Edited by Changa at 27-9-2015 05:06 PM
kelana36 replied at 27-9-2015 03:04 PM
siapa kata melontar itu bertujuan untuk merejam syaitan?
i think you better stop condemning ot ...
Di sekolah memang di ajar itu ritual rejam setan.
Akak dapat A dlm pendidikan ugama islam.pmr dan spm so akak tak mungkin salah dgn.ajaran di sekolah itu.segala apa yang di ajar di sekolah oleh setaz setazah sampai akhirat pun akak takkan lupa.
asal usul ritual tersebut:
1. God asked Abraham to sacrifice one thing which he values the most, his only son- Ishmael. 2. Abraham then asked his son and Ishmael told his father to obey God's command. 3. While Abraham was on his way to sacrifice his son, he was distracted three times by the Devil where he tried to persuade Abraham from not following God's command. 4. In order to get rid of the Devil, Abraham stoned the devil with seven stones all the three times he appeared in front of him. 5. Therefore, in order to declare their enmity to the Devil, the pilgrims follow this ritual.