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Author: oni313

[Tempatan] Johor bercuti mingguan pada Jummat dan Sabtu tahun depan

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Post time 27-11-2013 01:38 PM | Show all posts
lizaliza posted on 25-11-2013 09:48 AM
bagusla cuti jumaat
para bapa boleh lah  mendidik anak anak lelaki solat jumaat bersama

makin ramai la budak2 buat bising terloncat2 kat belakang

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:11 AM | Show all posts

Does The Change Of Weekend Days In Johor Benefit Muslims Only?

Sumber: Malaysian Digest

PEOPLE always look forward for weekends where they can have some R&R with their families and friends.

Anyone mentions 'weekend' and immediately Saturday and Sunday pops into mind. But here in Malaysia, the definition of weekend isn't the same to people in all states, especially to Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah.

For the three states, Friday and Saturday have always been designated as a weekend.

And now, a fourth state joins the list because the people of Johor will get up for work on a Sunday morning next year.

Let's face it: nobody likes to go to work. Especially on a Sunday.

Understandably, the announcement received mixed reactions from everybody, particularly to the people of Johor. Some accepted it in good nature while others clearly frustrated to the sudden change.

Little do people know this isn't the first time Johor designates Fridays and Saturdays as their weekend. Prior to 1994, the people of Johor already observed Fridays and Saturdays as a weekend.  

So why did the state return to its previous weekend days?

According to historical records, during pre-independence (Merdeka), a majority of states in Malaysia observed Saturdays and Sundays as a weekend, because the calendar days was introduced by the colonial British for the Federated Malay States and the Straits Settlements.

However, the five Non-Federated Malay States - Kedah, Perlis, Terengganu , Kelantan and Johor - were not required to follow the practice and they chose to keep Fridays and Saturdays as their off days.

Johor was the first among the five states to make the change. In November 1993, the then Johor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced the switch of weekend days to begin on Jan 1 the following year.

Muhyiddin's Perlis counterpart, Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Pawanteh, followed suit a month later after the announcement.

So for the two states - Johor and Perlis - 1994 marks the beginning of the Saturday-Sunday weekend.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who was then Prime Minister, said, it was not against Islamic teachings to work on a Friday, as Muslims were given extra time during lunch break to enable them to perform Friday prayers.

Mahathir was quoted saying; "It is easier to perform Friday prayers as a congregation and return to work afterwards. We have seen some Muslims who used the rest day (then Friday) to take their families out and miss Friday prayers."

Why a Friday-Saturday weekend?

It is the sixth day in the Islamic calendar, and the literal meaning of Friday is congregation (Jummah), hence the Jummah prayer on Friday noon.

The royal decree was issued in respect of Friday being the head of days in a week and in accordance to Johor being among the first few states that recognise Islam as the official religion.

"We have seen men juggling time and rushing to go to the mosque on Fridays for Jummah prayers. During Friday sermons, they use it to rest and take naps, and rush back to their workplace.

"We all know that there are some states that still have Friday-Saturday as their weekends, and even Johor once practiced this. Therefore, after much consideration, I decided to revert Johor's weekly holiday on those two days, " said Sultan Ibrahim on his 55th birthday reception at the Diamond Jubilee Hall in Muar.(sourced from Astro Awani)

Does the change have any impact on the state?

Many feel that the change will have indirect effects.

Channel News Asia, a media from Singapore, reported that the decision will make Johor lose its appeal as an investment because the change of weekend days is untimely considering the increase in business and economy between Johor and the republic.

Citing a statement by Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Khaled Nordin as saying that he believes the change of weekends from Saturday-Sunday to Friday-Saturday in the state will not have any significant impact on the economy.

"I think, with the technology boom nowadays, ay change will not have a significant impact on the state economy."

"After all, Johor had previously practiced the weekend on Friday-Saturday before 1994," he told Bernama at Sultan Ibrahim's birthday reception in Muar.

He also added that private sectors are allowed to choose whether to follow the new weekend schedule or not.

"It is up to the to do the same as the state government," he said....................................................

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:18 AM | Show all posts
lg best kalu bg cuti Jumaat, Sabtu n Ahad.....

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Post time 28-11-2013 11:21 AM | Show all posts
JDT takkan menang sebab ikut amalan kafir yehudi lehnatullah, cuti hari sabtu sabbath

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Post time 28-11-2013 01:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ooo... diorg tengok bab ekonomi jer, tapi bab institusi keluarga dan bermasyarakat diorg tak pandang. Kerajaan tak terpikir side effect dan impact bila mak bapak cuti sabtu ahad dan anak2 cuti sekolah hari jumaat sabtu. Susah betul bila kerajaan ditadbir oleh orang yang tidak berpandangan jauh ni.

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Post time 28-11-2013 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Channel news asia kata ekonomi terjejas bila cuti jemaat sabtu.. Ironinya ekonomi dan pembangunan di Negeri johor boleh dikatakan mendatar membeku, stalled selepas tahun 1994.. tahun bermulanya cuti hari ahad. Sehinggalah diperkenalkan Iskandar malaysia.. baru lah nampak ada perubahan..

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Post time 28-11-2013 02:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
haji_one posted on 27-11-2013 10:09 AM
Cuti hari Jumaat..boleh la pergi masjid awal skit..tak bersangkut paut dan dengan renyah urusan nak  ...

Itu bg yg keja gomen. Klau mak bpk keja pte yg x nak amik ct jmt apa jd dgn ank2 yg terbongkang sorg2 kt umah? Suruh diorg pg msjid sorg2 naik teksi ke? Ramai pak lebai dlm ni dah tau soalan kt msyhr knp x ct jmt?  Bila plk lebai ni pg sana

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Post time 29-11-2013 07:45 AM | Show all posts
Crystars posted on 28-11-2013 02:24 PM
Itu bg yg keja gomen. Klau mak bpk keja pte yg x nak amik ct jmt apa jd dgn ank2 yg terbongkang so ...

Personally pada saya, cuti hari jumaat ni lebih membantu dlm hal mcm ni..lebih ada ikatan bila pi masjid dgn anak-anak. Tak bermaksud kalau cuti sabtu, or private yg cuti sabtu dan ahad tak boleh nak membantu/memantau anak anak mereka yang pi masjid..just somehow, cuti hari jumaat lebih memudahkan.

Kalau dah anak dok sorang sorang kt umah, dan kalau ianya dah cukup besar utk jaga diri pergi la masjid. Lainlah kalau ada halangan mcm masjid yg sangat jauh dan sebagainya..Dlm erti kata lain, kita buat sehabis baik utk dapatkan yg terbaik dlm semampu kita la..kalau ada yg lebih memudahkan (utk kakitangan kerajaan), alhamdulillah, kalau dh private kerja sabtu ahad, buat semampu baik kita utk pastikan anak-anak kita solat jumaat (terutamanya yg dah aqil baligh la..).

Solat jumaat adalah wajib utk yang dh aqil baligh, tiada alasan utk menafikan hak dan tanggungjawab pada Allah swt kecuali ada keuzuran dan halangan syarie.

Sahabat saya, setiap kali Jumaat, pulang ke rumah (dr KL ke Bangi) which 70 km pergi balik just to ensure n nak bawak anaknya yg berusia 6 tahun pergi ke solat jumaat..mmg rushing dan kelamkabut sebab masa yg gak katanya ini semua adalah saham akhirat..dlm erti kata lain, dia berusaha semampu dia..

Apa apa pun..terpulang....Saya melihat dr sudut yg berbeza dan anda pula melihat dr sudut yg lain..masing masing deserve their own opinion. Last edited by haji_one on 29-11-2013 08:05 AM


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Post time 29-11-2013 08:06 AM | Show all posts
hrp2 KL jgn la ikot ye...aku x sanggup kje hr ahad....biol aku nti...

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Post time 29-11-2013 08:19 AM | Show all posts
Jadi, yg bragama kristian nak pegi church hari Ahad mcm mana?

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Post time 29-11-2013 08:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cuti jumaat dapat pahala aku rasa  takde dalam ajaran islam pun. Kerajaan pun dah bagi kemudahan dan kesenangan dengan memberi rehat yang panjang untuk kita menunaikan solat jumaat. Kita jer yang suka menyusahkan diri sendiri dan mengada adakan benda yang tiada. Bekerja itu satu ibadah ianya lebih baik dari duk tidor dan melangok depan tv sementara menunggu waktu solat jumaat.


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Post time 29-11-2013 08:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
perang_candu posted on 28-11-2013 01:55 PM
Channel news asia kata ekonomi terjejas bila cuti jemaat sabtu.. Ironinya ekonomi dan pembangunan di ...

Nko nak salahkan sebab cuti hari ahad johor tak maju. Memang dangkal la pikiran nko ni. Kalau kerajaan tak cekap negara maju pun boleh melingkup. Johor takde pemimpin2 yang berbakat dan berkebolehan dari dulu lagi dan campur tangan istana dalam pentadbiran kerajaan johor menyebabkan johor masih tidak maju.

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Post time 29-11-2013 09:09 AM | Show all posts
kalau buat kat semua negeri dlm Mlaysia ni kan senang...tak yah dah nak pikir2 tak sama hari bekerja...
lagipun majority kat Msia ni Islam, and byk company non muslim yg tak suka org islam kuar solat jumaat waktu keje....lama sgt katanya( kdg tu tak gi solat pun, tapi masuk lambat gak)....


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Post time 1-12-2013 07:58 PM | Show all posts
peYno posted on 24-11-2013 06:58 AM
bang.. kenegerian org johor ni disudut lain la
sebagai warga shah alam... kenegerian org johor ni ...

Tak payah nak sembang kencang pasal kenegerian lah bro, kamu sendiri pun takut nak ngaku kamu berasal dari negeri mana..? ptuiiiiiiii !!!!!!

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Post time 6-12-2013 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Bank di Johor teruskan cuti hujung minggu pada Sabtu dan Ahad - ABM

2013/12/06 - 15:18:30 PM
Cetak Emel Kawan
KUALA LUMPUR: Persatuan Bank Malaysia (ABM) berkata hari ini pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Johor telah mengesahkan bahawa ia tidak mempunyai bantahan kepada bank-bank komersil terus bercuti hujung minggu pada Sabtu dan Ahad.

Terdapat 17 bank anggota ABM dengan operasi cawangan di Johor.

Pada 23 November lalu, Sultan Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, mengisytiharkan perubahan hari cuti hujung minggu negeri itu kepada Jumaat dan Sabtu, daripada

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Post time 4-1-2014 06:31 PM | Show all posts
Johoreans happy with Friday rest day

No rush: Muslims leaving Masjid Jamek Bandar Baru UDA Johor Baru after Friday prayers. Schoolchildren are happy that they no longer have to hurry back to school on Fridays.


JOHOR BARU: The day dawned with little din on the roads with no school buses picking up children and many people staying indoors because they need not go to work.

By the middle of the day, however, there was a lot of bustle in the streets with the faithful going to mosques for Friday prayers and ­others jamming shopping malls and eating joints.

This was Friday in Johor, where the public sector no longer observes Saturday and Sunday as the weekly rest days.

Banks, shopping malls and many businesses, however, were open as they have the option of either following the public sector or continue observing Saturday and Sunday as their weekly rest days.

Public Bank Bhd senior financial executive Ben Yu Wei Leong, 26, said leaving for work in Taman Sentosa from his house in Taman Bukit Kempas was a smooth journey yesterday.

“Usually, it takes about 45 ­minutes to reach my working place. But today (Friday), I reached the office in 20 minutes because there was less traffic,” he said.

Some places at Johor shows the Friday is the weekend.

A sign at a government department indicating the new workweek.

Yu said he looked forward to enjoying the smooth ride even if it was only on Fridays.

“It’s good enough for me, as I feel less stress driving on the non-­congested roads,” he said.

Creative executive Rosman Kasiman, 35, from Taman Perling, said traffic was relatively smooth as there were no school buses on the roads or parents sending their children to school.

But, he added, there was a downside to the off-day as he found it difficult to get a parking bay when he returned to his office at the City Square shopping centre after returning from the mosque.

“The shopping complex was crowded with families and their children, unlike previously when Friday was a working day,” added Rosman.

Policeman Badrul Hasnan, 25, from Taman Mutiara, said he took the new weekend as an opportunity to bring his parents, nieces and nephews to the Johor Zoo.

He said the change in the weekly off-days helped to ease the crowd at the zoo, adding that local visitors did not have to jostle for space with tourists from abroad or from other states.

Badrul said he and the males in the family had no problem going for Friday prayers because the Sultan Abu Bakar Mosque was just walking distance from the zoo.

Schoolboy Muhammad Amirul Lukman, 15, from Taman Pelangi said he did not have to rush back to his school in Taman Sri Tebrau after Friday prayers as he previously did.

“It is good to get an off-day on Friday as I can go to the mosque with schoolmates living in the same neighbourhood,” he said.

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Post time 4-1-2014 06:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bagusla....semua tak rushing dah...kalau hasilnya positif harapnya berterusan diamalkan..

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Post time 10-1-2014 02:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maafler up kan balik thread ni.. tak tanya mcm ne kondisi rakyat johor yng keje swasta?...
mcm ne taska.. kena double pay ke?.. mcm ne spend time ngan anak2x... sbb ada kawan dah start merungut..
mintak gov selaraskan cuti dengn swasta sekali..

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Post time 10-1-2014 02:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
magnus posted on 4-1-2014 06:53 PM
Bagusla....semua tak rushing dah...kalau hasilnya positif harapnya berterusan diamalkan..

Abihtu pekerja swasta macam aku ni macam mana sembahyang jumaat lagi rushing... rehat 12.30 aampai 2ptg. Dapat lunch bersama anak2 pun hari sabtu je, itupun kalau tak OT Last edited by sahamboi on 10-1-2014 02:39 PM


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Post time 11-1-2014 03:47 AM | Show all posts
R2D2 posted on 4-1-2014 06:31 PM
Johoreans happy with Friday rest day

jawa kecoh lebih.. sembang kencang

harap2 rakan kat kedah kelantan yg dah lama cutui jumaat tu paham perangai jawa  s embang kencang ni


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