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Author: Sephiroth

Sephiroth's Little Corner ... 3rd one.

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2006 09:59 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa   

Yup, semua kerja secara tidak langsung ada price tag.  Semua org tidak mahu rugi dlm hidup. Then, price tag atau keuntungan adalah berbentuk subjektif...

Sorry, I disagree. :no:

Bukan semua kerja dlm dunia ada price tag; price tag itu hanya sesuatu yg manusia sendiri letakan dlm sesuatu perkerjaan tersebut, dan dlm masa yg sama, ianya sesuatu yg menbebankan diri sendiri dan adakalanya menyusahkan orang. Dan ianya lebih mirip kpd Hukum "Jual-Beli" yg manusia sering lakukan dlm Dunia ini tanpa sedari. :hmm:

Utk apakah wajar bagi seseorang meletakan Price tag ke atas sesuatu tugas tersebut?
Dlm kes saya dan kawan saya, bukankah ianya bermakna bila kawan saya meletakan Price Tag ke atas tugas tersebut, ianya seolah2 mencuri hasil usaha saya juga? :hmm:

Contoh :- Kahwin. Kamu mendakwa seseorang lelaki berkahwin utk menjaga kehormatan diri. Dlm erti kata lain, dia letakan price tag kahwin dgn wanita ke atas kehormatan dirinya. Ini bermakna dia sengaja "menpergunakan" tubuh badan seseorang manusia lain utk memuaskan diri serta "menjaga kehormatan dirinya dr tercemar". WAJAR KE MANUSIA LAIN DIPERLAKUKAN SEDEMIKIAN? APA BEZANYA WANITA ITU DGN SEORANG HAMBA? :Hmm:

Di Dunia ini, banyak orang berurusniaga dgn hak manusia lain. :hmm:
Sedar tak sedar, mereka mencuri hak orang lain.

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Post time 1-7-2006 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Yes yes yessss... Germany on the way... Italy too... my two favourite teams he he he he

So u think what u live in this world for?

Everything have pro n contra... ying n yang... good n bad...  give n take... push n pull... bla bla bla

U know what...

I need something to grap on to make me strong to face this world..

Suddenly Im thinking about Skinner behaviourist theory..

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2006 11:42 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa   

Yes yes yessss... Germany on the way... Italy too... my two favourite teams he he he he

Ahem ... Keep football out of this. :no:
I don't see what so good about a game where bunch of adults chase after a ball and kick it. ;)

So u think what u live in this world for?
To LIVE and EXPERIENCE LIFE. What do you think you're here for? ;)

Everything have pro n contra... ying n yang... good n bad...  give n take... push n pull... bla bla bla

U know what...
I need something to grap on to make me strong to face this world..

If you're not strong, then you are weak.
If you not strong enough to stand on your own feet and face the world, you will NOT find anyone else to make you strong. :no:

Do you know why?
Because no matter who you find to make you strong, in the end, you always be under someone (not sexually) and therefore, you always be someone's puppet. ;)

Suddenly Im thinking about Skinner behaviourist theory..
Which says what?

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Post time 2-7-2006 01:00 PM | Show all posts

Everything exist with reason... cause n effect...

We not live just bcz there life to live...

Why people produce breads? For food.

Why people make chair? For sitting.

Answer this.. why u think this world exist?

Skinner behaviourism theory is about....

Reinforcement is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency.
Punishment is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency.

more explainantion...

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 Author| Post time 3-7-2006 11:10 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa   

Everything exist with reason... cause n effect...

Wrong ... you make the cause and you produce the effect. That is basic of Karma - Universal Transaction based on Merit and Sin (Pahala dan Dosa).

You do something and generate merit or sins (depends on your actions) and this will produce effects which can be positive or negative (depends whether you receive merit or sin) and this effect in return produce more "reasons" which produce more "effects" and so on. And God will watch as He always do.

We not live just bcz there life to live...

Why people produce breads? For food.
Why people make chair? For sitting.

Breads are not the only food supply there is. :no:
People can still sit on the floor or on the table.

Again, YOU produce breads and chairs for their purpose (reason) and therefore, you will get to experience the effect here, same way as my colleaque put his expertation into his work and upset when the Boss did not "belanja" us later.

Answer this.. why u think this world exist?

WHATEVER the reason is, ONE thing is CERTAIN - People who ask why the World exist usually ones who doesn't know the answer themselves. Smart ones know that we live therefore, we should live as best and as perfect as we could. That is all the reason one needs. :hmm:

Skinner behaviourism theory is about....

Reinforcement is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency.
Punishment is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency.  

In another word, people in a society is good because they fear the Law will punish them. They are not good because they can be good. Is that it? :hmm:

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Post time 3-7-2006 07:35 PM | Show all posts

Nampaknya pemahaman dan tujuan kita hidup di dunia ini jauh berbeza.  Kemungkinan besar kerana agama/ addin kita berbeza.

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 Author| Post time 8-7-2006 08:16 AM | Show all posts
Sigh ... Kamu ini fikiran sempit. Ingat seseorang itu baik kerana agama dan jahat juga kerana agama. :no:

My principle is a simple one for me (alone). Summarized :

1. Do not think dishonestly
2. The Way is in the training (always learn and train properly to master something)
3. Become acquainted with every Art (in today's perspective, that means learn as much as possible)
4. Know the Ways of all professions. (Indians love to say this - "No work is a bad work")
5. Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly possession (refer to my example about the unhappy colleaque in the posts)
6. Develop intuitive judgement and understanding for everything
7. Pay attention even to trifles (in another word, take notice of everything).
8. Do nothing which of no use (which means, don't waste time and energy).

From Go Rin No Sho (Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi).

Simple what.

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Post time 9-7-2006 11:04 AM | Show all posts
U know what...

Satu perkara yg tertanam di dalam fikiran dan hati I... semua manusia adalah sama rata.

I nak cerita kat u la...

Suatu hari I berbual dgn rakan2 sekerja.  I cerita la yg tangan I memang tak sudah2 mencubit, menarik, mengetuk students yg teramat la nakal dlm kelas2 tu...

Ada yg cakap mereka geli nak sentuh sesetengah students krn sebab2 kebersihan/ agama.  I terkejut dengar sebab tak pernah terfikir pun ttg perkara itu.

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 Author| Post time 10-7-2006 08:09 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa   

Satu perkara yg tertanam di dalam fikiran dan hati I... semua manusia adalah sama rata.

Saya tak rasa semua manusia itu sama rata. Ada perbezaan dlm pelbagai sudut dan manusia akan menjadi lebih menarik kalau ada perbezaan2 spt ini. :hmm:

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Post time 10-7-2006 04:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 10-7-2006 08:09 AM
by fleurzsa   
Satu perkara yg tertanam di dalam fikiran dan hati I... semua manusia adalah sama rata.
Saya tak rasa semua manusia itu sama rata. Ada perbezaan dlm pelbagai sudut dan manusi ...

I mean semua manusia secara asasnya adalah sama... mereka bukan ada yg dr golongan binatang atau alien dll

I rasa dulu pernah berbual dgn u pasal perbezaan individu ni...

Teringat pula lirik lagu terbaru M Nasir

Barangkali kita perlu
Melihat di sebalik materi
Kau wanita, aku lelaki
Ayuhlah kita mengikat janji

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 Author| Post time 11-7-2006 08:12 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa   

I mean semua manusia secara asasnya adalah sama... mereka bukan ada yg dr golongan binatang atau alien dll

Asas apa benda? Apa asasnya? :stp:

Human body is programmable machine and the Mind is a Program. Therefore, it depends on individual characteristics of a person on how he or she is. No one is same. :no:

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Post time 13-7-2006 07:13 PM | Show all posts
U ada 3 mata ke Sephiroth?

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2006 07:36 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa   

U ada 3 mata ke Sephiroth?

Ada empat mata - wearing specks.

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Post time 16-7-2006 03:58 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth, u better answer the question at... Code Ethic of Board


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 Author| Post time 17-7-2006 08:13 AM | Show all posts
by fleurzsa   

Sephiroth, u better answer the question at... Code Ethic of Board

What question? Whether I got 3 eyes or 4 eyes? :stp:

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Post time 17-7-2006 07:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 17-7-2006 08:13 AM
by fleurzsa   
Sephiroth, u better answer the question at... Code Ethic of Board
What question? Whether I got 3 eyes or 4 eyes? :stp:

He he he he... here the link ... &extra=page%3D1

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 Author| Post time 18-7-2006 08:16 AM | Show all posts
OK, done. Well, we just have to wait for some candidates to take over your place, no? :bgrin:

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Post time 30-7-2006 05:30 PM | Show all posts

Yuhuuu Sephiroth,

Long time not see...  he he he he he

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 Author| Post time 31-7-2006 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Sigh ... I got so little time nowadays to post online. My time table suddenly become busy and tighten.

A few people left the company starting end of July (a few gone last week) and guess who "lucky" enough to do their jobs till replacement comes.

How I wish I could kill my bosss. <_<

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 Author| Post time 1-8-2006 08:36 AM | Show all posts
An interesting thing happened last Saturday (when I was on leave).  This is MY Opinion, does not reflect any dislike to anyone.

One of my Hindu friends took me out (NOT ON A DATE. ff: ) and we went to one of those Hare Krishna community centres. I thought this could be a good place to understand more about the group, especially whether they too follow Bhavagad Gita properly or not (after all, Sri krishna is the One who spoke about it).

I was wearing a dark (loose) pant and a usual dark brown shirt and the first thing to hit me when I entered the Hare Krishna centre was ... everyone else were wearing pure white clothes. It was so embarrasing. :nyorok:

Mental note to myself : KILL MY FRIEND. <_<

I felt like a Tiger walking into a village (macam harimau masuk kampung) with people staring at me one kind. Fortunately enough, the Head of the centre welcomed us and my friend (who was invited by his) introduced me as someone who were interested in Hindu Culture. First thing I ask the Head of the Centre is ... WHY do everyone wears white?

He answered that it was to symbolize Purity and Cleaniness in Mind and Body. I guess I could look "unclean" and "impure" to them there. :geram: (I really going to kill my friend <_< )

I sat through the 2 hour session of singing Bhajans (Spiritual songs) using things like "kompang", small drums and even one of those long, pipe like musical instructment which (somehow) always ends up blowing in my ear. Maybe I just got extra-senstive ears, no?

After that, it's eating time. They served vegetarian food, and the head stated that vegetarian food usually served inside the centre. I asked him whether he was a vegetarian himself and he said No. I asked him whether he drinks beer and he answered rarely yes, especialy when he goes to party or weddings. Nothing stronger than that.

So, after sitting through that for nearly 3 hours, I finally drove back home about 10.00 PM (night) and was wondering about several things. How many of this practise actually based on Hindusm? :hmm:

Does wearing all white suppose to symbolize your purity of mind and body? Can people really control their mind during this time? I have seen people answering handphones inside temples, holy places and centres like this, many discussing worldly matters, laughing and such. What does Purity of the Mind suppose to mean? :hmm:

And Purity of the Body ... if you only eat vegetarian food during Spiritual practise, does it make your body pure? :hmm:

What about practise of Bhajan singing? I don't remember any such practise in various puranas and even the Gita. Matter a fact, it was the Silk Community which started singing Bhajans during their regular community gathering. So why does Hare Krishna incorporate such practise into worshipping Sri Krishna, especially since in Sikh belief, idol worshiping is not allowed? :hmm: We do have Devaram singing though, usually in South India.

A few questions played in my mind for the past few days :

Are some Hindus nowadays too busy trying to mimic the Brahmins? :hmm:
Wearing White clothing, eating vegetarian food and singing hymns and such. Are some of them trying to mimic the Brahmins who are in service to Hindu Gods? :hmm:

Being a Hindu not about what clothes you wear, what sort of food you eat or what songs you sing; it is about how pure you remain throughout your life, what you avoid taking (food etc) throughout your life and what Hindu principles you learn and choose to follow.

They say that Mimicry is highest compliment to a person. But in this case, I don't think anyone needs to mimic the Brahmins. They just have to live their own lives accordance to Hindusm properly. :hmm:

This is my opinion ... must get it out of my head or it going to stop me from concentrating on my work.

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