tepon polis...?

1st time aku tgk ceta seram dari celah2 jari... jump scare nya sgt scary...nak luruh jantung aku...kuang ajaq btoi

sejujurnya Munafik 1 buat aku menangis...aku ke wayang 2x...sbb dia ust adam di akhir movie munafik 1 tu sgt2 terkesan bagi aku... "Allah jangan la tinggal aku untuk diri ku... selalu lah bersamaku dalam menghadapi segala dugaan ini..."

But munafik 2....mebi sbb penghayatan aku dah terganggu ngan scene2 seram dia maka diakhirnya aku x rasa sedih.... rasa mcm haa elok laa mati abih semua... serabut aku sejam lebih dgn sakinah...abuja ngan pengikut2 dia... cuma rasa sedih and kagum dgn ust adam yg sampai ke akhirnya hold on pada iman di hati....beriman hanya kepada Allah Taala...

sejujurnya....ask yourself... kalau korang kat tempat ust adam... rasa iman masih kuat di situ....atau dah berbolak balik...? sanggup kah nak korban anak...harta...even diri sendiri untuk Allah Taala...?

7/10 bintang for Munafik 2. Wpun x best dari yg pertama tp TQ samsol for triggering and disturbing me emotionally. Macam wake up call utk perbaiki iman diri pun ada lepas tgk Munafik 2 nih.



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Post time 7-9-2018 05:17 PM | Show all posts
dah tgk .... and superb sgt2 ....
abaikan loopholes .... filem mana la takda loopholes kan ...
semua yang aku nak cakap dah dimention korang2 kat atas...
as long as aku puas tgk di panggung ..... buat nangis jugak kat hujung ....

extra pujian utk Mawi... syg watak tak byk screentime ....
spin-off filem utk watak Azhar please .....
Mawi is a revelation ...... bacaan ayat suci pun kedengaran sedap je dari mawi ....



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Post time 7-9-2018 06:55 PM | Show all posts
dh brp jota uols? dapat lawan kak limah x?

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Post time 7-9-2018 10:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Terima kasih mod @annehuda sbb rate..huhuu

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Post time 7-9-2018 10:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ehhh..double post pula..huhuu

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Post time 9-9-2018 12:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kwn aku yg penakut dr aku pon dh tgk munafik 2. Aku br bjaya tgk kak limah sajorkkk.. cana nih!? Hahahaha

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Post time 9-9-2018 08:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Munafik 2’: Not as impactful as the first film


The 2016 film Munafik evoked an uneasy feeling but, in a good way. That eerie feeling stayed with us long after the movie ended that we imagined things at every dark corner.

Its intimate story about a man struggling with his faith after a family tragedy struck a nerve. It also had an interesting subplot on the supernatural. The fact that the film was imbued with religious elements elevated the experience even more.

With Munafik 2, however, nothing quite remains in our minds after the movie ends … despite the many jump-scares and writer-director Syamsul Yusof going big with the story. In the sequel, he shines the spotlight on a group that’s misinterpreting Islam for its own benefit – an issue that’s very real, involving extremist groups around the world.

Munafik 2 continues with Ustaz Adam (Syamsul reprising the role) having self-doubts, which appears in the form of a female ghost who speaks with an Indonesian accent. (She could be a demon he previously vanquished or the devil itself.) But he tries his best to be on the righteous path despite the challenges and does his duty as a preacher diligently.

Meanwhile, in the neighbouring village, a man named Abuja (Nasir Bilal Khan) has started a new teaching, by twisting the words of Al-Quran to suit his worldly desires.

Anyone who dares to speak against him ends up suffering greatly. One such person is Sakinah (Maya Karin, making her comeback to horror films).

It is when Adam comes to Sakinah’s aid that things start to go really wrong for Adam and his family.


Abuja always did the tug-o-war with just one hand during the village telematch. Photo: Skop Productions

Syamsul has said in interviews that he didn’t want to stray too far from stories from the Al-Quran and Kisah-kisah Nabi (Stories Of The Prophets) in writing the sequel.

But he seems to have taken the stories from the sources too literally; the traits of Abuja is no different than that of Abu Jahal, the Qurayshi leader who strongly opposed Prophet Muhammad’s teaching during the Jahiliyyah period.

However Abuja doesn’t look like he belongs in the modern setting; for one, the character is dressed like a villain from the olden days, and his honchos walk around with flame torches!

In today’s scenario, we know the worst kind of villains are wolf in sheep’s clothing, when in actuality they are committing the most heinous crimes. Painting a villain in black alone takes away any suspense from the film.

Munafik 2 would’ve benefited if Abuja is not so blatant (or that loud). Nasir, although a good actor, plays Abuja like a typical baddie in a Malay drama, which is a bit disappointing. The audience is not told why and how Abuja became this way.


Who needs flash when you’ve got flaming torches, eh? Photo: Skop Productions

It doesn’t help that in the first 15 minutes, Munafik 2 goes back and forth between the hero and the villain, making the story-telling a tad messy and chaotic.

And while we’re on the technical issue – why oh why, must the score be so loud all the time that it keeps drowning the volume of the dialogue? Sigh.

The jump-scare scenes are a bit too obvious as well. Admittedly, they are intense that we grip our seats, but some of them are just way too predictable that you can guess what’s coming next.

Thankfully, Syamsul does inject originality to some of the classic horror movie shots. The one that has Adam waking up in a confined space is not bad, and as a director he tries to make the supernatural scenes fresh.

For example the scene in which Sakinah gets possessed by a djinn and has a debate with Adam in Arabic is a standout in the film. The arguments from both sides are sound.


When dad forgets to renew the Netflix subscription. Photo: Skop Productions

Actually, the most enjoyable part of the movie is the dialogue. Adam has all the best lines and whenever he is having clever exchanges of words with someone (especially the demons), that is when the film shines the most.

This is because Adam remains an impressive character, one worthy of further movies.

Syamsul’s embodiment of this man who fights and struggles every day to do the right thing is a perfect reminder that we all need to be more like him in keeping the faith.

A surprising performance also comes from former Akademi Fantasia winner Mawi. Although his scenes aren’t many, you’ll remember him thanks to an emotional scene when his character confides in Adam.

Munafik 2 could’ve been a much better movie if only a little subtlety was exercised and the villain’s actions aren’t so stereotypical.

If Syamsul does make a third film, perhaps a little restraint and turning down the music a few notches would be appreciated.

Catch this movie at Golden Screen Cinemas nationwide. Follow GSC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Munafik 2
Director: Syamsul Yusof
Cast: Syamsul Yusof, Maya Karin, Nasir Bilal Khan, Rahim Razali, Fizz Fairuz, Mawi, Fauzi Nawawi

6 over 10

'Munafik 2' is a worthy effort, even if it doesn’t quite reach the same height as the first film


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Post time 9-9-2018 06:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mesej yg bagus but i dont like it. 5/10.

bg sy x seram.. from awal hingga akhir,predictable plot, hero syamsul yg bercakap mendatar.. ntah la x de rasa nk tutup muka sbb x rasa seram at all. mesej keagaamaan bgs tp si abuja tu watak very the cliche antagonis bollywood.. dlm lg diceruk pedalaman accessible only by sampan.. tetiba ada castle..

my opnion..  siz tak suka n i know ramai yg suka .. x enjoy tgk cerita ni esp selepas mak ustaz adam kena bunuh.. plot membosankan n predictable..



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Post time 9-9-2018 07:20 PM | Show all posts
dah tengok.. iols bagi 4.5/5

98% jalan cerita dalam gelap..



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Post time 10-9-2018 02:57 AM | Show all posts
layan movie ni akhirnya aku jd serabut. psl skrin dia terlampau ceramah agama sgt which saper nk memahamkan ayat2 tu bilaman kt tgk serius melayan movie ni. Terlampau padat ceramah agamya smpikn aku jd bosan nk layan selebih nya. kuatkan semngat gak nk layan smpi abis sbb dh kluar duit kan..

sol sila la jgn berlakon + direct dlm filem yg sama... ok dh la aku ni pening memadatkan kpala otak dengan ceramah agamanya pastu ngan lontaran dialog yg mendatar n skema...

nsb baik film ni diselamatkan oleh Maya Karin. walau terganggu ngan slanga dia tp xder la sebeban nk memahamkan method acting si mmg wajar lah MK ni jd primadona filem melayu.... lontaran dialog n expression muka on point sgt..xyah nk make up tebal yg xlogik utk gadis kampung n ank tok imam... neutral beauty n acting..

tp cam sakit ati gak bila ada perbezaan antara budaya di umah adam yg moden n idup MK n famili dlm gua n umah kg yg xbercahaya...



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Post time 10-9-2018 02:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
apa benda ni? Ajaran sesat blh bkr orang, bunuh org yg x nak ikut ajaran dia. siap nk bunuh bdk kecik lg. Aku rasa mcm sgt x logik. Bunuh org mcm bunuh nyamuk.

2 pelakon yg bg impak rahim razali and mawi. Yg lain so-so.

patutnya aku beli tiket hantu kak limah td.

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Post time 11-9-2018 06:31 AM | Show all posts
aku 5/10
hubby bg 4/10
kitaorg mmg peminat citer hantu

1. mesej dakwah bagus
2. bingittttttttttt
3. jalan citer biasa
4. x seram sbb sepanjang filem hampir penuh dgn muzik2 seram yg terus buat film tu predictable
5. gelap dan hantu terlalu biasa dah

aku pi tgok gak walau aku tau overated
sbb nak menilai sendiri



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Post time 11-9-2018 10:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bagi aku movie ni biasa je pun dan sdikit x logic.. ajaran sesat dlm pulau tpencil di malaysia n siap boleh bunuh2 org dgn mudah. Tahun 2018 kut xkan la lngsng x kantoi. Ajaran dia pun mcm cerca merba.

Lpstu ending fail gila, gempa bumi bagai tu cliche sgt lah. Mati kena hempap batu etc... come on more creative lah. Dah mcm movie hindustan lak aku tgk.

So aku bg 4/10 je la



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 Author| Post time 11-9-2018 03:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
byk caca merba dlm filem ni kan. pastu latar cahaya gelap 24 jam. stress aku menonton filem ni.

kita tunggu Munafik 3. harap2 setanding filem seram Yindon ye.

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Post time 13-9-2018 10:33 AM | Show all posts
sufi^_^ replied at 30-8-2018 06:45 AM
I cuba tanpa bagi spoiler:

1. Lagi banyak jump-scare scenes, ada yang memang betul2 berkesan nak  ...

Tq mod annehuda

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Post time 13-9-2018 10:36 AM | Show all posts
September14 replied at 11-9-2018 02:40 AM
Bagi aku movie ni biasa je pun dan sdikit x logic.. ajaran sesat dlm pulau tpencil di malaysia n sia ...

Kan? I berharap sihir2 jin setan semua tu kalah dengan ilmu ustaz ke apa ke, tak payah divine intervention gempa bumi kena panah petir segala. So filem tamil.

Tak logik. Kau dah tawan mangsa, kau lepaskan, pas tu sebelah malam kau rajin pulak pegi cari mangsa dalam gua.

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Post time 13-9-2018 11:10 AM | Show all posts
Bg saya filem ni terlalu 'bercerita'....fiction sgt...bila tgk tak rasa larut pun dlm cerita dia, sekadar tgk shj...

tp sy puji dakwah yg disampaikan...buat kita bermenung sejenak...

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Post time 13-9-2018 12:13 PM | Show all posts
dah tgk far klu ikutkan cite ni biasa2 unsur2 dakwah tu buat kita lebih insaf
ayat2 Al-Quran yg digunakan mmg bagus..leh dijadikan pedoman klu betul2 terkena rasukan/ tk sempat pulak ler nk ingat ayat mana...rugi part ni...
cuma part ajaran sesat tu...ermmm mcm tk logik ler...senang2 je nk bunuh ....takut benar org2 kg tu
sampai tak berani nk bertindak...

dr sudut seram...terus terang filem ni mmg tk seram langsung...sbb iols mmg suka sgt filem2 seram...
dari awal hingga habis..tkder terkejut langsung...

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Post time 13-9-2018 02:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sori kalo soalan x brapa bijak. Jnuh pikit. Setan indon tu sapa pnya? Antara jin Abuja ke atau setan lain yg nk bolak balikkan hati Ada

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Post time 13-9-2018 07:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
r_innalif replied at 13-9-2018 06:18 AM
Sori kalo soalan x brapa bijak. Jnuh pikit. Setan indon tu sapa pnya? Antara jin Abuja ke atau setan ...

I rasa setan tu adalah setan yg stand alone...yg cuba nak pesongkan iman ustad adam.... Bkn yg dihantar abujaa...

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