strawberry..takde ke gambo2 menarik nak share masa g bandung last month? |
qies..i noticed that breakfast for standard triple tu just for 2 person?
bior benor..takkan bilik utk 3 org bfast utk 2 org kot.. |
Reply #464 strawberry27's post
kalo upload gambo gunakan photobucket..hehehe..sbb tak sini takbleh nampak kalo guna imageshack or else.. |
Balas #466 civicvtech2.0\ catat
kalo tgk dari 1st email dia kata for 2 pax for all type of rooms, except superior triple for 3 and family for 4 people
ari tu ko nak standard triple kan...buffet breakfast dia murah seh tak silap haku baru 9-15krp ajer.... |
hari tu strawberry stay kat Hotel Progo...
before that stay kat flores gallery hotel...
nanti strawberry share photo k. |
Balas #471 prankster7\ catat
apa citer prankster... tempeklah gambo2 lagi
Balas #473 naqies\ catat
wah bestnya hotel cemerlang ni...
hari tu strawberry nak stay hotel cemerlang tapi dah fully booked!
kalo beli tiket ke jakarta naik tren ke bandung ok tak?ke amik bas je dr jakarta ke bandung? |
Reply #478 kzamam's post
cuba la naik bas ke bandung..dgr citer jem teruk... kalo tren tak jem kan? |
Balas #479 civicvtech2.0\ catat
naik tren biasanya tak jem. lebih kurang 3 jam perjalanan...
tapi last time pergi ada gak berhenti kejap2... ada kerosakan railway katanya... |
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