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Author: Sephiroth

Sephiroth's Little Corner ... 3rd one.

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Post time 1-8-2006 06:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 1-8-2006 08:36 AM
An interesting thing happened last Saturday (when I was on leave).  This is MY Opinion, does not reflect any dislike to anyone.
One of my Hindu friends took me out (NOT ON A DATE. ff: ) and we ...

Its nice to read some of ur mind & experience....  

Immm busyyyyy toooo..... uwaaaaa....

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 Author| Post time 3-8-2006 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Hey! How's it going? :lebai:

Do you know it is Hungry Ghost Festival this month? :hmm:
So, did you experience seeing any Hungry Ghosts?

The other day, I was driving back on the road to my house (through housing area) and "seen" a young teenager,  wearing all white on a black, greay bicycle passed in front of my car. "He" passed a few feet away and toward the side, so I wasn't so surprised.

I usually drive back home at night, so seeing shapes and "people" standing under the tree, corners, dark places and even road sides one moment and disappear the next often enough. I'm not afraid of anything ... some people could freak out and lead to accident, I just don't think much of it.

Only thing which annoys me is the "name" calling. Sometimes, some of "them" could call out your name so loud, it will sound like someone actually calling you for real. You turn around and expecting people who calls you to come, no one does. It's sort of "name calling" game where they have fun tricking people. Oh well ... I guess I could forgive them, no?

So, anyone called you lately? :nerd:

[ Last edited by  Sephiroth at 3-8-2006 11:23 AM ]

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Post time 9-8-2006 09:37 AM | Show all posts

Hi sephiroth

I read about Ariya hot with u yesterday he he he he u less 100 credits now

I didnt in the mood to chat in this few days...

Of course I read most posts in this board.

About hungry ghost... I never so scare about them... I feel that they r friendly ghosts.. I dont know why I think like that.

I want to make new thread in this board but in second thought I will let the hindu forumners to do that.

Do u want to say something about Ariya?

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2006 07:49 AM | Show all posts
Don't talk about that idiot in my thread. Thank you. :no:

Hungry ghosts are not friendly ghost, don't be so friendly with them. Best not to disturb them and buat tak tahu.

What you want to start a thread about anyway? :hmm:

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2006 10:45 AM | Show all posts
Just mumbling on my own here.

I went to see Pirates of the Carribbeans yesterday (In Summit Shopping compllex) and as I walk around inside the shopping complex, I have noticed something.

There was roughly 3 bookstores featuring chinese story books, at least 2 general book stores and 1 Christian bookstore in the whole complex (not including MPH and Popular Book stores here). I even managed to find couple of Islamic bookstores which has books on Islam.

YET, I have not found a single bookstore with worthy list of books in Hindusm and Buddhism. Those who have Buddhist books usually are in Chinese writing OR in bookstores like Popular and MPH and it is not really helpful for people like me who cannot read Chinese or Tamil.

Question here is ... WHY? :hmm:

Is books on Hindusm doesn't sell well? :hmm:
Is there no demand for such books? :hmm:
Or is there's no writers willing to take time and effects to write books about Hindusm? :hmm:

I went to Klang a few months back, and I managed to find an Indian bookstore at the corner of one of the streets in Klang town (I have a nose to sniff things out) and I have found :

1. The books are in bad conditions (some of the pages are even thorn and coming lose).
2. The owners like don't care about the conditions of the books.
3. Many of the books are in Tamil, which, by a small effect could be translated to B.M or English for general public but is not been done.

It is kind of sad condition really. It shows that many Hindus are too materialistic in Malaysia. For them, priority is putting their children into college and making them into doctors, engineers and such because they believe this work is constant and always in demand.

They don't seems to understand that a specialized person (like a doctor and engineer) can only do that particular job and cannot expand outside his or her "box" unless he or she is reeducated with new skills, and for middle age people, that is a hard thing to do - to relearn new skills after a certain time limits (unlike you are forever young like yours thoroughly )

Furthermore, I believe that opening bookshops which specialises in translating, republishing, reprinting and selling of Hindusm (and Buddhism) is a good business - take note especially young people. :nerd:

To translate a book - you need written permission from the original writer (unless its the Sages). Direct translation word by word doesn't usually need explaination and most Hindu books comes with its own examples and explainations as well. You may want to discuss fees with some authors and also get it written down.

To Republish a book - you need written permission from the original publisher who most likely will ask permission from the original author. Some companies will volunteer to republish the same book which was translated for maximize their profit. Remember to discuss legal matters properly.

Selling of the books - need a shop for it in a good place where there is a lot of Hindus like Brickfields, Klang town etc.

This business can be done by professional people like doctors, lawyers and engineers as part time business as well. WHY NOT? You can start the business, get young people and those who are interested to help during the day and you can do the job during the weekends. Just open your mind and you will see endless possibilities.

Oh well ... just want to get that out of my chest. Thank you.

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Post time 14-8-2006 02:29 PM | Show all posts

Good day to all

Utk makluman semua,

I tidak bertugas utk satu jangka waktu ini.

I terpaksa tumpukan perhatian pd kajian lapangan krn Sabtu ni ada pembentangan.

So I akan aktif semula selepas hari Sabtu. InsyaAllah.

Thanks n take care

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Post time 14-8-2006 02:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 10-8-2006 07:49 AM
Don't talk about that idiot in my thread. Thank you. :no:
Hungry ghosts are not friendly ghost, don't be so friendly with them. Best not to disturb them and buat tak tahu.
What you want to s ...

I will open new threads next week then..

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Post time 14-8-2006 02:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 14-8-2006 10:45 AM
Just mumbling on my own here.
I went to see Pirates of the Carribbeans yesterday (In Summit Shopping compllex) and as I walk around inside the shopping complex, I have noticed something.
The ...

Sorryyy.... no time to respond more..

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 Author| Post time 15-8-2006 04:18 PM | Show all posts
Ahem ... no one asked for any response. I was just talking to myself O_o
Anyway, I want to talk to myself even more.

The three nature of God

Note : This is MY opinion alone.

Hindusm have three primary Gods - Lord Brahma, Maha Vishnu and Mahaeshwara who worked together as One Unit for the Indescribeable Brahman (God).  For a long time, I have been thinking on what this three Gods means, in a more logical way. Finally, I think I understood. The Ancient Hindus in the past divide the Nature of things (and humans) into three separate "units".

Unit 1 - Nature of Purity :-
- Innocent, Pure-heartness, Easier to Please etc. In another word - quality of a Child.
- This nature is demonstrate by Lord Brahma - Lord of Creation.

Unit 2 - Nature of Logic :-
- Mindfulness, Creative thinking, Intelligence, Love, Compassion, Mischiefness etc. In another word - Quality of an Adult.
- This nature is demonstrate by Lord Vishnu, especially in His multiple Avatars which He takes to perserve the Creation.

Unit 3 - Nature of Mystism :-
- To know what is not revealed and what is hidden, to be Mysterious, to be Unknown, to be Calm and Collective, to be Simple yet Elegant.
- This nature is demonstrated by Lord Shiva, Lord of Mystism.

While this is Good sides of the three Trinities, we should also explore the Dark side of them as well.

Unit 1 :- While Lord Brahma could behave like a child, His Dark side is, He is too easy to be please and do not know how to differentiate Good and Evil (as any child could not).

Unit 2 :- Logic with No Emotions is needed to bring proper judgement upon the Creation, however, this could lead Deattachment to the Creations below Him.

Having Emotions for the Creations below Him could lead to attachments, Ego, Anger toward the Creation for not obeying His Laws etc. The many-headed snake, Athisekshan which Lord Vishnu lays on is a perfect symbol of Ignorance, and Him, being above ignorance which has no choice but to obey its master, Lord Vishnu.

Unit 3 :- Lord Shiva usually takes into Himself dangerous materials, and overcomes it by defusing it from within. This demonstrate an act of destruction and recycling the what was once dangerous substance into more beneficial substance which could be useful.

However, the act of taking in dangerous susbtance itself could lead to many dangerous byproducts and in many Hindu stories, it features how Asuras were born due to Lord Shiva, only to die by Him as well. While this is necessary to defuse dangerous sustance, it unnecessary leads to destruction and chaos, thus is why Lord Shiva is Lord of Destruction.

In a logical way, this three Units present the Nature and Physics on how the Universe works. Creation starts due to Pure (Good) Intentions, Creations exists due to Unwritten Laws - some is known to Man (like Physics), some is Unwritten yet Known to Man (like Laws of Karma) and some is Unknown to Man (like how Spiritual Plains and other Dimensions works). And finally, how the Creation will come to an End ONLY to be recycled into a new Form and become useful again (for the Creation).

Well, this is how I think God does His work on this Universe. Then again, this is MY opinion only.

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 Author| Post time 30-8-2006 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Just talking out as usual ... :nerd:

You know, Hindus Sages in the Past were smart bunch. They knew that young generation will have hard time understanding what/who God is without proper example. After all, you're asking someone to believe in God without any proof, so best you provide the best possible examples.

So, Hindu Sages "created" God in Image of Man (like Jewish Belief that Man was created in image of God, only vice versa here). The Sages split the image of God in three forms which symbolized three stages of Man's Life on this World :

1. Lord Brahma - symbolizing Childhood.
2. Lord Vishnu - symbolizing Adulthood.
3. Lord Shiva - symbolizing Maturity and Late Stages.

Childhood is when one is innocent and do not see people with different opinion. Child are innocent and forgives everyone. Which is why Lord Brahma have 4 heads - to symbolizes Him looking at everyone in every direction equally.

In Childhood stage, a child will seek knowledge like a thirsty camel seeks water, which is why the Sages put Goddess Saraswati together with Lord Brahma. Main problem with Knowledge in this stage is - Pride could form if one allow Knowledge they have learn to control their mind.

Adulthood is the time when you face all sort of problems and obstacle. The knowledge you have received before, you will now try to make a better understanding of it using Logic.

Lord Vishnu's many headed Serpeant (Athisekshan) symbolizes the Ignorant, Attachment, Ego, Pride, Materialistic Quality etc will rise in one's heart. This Negative emotions are the reason Man can get hooked up in path of Suffering and in the end, destroy himself.

By showing God in a deattached manner, the Sages hoping that the younger generation could live a proper life by being deattached to the World in similar manner (not by negative emotions which could lead they astray). Logic is consider important at this stage and you could see many of the actions Lord Vishnu perform during His "Leela" is actually Logical based.

Man in this stage will think logically and everything he wants to do, he want to based it on rational and logical deduction (like a machine). This is because the World seems to be so alien to him and he wants so much to understand his place in it.

Also, in this stage, Wealth is a major player in a person's life. Everyone could agree that more adult could make mistakes in life due to influence of Wealth, status and money rather than anything else - which is why Goddess Lakshmi sits together with Lord Vishnu.

Finally, Maturity and Late Stage. In this stage, Man have exhausted himself - physically and mentally. He only have Spirituality and Wisdom from Suffering he had face in this world - which is what Lord Shiva symbolizes. Symbolizing a man sitting in meditative form, willing to allow dangerous creatures together with him and do not bother about social status and Ego. That is a Man who has Wisdom of Age in him and that is Lord Shiva, Lord of Mysticsm.

Mytiscm CANNOT be explained by Logic, same way Old Age Wisdom cannot be understood by Logic.

Which is why parents will have hard time handling teenagers. They themselves are coming out of the teenage age and already have kids entering into it. They know what mistake they made and tries to deter their teenage children from making it and thus conflict will occur when teenager who do not see the mistake but only the attraction of commiting the mistake sees their parents as "enemies" who controlling them.

Most parents will know that their children are more comfortable with their grandparents rather than them. WHY? Because grandparents have wisdom - something parents do not have, they just have knowledge of right and wrong. And when grandparents see their grandchildren heading toward path of destruction, they will know what will lead where due to their Wisdom, and carefully brings out their grandchildren through the phase with proper knowledge, example and guidelines which knowledge and Logic alone cannot do.

In this stage, a good wife and a caring family is most important to a person. A wise person will lead his family properly. Which is why Lord Shiva is pictured with Goddess Shakti and Hindus have interesting stories about Lord Shiva's family.

So, in my opinion, the reason why Hindu Sages split their God in three is to show different stages of Life of Man. By understanding how Man lives their life in three stages, will enable Man to live a proper life and by doing this, Man can understand how God comes to play in Man's life.

To proof God's Existence, you cannot See Him but you must Experience Him. And to Experience Him, you must lead a proper life and feel God is with you all the time. That is what the Sages must have thought, I believe.
This is my opinion.

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Post time 30-8-2006 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Uwaaaaaaaaaaa Sephiroth.... Im so sad now..

Want to know why? Plz read this............... ... &extra=page%3D1

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 Author| Post time 1-9-2006 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Ahem ... be serious a bit. O_o

Anyway, sorry about your cat.

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2006 08:25 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... imperial_succession

Japan's Princess Kiko gives birth to boy

TOKYO - Japan's Princess Kiko gave birth to a boy early Wednesday, the royal family's first male heir to the throne in more than 40 years, the palace announced.

The birth came about an hour after Kiko, 39, was reported to have undergone a Caesarean section. The boy is the third in line to the throne, after Crown Prince Naruhito and Kiko's husband, Prince Akishino.

The boy, the first male heir born in Japan since Akishino in 1965, was born at 8:27 a.m. and weighed about 7 1/2 pounds, the palace said.


My small wish to God came true ... I pray that the Japanese Imperial Throne could have a baby boy soon. God listened. I hope the family is happy.

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Post time 6-9-2006 09:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 6-9-2006 08:25 AM
Source : ... imperial_succession
Japan's Princess Kiko gives birth to boy
TOKYO - Japan's Princess Kiko gave birth to a boy early Wednesda ...


Last week I was reading about Japan Royal Family, somewhere.  They hoped for a boy so much.

But a little sad about Masako, then.  She must be so stress now....

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2006 01:31 PM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa   


Last week I was reading about Japan Royal Family, somewhere.  They hoped for a boy so much.
But a little sad about Masako, then.  She must be so stress now....  

Actually, Princess Masako could be relieved that the pressure for a male heir could come to an end, finally. Now that the baby boy is born, they could crown him next after the grandfather.

The reason why Japanese Imperial Family did not have a male heir is because many of the princes had went overseas during 1870s ~ 1940s, leading the Japanese soldiers all over the Asian region. Take it as a punishment to the Imperial family for not safeguarding their future heirs properly, so to speak.

As you may have remembered me saying it last time, those who dies in a certain land, is bounded onto that land. Which means he or she have to be reborn there, in same society, especially if he or she had done wrong to the people there. This is Laws of Karma. Those who commit sin must undo the sin to the people they have wronged.

Which means, IF the 1,000 Malaysia soldiers who went to Lebanon as peace-keepers now are to die, even so Malaysia Government brings back their bodies here, their souls are bounded by the land which they laid down to die. I believe in Islam, it is stated that Muslims should bury their dead where they have fallen, right?

So, just before Princess Kiko were pregnant, I pray to God to allow one of this fallen heir to return back to Japan. Princess Kiko was announced to be pregnant (2 weeks later) and now, she have a healthy baby boy. All well ends well.

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Post time 16-9-2006 12:25 AM | Show all posts
hey just chipping in Fleurza and Sepiroth, im rather intrigued of this conversation.And I've read from start to finish.  Sepiroth , you are a nice warm hearted person if you want to. do carry on.

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2006 08:17 AM | Show all posts
by Obersliutenant   

hey just chipping in Fleurza and Sepiroth, im rather intrigued of this conversation.And I've read from start to finish.  Sepiroth , you are a nice warm hearted person if you want to. do carry on.  

O_o ... O_o ... O_o ... No comments. :siok:

Anyway, got a weird dream last Sunday morning. I dreamt that I was standing among a group of Malaysian Muslims (with their Arabic outfit, their kopiahs and their foot long beard) and they were standing on a hillside, looking at the moon using a telescope. One of them said "I see the "Anak bulan" on the lower left corner" or something like that. So I guess I was looking at a group of Astrologers trying to determine when the Ramadhan going to start. :hmm:

Why can't I dream of something else? <_<

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Post time 19-9-2006 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Obersliutenant at 16-9-2006 12:25 AM
hey just chipping in Fleurza and Sepiroth, im rather intrigued of this conversation.And I've read from start to finish.  Sepiroth , you are a nice warm hearted person if you want to. do carry on.

Ha ha ha ha ... just everyday conversation.

Nothing interesting...

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Post time 19-9-2006 06:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 18-9-2006 08:17 AM
by Obersliutenant   
hey just chipping in Fleurza and Sepiroth, im rather intrigued of this conversation.And I've read from start to finish.  Sepiroth , you are a nice warm hearted person if yo ...

Sometimes people dream of something bcz they think of the matter too much..

Have u thought about any muslim errand lately?

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 Author| Post time 20-9-2006 08:32 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa   

Sometimes people dream of something bcz they think of the matter too much..

And sometimes, Time doesn't exists, Rules of Time and Space is bent, allowing some to see what is yet to come. :hmm:

Have u thought about any muslim errand lately?
Nope, no Muslim Errands have any iinterests to me.

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