tengah tengok separuh.. cam audition pun ada.. HJ kejap masuk kejap kuar..hehehe!!
sore GY sungguh power..HJ siap peluk GY.. GY plak rileks jerk.. ...
JUSTcircle Post at 17-11-2009 22:09
lagu yg dieorg nyanyi tu kire lagu baru gak..rase awal taun ni kuar lagu tu..nimesti dieorg nyanyi be4 4minute debutkalo ko prasan..mule2 tu dgr cam suare jiyoon tgh kire 1 2 3..
yg si HJ ni selambe je dok pegang2 GYGY plak wat bodo je..mesti die nak menjiwai watak la kotsbb lagu ni pasal pompuan tu sakit hati gile ngan bf die..
ni aku jumpe MV die yg ade eng sub
yg aku pehatikan kan..kebanyakkan group2 laki ni kan..maknae die mesti tak mcm maknae
sukebintang Post at 17-11-2009 10:18 PM
tu la.. maknae x macam maknae... tapi yg tua kan main plak gaya cam maknae.. hehehe!!!
Yusop tuh apa watkan dia nampak comel sbb TOMBAM.. cubit2 pipi dia kang..
lagu yg dieorg nyanyi tu kire lagu baru gak..rase awal taun ni kuar lagu tu..nimesti dieorg nyanyi be4 4minute debutkalo ko prasan..mule2 tu dgr cam suare jiyoon tgh kire 1 ...
sukebintang Post at 17-11-2009 10:35 PM
ko pasan erk suara JiYoon? aku x pasan la plak.. huhuh!! biaslah kalo dah seFAMILY..x per.. x per.. GaYoon menjiwai watak tuh..
Kim Tae Woo gives love to BEAST
Singer Kim Tae Woo sent a supportive message to BEAST!
He had a picture of him and BEAST, as he titled it, "Tae Woo & BEAST." He commented:
"BEAST who is working hard these days... They have greatmanners and they even practice in their prep room... They are a teamthat looks like they will become a beast soon!!! Everyone pleasesupport them on to help them become better!!!
It's always great to see an artist giving support to other artists!
Afterwe complete our interview, six members of BEAST and <10 Asia>start cleaning up the garbage from our prepared food and drink and putthem in plastic bags. I told them, "You don't have to do that" and theyjokingly answered "Because we are rookie". But everyone, we know thatthey're no rookie anymore.
- Colorful history and endless attempts of idols. -
Beastwas already well aware of the rules in the Idol World being a 6 membergroup. Of course, their before debut story has been published a milliontimes.
Jang Hyun Seung was known as a member of the group BIGBANG,SonDongWoon might be one of 2PM or 2AM. Lee KiKwang, who already was asolo artist as AJ and now he is acting as SeHo on MBC <HighkickThrough the Roof>, already know the taste of the spotlight. Group'srapper Yong JunHyung was trusted to write his own rap on the debutsingle "BAD GIRL" and known for great UCC videos before his debut, YangYoSeob who spent lots of years as trainee. Yong JunHyung said "We don'thave the HYUNG (older brother) in the group, we are all friends (thesame age) and if we have problems, leader gathers everyone together andsaid "Let's Talk", It's an awkward situation but we do it just likecampers. Someone's going to have to do it" Not to mention, LeaderDooJoon sometimes doesn't have anything to say.
A few years ago,these trainees starts their trainee life. For their debut, they have toconstantly knock on few companies doors. Beast was born throughhardship, Shouting "Hi, This is the BEAST", you might wonder how coulda rookie has the 'professional' attitude of a well-known idol. Theypractice together, "The members grasp everything quickly and adapt tothe situation very well," said leader Yoon DooJoon. Single "Bad Girl"has been promoted on stage for a month, "We can do it" and "The companywill determine" is a very common line, but fans will get tired with thesame stage all the time "We had adlibs consultation with each other forthe camera to capture" so that the fans can have new experience eachtime. Afterward, the company will consider our opinion.
- The kids who know which way to go -
Youmight think that the name BEAST is not suitable to a group with arather cute dance on 'BAD GIRL'. During debut, many people areinterested as they wait in line for shows like this. Like any other popgroups, Beast has been through a long and complicated process to behere. Beast's performance has been known to be enjoyable. They do theirbest, throwing in adlibs here and there like KiKwang's "without sayinganything", you can take off your clothes on stage. In such time, theyhave been showing a lot of changes for their 'Bad Girl' debutchoreography without a break.
- irrelevant news ommited -
Beast, at least someday, you will know these idol for their own way.
I have one older sister. You can think of her as me but with a smaller face, smaller body, andlong hair. The truth is that my mom and dad look similar too. If thefour of us stand together, even from far away people say, “Oh, they’rea family!”
I first started practicing singing after I listened to Brian McKnight’s music. After that, I listened to a lot of music of a similar style, but Ithought about it and realized that I couldn’t be biased towards certainmusic. So I also started listening to dance music and rock.
I was in a band when I was in high school. At that time, we performed a lot of hard rock and metal, but the truthis that I wanted to try modern rock. But my sunbaes said that it wouldruin the mood and forbade it. Even now, modern rock is a genre thatpersonally, I really want to try.
Originally, I'm artistically or musically talented because I take after my dad. I couldn’t dance. Because I’ve practiced, I’ve reached this level withdifficulty. (Doojoon: Yoseub learns the fastest now. Junhyung: He caneven make choreography by himself.)
My hairstyle changed dramatically, but I think it was a successful transformation, so I like it. It’s tothe point where the members look at old pictures of me with black hairand think I look weird. They keep telling me to bleach it, but it’s abit sad. Since I’m Asian, black hair keeps growing…
On KBS <Star Golden Bell>, the PD said I looked like a shi tzu, and my mom was really happy when she saw that episode. Since I receivedone more camera shot. She complimented me on tying my hair.
Honestly, my manly/sexy side is disappearing, and I used to not like being calledcute. I would just throw on clothes to wear carelessly, and I couldn’tact silly. But now that’s become a part of my color, so I accept it,and I even mess around more enthusiastically.
Maybe it’s because started filming videos a long time ago, but when people ask me to perform, instead of being embarrassed I tryto make something good out of it. Even in front of a blue screen, I’mnot embarrassed. If you type in “Yang Yoseub” in a search engine, a lotof videos come out. Look them up when you’re bored!
When Dongwoon is only with us, he’s really fun, to the point where at first, MTV <B2ST> PD said thatDongwoon and I had the biggest chance to succeed in entertainment. Butas soon as the camera gets in his face, he’s not fun anymore. So he’sslowly becoming more awkward, his screen time is shrinking, and the kidseems like he’s going to develop a speech impediment, plus he’s agingmore and more. Hahaha.
Doojoon has a strong sense of responsibility,and even if something is taken care of, he has to check the processhimself before he’s satisfied. So if Doojoon wasn’t here [in BEAST] weprobably wouldn’t have been able to do interviews, music programs,anything. You see, Doojoon wakes up first and wakes up all the othermembers.
At home, the members like to play games like “Winning Eleven,”but at those times, everyone’s desire to win is no joke. Kikwang keptsaying that he would cancel the patbingsoo debt he owed Doojoon afterhe lost a bet, but eventually he had to buy patbingsoo for everyone inthe house. At that time, I think he used more than 20,000 won? (approx.$20 ish) Hahaha.
I was born on March 3, 1990. Junhyung, Hyunseung and I are the oldest children in our families. Butwe all have at least some cuteness. I have a younger brother.
I seem like I’m pushed around by the other members? Haha. I’m restraining myself for their sake.
Yes, I have taken off all the clothes on my upper body on stage before. Since I was filming a sitcom, I couldn’t be at the dry rehearsal, butthe person who was in charge told me at the camera rehearsal that I hadto take off my clothes decisively so I would show up well on thescreen. But that person didn’t know how revealing my clothes actuallywere. He/she was fine with it since it was the first time but told menever to do it again.
I joked on the radio that I liked the ethics section of the college entrance exam, but fans took me seriously. Ah, I have to explain! Honestly, I’m not stupid. I studied well when I was younger.
Saeho from “High Kick Through the Roof” and the real me are pretty similar. We’re bright, a bit foolish, affirmative, and fond of exercise.
I couldn’t keep my focus when I had to film the scene where I confess to Jungeum nuna why I like her.Nuna is really pretty, and I think it was hard for me to recite thescript in front of someone like that.
A lot of people say that Saeho is a character with a personality that is too simple. They also wish that he had more funny parts. But the truth is thatSaeho is a character who is nice and bright when he’s outside but makesa 180 degree transformation when he goes home. Those parts stillhaven’t been shown, but I hope that they will be shown in the future.
I like crumping. I like to dance passionately with feeling and big movements like blackpeople. So when I dance stage choreography, I dance so intensely thatI’ve ripped my costume before. Starting with music video filming, thecrotch area kept ripping so they changed the fabric, but they stillripped on stage, too.
I almost never do anything that’s bad for my body. I can restrain myself from things like that really well. I never eatramen, and I hardly ever snack. Alcohol and cigarettes never touch mylips.
I’ve been working out for about 3 years. Eventhough there are times when it’s tiring to go work out by myself afterour schedule, it’s become a part of my character so I have to. Also, ifmy body is good then I feel good, and I gain self-confidence, so I’mgoing to keep exercising.
I’m really nice to people when I first meet them. That’s my natural instinct. It’s not that I want anything from themlater; I’m just the type of person who wants to become close withothers. So I suck up to others a bit as well.
I think I’m a lot cooler than I was when I was younger. So I think that I “became a dragon at twenty years old.” My lips were thick back then…eh, now is better.
I was born on June 6, 1991. All the hyungs acknowledge each other as friends, and I’m the only maknae since they can’t overlook a two year age difference.
I am a senior in high school. I took the college entrance exam this year. Kikwang hyung, Junhyung hyung, and Hyunseung hyung all took the exam too.
Theday that Kikwang hyung excessively exposed himself, we were at a partin the choreography where all our heads were lowered, so we didn’treally know what was going on. The screaming was really loud, so Ithought “Oh, Kikwang hyung must have done something really cool.” Butafter we came down from the stage, the director and other people saidthat it was a big deal. After watching the performance, the memberswere really surprised too.
I’ve lost my character, soeven in my daily life, I’m gradually talking less. Ah…….. (Doojoonately, Dongwoon has been hearing that he’s good looking. Havestrength.)
The BEAST hyungs were trainees for long times too, but I started my trainee life a long time ago. I started in 2004 andthen briefly left, but after seeing the hyungs that I practicedtogether with debut as 2PM and 2AM, I regained my focus. But while Itook a break, I lost all my instincts and didn’t have any stageexperience, so I was frustrated. (Kikwang: Dongwoon is only nice andgood looking. Even during his trainee days, he was famous for that.)
When the other hyungs play games, Yoseub hyung and I eat midnight snacks, since we don’t even really know the rules of the games.
Truthfully, in MTV <B2ST> episode 1, my entrance into BEAST had already been decided, and we reenacted it.But because of my terrible acting, the PD didn’t give us anyinformation after that.
That program was actually real. When we had the naval base experience, we thought we were going to playat the beach. We had our suspicions, but they kept denying it….theythoroughly kept the secret from us.
The hyungs are very protective of secrecy. When we divided into groups of 3 people and had a dance battle, we hadto share the practice room since there is only one, and neither teamtold the other anything that they were doing. Hyunseung hyung, Yoseubhyung, and Doojoon hyung were one team, and they performed all kinds ofthings that they hadn’t even revealed in the rehearsal. They paintedtheir faces, blew bubbles, and took off their pants. I was reallysurprised. (Hyunseung: We really wanted to win.)
When we practiced the choreography for the dance battle, the background music was R.Kelly’s “Bobble,” and I don’t listen to that song anymore. I heard it too much. I became sick of it.
I think I’m a lot cooler than I was when I was younger. So I think that I “became a dragon at twenty years old.” My lips were thick back then…eh, now is better.
sukebintang Post at 17-11-2009 23:48
nk kena test try ni, bru leh taw still thick / not.....
BEAST member Yoseob has flaunted his fellow member, Junhyung 'snow white' skin, and commented that his skin was whiter and clearer than that of a girl’s.
On the 18th, Yoseob posted a picture of his ‘older brother’ on hismini-hompy showing just how perfect Junhyung’s skin is. He evenadmitted that he was jealous of his team member’s perfect skin,stating, “His true naked face…He really has the perfect skin…He sure is good looking! Hahaha.”
In addition to Junhyung’s picture, Yoseob posted another of Dongwoon (BEAST's maknae) and 4minute’s Sohyun(4minute’s makane). This photograph shows their close relationship asmembers under the same company and was taken when both BEAST and4minute were doing joint activities.
Commenting on this picture, Yoseob playfully said,
“The young ones aren’t playing with me...don’t leave me out...”
In another picture that has netizens laughing, Yoseob humorously says, “Because my makeup is smudging, it looks like I have dark circles that reach down to my knees.”
From Junhyung’s perfect skin to Yoseob’s dark circles, these idol stars are beginning to reveal their true selves!
Iwas born September 3, 1989. Dong Woon and I entered just as friends wehad thought. If you're taking care of different grades may have had.
NeckwearItems In the winter and fall: I like to wear a lot of scarves. However,the members don't lend things to each other. There are rules in ourgroup to what we can wear.
These days people dress more with afeminine image. People are very conscious of their style. Dong Woon hasthe original beauty¡¦.(Doo Joon: He has the pretty role, but all ofBeast is beautiful!)
I wanted to have a stage name, a particularname before I debuted. Younger artist especially singers have to thinkof a name. Its how you're seen on stage. Ah, but saying you don't wantyour name will upset your parents.
To get rid of stress is had. Sometimes I just want to be left alone. In some ways I live accordingly. But its frustrating.
Ican be a perfectionist. I want things to be perfect. How should I putit. I don't hate anything I just pursue the idea. That's it.
Nowafter a month the company has made us start practicing everyday anddancing. But it is art so we have to keep a theoretical approach of howit will be in the future. Haha
When I first saw Doo Joon wasprobably when I learned he was our leader, he looked reliable. JunHyung was mysterious and shy but he was easy to get along with. Yo Seobwas an old friend but I couldn't imagine as it is now!
Kikwangor AJ made his debut and he was a good solo artist. I'm so glad hejoined our group. The dancing is difficult but easier when you haveothers. When you dance you can meet friends with similar interests andwork hard together, it makes me happy. And, that's what happened. And,then I didn't know this was the cause.
When you eat it has tobe light. I didn't know this when we had to exercise and it(stomach)hurt, but now I know. Even now I still want to eat cake but I can onlylook. Ah, I shouldn't eat.(Yo Seob: Look at Hyun Seung's body in thealbum!)
I was born on December 19, 1989. Even though our school year is the same, whether one be born on '89 or '90, it doesn't seem like a huge difference.
When Ki Kwang was performing as AJ,I worked as his back up dancer as well as a featuring, so I do havesome experience on stage, but as a singer, holding the microphone waspretty heavy. However, as I was standing on stage, I practiced spottingthe camera and adapted to this really quickly.
We choreographed our dance.Our dance teacher did give us some feedback and opinions, but we arethe ones who proposed the contents of the dance. In fact, duringpractices, we are very radical and would do our so-called'jack-hammer-like' dance, but we ended up doing a light, lively stageperformance, so it's a bit regretful. Just like MBLAQ, I would love todo a more strong, stylish performance in the future.
I nag a lot at our dorm.But I don't do it without a reason. There's always a reason. With our 6members and 3 managers, making 9 guys living in the dorm, really...itmakes no sense! They don't clean and after they eat snacks, they justleave it around, and when flies come out, they don't even catch them. Afew days ago, I cleaned out the whole living room, you guys don't evenknow that, do you? [Doo Joon: We don't. After you clean, you nag. Sothat's how we know. hehe.]
Out of the members, me and Hyun Seungare interested in fashion. And in the past, since we came to watch manyartists on stage, we were a bit greedy of their outfits. But somehowbecause of the song's atmosphere, team's environment, and the company'sthoughts on our image, we aren't quite ready to enter the field ofstyling. And if the image of the stage outfits and our casual clothesare different, it's good to show people two different appearances.
I love hats, so I like wearing them. i don't have much to collect, but maybe one day I could get a room filled with hats.
Doo Joon can't fail when using his head. Doo Joon is always the best at thinking up a lot of games.
When practicing, as much as you do it, it isn't always efficient.Usually one would do it if they want to, Hyun Seung, unlike others,would always look for that moment. Even right now, when our scheduleends, Hyun Seung would be the one to practice alone until dawn.
I wrote the rap parts in the lyrics of 'Bad Girl'.Sometimes, to others, the lyric's rhyme and flow can be awkward. Onetime, before composer hyung went to get coffee, he told me 'some aredurable, try it', and while he left, I started to think up ideas. Whenrecording, I once modified it and we almost went with that. Though Ican't say I am the best, I'm satisfied by the results.
As I practice writing lyrics alone,the contents of the lyrics are more important to me than the flow. Ilisten to a lot of underground music, like Kebee and The Quiett, andtheir lyrics really come to mind. I hate hearing people say that I rapbecause I can't sing, but I put a lot of effort on my own. But the moreI do, the more I'm mesmerized. Whenever I'm writing lyrics, I alwaysput Yo Seob next to me. We talk back and forth and come up with greatideas, so it helps a lot. [Yo Seob: Really? I should've just gatheredthose words and wrote it myself!]
The members talk to each other a lot.So, now I have nothing much to say. In the past, we talked about eachothers' past girlfriends so much that I'm not even curious anymore.
I was born on July 4, 1989. I might not be the oldest, but I'm the team's leader.
Recently fans have revealed pictures from my past,but I'm afraid of my past, though there isn't a reason to avoid it. Noweverything is out, but the present is more important so it's okay.However, when I was young, I was a cute kid.
Though Yo Seob shows many different dance adlibs,in fact, he just watches videos and tries to do them. For one month, wewould be on 4 different music shows, and I feel as though the audiencewould get bored watching the same thing over and over. So, we are goingto try to make an effort to show something different.
When we first filmed MTV BEAST,we decided to set our characters based on our image or features. Butwhen, little by little, the cameras came over to me, and I think upwords I want to say, in the end, I noticed the others showing theirnatural side. In my case, I was supposed to have the calm yetcharismatic image......it makes no sense. Haha.
If MBC <HIGH KICK THROUGH THE ROOF> asks me to be a cameo,I'm ready at any time! I would love to be one of the students who pickon Seo Ho. And especially Yo Seob who can be the exchange student.
Honestly, even though I'm not the oldest,being a leader is burdensome. Though it's a difficult and embarrassingsituation, what can we do, someone has to do it. Whether it be talkingto adults or convincing others, it's better to place myself out therethan having another member do it, only because it didn't fit theirindividual character.
My training period was really short.Because I started this when I was a senior in high school. I wanted todo music, but I could only do songs that I already knew. During my lifeas a trainee, even though I could mimic dance moves and likeddecorating my face, if only I concentrated more on my singing I think Iwould sing a bit more better than now. When I was in middle school, Iloved black people's music and since then i mainly listened to soulmusic. And so, I follow the features of the music and tend to singalong. I would try to find my own color.
I taught myself piano.I don't learn classical music or play very well, but by myself, I canplay while singing. When attending my first music academy, my firstpractice song was Richard Marx's "Now and Forever", but since I didn'thave the MR, I learned the piano code myself. At first I practiced thatsong to death.
Even though Dong Woon looks like that, he's really the maknae. When we're at home, he would come to me using his cute act and say "Hyung~~".
Without writing,I can remember trivial things really well. Like, when, where I metthem, and the clothes they wore. And that's why I'm the best atrock-paper-scissors. Because usually, I can see who is going to putdown what first. Scientifically proven, because the law is, I aminvincible.
Ki Kwang's first stage as AJ? Of course I remember. April 2 Music Bank! (Yo Seob: No. That day was M Countdown!)
Explosive rookie group BEAST, album sales are explosive as well
[Edaily SPN Park Mi Ae Reporter] BEAST is the most anticipated rookiegroup of the latter half of this year, and already their unexpectedalbum sales are displaying strength.
Their company CUBEEntertainment’s representative Hong Seung Sung revealed, “We examinedthe album sales up till last week and found that almost 20,000 albumshave been sold.”
For rookies, selling even 10,000 albums isconsidered a success, but BEAST have set a record with album sales morethan two times that.
BEAST’s debut album ‘Beast Is The B2ST’ begins with title song ‘Bad Girl’ and contains a total of five songs.
Inthis album, not only ‘Bad Girl’ but all the other songs as well brag ofa quality that is unsurpassed by the title song and are receiving muchlove from the public. The album sales that exceed expectations can beattributed to the high quality.
Hong representative said, “Thealbum has been out for about a month and a half, but it is stillselling. Naturally, the members are very surprised, and the companyfamily is very surprised as well.”