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Author: Takki_Aniki


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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 20-9-2004 05:11 PM | Show all posts
[quote][ English Translation ]

Open Support Letter to Mr. Son Seung Heon by Fans of China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong

We are the overseas fan organizations of Mr. Song Seung Heon from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

The fans from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have decided to jointly issue this support letter to show our total and unchanging support for Song Seung Heon.

Mr. Song Seung Heon has been reportedly involved in the military service investigation in Korea and became the focus of spotlight recently. As his fans, we regret to hear of such news, and feel heart-broken seeing Mr. Song Seung Heon suffering from the overwhelming publicity of this sentitive matter. At this time, we, fans coming from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, have decided to jointly issue this open support letter to show our total support for Mr. Song Seung Heon.

Because of Song Seung Heon抯 dramas and movies, the overseas fans have came to learn about and to become more and more interested in Korea, its dramas, movies, culture, and so forth. Many of us have gone to Korea numerous times to meet Mr. Song Seung Heon, to tour the filming locations of his dramas, and to purchase products related to his work. As an outstanding Korean actor, Mr. Song Seung Heon has conquered the hearts of countless overseas audiences with his touching performances. Furthermore, Mr. Song Seung Heon has contributed tremendously to the promotion of Korean culture to the overseas.

Through his excellent dramatic work, we sincerely feel Mr. Song Seung Heon is a very hard-working and professional talent who is always looking to top himself. Through face-to-face encounters, we became to love him because of his kindness, friendliness, optimism and humor.
Our lives have become so full of wonderfulness since we became the fans of Mr. Song, and we thank him so much for it. No matter what may have happened in the past, Mr. Song is still the most admired person, the only one holding this spot, in our hearts. Nothing can change this fact.

Now, Mr. Song Seung Heon has bravely stepped out to tell the truth from his heart, to honestly face the public. As his fans, we are proud of his honesty and bravery, but at the same time, we feel even more heart-breaking. No matter what the outcome is, whatever Mr. Song Seung Heon decides, we will undoubtedly respect and support his decisions. Should he must serve in military service, we will still stand by him and send our best wishes to him. We sincerely hope that Mr. Song Seung Heon can return to the performing career he loves so much, to keep promoting Korean cultures to foreign countries.

Lastly, we sincerely pray that Mr. Song Seung Heon can take good care of his health and bravely come out of this challenge. We hope that he will not give up or step back because of this incident, and never doubt that he will always have our love. We have the determination and will to support him all the way. Our love and support will never change !

Through this open support letter, we sincerely hope to communicate the deepest love and blessings to our beloved Song Seung Heon.

Jointly announced by:
China Seunghun Home

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 21-9-2004 12:23 PM | Show all posts
[News] Actors caught in draft-dodging probe

Song Seung-heon returning home for investigation; 2 other actors admit violating law

By Shin Hae-in

Following an admission that he had evaded military service, popular actor Song Seung-heon was scheduled to return to Seoul yesterday from Sydney, Australia to face the music. Song said he will immediately turn himself in for military duty.

Song was one of three actors who admitted dodging the draft as a result of an extensive government probe that began in July, looking into the records of 19,000 men who failed to qualify for military service.

The other two actors, well known Han Jae-seok and Jang Hyuk, voluntarily appeared at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency office on Jongno, central Seoul, Sunday, for further investigation. They admitted violating the law.

The investigation is expected to advance to a new stage now, as the two actors have identified a broker who helped them fail their physical exams.

Han and Jang each admitted paying the broker between 20 million and 30 million won.

Police cannot prosecute the two actors because the statute of limitations for their draft evasion has expired, so the two were turned over to the Military Manpower Administration and are expected to be inducted after new physical exams.

But an employee at a local hospital said that actor Han was been seen visiting the hospital, reportedly for kidney problems, so the outlook for his physical exam may be in question.

Song, meanwhile, had admitted his crime last Thursday in a letter he sent to Yonhap News from Sydney, where he was filming a music video for the MBC TV drama, "A Sad Love Song."

In the letter, he apologized for his actions and said that he deeply regretted them. "Joining the army meant putting a stop to my acting career for more than two years. I was afraid this would permanently end my career. I was foolish. I am so sorry to disappoint my fans and all those people who cared about me," he said.

With a production cost of more than 76 billion won, and top stars Kim Hee-seon, Gwon Sang-wu and Song playing the lead characters, the drama "A Sad Love Song" was expected to be popular overseas as well as domestically. The series had been slated to begin in January, but filming has now stopped because of the revelations about Song's draft dodging.

The admissions have generated widespread discussion, especially on Internet chat sites. On the site, many people said that due to the importance of the drama, Song should be allowed to delay his military duties until filming is finished. Others, however, heatedly disagreed. "Why should Song be forgiven just because he's a famous actor? He should discharge his duties right away," one discussant said.

At first, actors Han and Jang denied that the broker was related to the entertainment companies they work with, but they later admitted being introduced to the broker by company officials. Both said that they knew nothing of other celebrities or entertainment company officials being related to the matter.

An entertainment company staff member said the actors would be unlikely to reveal more than they had to.

"These people paid money and took the risk of getting caught because they cared so much for their careers," he said. "When they come back after serving the army, they are going to need 'big' people to pull them into the world of entertainment again. They can't say much more because they can't afford to get on the bad side of these people."

It's understood that there are a number of "brokers" who help people evade military service, he said. "Once an actor makes his mind up, it's quite easy to contact these brokers, whether personally or through entertainment officials."

The broker reportedly had invented a new strategy to disqualify men during their physical examinations by adding blood to their urine. Military Manpower Administration officials have said in the past that it is getting harder to catch these acts.

Internet user "askhim24" said on the Paran Website, "More ways of dodging military duties will be invented. That's why I think it would be best to find a way for celebrities to feel less burdened about leaving their careers."

"But men who dodged their duties should still be punished heavily in order to set an example for future soldiers," he added.

Police, meanwhile, are concentrating on arresting the broker whom the two actors identified. The names of additional draft dodgers may be revealed after police get ahold of the broker and his list of clients, a police officer said.

Source: The Korea Herald // posted: alw8871 for solid07

^ Posted by LiLsHiNhWaFrEaK @ ShinHwa Sarang :tq:

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 21-9-2004 12:27 PM | Show all posts

song seung hun has returned to korea on 20 sept afternoon 6:19pm .he appeared worn out and lost weight apparently troubled by the incident over the last few days , to all interview questions .his respond is ..that he apolosize to the whole nation .that he has make a mistake ..and that for the disappiontment he has caused with his supporters ..he hope to come back as soon as possible to apolosize and make amends ..and settle the issues ..there were over 10 bodyguards at the airport .and he went straight to the seoul police office the car arranged by his manager ..


PS...jang hyuck and Han Jae Suk has also admit their mistake and willing to accept any punishment due ..

^ Posted by Shirley @ Forums :tq:

Video clip of SSH arriving at airport

mms:// ... 40920_news9_100.asf

^ Use NET Transport to download. Posted by Cheka @ Forums :tq:

[ Last edited by Takki_Aniki on 21-9-2004 at 12:29 PM ]

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 21-9-2004 12:32 PM | Show all posts

The Interview

R; how do you feel

S i am very sorry ...i am a public figure and a male citzen of republic of korea, but my behaviour was inappporiate , my heart is full of remorse and repenting my mistake

R: with regards to the police announcing you being a suspect , what do you feel

S i already said in my letter . i fully admit that i have used illgeal means to escape miltary duties ..i ...........have nothing more to say

R: why did you do it

S Being an actor is a special occuption , it receive more attention/love from the public then any other jobs . I was very young when i become a popular star. During that time , more and more fans adore me ..and pending for my miltary serivce issues ...that time i was a newbie....if i spend my two years in army during that period .i was afriad i will be forgotten ...and never to be able to return

R when do you expect to go to the police station

S right now

R what about the drama

S i cannot reveal now

R what about army

S i will follow the Nation's order

R who arrange all this for you

S I will only said it at the police station

R: are you like other ..being introduced by the same company and manager

S (no respond )

R: you ...

^ Original interview reposted by Cheka. Translated and posted by Shirley @ Forums :tq:

Dgr cerita SSH oppa akan kena pergi camp NEXT WEEK! Nampak gaya takde harapan dia akan teruskan blakon dlm "Sad Sonata". Isk, isk, isk. :cry:

[ Last edited by Takki_Aniki on 21-9-2004 at 12:36 PM ]

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Post time 21-9-2004 01:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 21-9-2004 12:32 PM:

^ Original interview reposted by Cheka. Translated and posted by Shirley @ Forums :tq:

Dgr cerita SSH oppa akan kena pergi camp ...

OMG OMG OMG.. the only piece he left for us before he go to the military services is his latest movie That Guy Was Gorgeous.

harap2 dapat tengok mv dia sad Sonata tu..

oppa i gonna miss you.


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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 21-9-2004 06:47 PM | Show all posts
^ Nampak gaya camtu la, sara.

SSH is facing a suing by the japanese industry of 1 billions dollars that will lead him to bankrupt.

According to the SSH Entertainment Company, SSH who has signed a contract of 1 billions with the Japanese Company for releasing a JP version DVD, because of the 'military service' incident, he can't complete the rest of the filming, so SSH may be sue by the japanese for the lost of that.

Related Person also said that the filming was planed to finished by 21 and 22/09/04 and it was forced to stop and SSH requested to rush back to korea.

Now the Japanese Side was considering of going on lawsuit with that..

Posted by ayudorama @ Forums.

^ Ni lagi la sedih... :cry:

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Post time 21-9-2004 06:55 PM | Show all posts
Belum selesai satu masalah, masalah lain pulak timbul........ :sad: :sad: :cry:

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Post time 22-9-2004 01:16 PM | Show all posts
Adoi lepas satu satu..

kesiannya dia..

boleh tak military services tu tangguh sekejap sampai dia menghabiskan rakaman filem dia kat jepun tu. bila dah habis panggillah balik.

kesian betul tengok SSH oppa macam tu. orang kata sudah jatuh di timpa tangga

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Post time 5-10-2004 01:36 AM | Show all posts

Special delivery - with lotsa love & affection -

Wishing Song Seung Heon ssi ~

           :pompom:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Best wishes to Takki :hug: & gang!

Cards created by LSlSW at LBH-thread,

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anarkyst This user has been deleted
Post time 7-10-2004 08:01 AM | Show all posts
^ wow lawa lah kad ni.. katt yg buat ke? handsome nye oppa..

OMG OMG OMG.. the only piece he left for us before he go to the military services is his latest movie That Guy Was Gorgeous.

and that piece of memory tak best langsung :kant:.. tak puas betul tgk TGWM, tengok sekali je boleh la. kalau nak ulang2, maybe sbb nak lepaskan rindu kat ssh aje heheh. sehensem2 ssh oppa pun, tapi still tak dapek nak selamatkan movie tu. argh nf:

* 2 1/2 tahun.. masa tu aku akan buat ape ye? dh berkarier? dh kawin? dh beranak pinak? kekekekeke

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Post time 7-10-2004 01:21 PM | Show all posts
Seung Hun oppa Hapy Birthday!!!!!!

Saengil Chukahae

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anarkyst This user has been deleted
Post time 8-10-2004 09:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sara at 7-10-2004 01:21 PM:
Seung Hun oppa Hapy Birthday!!!!!!

Saengil Chukahae

:clap: :clap: yup, otanjyobi omedetou gozaimasu

kite beli cake utk celebrate bday oppa nk? heehee.. kalau ada duit rasa macam nk tempah kek dkt Baskin Robbins, kek aiskrim yg boleh letak gmbr tu.. dpt makan oppa.. yumyum :kunyah:

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Post time 8-10-2004 11:19 AM | Show all posts
ehmm beli kek banyak2 celebrate ngan oppa sebab lepas ni takut tak leh nak celebrate ngan oppa lagi

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Post time 11-10-2004 04:36 PM | Show all posts
6 Stars are going to the army next year, They are
-Ji Sung(Music Bank M.C)
-Yun Jung Hoon(Guy from the drama with Jang NaRa)
-Lee Dong Gun(from the drama women of Paris)

-Yang Dong Gun(guy from NonStop 2)
-WonBin-AND MY EUN JI WON(won't be able to see him for two years)
-Song Seung Hun

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Post time 17-11-2004 01:38 PM | Show all posts
fans were crying ..omg oppa ... i'll wait for you

mms:// ... 1161659538413_s.wmv
mms:// ... 1161507003478_s.wmv

wah sedihnya akhirnya oppa akan pergi juga Military sercices tu .... 2 tahun...

tak pe sara akan tunggu no matter what ...

OPPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEUNG HUN OPPA!!!!!!!!!!!!

from + cecilia@soompi

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sungielover This user has been deleted
Post time 18-12-2004 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Wonyee at 9-1-2004 09:07:

Hey katt! I suggest that you go & get another antenna. Even in KL we've the same problem until we add another antenna. It's crystal clear now!

Yeah, Ryu Jin is very tall ...

HE HAS THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS I DOO !! and that's the day that SSH left for the services...

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Post time 20-12-2004 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sara at 17-11-2004 01:38 PM:
fans were crying ..omg oppa ... i'll wait for you

[url]mms:// ...

eh..sabar sara..........  sabar......, byk lagi hero lain ader.....  2 tahun tak lama.....  ;)

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Post time 26-12-2004 09:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by captain_f4 at 20-12-2004 09:51 AM:

eh..sabar sara..........  sabar......, byk lagi hero lain ader.....  2 tahun tak lama.....  ;)

kekekek... sedih tak lama pun ... percaya atau tak sekarang ni sara dah berlaih kasih ke So Ji Sup ... ala sementara je ...

ala yang berlakon Glass Shoes tu ... tak pun What Happend In Bali ...

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Post time 27-12-2004 11:09 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-1-2005 06:51 PM | Show all posts
Sedey la...
SSH masuk army...2 tahun depan bru nampak muka dier

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