biaser ar... klu jenis betul ikut... smpai ke chap goh meh dowang raye, so dari 1st day chinese new year ke chap goh meh, 15 hari... okla dr kekiter yg sebulan raye pose...
ak da tgk part taengoo ngan si HD...kelaka je die kat soshi nye dorm...
sian taengoo sbb HD xpasan die....h0pefully,diorg jd kawen sbb i need taengooooooooo more
[ Last edited by cajAzhari at 30-1-2009 08:57 PM ]
Popular MBC variety show We Got Married is about to undergo another big change with the replacement of the existing couples.
The existing couples, whose popularity have dropped since they first started, will be dropped to make way for the Seollal couples (Junjin/Lee Shi Young, Kim Shin Young/Shin Sung Rok, Jung Hyung Don/Tae Yeon) who appeared for a test run on the 25th Jan episode. Son Dambi/Marco and Hwan Hee/Hwayobi will make their last appearance on 8th February.
This is the third generation of couples for WGM, which started originally with Alex/Shin Ae, Seo In Young/Crown J, Andy/Solbi and Jung Hyung Don/Saori, after which popular couple Kim Hyunjoong/Hwang Bo came onboard. Marco/Son Dambi and Hwan Hee/Hwayobi joined the show as the second generation of couples, and the Seollal couples will make up the third generation of couples.
The new couples, compared to the previous couples, have stronger personalities - Junjin/Lee Shi Young will experience unusual situations with their unpredictable actions; Jung Hyung Don/Tae Yeon will play out the concept of 搕he beauty and the beast
mmg cian pun kat couple hwanyobi. mmg la mula2 xleh terima sbb yobi nmpk lg tua even dorg sebaya, tp biler dh lama2 tgk dorg ok la plak... mintak2 la x betul menda alah nih!!
@ just
naper la dorg nih suka sgt tukor2 couple. bior la stick dgn satu2 couple tuh lama skit!! konon2 nk tgk rating, tp silap2 haribulan, terus xder org yg nk tgk WGM nih sbb ramai dh buhsan asyik bertukor jer! :@ :@
ala, jgn la betul!! kalo x moyan aku nnt!! tp kan selalu nyer dorg dok sibuk2 kejor2 rating, alih2 mmg la show nih akan stop mcm tuh jer sbb fans dh buhsan dorg nyer fav couple kejap jer dlm show tuh!! and dorg bengang sbb asyik tukor couple jer!! :@ nak2 x lama lg junjin dh kena masuk military, lg la akan tukor couple lagi dan lagi dan lagi!!
couple junyoungnih cute gak, minah tuh mcm blur jer time dorg kawin tuh!! biler dia bwk junjin balik rumah dia, x sangka lak minah tuh byk betul brg mainan dia. & x sangka yg dia suka wat collection segala bagai miniature siap ada satu bilik khas tuh!! lagi satu, siyoung nih tere gak nari. sekali dia nari lagu britney, pergh shexy habis ah. smpi junjin pun ternganga jer tgk!! aku rs siyoung nih mmg minah louded ah, tgk rumah pun agak besar nak2 lg hobi dia mcm tuh!!
[ Last edited by rukiaichigo at 1-2-2009 01:14 AM ]
tu la kan...dorg patut pilih kapel yg sesuai dulu kalo nak rating baik punyeee....
dorg gak yg memula pilih...kalo alasan makin boring...pepandai la bg tugasan yg menarik...
ni bila rating certain kapel smcm je...ade la alasan yg kuar
kita kdg2 x minat ngan satu kapel...lama2 bole suka taw....bila kita dah suka..dorg buang lak..alasan byk projek la...
Reply #431 just_aku's post & #433 rukiaichigo's post
dowang jenis takde rase sayang kat show... senang2 jer cut...
klu kite la pd kan, show tuh umpama baby yg akn kite jaga utk jangka mase yg lame. kite akn pikirkan cara mcm mane nak improvekan show tuh selagi boleh. bukan wat keputusan drastik. dorang tak rase attach ngan show tuh, so takde rase syg.