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Reply 529# adikmanis
aku rsa bukan album kali neh..mungkin full album nnt yg drg decide kuarkan bulan 9 nnt,tpi xtau la klu kot2 album 4.5 plak  |
bulan 4 album,bulan 9 album lagik..kenyang btol VIPs taun nih ngan lagu2 baru diorang wpon poket bakal tinggal abuk  |
Reply 536# adikmanis
3minggu promotion,tpi 2minggu jeh broadcast appearance motip kan sian laki2 aku  |
Reply 535# nickynisa
khens,saje je nak wat kite kopak! menci tkjeut dgr tbe2 announce ader repackaged album neh
tpi ape2 pon xsbr nak dgr! lagu GD and teddy composed,sure gonna be epic!  |
[NEWS] Daesung’s butt was exposed and loved by noonas!

Big Bang’s Daesung has been revealed to have been received a lot of love due to the exposure of his butt.
Hong Min Ji who recently took part in the recording of “Night After Night” exclaimed, “I’ve heard rumors about MC DAE that are shocking,” “Daesung has a really nice butt” she revealed.
She went on to say, “It happened at the time that Daesung appeared on the musical “Cats”, the costume was old and worn out, enough to be able to see his butt. At the time, all of the musical actress and staff were around witnessed his butt” she revealed Daesung’s embarrassing story.
Daesung responded to this by saying, “I didn’t know” but Hong Min Ji said, “No. Daesung knew. He could have easily told the costume team to change his clothes but he just put up with it“. Sending the studio into a frenzy of laughter. The episode will air on March 28th.
Source: daum
Translated: Sammi @ ibigbang |
[NEWS] Actress Kim Min Ji is close to Big Bang’s Seungri

Four months into MCing for KBS’s “Music Bank,” actress Kim Min Ji feels that she’s ready to tackle just about anything on the show now that she’s gone garnered enough experience through her fair share of live mishaps.
There’s no denying that the industry is flooded with idols lately, which raises curiosity as to how close she is with them, especially since she works so up close and personal with idols on a weekly basis.
“I thought I’d get close to them too, but it’s not really like that. The waiting room for MCs and the waiting room for artists are actually quite far apart so I haven’t had the opportunity to get closer with them. Even so, I’ve gotten close with SECRET’s Hyosung and Big Bang’s Seungri. I don’t quite have the freedom of mindset to be making friends yet.”
(source: akp)
heh aku tak heran baby..jauh cmne pon bilik mcs ngan artist2 len,die mesti g jln2 pomot dirinye  |
Reply 547# Chynez
pic plzzzz xde sesapa yg rajin nk korek ke?  |
Broadcast Plans:
Big Bang’s first broadcast on April 10 has been confirmed to be on SBS’s “Inkigayo” and the double title tracks will be showcase.
Because Big Bang is scheduled for May-June for their Japanese Tour Dates the album’s activities are expected to go up until May 1st.
The short activity period of three weeks or less is sad, but but they will try to go on as many broadcasts as possible so fans can see them. |
Reply 550# adikmanis
pix ape? pic cat musical tu ke? xde pix yg show sume tu tpi klu ko nak tgk dae nye outfit cat tu,yg ne la

ssmg super ketats ye  |
Reply 545# Chynez
b'tabahlah... demi jidi chy konfem beli album diorg kannnn tibe2 je ade album 4.5.. ala2 repackage SME lak.. hopefully lagu baru ni less autotune.. |
Reply nzhass79
grup bru mner kakzu?
ntah la..3 je lgu bru lam repackage album neh,da ...
Chynez Post at 28-3-2011 03:17 PM 
nanti ai jawak kat fb....
alaaaaaaa... pe nehhhhhhh!!!! seb bek BB... kalo tak mmg kene laaaa.....
agak sedikit keciwa biler tau sal neh... tp wat to do.... BB biased katanyer... |
dlm 45 hinggit..xmasuk shipping...tp ni kira murah kn sbb ada photobook
100+ pages p ...
adikmanis Post at 30-3-2011 12:39 PM 
ape ke murah sangat neh??? tak caya btollll... bgs ar kalo camtu... seme lebih kuang dlm 60. tak pernah kisah lak shipping bape  |
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