Or do you say that Abraham, Isma’il Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do you know better than Allah? Ah! who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony they have from Allah? but Allah is not unmindful of what you do! (Holy Qur’an 2:140)
Just as Allah (swt) knows best the tradition which the blessed Abraham was upon; Allah (swt) knows best the tradition which Dr. Maurie Bucaille and Dr. Keith Moore died upon.
I am hoping that in the Muslim community we can be people of integrity and truth. I don’t want us to make claims just for the sake of trying to ‘sell’ the religion to people. I don’t think Islam is up for sale. I also believe in using good character and manners when inviting people to Islam; however I do not believe that we ‘package’ Islam as if we are trying to convince a group of board members to give us funding for an upcoming project.
This is what Islamic daw’ah (calling people to the faith) has become, unfortunately.
I remember a few years after I embraced Islam it seemed that the whole world was right on track. Everyone was going to be a Muslim by the year 2000! One seemingly sincere brother recalled that Neil Armstrong heard the call to prayer on the moon!
Than came all the lectures and videos floating around about the Holy Qur’anand science! Well, the Qur’an must be true because it talks about aliens, black holes, embryology, fingerprinting, and atoms! Who could deny such obvious signs right?
Around this time (l would say late 80s early 90s) came the book, ‘The Developing Human’ by Dr. Keith Moore.
Apparently there was a blurb or a small piece in his book about comparing text of the Holy Qur’an which he felt corresponding to the development of the fetus in the womb.
This was latched on to and propagated far and wide. A Non Muslim Caucasian American Doctor has now confirmed something of a miraculous nature in theHoly Qur’an! Can you believe it?
Well, it certainly was a faith booster for me! I thought to myself, well that is impressive indeed. I was always wondering if I could meet this Muslim brother, but that was the problem. Dr. Keith Moore never converted to Islam.
My friends once asked me why I don’t smoke cigarettes and I replied, ‘When the CEO of Winston smokes, than I will smoke.’ In other words if what he found was not compelling enough for him to embrace Islam as a way of life why make such a huge fuss over it?
In fact here is a video on youtube with a very dishonest title to it.
Followed by the very direct question posted to Dr. Keith Moore himself here:
Now we as Muslims could put ourselves in a state of ease and dismiss it all with a flippant remark by saying, “Well Allah (swt) guides whom he wills and leaves to stray whom he wills.”
Yet there is something very frightening in revealing to Non-Muslims deep scientific statements found in the Holy Qur’an, that were not revealed to Muslims themselves; and yet not guiding that person to Islam.
In fact the ‘Islamic awareness’ web site touts both Dr. Keith Moore and Dr. Maurice Bucaille as people in the field of science that found the Holy Qur’ancontaining outstanding information of a scientific nature. I would invite you to go to the web site and possibly cache it before it disappears.
As my grandmother used to say, “You can take the horse to the trough but you can’t make it drink.”
Another curious example is that of the late Dr. Maurice Bucaille. A surgeon by profession his book , ‘The Bible, the Qur’an and Science’ is still being pushed today by many Muslim missionary organizations as a ‘must read‘ book.
I remember making my way through the book some time ago and walking away thoroughly impressed. However, in retrospect I think that his over reliance upon liberal scholars that do not hold to a to a supernatural world view in dealing with the Bible was in hindsight problematic. Also no citation of sources is very problematic. Where are the books, periodicals and research journals that Dr. Maurice Bucaille consulted in his research?
Ultimately all this to do about the Quran and amazing scientific discoveries Dr. Maurice Bucaille did not embrace Islam.
Here is another site which unfortunately has the misleading title “Why I embraced Islam”
Read the above entry carefully.
Q: Have you embraced Islam?A: I wanted to make it quite clear in the very beginning that even before I learnt the first letter of Bismillah, I was convinced that God was unique and all- powerful and when God guided me to undertake a study of the Quran, my inner soul cried out that Al- Quran was the Word of God revealed to his Last Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.).
In my book “Quran, Bible and Science,” I have mentioned these facts and the book has met with instant success in the entire Christian world. In this book I have devoted myself to discuss all problems from purely academic angle, rather than that of faith or belief which would have revealed only my personal convictions. This was because I desired to be treated by the world as an academician rather than a theologian. About my faith and belief, God knows what is in one’s heart. I am convinced that if I identify myself with any creed, people will invariably dub me as one belonging to such and such group and feel that whatever I say or do, I do so from only the angle of such and such creed group. I know my fellow beings very well and understand their mentality only too well. I wanted to assure them that all my pronouncements are based on scientific knowledge and not on any religious dogmas.
Q: This is O.K., but since you have referred to God’s complete awareness with what is in one’s heart, may we ask what is your opinion about human heart?Even in his book Dr. Maurice Bucaille never once mentioned that he embraced Islam. He never finished the book with what would usually be after thoughts and a declaration of one’s faith.
Again Allah (swt) knows best in what state any human being dies in. However, it is dishonest if we as Muslims are not transparent and use ‘bait and switch’tactics in our conveying the message of Islam to people. That is why I am no longer apart of such organizations and nor do I have any desire to be a part of any Muslim organization that does not believe in being transparent, that uses bait and switch tactics to lure people into becoming Muslims. Its simply dishonest.
With Allah (swt) is the final argument.