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Author: NaylaArisha


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Post time 18-6-2023 03:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:09 PM
duk kayuh ni
confirm x hbs mlm ni
esk smbg lg

luna ni pun dok on off on off jer ntah bila nak abes tah

slo2 ajer laahhhh..
buat mana yg mampu

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Post time 18-6-2023 03:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:10 PM
hmm sbt psl raya haji
td kan nov dah pegi rmh mak sedara juru
dia ckp raya haji dia x blk

oh ok raya korban low key jer eh tahun ni
abis jumaat nov kejer la maknanya ?
kalau bos x sayang jugak tatau laaa..

kat jepun slalu luna pun low key jer..
unless raya sabtu or ahad baru rajin sikit nak gi mesjid

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:11 PM
lps ni klu mak sedara juru x de nov raya kat rmh je kot
mls nk beraya merata

ntah normal jer kot..
masa kecik2 dulu kalau balik kampung pun tgk org korban jer kot.. xde memori beraya merata

masa kat asrama lagi la, ada tahun yg sumorang  x balik, tgk org korban lembu kat skolah jer

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:13 PM
haha sj nov reply mcm tu
nk tgk luna komen ape

sajer la tu diorang nak balas balik kek nov tu kottt.. pas tapaw nov balas kek lagi
tu yg berebut nak jd anak angkat tu kotttt

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:16 PM
luna ade reply tp mcm x mjwb persoalan
itu nov tny lg

hahaha sori la
x menjawab soalan eh ? maybe sebab luna x ingat sgt kot.. xde apa2 kejadian yg meninggalkan kesan di memori

oh sama la, luna pun xde wekkk.. just mual2 biasa la.. makan cinnamon ker, buah cocktail tu ok la.. morning sickness teruk2 tu alhamdulillah xde la

so maknanya nov mmg x boleh la air gula tu eh ? siap ready pastik beg kalau nurse ada
normal ke x ek ?
ada tanya dokter x ?

tapi antara byk amek gula dgn kurang amek gula, better lg kurang amek gula kot ek ?
ker caner ?

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:16 PM
skrg gerai2 yg jual ns lmk sambal manis nov dah pangkah

aaa elok pangkah siap2
jgn terjebak lg dah

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:18 PM
nov jns berdikari
so nov nk anak pun berdikari
tp msh x smpi level berdikari sm umur nov dulu

biasa la environment pun dah berubah kan.. but atleast yg basic2 tu harap boleh buat la kann.. apa2 hal masih boleh survive

ni kalau nak jadi anak mak selama2 nya..
susah lahhhh

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by luna.millieu at 18-6-2023 04:25 PM
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:18 PM
mcm2 hal dulu

skrg slow sikit

dah byk roadblock eh.. xbleh nak pusing merata

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:19 PM
btl skrg nov sgt2 selektif
biar la org kata nov pilih kawan pun

apa salahnyer pilih kawan pun ?
kita kan nak quality
bukan quantity

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:21 PM
mgg ni la kat opis mkn kopok cheezel
ptg tu pening
smpi ke rmh

mender2 ni nak mkn boleh tp xleh makan byk2 kot ek cheezel tu dah lama gila kot luna x makan asek hadap super ring tu jer lah

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:21 PM
tau x pe
keje nk tip top
tp basic facility pun x leh sediakan

dia blah sumorang hepi
nak kesian pun x jadi org mcm tu

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:23 PM
yup rasuah makin berleluasa dkt msia
sgt memalukan
sbb org melayu ramai je yg involved

sampai jadi open secret dah nak meniaga kat msia hidden charges menyakitkan kepala

kalau dgr cerita insider org jabatan perdana menteri (pm dulu la, pm skang tatau) mmg benda2 ni mmg biasa..
unwritten rules.
apa2 projek sekian2 % utk sekian2 org
to that extent yer masa pm tu

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:26 PM
ha sep sikit
suka jns grilled

iyer betholllll..
sadis hamat size ayam KR skang..
harga x menahan tapi

kalau x kerana side dishes dia tu baik bakar seniri jer ayam kat umah tapi tu la kkdg teringin beli jugak lahhh

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:26 PM
mmg x jmp
dah delete kot
nsb x tuntut

sebaek yerrrr

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by luna.millieu at 18-6-2023 04:44 PM
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:27 PM
nmpk yummy
rs pun juicy eh

a ah mmg x kering la,

kdg2 ada jual kat aeon.. jarang la tapi
eh ? ker isetan ?
mungkin isetan kot
penah jumpa kat klcc

kalau yg atas sushi tu kat mana2 kedai sushi ada

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:27 PM
klu kat msia belut grill ke mentah?
nov x prnh beli sushi belut
jd x tau


belut diorang x makan mentah.
eccheli ada 2 jenis belut, yg grill ni nama unagi, satu lagi nama anago yg tu diorang suka cam steam.. beza dia belut air tawar vs air masin rasanya..

kat msia mostly unagi yg grill tu

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Post time 18-6-2023 04:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:28 PM
itu bgsnya g sek
dah byk +ve progress luna nmpk

a ah tu la..
kalau x kerana pkp tu dah lama kot hantar nursery, kat bwh condo tu pun ada.. tapi dah pkp sana sini nursery pun tutup la kan

sebaek timing baekkk mya bb sempat masuk sini dari 1st year kinder.. walaupun ada lag atleast dah boleh catch up la

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Post time 18-6-2023 05:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:32 PM
tsunami thn 2004

ohhh ok yg kes tsunami kat acheh & thai tu.. msia kena tempias skali..
a ah ingat ingat

teruk gak ek penang kena time tu..
kesian kat mangsa tapi tu la tsunami ni mmg xleh expect.. if ada gegaran jer anggap jer la tsunami coming, xper la org kata paranoid pun yg penting be safe

ingat lagi masa tsunami 2011 kat tohoku tu..
luna kat ofis yokohama time tu, 500km jauh dari pusat gempa tapi still ada rekahan tanah kat yokohama goyang teruk gak la sumer building area ofis luna tu, panic x yah ckp la luna ingat mati kot kena hempap dgn floor atas

alhamdulillah umur masih panjang
tp mmg menginsafkan la tiap kali ingat hari bersejarah tu

every year march 11th kol 3.46pm satu jepun akan ramai2 offer a moment of silence. luna pun mesti pasang tv jepun kat youtube tgk documentary pasal harintu. even dah 12 tahun pun masih byk lagi kisah yg baru uncovered & researches yg baru dpt new findings
kira mmg very personal la kes tsunami tu bg luna & hasben

so jgn main2 kalau duduk dekat2 dgn air ni, rasa gegar jer anggap la tsunami boleh dtg bila2 masa

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Post time 18-6-2023 05:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:32 PM
jd sehari lps krismas

a ah luna ingat tahun tu luna x jadi gi celebrate new year insaf jap org lain baru terima musibah besar

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Post time 18-6-2023 05:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
novelloverzz replied at 17-6-2023 08:34 PM
nov pulak plan nk g taiping nnt nk srh anak nov drive

tp sblm tu bg kn refresh training dulu

aaa ok la kot
kasi pektis2 dulu walaupun senarnyer drive highway lagi senang dari drive jln dalam kan

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