1. Oppa said even he found nice clothes and design in Korea he cannot buy them coz he can’t fit into the clothes. Because the shoulder and sleeve doesn’t fit him. So he can’t go shopping in Korea, he go to USA etc to buy
2. about how he thinks of beautiful ladies… he has seen so many beautiful ladies around, so when others tell him someone is pretty, he would think “is that so?” he actually thinks the “normal” students on the street are cute.
Japanese translated by spartaoshida@weibo
Photo source yumi605@twitter {x}
kaz2y5 posted on 23-5-2014 10:18 AM
[Cool Kiz on the Block] Lee Young Pyo vs KJK ~lovejongkookie@tumblr {x}
LYP ni bekas footballer Korea kan? wonder kalo dia join ADC dgn PJS kt Indon nanti..sbb mesti PJS pilih player yg tak terlibat dgn WC tuk join diorg..hehe..
kaz2y5 posted on 23-5-2014 01:11 PM
haru*hana Magazine from Japan, Jun Jul issue
just quick translation of two interesting points ...
yg no.1 tu sebenarnya oppa yg kena kurangkan muscle tu, baru senang nk cari baju dlm RM, kalo dia pakai baju yg diorg sediakn, selalu baju nampak melekap kt badan oppa...hahaha..
yg no.2 plk, byk guest pompuan lawa2 yg join RM, tak pernah plk nmpk oppa terlebih excited kecuali masa epi dgn Jang Huk tu, tetiba dia gi puji ARISU tu cantik smpai Jaesuk terkejut dgr pujian tu kuar dr mulut Jongkook