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Author: melatibiru

Michael Jackson In Loving Memory 1958-2009 Part IV

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Post time 21-3-2010 03:25 PM | Show all posts
kelip & pinkyz lamak xnampak kn. Urockmyworld pun xder..
Kak manja dah tgk x perempuan blonde tu, mmg serupa dr tepi mcm MJ and salu nak ngelak dr camera.. Nakal lah Mj ni=)
nak jugak main cak-cak

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Post time 21-3-2010 06:24 PM | Show all posts utara nie macam pulau pinang ker?? hehe.. aku xbrapa tau sgt.. kihkihkihkih
Miss manja org mane lak?? kat rumah MJ nie, kt tiga jer yg salu lepak2 cnie kan..
MJ nie, kadang2 aku geram t ...
ctzeed Post at 18-3-2010 08:44

tumpang lalu...hehe...i sibukla skrg..mcm2 aktiviti weekend ni...sibuk ngan thesis lagi,x sempatla nak berforum ssgt dlm sebuln ni....uhukuhukuhuk...sidihnya....

hehe...yes,org utara tu merujuk kpd yg tggl kat Perlis,Kedah, Pulau Pinang, n juga kawasan utara Perak cam Parit Buntar, n Bagan Serai...kalo tgk sebutan kitorg sama saje...cuma ad la skit2 berbeza dari segi lenggok percakapan n perkataan...

ala...i pn mengaku MJ ni mmg lemah lembut n sopan santun...mcm geng2 chef wan or abang aznil gitu...tapi bezanya,dia sgt pemalu....anyway,MJ bukan pondan tau...tapi yg i suka ngan MJ ni dia x pernah kutuk/perli kwn2 artis dia secara terbuka cthnya dlm paper/lagu...n dia sgt humble tau...

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Post time 21-3-2010 06:37 PM | Show all posts
Kak manja org silver rupanya, hehe gurau jer
Lagipun kita 3 kat sini dtg dr tmpat yg berbeza.. kalau kak manja ckp perak gerenti ternganga mulut sy.

Kalau citer hindi, suka tgk tv 2.. ka ...
ctzeed Post at 18-3-2010 09:39

i pn nak pggil Miss Manja...Akak Manja lah...auwww......manja sket...hehe...
i lyn jgk citer hindi, tapi i lebih suke lagu hindi...i suka ssgt lagu yg composed by AR Rahman...sedaplah..hehe
mmm...tu x masuk yg da lama x jenguk thread ni...ntah dari mana diorg dtg kan,ctzeed?

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Post time 21-3-2010 06:45 PM | Show all posts
ai bukan org kelantan pun, teman orrg Perak...
tp to be honest ckp perak pun ai  xpass...
nnt klu teman speaking Perak, ada yg tegor xbetul nih......
so ai better declare myself org Msia je ...
miss_manja Post at 18-3-2010 08:56

eh, mak saya pn org Perak tau...hehe...blehla geng ngan kak manja...hehe..
xpe, maybe kak ni speaking je kan memanjg... BI pn nampak lancar je...mesti kak manja study oversea kan?ke amek TESL?teka jgn x teka...

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Post time 21-3-2010 09:59 PM | Show all posts
hahaha.. ct, aku baru perasan kak manja speaking terer kat sini kan.. ala2 otai kat cari nie katakan.. hehe.. boringlah kalau awk jrng msuk sini nnti, sunyi lah i duduk sorang2 kat rumah mj ni.. hehe.. takut tergoda dgn abg mj. kihkihkihkih

Kak Manja, Iwan af8 senegeri dgn kak manja kan?? hehe.. suka iwan sgt2.. huhu

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Post time 21-3-2010 10:33 PM | Show all posts
i datang membawa kabar berita...da lama pn...tapi x basi lagi...hehe...

Friends remember Michael's special fondness for Ireland
Restless soul found tranquillity here in rural retreats away from glare of media spotlight

Sunday June 28 2009

He performed onstage to millions across the globe; entire generations grew up listening to his words, watching his every move. And yet, as the world mourns the loss of one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived, his sudden death has left his audience with one cold realisation. We never really knew him at all.

This weekend, as fans reel in shock at the news of Michael Jackson's tragic death, Irish friends of the star have begun to piece together a rare picture of the man behind the mask.

A restless soul who found the tranquillity he desperately craved in the Irish countryside. A gentle spirit who loved Flahavan's porridge, indulged in hot apple tart and cream and who only really came to life in the quietness of a Cork woodland.

These glimpses of the private Michael Jackson have materialised among dozens of tributes which have poured in from well-known Irish personalities as the world mourns the loss of one of music's greats.

For the first time, castle owner Patrick Nordstrum, who hosted Jackson during his 2006 stay in Ireland, has spoken fondly of the star he personally came to know.

Speaking about the entertainer who lived with him for two weeks at his home, Blackwater Castle in Co Cork, Mr Nordstrum described private chats that the pair had about the singer's feelings towards the vulturistic world he lived in.

"I don't think he ever had any kind of peace or normality since he was a child. I would see him as a restless soul but he felt quite homely here. He was very careful about who he trusted. He once told me how he had gone to stay at another castle to seek out privacy and he had just landed in the helicopter a few minutes when the owner took him straight inside, opened a door and there was a hundred or so people waiting there to meet him. So he was understandably very wary."

He also described how Jackson, long vilified for dressing his children in black veils and hiding them away from the world, was in fact a model father who placed his children's interests above all else.

"His children adored him and he was a very good, loving father. He brought them here because they had been hunted down in Disneyland Paris and they were looking for a place to escape. He raised them to be very well mannered and very polite and all his decision's centred on the children's best interests."


Recalling some light-hearted memories of his time with Jackson he said, "My wife Sheila is very much into her healthy food and she had a bowl of porridge every morning so she gave some to Michael, he loved it and he insisted on having a bowl every morning from then on."

Meanwhile, magician Liam Sheehan, who was brought in to entertain Jackson's children during his stay at the castle, described his sadness upon hearing the news.

"The man that I came to know was kind-hearted and a gentleman. It is tragic that he spent his life being hunted. I hope he has found his little piece of heaven now."

He went on: "His children adored him. They would ask me if I would race their dad and tell me proudly that he would win because he was so tall and fast. You could tell they really looked up to him."

And Mr Sheehan spoke of the disciplined way in which Jackson reared his offspring. "Even at the end of their stay, when they were leaving for home, the children jumped into the limousine and Michael made them get out again and come over to thank each and every one of us for our hospitality."

Painting the picture of an ordinary character who enjoyed the simple pleasures in life, he said: "His real personality only really emerged in the privacy of the woods. The shyness left him and I saw a much more boisterous and loud spirit who loved playing with his children. That quiet-spoken Michael that you would see in the media instantly disappeared.

"He loved apple pie and ice-cream and really enjoyed being in the privacy of the castle grounds and I know he loved the friendliness of the Irish people."

Jackson played concerts in Cork in 1988 and Dublin in 1992 and 1997. Promoter Oliver Barry, who brought the singer to Ireland twice, said the music industry has lost one of a kind.

"On stage he was amazing. It is a huge loss for the business. He was a true professional. I saw Elvis Presley twice, I saw Sinatra, I saw the Beatles, the Stones, and without a doubt, when he was in his prime, he was the best I have ever seen. He had whatever the 'X' factor is times a thousand."

Paddy Dunning, who owns residential recording studio Grouse Lodge, near Moate, Co Westmeath, was host to Michael Jackson and his three children in October 2006.

The pop icon caused a sensation when he moved into the Georgian estate at Rosemount, just off the Dublin-Galway road.

"Michael had originally only intended staying in Westmeath for a month, but ended up living here for five months," says Dunning who's abiding memory of the star was how he casually displayed his immense musical genius.

"Michael was an amazing guitarist, he was incredible on the drums, he stunned everyone when he got behind the piano, but most of all, you can't overstate his singing voice."

Dunning became a close confident to Michael during his stay and was in contact with the Jackson family after his death was announced. He confirmed this weekend that Jackson loved his time in Ireland so much he'd even pledged to return this autumn to open the National Wax Museum in Dublin.

"He told me that he would definitely pop over when he came for his gigs in London," Dunning said.

"He would have settled down here for while, I have no doubt about that, he loved Ireland and Westmeath."

Hollywood neighbour and friend of the singer Michael Flatley also joined the country's mourners in paying their respect to an icon that shaped a generation.

Speaking from Las Vegas, the dancer, who hosted Michael Jackson in his Cork home, Castlehyde, near Fermoy, described the star as a "wonderful" person who fell victim to unfair treatment by the world's media.

"I knew Michael as a man, not just a performer, and he was a great man. The world will miss this wonderful person and his moving performances. My heart goes out to Michael's family."

He went on: "I was shocked and saddened to hear the devastating news. He was a genius as a musician and a dancer. The press at times was horribly unfair to this man. Unfortunately, the media tend to make fun of things they cannot understand."

- NIAMH HORAN Entertainment News Reporter

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Post time 21-3-2010 10:34 PM | Show all posts
Another bacaan lagi...hehe...

Paddy Dunning reflects on time spent with Michael Jackson:

Michael Jackson and Paddy Dunning became friends when music genius Jackson spent five months working at Dunning's world-class recording facility at Grouse Lodge in Rosemount, near Moate, Co. Westmeath, in 2006.

Dunning told how Jackson didn't surround himself with an entourage and, contrary to the '***** *****' image, he enjoyed a normal lifestyle while living in Westmeath.

The pop legend went to the cinema in Mullingar, Tullamore and Athlone with his children - and even shopped in the local towns, including Moate. He went walking in the Westmeath countryside and he loved the fact that local people didn't bother him or his family.

And Jackson recorded what was to be his last album in the state-of-the art Westmeath studios, where he worked with a number to top-notch musicians, songwriters and producers, including of the Black Eyed Peas.

Dunning also revealed that Michael Jackson was a multi-instrumentalist who played guitar, bass and drums in the studios.

Jackson and his three children, Prince Michael Jnr (12), Paris (11) and seven-year-old Prince Michael ll, lived nearby in a beautiful Victorian residence, Coolatore House, set on 15 acres of exotic gardens and stunning woodlands.

The pop legend forged a close friendship with Paddy Dunning and his wife Claire and the couple were looking forward to seeing him perform in London.

Jackson was in regular contact with Paddy and the American superstar had agreed to open Dunning's new waxworks at the old Bank of Ireland building on Dublin's College Green at the end of July.

In an exclusive interview, Paddy Dunning yesterday told the Sunday World: "Michael's sudden death is unbelievably shocking.

"We're just trying to come to terms with it at the moment. Claire and myself were going over to London for his shows and we were looking forward to him coming to the wax museum in Dublin at the end of next month.

"Claire got on really well with the family and stayed in contact. She's just shocked.We both have very fond memories of Michael and his children and we were privileged that he came to record at Grouse Lodge.

"Michael had booked in for a month, but he ended up staying for five months. He just loved it down here in Westmeath.

"He walked the fields and he loved the Westmeath countryside. He loved going to Tullamore, Athlone, Moate, Mullingar and up to Dublin. He went to the local cinema with his kids.

Sometimes they closed the cinema for him and sometimes he went incognito.

FOND MEMORIES: Dunning worked with Jackson at his Grouse Lodge recording studio
"Sometimes people recognised him and they couldn't believe it was him. A lot of people respected his privacy and he was very happy with that.

Michael set up camp here and he was really happy and the kids were happy.

There was no entourage or anything like that. It was just family living."

The '***** *****' image is not the man that Paddy Dunning met.

"We just saw the gentleman, the real person as a man and as a father... a very good, caring father.

He spent time with his kids doing all the normal things," Paddy reveals.

"Michael looked after their food, giving them porridge in the morning and things like chicken and rice for dinner.There was no entourage, just a nanny and a teacher for the kids.

They set up school in the house. "Michael didn't do the cooking himself but he ate well and he was healthy. He was in great form. He
was fascinated with Irish mythology and he loved Irish music."

Dunning would sit and chat with the star and found Jackson to be a very engaging man, completely in touch with what was going on in the world.

"He had a great sense of humour," Paddy says. "He was well read in terms of what was going on in Ireland and on the international scene as well. He read all the papers and was aware of what was going on with the Celtic Tiger."

Dunning told how Jackson had a very strong work ethic and spent most of his time writing and recording songs for a new album.

Superstar producers and musicians like and Rodney Jerkins also jetted in to work with him at Grouse Lodge.

"Michael wrote and recorded lots of music for a new album during his time here," Paddy adds.

"There were so amazing songs and he was a great performer and a great player. He played drums, guitar and bass. He was very, very talented and pitch perfect."

Paddy and don't have a photo memory of their time with Michael Jackson because Grouse Lodge has a policy of not photographing the world famous artists who record there.

"When he was leaving, Michael actually said: 'You're the only people who have never asked for a photograph.'

But he is on YouTube here because he did an interview with American TV presenter Billy Bush in Grouse Lodge."

Paddy adds: "It was a great privilege and an honour to work with an artist of that quality. He's definitely up there with Lennon and McCartney and the rest of them. And Michael was a gentleman."

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Post time 21-3-2010 10:35 PM | Show all posts
i datang membawa kabar berita...da lama pn...tapi x basi lagi...hehe...

Friends remember Michael's special fondness for Ireland
Restless soul found tranquillity here in rural retreats away from glare of media spotlight

Sunday June 28 2009

He performed onstage to millions across the globe; entire generations grew up listening to his words, watching his every move. And yet, as the world mourns the loss of one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived, his sudden death has left his audience with one cold realisation. We never really knew him at all.

This weekend, as fans reel in shock at the news of Michael Jackson's tragic death, Irish friends of the star have begun to piece together a rare picture of the man behind the mask.

A restless soul who found the tranquillity he desperately craved in the Irish countryside. A gentle spirit who loved Flahavan's porridge, indulged in hot apple tart and cream and who only really came to life in the quietness of a Cork woodland.

These glimpses of the private Michael Jackson have materialised among dozens of tributes which have poured in from well-known Irish personalities as the world mourns the loss of one of music's greats.

For the first time, castle owner Patrick Nordstrum, who hosted Jackson during his 2006 stay in Ireland, has spoken fondly of the star he personally came to know.

Speaking about the entertainer who lived with him for two weeks at his home, Blackwater Castle in Co Cork, Mr Nordstrum described private chats that the pair had about the singer's feelings towards the vulturistic world he lived in.

"I don't think he ever had any kind of peace or normality since he was a child. I would see him as a restless soul but he felt quite homely here. He was very careful about who he trusted. He once told me how he had gone to stay at another castle to seek out privacy and he had just landed in the helicopter a few minutes when the owner took him straight inside, opened a door and there was a hundred or so people waiting there to meet him. So he was understandably very wary."

He also described how Jackson, long vilified for dressing his children in black veils and hiding them away from the world, was in fact a model father who placed his children's interests above all else.

"His children adored him and he was a very good, loving father. He brought them here because they had been hunted down in Disneyland Paris and they were looking for a place to escape. He raised them to be very well mannered and very polite and all his decision's centred on the children's best interests."


Recalling some light-hearted memories of his time with Jackson he said, "My wife Sheila is very much into her healthy food and she had a bowl of porridge every morning so she gave some to Michael, he loved it and he insisted on having a bowl every morning from then on."

Meanwhile, magician Liam Sheehan, who was brought in to entertain Jackson's children during his stay at the castle, described his sadness upon hearing the news.

"The man that I came to know was kind-hearted and a gentleman. It is tragic that he spent his life being hunted. I hope he has found his little piece of heaven now."

He went on: "His children adored him. They would ask me if I would race their dad and tell me proudly that he would win because he was so tall and fast. You could tell they really looked up to him."

And Mr Sheehan spoke of the disciplined way in which Jackson reared his offspring. "Even at the end of their stay, when they were leaving for home, the children jumped into the limousine and Michael made them get out again and come over to thank each and every one of us for our hospitality."

Painting the picture of an ordinary character who enjoyed the simple pleasures in life, he said: "His real personality only really emerged in the privacy of the woods. The shyness left him and I saw a much more boisterous and loud spirit who loved playing with his children. That quiet-spoken Michael that you would see in the media instantly disappeared.

"He loved apple pie and ice-cream and really enjoyed being in the privacy of the castle grounds and I know he loved the friendliness of the Irish people."

Jackson played concerts in Cork in 1988 and Dublin in 1992 and 1997. Promoter Oliver Barry, who brought the singer to Ireland twice, said the music industry has lost one of a kind.

"On stage he was amazing. It is a huge loss for the business. He was a true professional. I saw Elvis Presley twice, I saw Sinatra, I saw the Beatles, the Stones, and without a doubt, when he was in his prime, he was the best I have ever seen. He had whatever the 'X' factor is times a thousand."

Paddy Dunning, who owns residential recording studio Grouse Lodge, near Moate, Co Westmeath, was host to Michael Jackson and his three children in October 2006.

The pop icon caused a sensation when he moved into the Georgian estate at Rosemount, just off the Dublin-Galway road.

"Michael had originally only intended staying in Westmeath for a month, but ended up living here for five months," says Dunning who's abiding memory of the star was how he casually displayed his immense musical genius.

"Michael was an amazing guitarist, he was incredible on the drums, he stunned everyone when he got behind the piano, but most of all, you can't overstate his singing voice."

Dunning became a close confident to Michael during his stay and was in contact with the Jackson family after his death was announced. He confirmed this weekend that Jackson loved his time in Ireland so much he'd even pledged to return this autumn to open the National Wax Museum in Dublin.

"He told me that he would definitely pop over when he came for his gigs in London," Dunning said.

"He would have settled down here for while, I have no doubt about that, he loved Ireland and Westmeath."

Hollywood neighbour and friend of the singer Michael Flatley also joined the country's mourners in paying their respect to an icon that shaped a generation.

Speaking from Las Vegas, the dancer, who hosted Michael Jackson in his Cork home, Castlehyde, near Fermoy, described the star as a "wonderful" person who fell victim to unfair treatment by the world's media.

"I knew Michael as a man, not just a performer, and he was a great man. The world will miss this wonderful person and his moving performances. My heart goes out to Michael's family."

He went on: "I was shocked and saddened to hear the devastating news. He was a genius as a musician and a dancer. The press at times was horribly unfair to this man. Unfortunately, the media tend to make fun of things they cannot understand."

- NIAMH HORAN Entertainment News Reporter

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Post time 21-3-2010 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Cerita baru ni...selamat membaca...hehe...

Dancing With the Stars may pay tribute again to the late Michael Jackson when it returns for its 10th season on Monday, "moonwalker" contestant Buzz Aldrin hints.

"MJ had some kind of a step," Aldrin, the second man to land on the moon in 1969, told On the Red Carpet's Chris Balish at the opening of new Hollywood night club Drai's on Wednesday night. "We're trying to figure out how to, how he dreamed up that little backwards step."

Asked if there was a tribute to the King of Pop, who died last year, Aldrin said: "I think it might bring to mind something like that, yeah."

Dancing With the Stars, whose 10th season premieres on Monday, had a Michael Jackson tribute balroom dance performance in October.

wow, hebatnya pengaruh MJ kan?so,stay tuned!

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Post time 22-3-2010 08:36 AM | Show all posts
Sian nya aku xdapat tgk.. xder channel tu
Tapi xperlah, bukannya ada Kim Kardashian pun

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Post time 23-3-2010 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Ala...syumel2nye...gambar MJ n anak 1st Jermaine,Jermaine Jr.

gambar budak tu da besar...lebih besar dari MJ...hehe...


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Post time 23-3-2010 10:39 AM | Show all posts
The Associated Press
Monday, March 22, 2010; 6:27 PM

LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson's doctor halted CPR on the dying pop star and delayed calling paramedics so he could collect drug vials at the scene, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press that shed new light on the singer's chaotic final moments.

The explosive allegation that Dr. Conrad Murray may have tried to hide evidence is likely to be a focus as prosecutors move ahead with their involuntary manslaughter case against him.

The account was given to investigators by Alberto Alvarez, Jackson's logistics director, who was summoned to the stricken star's side as he was dying on June 25. His statement and those from two other Jackson employees also obtained by the AP paint a grisly scene in Jackson's bedroom.

Alvarez told investigators that he rushed to Jackson's room and saw the star lying in his bed, an IV attached to his leg. Jackson's mouth was agape, eyes open and there was no sign of life. Murray worked frantically, at one point performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while Alvarez took over CPR.

Two of the star's children, Prince and Paris, came in the room and cried as they saw Murray trying to save their father. A nanny was called to usher them away and they were taken to wait outside in a vehicle.

The documents also detail an odd encounter with Murray after Jackson was declared dead at a nearby hospital. Murray insisted he needed to return to the mansion to get cream that Jackson had "so the world wouldn't find out about it," according to the statements, which provide no elaboration.

Murray's lawyer, Ed Chernoff, rejected the notion his client tried to hide drugs. He also noted Alvarez was interviewed twice by police and gave different accounts of what happened in Jackson's bedroom. During the first interview, Alvarez made no mention of being told to tidy away medicine vials.

"He didn't say any of those things, then two months later, all of a sudden, the doc is throwing bottles into the bag," Chernoff said. "Alvarez's statement is inconsistent with his previous statement. We will deal with that at trial."

Alvarez and the others who gave the statements, Jackson's personal assistant Michael Amir Williams and driver/bodyguard Faheem Muhammad, could be key witnesses should Murray go to trial. Except for the brief appearances by the nanny and the children, Alvarez and Muhammad were the only others in the room with Murray as he tried to save Jackson before paramedics arrived.

A call to Alvarez's attorney was not immediately returned.
Jackson, 50, hired Murray to be his personal physician as he prepared for a series of comeback performances in London. He was participating in strenuous rehearsals and Murray would routinely meet him at the star's home in the evening for treatments.

The Los Angeles coroner ruled Jackson's death a homicide caused by an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol and two other sedatives given to get the chronic insomniac to sleep. Propofol, a milky white liquid, is supposed to be administered only by anesthesia professionals in medical settings. Patients require constant monitoring because the drug depresses breathing and heart rate while lowering blood pressure, a potentially deadly combination.

Murray, 57, a cardiologist licensed in Nevada, California and Texas, has acknowledged briefly leaving Jackson's bedside the day he died but maintained from the outset that nothing he gave the singer should have killed him. It wasn't illegal for him to administer propofol, though whether he followed proper procedures while Jackson was under the influence is a key part of the case.

Alvarez, Muhammad and Williams are all represented by attorney Carl Douglas and gave their statements separately on Aug. 31 at the lawyer's Beverly Hills office. None of the three has spoken publicly about the events of June 25.

Alvarez told police he arrived at Jackson's home around 10:20 a.m. He was awaiting instructions for the day in a security trailer outside Jackson's rented mansion when, at 12:17 p.m., his phone rang. It was Williams.
Williams told Alvarez that Murray had just called to say Jackson was in trouble. Alvarez rushed into the mansion and up the stairs to Jackson's room, where he saw Murray standing at the pop star's bedside, performing CPR with one hand, according to the statements.

Alvarez asked the doctor what had happened.
"He had a reaction, he had a bad reaction," Murray replied, according to Alvarez's statement.

Murray then grabbed a few vials with rubber tops and told Alvarez to put them in a bag, Alvarez told investigators. Alvarez picked up a plastic bag from the floor and Murray put the bottles inside, then Murray told Alvarez to put that plastic bag inside a brown canvas bag, according to the account.

Alvarez said Murray then told him to remove an IV bag from a stand and put it in a blue canvas bag. He did, and noticed the bag had a connector with a milky white substance in it. Alvarez didn't say what happened to the bags, nor did he identify what was in the vials.

Two days after Jackson's death, under several hours of questioning by police, Murray eventually directed them to a closet in Jackson's bedroom. In it, they found propofol and other sedatives in a bag.

On the day Jackson died, Murray waited until the bags were filled before telling Alvarez to call 911, according to Alvarez's statement.

"I need an ambulance as soon as possible," Alvarez told a dispatcher. "We have a gentleman here that needs help and he's not breathing."

The dispatcher told Alvarez to put Jackson on the floor.

At that moment, Muhammad rushed into the room and began helping with chest compressions while Murray attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Murray told the men it was his first time performing CPR, Alvarez said, though Chernoff said Murray had administered CPR many times before.
Murray then placed a dark brown machine with wires onto Jackson's fingers, Alvarez said. Police later said they found a pulse oximeter at Jackson's home, a medical device that shows heart rate and the amount of oxygen in the blood.

By 12:27 p.m., paramedics arrived at the house. According to their report, Jackson was not breathing and had no pulse at 12:29 p.m. However, Murray stated he could feel a weak pulse in Jackson's upper thigh area, Alvarez and Muhammad said.

According to the paramedic report, emergency responders tried two rounds of resuscitation attempts and were ready to discontinue treatment, but Murray said he would take responsibility and insisted resuscitation be continued in the ambulance.

At 1:07 p.m., the singer was taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where doctors attempted a range of resuscitation techniques. Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.

At the hospital, after the death had been called, Williams said he saw Murray crying.

Murray asked Williams if he or someone else could take him back to the mansion so he could pick up the cream, according to Williams' statement.
Williams said he didn't think it was a good idea for Murray to return to the house. He spoke to Muhammad and they agreed they wouldn't take Murray back. They concocted a story that police had taken all the keys to the vehicles as part of the investigation.

Murray said he would take a cab, and Williams said he saw him leave the hospital through a side door.

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Post time 23-3-2010 11:45 AM | Show all posts
Renowned photographer Henry Diltz, whose work has appeared in Life, Rolling Stone and the New York Times, captured the Jackson 5 multiple times in the 1970s. He reconnected with their lead singer Michael Jackson, who had since become the biggest pop star on the planet, in 1985 to document the famed 'We Are the World' charity single recording sessions. He witnessed Michael the boy, the man, the transcendent genius and the troubled superstar, from two feet away.

Michael was always very quiet. His older brothers were a lot more loose and outgoing, always joking and laughing. But Michael came alive onstage -- almost like he lived for those moments.

In the early '70s, I went to a small concert at a school for blind children in L.A. I was sitting cross-legged two feet away from Michael with all these kids in the front row. His voice had such a pure quality to it that it just released something in you. I could see all the kids listening and moving, so enthralled by the music. He just sang so amazingly beautiful. It was so joyful and such an outpouring of angelic sound that it released something in me, and tears started rolling down my face.

At 'We Are the World,' he really isolated himself. Here was a whole room of the most famous singers in the world -- Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Smokey Robinson, Paul Simon, Ray Charles -- and they were all shaking hands laughing and talking. Some of them had never met each other before. It was like the most amazing party, like a dream where you're surrounded by all the hero singers in the pop and rock world. But Michael kind of stood off in the corner behind a potted palm tree. It was quite odd; he didn't really come out and mix with everybody. He was off by himself, like it was overwhelming. That was the last time I saw him in person.

He changed his appearance so dramatically from the shots I took when he was a little boy to the way he looked in the end you'd never know it was the same person. He was obviously always troubled by something. He had this heavy thing on his shoulders. He was very internal, very introspective, and he lived in his head. Life is meant to be joyful, we're supposed to have fun, and it was sad that he was so isolated.

I'm sure that Michael is finally released from the torment that he had in this lifetime. He's free and he doesn't have to deal with that anymore. It's all of us who he left behind who are unhappy, because we don't have him here. But we certainly have all of his records and videos, which is fantastic.

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Post time 24-3-2010 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Panjang nye !!! xsempat nak baca ler.. hehe

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Post time 24-3-2010 04:25 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 24-3-2010 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Gambar Snow White, 'Prince' Michael n dwarf

Psst... gigi michael lagi elok daripada Snow White...hehe

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Post time 24-3-2010 05:35 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 24-3-2010 10:00 PM | Show all posts
496# urockmyworld

Jahatlah ko mengata gigi si Snow white tu. Zaman snow white xder colgate kot.. dorang gosok gigi pakai kayu sugi hehehehe
Gigi MJ ni yang buat muka dia manis sangat nak dipandang. Biarpun Kulit dia Hitam ker, Putih ker atau perubahan muka dia ada extreme sikit gigi dia tetap memikat.. Dalam TII pun biarpun muka dia honestly aku cakap memang scary nak tengok tapi bila dia senyum nampak handsome sangat-sangat.

Use magic Report

Post time 25-3-2010 10:54 PM | Show all posts
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Post time 26-3-2010 08:11 AM | Show all posts
hehe, emizue abg MJ mamam Lolipop.. hehe

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