"Kes Kematian Mengejut, KKM Kena Pandang Serius Kaji Kesan Sampingan Dos Penggalak’ - Dr MAZA
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snazzydaisy replied at 1-2-2022 04:34 AM
Tengok nie! Scientists in NZ found "undeclared components" dlm Pfizer shots, similar findings dgn ...
Oooo patut nak cucuk banyak kali. More components nak masukkan.
And yang question about Vaids tu, ada nampak that guys admitted to Hosp due to batuk2 dan demam tapi Dr tak tahu apa punca. |
snazzydaisy replied at 1-2-2022 04:34 AM
Tengok nie! Scientists in NZ found "undeclared components" dlm Pfizer shots, similar findings dgn ...
Katanye, sebab surat Lawyer Sue gray ni BoJo kena pressure sekarang, hes happily buat party kat number 10, and a group of Scientist dan lawyer dah file kes ker International court of justice, under Crimes againts Humanity.
It is a Crimes. |
slavehunter replied at 1-2-2022 11:40 AM
Oooo patut nak cucuk banyak kali. More components nak masukkan.
And yang question about Vaids tu ...
Adakah komponen2 ni yg dimaksudkan oleh Dr Andreas Noack when he’s talking about razor blades & graphene hydroxide???
#ConspiracyTheory |
Edited by haruslah at 1-2-2022 12:57 PM
aku_blur replied at 31-1-2022 10:11 PM
Sama kes.. Pergi ke hospital, doc kata tak dikira aefi sbb dah 4 hari.. Kalau kesan vaksin die aka ...
My fren nye mak sejam lepas 2nd dose terus admit wad
Sampai skrg follow up hosp
Lemah badan....lupa hilang2 ingatan....panas badan
Sampai skrg bukan sebab aefi |
The elites and celebs dibenarkan buat parties, no social distancing, no mask when there’s no camera etc. But kids at schools kene continuously wear mask, cannot hold hands, cannot hug their friends, cannot hug grandpa/ma. Yuck 
Dah watch this ke?
naratif kobid n beksin are collapsing
itu sbb makin aktif seseorang termasuk ahli sukan..
makin bahaya..
mati masa cycling,, footballers
Meols skang tgh preggy 12weeks. Doktor private hosp sruh tggu dlu smpai lepas 2nd trimester baru amik booster, tapi doktor kat klinik kesihatan pulak sruh amik booster cepat2, kate nye selamat. So far meols dh dpt appt date utk booster 2x, yg 1st dh reject, ni skang yg 2nd plak on february 3rd. Hubby sruh tggu dlu jgn amik lg sebab takut ade side effect, plus meols pun tak betul2 sihat lagi, morning sickness still ade |
teringat aku laporan polis dibuat terhadap deegee icham..
laporan crimes against humanity
patut ler ada kes yg breast n koneck jadi beso lepas cucuk
pengecatbintang replied at 1-2-2022 01:12 PM
naratif kobid n beksin are collapsing
Kalau betul lah the Covid narrative is crumbling, bagus lah… but what if it’s a false flag?  |
pengecatbintang replied at 1-2-2022 01:13 PM
itu sbb makin aktif seseorang termasuk ahli sukan..
makin bahaya..
Tapi kan Pengecat, dulu2 pun dah ada kejadian tumbang dan kematian mengejut, got nothing to do wt the holy jab…
depa nak vaxxed ni lawan gomen..
so, negara runtuh..
ramai x sedar..
lagi pong..
lepas fasa naratif kobidpandemik melingkup...
muncul fasa baru iaitu cyberpandemik (cyberattack n economic chaos)...
ini lagi bahaya..
sesapa yg anti konspirasi teori tu jgn baca..
main jauh2..
syuh syuh
masa tu naratif masih on lagi n sedang rancak..
kena tipu seramai mgkn..
kalo x target 90% vuxxed x dapat
he he
pengecatbintang replied at 1-2-2022 01:15 PM
teringat aku laporan polis dibuat terhadap deegee icham..
laporan crimes against humanity
Ehh Pengecat, ada update tak ttg surat yg 100++ doctors signed tu??? |
x pasti..
tp ia telah berjaya buka mata semua antuvaks n vaxxed ttg aefi beksin
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slavehunter replied at 1-2-2022 02:14 PM
Result- sama.
Berbalik kepada “undeclared components”  |
| |