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Author: AKAZ85

Hanis Haizi Amougou V76

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Post time 16-6-2023 10:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 16-6-2023 10:16 PM
U ni kan typo teruk betul. Tiap kali bacer yr posting i kena ulang yr sentence 2-3x. Acik pls do ...

Iol kalau pakai phone memang cam ni .. pakej x bawak spek
Nak edt tak keluar pulak button edit pulak

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Post time 16-6-2023 10:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jihyomelly replied at 16-6-2023 10:09 PM
iols bela kucing pun mcm anak sendiri tau…meow je kelam kabut bg makan…membuang kelam kabut bers ...

Kucing pon vawak pergi cek up dan ambik vaksin

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Post time 16-6-2023 10:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rifaa replied at 16-6-2023 05:51 PM
sedihlah dia wat bodo je kat anak tu
mohon adalah empati sket...budak tu mintak diangkat kot
paling  ...

Die bangga ye anak die main sndr tdo sndr.. i tgk pon sedih.. kurang² tepuk la bdk tu.. anak i yg dah besar pon tdo nk ditepuk2.. ni plak baby.. anak die ni mmg kurang kasih syg.. die mcm tau je mak die useless tu pasal die sndr comfort diri sndr

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Post time 16-6-2023 10:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MsAzr replied at 16-6-2023 09:51 PM
Kali dia tunjuk vidoe memang suar tv tu sekuat alam

I pun perasan kenapa tv dia kuat sangat? Baby dah la telinga sensitive perlu ke nak pasang kuat2? Ke dia yang nak belajar tu? Mcm basic2 ayat english

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Post time 16-6-2023 10:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
razfira0707 replied at 16-6-2023 10:37 PM
I pun perasan kenapa tv dia kuat sangat? Baby dah la telinga sensitive perlu ke nak pasang kuat2?  ...

Dia nak suruh anak dia cepat pndai spiking kot
Nanti boleh la mekna take over content video cakap2
Drp mak dia yg speech delay tu

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Post time 16-6-2023 10:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MsAzr replied at 16-6-2023 10:24 PM
Kucing pon vawak pergi cek up dan ambik vaksin

betul..xleh miss yearly vaccinations..ubat cacing ubat kutu..yg iols bela 8 thn mati iols nangis sedih hiba sebulan sampai skarang masih rindu..tu pet..anak sendiri dari kecik sampai dah besar always will be my baby.. kalau nak bela anak mcm binatang tepi jalan better jgn beranak hanat oiiii dah la bodoh hodoh bab menzalimi anak2 bijak pulak sial ni

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Post time 16-6-2023 10:52 PM | Show all posts
MsAzr replied at 16-6-2023 10:23 PM
Iol kalau pakai phone memang cam ni .. pakej x bawak spek
Nak edt tak keluar pulak button edit pul ...

Dah agak hah...tu yg i tak suka reply dgn phone. Always pakai my ipad kalo nak reply.

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Post time 16-6-2023 10:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jennyrol replied at 16-6-2023 10:32 PM
Die bangga ye anak die main sndr tdo sndr.. i tgk pon sedih.. kurang² tepuk la bdk tu.. anak i yg ...

ye anak iols yg kecik 6 thn tido masih manja mintak tepuk2…kalau demam anak2 semua kepit dgn abah diorg tido skali x kisah la kecik ke besar (dah 21 thn) ni dibiarnya budak tu sendiri..satu hari nanti kalau si ari guk guk tu lemas dlm playpen tu dia ingat budak tu tido lena

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Post time 16-6-2023 10:57 PM | Show all posts
MsAzr replied at 16-6-2023 10:24 PM
Kucing pon vawak pergi cek up dan ambik vaksin

Kan...masa my cat went missing last october, beratus2 i printed out flyers antar rumah org, tampal tiang n fences, letak kat social media bagai, keluar memalam buta calling him to come home. Yearly bwak vaccination n every months buat flea n worming treatment, insurance lagi. Tu kucing hah, ni anak keluar dari puki dia sendiri she tinggalkan buntang n yg depan mata she couldn't care less. I hope dia kena langgar dgn bus, cacat anggota n live miserably till her last breath. Aaminnn....aniaya anak sendiri ni i seriously can't accept.

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Post time 16-6-2023 11:00 PM | Show all posts
jihyomelly replied at 16-6-2023 10:56 PM
ye anak iols yg kecik 6 thn tido masih manja mintak tepuk2…kalau demam anak2 semua kepit dgn abah ...

Aiyo anak i dah nak masuk 22 tahun, bila balik rumah dia mintak i tuck her to bed. Bila i bangun pagi she bleh feels i betulkan her duvet n position her pillow properly. Dah nak masuk 22yrs old ok. Kepams kentut ni memang haramjadah sungguh

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Post time 16-6-2023 11:00 PM | Show all posts
hehe.. jenuh dgr dia nak justify guk guk anak betul bukan buluh betong.. speech delay betul dah tua tua bangka pun masih susah nak ckp.. ckp je melayu terus.. followers beli tu yg ramai.. dah tu pula semua org paham hang ckp melayu.. dasar totok punya melayu bontot pun gelap.. haha

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Post time 16-6-2023 11:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
catwoman91 replied at 16-6-2023 09:42 PM
Eh betul lah apa you ckp ni. Terusik lak naluri keibuan i tgk. Kesian guk2 kecik2 dh x cukup kasih ...

Actually kan I pernah search child services kat California tapi kalau nak buat report, kena call... Pastu I jumpa yang Los Angeles County punya tapi untuk mandated reporters only (I don't know what is that). Huh, kalau tak I memang nak report. Suruh authority check video2 IG ibu tak guna ni.

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Post time 16-6-2023 11:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 16-6-2023 11:00 PM
Aiyo anak i dah nak masuk 22 tahun, bila balik rumah dia mintak i tuck her to bed. Bila i bangun p ...

stuju sis..anak2 forever will be our baby..tapi celaka sial ni memang x layak jd mak…dah 4 kepala kluar dari fuki terowong menora tu tapi bodoh nak mampos mcm jd mak umur 12 thn ..shame on you..binatang pun sayangkan anak la siallllll

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Post time 16-6-2023 11:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
belilies replied at 16-6-2023 09:21 PM
Muka sheols macam macik late 50s yg masih merenyam carik jantan muda. Sheols ni mcm nak jadi saman ...

Haha i xdapat tahan nak reply:

If you said Carrie Bradshaw instead of Samantha, then Mr Big is obviously MR BLACK in this story!


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Post time 16-6-2023 11:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Qatrunnadaain at 16-6-2023 11:59 PM
surioo replied at 16-6-2023 09:21 PM
Most likely lah.masa i pindah UK dulu i bleh pakai msian driving license (not international) for o ...

Hahah vroom ke sana ke mari kann!!

Itu la Kepam yang gemuk lagi pengkor dan hodoh, tengok consequences kalau xde GC and proper documentation. Semua benda tak jalan, kewujudan kau mcm takde langsung dalam system gov us esp if visa dah expired and ko kat sana dgn semua benda tergantung. Kalau blekpar ke mana2 nigger “lenyapkan” kau kat sana, memang senyap sunyi je la… documents apa semua diaorg takde pasal ko kepam.. hahahahahah….

Igt documentation, visa validity, registration of marriage in civil manner ni suka suki je ker kepam bongok? Sebab tu kitaorg kata kau bodoh. Terbukti acapkali nya dan kesekian kalinya!

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Post time 17-6-2023 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Qatrunnadaain replied at 16-6-2023 11:45 PM
Hahah vroom ke sana ke mari kann!!

Itu la Kepam yang gemuk lagi pengkor dan hodoh, tengok consequ ...

Betul u i dah lived in so many countries as a single woman n married. Masa i single dulu i will not go n work in a foreign country if my company tak buat proper documentation. Nko janji ler langit n bumi sekali pun i will not go. Kawen pun my hubby sama, mesti documents for me done professionally. Lagi pun my hubby banker so memang bank made sure spouse visa to lives in the country where my hubby was posted are properly done. So kita tak bahayakan diri sendiri when it come to id etc. Unlike sikepamgemokpengkorhodohbongokbodohpekatlikat ni, bila dengor pelir jantan terus bungkus kain baju mengikut kat mana jantan tu berada. She never for once think abt the consequences of actions.  Tu lah dia ni bodoh tak dpt diajar, pandai tak dpt diikut.  I seriously doa dia kena langgar bus tak mati tapi cacat seumor hidup. Astaghfirullah hal azeem

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Post time 17-6-2023 12:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 17-6-2023 12:11 AM
Betul u i dah lived in so many countries as a single woman n married. Masa i single dulu i will no ...

“ doa dia kena langgar bus tak mati tapi cacat seumor hidup.” Hahahaha i tergelak sungguh…. Dan sesungguhnya kata2 adalah satu doa, dan untuk kepam pengkor ni I turut mengaminkannya. Ameeen.

Memang seram dgr pati2 yang berani duduk negara org secara “tak terhormat” ni.. iols pun bila travel kejap2 pun ambil insurance bagai.. sebab kita bukan jenis ikut suka dan je mcm kepam ni.. itu lah yang membezakan expats like you and husband Vs. Kepam pengkor bodoh lagi jalang ni.. sorry lah i just luahkan apa yang ikhlas di hati i pasal kepam hahahaha… sah2 semua kebenaran dan kejujuran mengenai kepam je lah i have to say hahaaha

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Post time 17-6-2023 12:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
surioo replied at 16-6-2023 09:21 PM
Most likely lah.masa i pindah UK dulu i bleh pakai msian driving license (not international) for o ...

ya sbb marriage dia pun x register kan
so no official record on registrar for her utk proceed buat bende2 lain ni
haruslah kepam makan hatiiiii tgk keseronokan life hwla yg ke hulu hilir driving merata2
kepam lak skang stakat mampu tolak stroller je la
nk pi jauh2 pun kene harapkan blekpar babu drive keter je la
nak drive sendiri, takde lesen pun
serbe serbi movement dia limited sgt skang

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Post time 17-6-2023 12:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MsAzr replied at 16-6-2023 10:10 PM
Semua pon bukan jenis penduduk asal pon
Lebih pada iyg baru dpt pr ke apa.. suka la diorang buat b ...

ha ah..SAs yg konon kwn2 around d world tu pun bukan penduduk asal UK pongggg
sume tu pendatang jah mcm kepam..dtg dr negara dunia ke-3 dan living there with min salary je.
tu pun sheols bangggaaaaaa
hek ellehhhh least acik porem keje dgn MNCs, sah2 our kolig sume tu dtg dr around d world and our salary is beyond minimum lvl ya kepam sbb weols sume gol.professional dan sume highly educated with tertiary education......bukan level2 SA mcm kwn2 ko tu

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Post time 17-6-2023 12:38 AM | Show all posts
cmf_premierleag replied at 17-6-2023 12:27 AM
ha ah..SAs yg konon kwn2 around d world tu pun bukan penduduk asal UK pongggg
sume tu pendatang ja ...

Kalo tak educated pun but rajin membacer, kerja tak main2 n always strive to improve our living standards ok lah. I ni pun sekadar high school grad saja but when I worked i tak mau stagnant. I really worked hard n smart, tak tau i tanya, I applied for courses my company gave us n grabbed every opportunity for work advancemnt. Polished my english etc n then temu jodoh dgn someone yg buat my life senang n comfortable. Kawen pun kita kena make sure as when our husband's career advance n going up the ladder we must also helped to compliment his position. Bila hubby ceo jgn bini nak jadi prime minister pulak, always make ourselves presentable n knowledgeable bukan trophy wife saja tau. Erk...ok lah enough for today. Acik ada appt for dinner tonight, jauh lak tu. Happy berforum u all semua n happy weekend

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