[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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Post time 9-7-2021 12:56 AM
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snazzydaisy replied at 8-7-2021 05:45 AM
Hey Smeg, even si narc Amber ni pun dah tunjukkan her new baby. Hang sampai bila nak sembunyikan bab ...
Aikkk kata dah divorce dgn pirate caribean tu .. tetiba beranak pulak ? |

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Post time 9-7-2021 12:57 AM
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snazzydaisy replied at 8-7-2021 05:49 AM
Are you ready?
Tergamak betul pelakon pelakon yg ambik job ni. ...  |
Sheols guna surrogate, sperm donor masih dirahsiakan, adakah ex-sheols si Elon Musk??? hmmm...
Edited by snazzydaisy at 9-7-2021 02:13 AM
Harry and Meghan are asking fans to share a story of compassion, either their own action, an action of someone they know, or an act of compassion that someone else has done for them.
Sharing your story will give you a chance to be featured on the Archewell website as part of the sweet initiative.
NO, NO, NO!!! Don't fall for this!!!
They're conning you to provide them contents FOR FREE!
Dasar penipu & pemalas!!! Sweet initiative kepala hotak kau jambul! 
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Edited by snazzydaisy at 9-7-2021 02:50 AM
Merchie's new deal... still loving those royal titles huh! 
This was up on various socmed for about an hour, then was deleted. Why?
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Recycle as toilet paper aje lah! 

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Yup. In between selepas Lady D dan sebelum kemunculan DOC suram2 kuku je interest kita ngan ngan BRF. sekali sekali layan le news pasal the two princes. Harry actually sebelum ni lebih glamer dr william sbb mcm more interesting dan outgoing. Suka tak suka mekgan sebenarnya buat org lebih buka mata pasal BRF, walaupun for the wrong reason dengan drama2 antiknya.
confirm ehhh amber dalam aquaman 2? adehhh.... tak adilnya.... tapi dia mmg cantik sebagai mera. this time tak support kalu movie tu keluar nanti
bagi iollss eugenie muka lembut skit sbab mata kot..kalu si bea tu mata terjojol seram yachhh..
coconico replied at 9-7-2021 11:31 AM
confirm ehhh amber dalam aquaman 2? adehhh.... tak adilnya.... tapi dia mmg cantik sebagai mera. t ...
Yes! Iols pun throw a fit bila baca this news. Deyols siap hantar gifts to welcome her back ya. So low. Rasanya tak ada proper candidate so despret tpaksa pilih sheols ni. Lately kemahen damage control. Mesti team sheols dah taste the water masa musim covid thn lepas yg sheols hang with her sister’s children. Sbb tu iols kata team mekgan mmg pandai main strategy |
snazzydaisy replied at 9-7-2021 12:09 AM
Faux Feminist
Dari dulu lagi Smeg ni cakap tak serupa bikin...
You know what?? Iols rasa mesti sheols fikir senang nak goda pw bila dah join the brf after leak gbr topless kate aritu. Pastu pw meluat namampus sama ini cockroach. Hahahahah sampai lari ke LA tanak jejak tanah uk |

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Post time 9-7-2021 06:23 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 7-7-2021 07:44 AM
Bila Kate kene isolate, sugars punya laa gumbira seolah-olah teori diaorg ttg "living apart" tu te ...
Bercinta macam nak rak 10 tahun ...dah kawen 10 tahun .. pastu nak divorce ..sugars ni mabuk ke apa ..
Dia ingat PW tu apa .. ?
Ingat macam trilogy makapak dia dgn camilla ke ... Bongok laa diorg ni |

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Post time 9-7-2021 06:27 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 8-7-2021 05:42 AM
Tahap kejayaan Meghan kat Hollywood = her willingness to GO EXTRA MILES during couch casting! :lol ...
Ntah la kaka .. bagi iols takde apa pom yg special about meghan ni ...
Dah kawen royal ikut je la protokol royal ...
Nak buat kepala hotak sendiri ...
Mak mertua marhaen mana mana pon x suka klu dapat menantu kuajaq macam meghan ni ...
Org normal biasa pon x akan suka laa |

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Post time 9-7-2021 06:31 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 8-7-2021 05:53 AM
Chet Hanks talking about his dad, Tom Hanks.
This will be Archie in 20 years, merana sbb terpaksa ...
Toxic nyaaa klu dapat pompuan yg macam binik tom hanks .. sama jugak meghan to harry ...
Semua jadi notello ..
Pikir anak tak perasan .tapi anak membesar dgn ada perang psikology to live their life |

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Post time 9-7-2021 06:33 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 8-7-2021 06:03 AM
Meghan's BFF si Jessica Mulroney tu kantoi menipu lagi, then terus deleted that IG post, as usual. : ...
Mende laaa hidup macam deme ni .. menipu je ghijenya |

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Post time 9-7-2021 06:34 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 8-7-2021 06:22 AM
Adakah Duchess of Deceit ni berbohong ttg kewujudan baby Betty??? Bayang pun tak nampak!
Sampai kiamat laa org berckp pasal ni .... |

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Post time 9-7-2021 06:36 PM
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Edited by adelea at 10-7-2021 10:17 AM
rosewhite replied at 8-7-2021 11:57 AM
The Duchess of Cornwall visited Hay-on-Wye in Wales
Camilla ni pon boleh tahan dia punya kejam masa lady Diana masih hidup... Tapi dia blend well and org kata tahu kedudukan diri bila dah jadi bini Charles |
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