huehue replied at 26-7-2019 09:38 AM
Ini lama dah but i find it funny and cute! Tho a bit harsh and rude sbb pakai f word tu kan.
Haha sedangkan Kesington pun adress him as Prince and Princess. Datang di rakyat murahan panggil nama jer. |
Cenderakirana9 replied at 26-7-2019 06:36 AM
https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/9575947/kate-middleton-fourth-child-doesnt-enjoy-forefront-royal-d ...
Kalau i jadi Kate i beranak 5. Secured. |
eva replied at 25-7-2019 11:22 PM
dia sendiri buang bapanya.. kena la berbaik ngan bapak mertua, sumber kewangan both dia ngan harry ...
Ada hati orang speku Meg nak beranak lagi. Eiiiiieee mengabihkan boreh tanggung leech ni semua. |
Jubah kepam apa dia pakai nih 
huehue replied at 26-7-2019 09:38 AM
Ini lama dah but i find it funny and cute! Tho a bit harsh and rude sbb pakai f word tu kan.
Haha Louis ni memang nampak macam little big boss |
slavehunter replied at 26-7-2019 01:04 PM
Kalau i jadi Kate i beranak 5. Secured.
Kate beranak-pinak ramai2 tak apa. Dia lovely and responsible. Kalau MM, plis no |
dani-rox replied at 24-7-2019 10:29 PM
bukan tumbuk, eva... ginger lahanat tuh tikam dgn spike besi kat kasutnya. spike tu fungsinya utk ...
terang2 kude tu nmpk cedera berdarah..iols hrp dgn kecederaan tu, aktivis ummah Brits ngamuk..
tlg la cpt Sept..iols tak saba nk tgk dorg angkut beg ke aprica |
Louis tomey tomey...
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pm baru tu nak buat brexit jugak yer
agaknya what will happen to the britis royals legacy ..
megnut leave harry ? |
snazzydaisy replied at 26-7-2019 05:21 PM
Louis tomey tomey...
Sama! Style rambut je lain. |
Cenderakirana9 replied at 26-7-2019 02:26 PM
Kate beranak-pinak ramai2 tak apa. Dia lovely and responsible. Kalau MM, plis no
Hahaha tu jangan la. Itu semua parasites leech bagai semua tu. |
Cenderakirana9 replied at 26-7-2019 02:26 PM
Kate beranak-pinak ramai2 tak apa. Dia lovely and responsible. Kalau MM, plis no
I hope 4th pregnncy kate nanti...bio la twin or triplet...kikikiki..bio padan muka laki binivtu...makin jauh la dia |
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Fazzbulous replied at 27-7-2019 12:31 AM
I hope 4th pregnncy kate nanti...bio la twin or triplet...kikikiki..bio padan muka laki binivtu... ...
Bestnya kalau fraternal twins sorang boy sorang girl |
eva replied at 26-7-2019 12:02 AM
kat tumblr kecoh.. PH dpt bride baru..
Royal Doulton buat figurine utk wedding The Sussex.. tp ...
Nampak macam... Pippa |
Edited by eva at 27-7-2019 11:34 AM
slavehunter replied at 26-7-2019 01:05 PM
Ada hati orang speku Meg nak beranak lagi. Eiiiiieee mengabihkan boreh tanggung leech ni semua.
betul sis.. this time around out of her body 
I bc kat tumblr, tarot readers.. ada seorg tu sugar to the core dan dia kata Archie tu mmg lahir dr meggot.. sambil dia post gmbr christening archie.. the thing is fia x percaya gmbr tu kena photoshopped and call out megxit as gilos sbb kata itu gmbr photoshop 
lantak la kan... mmg mendonia la meggot ngan gmbr archie. Ramai predict, divorce just around the corner during winter.
sabar je la.. Klau I la eiks, the sooner the better.. x tahan tengok wajah grifter itu.. pls la jgn kacau kita ummah commonwealth nie ngan dia punya nonsense. |
Edited by eva at 27-7-2019 11:30 AM
snazzydaisy replied at 26-7-2019 05:21 PM
Louis tomey tomey...
ke Kate masa ngandung hari hari tengok baby boss  |
Fazzbulous replied at 27-7-2019 12:31 AM
I hope 4th pregnncy kate nanti...bio la twin or triplet...kikikiki..bio padan muka laki binivtu... ...
aamiin.. I suggest twins seiras..
dan comey lote and also girls.
menjerit la meggot kalau Kate ada twins girls, habis punah harapan utk menjdkan anak as Lady D copy cat  |
Cenderakirana9 replied at 25-7-2019 12:49 PM
MM dapat pegang tangan harry bila depan kamera je tu pun harry muka ketat ooops
dorg kata PDA tu utk ctrl PH.. sabar je la.. |
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