KIM JONG KOOK (김종국)~LoVeAbLe FrOm HeAd tO ToE~4th HAVEN~
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black_dahlia posted on 22-5-2014 04:31 PM 
aku dtg dr jauh (jauh ker?) semata2 utk oppa ni
jom la jmpe beliau
hopefully betullah die dtg
sbbnye tnye page KJKMalaysia n KJKGlobal pun diorg xjwb2
tnye page The Strand tu pun sama 
yg bg feedback One FM je
dh la DJ Yoon tu peberet MC aku |
syue86 posted on 22-5-2014 04:28 PM 
owhh..keje ape la ko ni ek
lain cutinye
rare gituh
aku keje perpustakaan..
ikutkan hari2 bukak..
tp turn aku cuti jatuh hari isnin, selasa...
ye lah..
nanti ko bg je emel..
ramai yg boleh tepekkan..
syue86 posted on 22-5-2014 04:39 PM 
jom la jmpe beliau
hopefully betullah die dtg
sbbnye tnye page KJKMalaysia n KJKGlobal pun diorg ...
kita same2 nantikan ye
x sabar dh ni
harap2 ada la ye...
cik_ted143 posted on 22-5-2014 04:41 PM 
aku keje perpustakaan..
ikutkan hari2 bukak..
tp turn aku cuti jatuh hari isnin, selasa...
owhh yeke..
sure sunyi je tmpt keje tu
okeh akan ku lakukan
doa2 la aku dpt menang contest ke ape2
bley face to face ngn oppa ke
uhuhu (berangan) |
black_dahlia posted on 22-5-2014 04:43 PM 
kita same2 nantikan ye
x sabar dh ni
harap2 ada la ye...
tu lah
harap2 tak ramai org pegi
voleyh? |
black_dahlia posted on 22-5-2014 04:31 PM 
aku dtg dr jauh (jauh ker?) semata2 utk oppa ni
good tuk uolls dgn syue
apapon kena tunggu dulu dan konpem kesahihan news ni..kekeke..
syue86 posted on 22-5-2014 04:49 PM 
tu lah
harap2 tak ramai org pegi
ye ke tak ramai orang pegi muahahaha... cuti sekolah pulak tuh (kan?)
i-allah kalau tak ada program boleh ler pegi. kena carik lense yang betul-betul panjang nih 
kaz2y5 posted on 22-5-2014 04:54 PM 
ye ke tak ramai orang pegi muahahaha... cuti sekolah pulak tuh (kan?)
i-allah kalau tak ada pro ...
sbbnye shopping mall tu sendu amat tau
mcm ceruk2 n celah2 kedai gituh
kaz jum laaaa
ha siap ade dslr ni
wajib ikut!
aku compact cam je
ngn hp..wakaka
weh, KJKMalaysia pun xtau
katenye xdpt info pun dr Papitus
tahniah la cik @clara_nur yg jmpe info tu
huhuu |
hari tu kaz ada tepek gambar yg ni dr magazine kan?? ni nk re-tepek balik gambar tu beserta dgn translations
credit dan source artikel SINI
Trendy: You haven’t visited Taiwan in a long time, how do you feel revisiting Taiwan?
KJK: In this trip I’ve visited many Asian countries and cities, but I feel excited in visiting Taiwan. It has been 15 years since I last visited here! Last time I visited here for work and didn’t have time to look around, the only impression I have is the hotel. This time I have a tight schedule too, I think Taiwanese is kind and passionate like before!
Trendy: You have sang so many popular love songs, what’s the secret of getting into the mood when singing them? Is there any song you would recommend to Taiwan fans?
KJK: Just like acting, the 4-5 min before I have to sing, I will put my emotions into the song and imagine I am the character of the song and get connected. I would recommend “One Man”, the earlier songs during my solo career. I like the song a lot, also this song marks the starting of my other stage, it’s very meaningful to me.
Trendy: You interpret the songs with so much emotions and so touching. Can you share with us what do you think about “love” and your ideal type of girl?
KJK: To me, love is to give unconditionally, and one does not ask for return. For ideal type of girl, I focus on manners, kind-hearted is a must. Also, I prefer girls that are round face, round eyes and slightly rounded body shape.
Trendy: You are not only an awesome singer, but also perform well in variety shows. Singing and variety programs are so different, what is most interesting and not interesting to you?
KJK: Singing and variety programs both bring people happiness and joy. The biggest difference is that I need physical and mental strength in doing variety programs.
Trendy: The KJK in variety programs is powerful and strong, the singer KJK is so tender and affectionate. Which is more close to your real person?
KJK: What I deliver in variety programs is for performing the character, therefore I will show my strong and powerful side. In reality I am more shy and timid. But for shooting variety programs, I am more outgoing now.
Trendy: Can you share the tips of keeping body shape with us?
KJK: There’s no tips… if you want to have good body shape, you have to exercise and control your diet. My diet is for good healthy, and I like healthy food too. So I never calculate calories on purpose. To me it’s very easy to control diet. Recently I like chicken cuisine a lot, and I add healthy ingredients to it. Also, I especially like Kimchi cuisine. O yes (seeing the cover of Trendy with FTIsland), I go to the same gym room with them.
Trendy: Because of Running Man, you have traveled to a lot of places in Korea. Is there any place and food you will recommend to overseas fans?
KJK: I think all the places and food we have experienced in Running Man are great! I recommend you guys organize a Running Man itinerary. For food, I think all of them are delicious, it’s so difficult to pick one! If you have the chance, I really hope you try different things!
Trendy: As a “senior” of Hallyu star, what is your view on the Korean wave that is spreading all over the world now?
KJK: I feel very proud, I am also thankful to the younger stars and idols. Because of them, Korean pop culture can spread around the world, and Running Man can have so many support from fans all over the world.
Trendy: What is your upcoming plan?
KJK: Although people enjoy my work as an entertainer in variety programs, I am actually a singer. I hope I can bring you good music this year, and to meet fans from different places in the fan meetings.
oppa punya ideal type pompuan yg dia suka still tak berubah! mata besar, muka bulat dan berisi..plg penting soalan tips kesihatan mesti wajib ada
Last edited by clara_nur on 22-5-2014 05:11 PM
clara_nur posted on 22-5-2014 05:08 PM 
hari tu kaz ada tepek gambar yg ni dr magazine kan?? ni nk re-tepek balik gambar tu beserta dgn tr ...
haha TQ sebab tepek 
ps: tak sabo tunggu album baru dia nih huhu. Last edited by kaz2y5 on 22-5-2014 06:42 PM
syue86 posted on 22-5-2014 05:05 PM 
sbbnye shopping mall tu sendu amat tau
mcm ceruk2 n celah2 kedai gituh
hik hik. sedihnyer deengar bunyik mall tu.
tadi intai-intai gak kat papitus (segment untuk International Fans) tapi tak ada nampak pon berita. ntah-ntah tak konpem pon lagi tapi daorang dah bersemangat taruk banner siap-siap 

Kim Jong Kook 2014 showcase will be held on 7/6/2014 at Encorp Strand Mall.Watch us this Sat @8TV & win VIP passes
source 8tvnitelive via theyladykooks@tumbr {x}
it is true then ekeke
Last edited by kaz2y5 on 22-5-2014 09:01 PM
kaz2y5 posted on 22-5-2014 08:59 PM
Kim Jong Kook 2014 showcase will be held on 7/6/2014 at Encorp Strand Mall.Watch us this Sat @8TV ...
Kat mana ni??
Keluar kat 8tv ke nanti |
syue86 posted on 22-5-2014 05:05 PM
sbbnye shopping mall tu sendu amat tau
mcm ceruk2 n celah2 kedai gituh
Pasai apa ni sue KJK nak mai kl ker... nak tgk heols  |
syue86 posted on 22-5-2014 04:30 PM
iols duk area damansara
dekat la dekat kwsn kejadian
cun..jum lepak sama t
Sue nak ikut   |
clara_nur posted on 22-5-2014 03:59 PM
intan bz kt rumah sebelah KS tu
Aku da masuk ni 
Tag cikted tk dpt..
Nak tgk oppa KJK  |
cik_ted143 posted on 22-5-2014 03:50 PM
@intan_smsb , kami dok sibuk KJK nak mai Malaysia ni. Hang pi mana pulak? Hang taknak pi ka?
Mesti lah nakk... nak jumpa... aku nak ikut wehhhhhhh |
Mana korang ni aku nak tgk oppa gak.... nak berselfie dgn oppa blh??   |
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