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Author: katt

BEAUTIFUL DAYS Lee Byung Hun - Choi Ji Woo (BD-EHAS talk)

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Post time 8-11-2006 03:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blankie at 8-11-2006 08:36 AM
aiyyooo katt...
KSS, OJH, JJM ngan JDY tu sape?? penin aku.. :bgrin:

ingat muke tapi name tak ingat.:bgrin:

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Post time 8-11-2006 05:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by NonaNaga at 7-11-2006 12:47 PM

:setuju: mungkin sama ...tapi takkan serupa Minchul.....pelukan, rangkulan, ciuman......aura.....egois   ahhhhhhhhh rindu.......

nona.....amboi amboi!!!!

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Post time 8-11-2006 05:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 8-11-2006 12:14 AM

:lol .... korang ni angau tak abis2 lagi ...... angau aku dah kurang sikit ...tapi still ingat le ....

sebelum terlupa ..nak kasitau LBH .....


tapi thread kat soap opera nih laju bebener!
skejap naik, skejap turun.
tak terkejo aku dgn anak kecik nih.....:geram:

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Post time 8-11-2006 06:00 PM | Show all posts
astro AEC tuh channel maner ek?
maklumlah...., aku punyer peberet kat astro channel 50 ngan 52 jer.
channel lain aku tak hafal.

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2006 06:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blankie at 8-11-2006 08:36 AM
aiyyooo katt...
KSS, OJH, JJM ngan JDY tu sape?? penin aku.. :bgrin:

KSS = Kim Sang Soo (2nd hero Full House, The Lawyers, Stained Glass)

OHJ = Oh Ji Ho (hero Autumn Showers, 2nd hero The Rookie)

JJM = Jo Jin Moo (Hero Fashion 70s)

JDY = Jeon Do Yeon (heroin Lovers in Prague, Untold Scandal)

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Post time 8-11-2006 07:11 PM | Show all posts
btw, best ker criter tuh???

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2006 08:17 PM | Show all posts
Addicted (2002) - Lee Byung Hun & Lee Mi Yeon


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 Author| Post time 8-11-2006 08:18 PM | Show all posts
Addicted - aka "Jungdok" (2002)

Dir: Young-hoon Park

Eun-su (Mi-yeon Lee) lives in Marital bliss with her Husband Ho-jin (Eol Lee), who works from home as a carpenter/artist and is the perfect partner.

Living with them is Ho-jin's younger Brother Dae-jin (Byung-hun Lee) who is a flamboyant racing car driver and who spends most of his spare time tinkering with his car.

The three live in harmony, but Eun-su is concerned that Dae-jin spends too much time alone and tries to push him into finding a girlfriend.

Yae-Joo (Seon-yeong Park), who works in Dae-jin's racing team, would like to be that girlfriend, but her love is unrequited as Dae-jin only sees her as a friend.

One fateful day, in different locations, Ho-jin (in a taxi) and Dae-jin (in his racing car) are involved in horrific crashes, at the same time, and both men end up in a coma.

A year later Dae-jin awakens and Eun-su takes him home to care for him while her Husband remains in a coma.

Dae-jin is distant and subdued and somehow not himself. He also starts to do things he never used to do, like cooking for Eun-su, tending the flowers and even taking up carpentry, all things that the still comatose Ho-jin used to do.

A confused Eun-su then has the shock of her life匘ae-jin insists that he is really Ho-jin, and that he has 'possessed' his Brother's body because he could not bare to be separated from his Wife.
Is Dae-jin mad? Is he lying? Or is he really possessed?
Eun-so will soon discover the truth...

Away from the stream of ghosts and guns Korean flicks that have found distribution in the West recently, 'Tai Seng' has released this sedate romantic drama (with a twist) onto the UK market.
And with no blood, scares or real action it's a brave move, and one that will thankfully reward the brave purchaser who hands over their cash.

Won-mi Byun's screenplay is a textbook example of proficient simplicity and delivers four main characters that are rounded and interesting. In fact this type of film lives or dies by its characters and how well the actors portray them.

The main chunk of the story plays out with no flashy gimmicks, no over the top visuals and no sudden changes from the direction it has set itself. It quite simply leads the viewer along until it unleashes its final payoff.

Given that, you would be forgiven for thinking that "Addicted" would be a dull experience, and indeed it could have been if it had not been so effectively realised, directed and above all else, acted.

Mi-yeon Lee was awarded the Best Actress honour at the South Korean 'Grand Bell Awards' in 2003 for her work here and it was well deserved. Eun-so is driven in her career and yet full of fun, life and above all unconditional love where her Husband is concerned. Despite the would-be awkward situation with Dae-jin living with them, Eun-so has nothing but concern and deep friendship for the young man and the three share what seems like a truly warm and close relationship.

Mi-yeon Lee portrays all these aspects of Eun-so's life and personality perfectly, and truly comes into her own during the second half of the film where Eun-so has to face up to the on-going heartache of Ho-jin's coma, the shock of Dae-jins revelation and all the confused emotions that these events heap upon her.
Her scene with Ho-jin as he lies in the hospital, now in a coma for over a year, is achingly sad and Mi-yeon Lee beautifully shows us the love that is still burning in her heart for her lost Husband, and when she says to Ho-jin "I can't remember your voice" the full weight of the tragedy is driven home to the audience in a subtle, carefully written and performed way.

As the lynch pin of the story Mi-yeon Lee is a striking revelation.

But this is a true ensemble piece and Mi-yeon Lee is in great company. Her popular co-star Byung-hun Lee (they worked together with great success in 1998's "The Harmonium in My Memory") is riveting as Dae-jin.
Of all the characters Dae-jin is the most complex and given his part in the story it's vital we are forever unsure about him, yet still retain sympathy and closeness to him. We have to like him for the film to work, and the handsome and charismatic Byung-hun Lee ensures that is indeed the case. The roller coaster ride of emotions that Dae-jin not only experiences himself but projects onto others are played to perfection with subtle facial movements accenting the deeply emotional, but very grounded, delivery of the dialogue.

Given only a relatively short time on screen, Eol Lee has to project Ho-jin into the audience's psyche as quickly as he can because the shadow of his loving and likeable character will be an important presence in the film and to the loved ones he leaves behind. Eol Lee emotes warmth that is vital to the story's success.

The fourth player in this drama may be initially on the sidelines, but Yae-Joo will later become crucial to the plot and the performance by the lovely Seon-yeong Park an important aspect of the movie's charm and hold on the audience. As the lovelorn but optimistic Yae-Joo she is a fun and warm presence that highlights the hope, as well as the heartache, in the confused and tragic relationships the characters lead.

The initial build-up to the crashes does seem overly slow until the final part of the film plays out and we find that in fact it was absolutely essential that we saw and felt the close relationship between the three leads. And there are some genuinely amusing and warm scenes to be savored here, scenes that mix romance and light comedic interaction that build up the affection the audience must feel towards these people if the film is to hold the attention as the slow burning drama unfolds.

The car crashes themselves are superbly realised and crafted and deliver the required punch. Excellent work by the stunt team and the special effects crew.

There is some mild nudity and sex, but it is used very sparingly and is a genuine part of the story and the main love scene is carefully staged and performed so the audience never feels they are a voyeur, but are instead witnessing a physical act of psychological healing for the characters.

Young-hoon Park directs with an assured understanding of the characters and their relationship, pacing the early stages of the movie so as we feel the sudden violence of the car accidents to their fullest and carefully judging the build-up to the devastating twist.

The twist itself is something many viewers would have seen coming, but the way it is revealed (with some fine editing and powerful acting from Mi-yeon Lee) and above all the truly heartbreaking emotional fall-out that follows this revelation is powerful indeed.

But the full consequences of the twist are revealed in a deeply moving final scene (magnificently played by Byung-hun Lee) which ensures that "Addicted" leaves the viewer on a powerfully emotional note.

Wrapping itself around the film is a sombre but beautiful score that drifts around the unfolding drama and becomes an intrinsic part of the perfectly crafted tragi-drama that makes "Addicted" the memorable and moving film it is.

An American re-make is on the cards, but it will be hard pressed to compete with the perfect casting seen in the original.

'Tai Seng Entertainment UK' has released "Addicted" in a slightly soft (but anamorphic) transfer that rather lacks background detail and would seem to be, judging by the motion blur, an NTSC to PAL conversation.
So not as good a looking picture as we would have hoped, but the 5:1 Korean language mix is very nice and clear and has some well used surround effects.

The extras consist of a trailer, a music video (basically a song from the film played over clips), brief interviews with Mi-yeon Lee and Byung-hun Lee, cast/crew info, stills gallery and an interesting 'making of' that shows the actors rehearsing and on set, Byung-hun Lee training for his driving sequences as well as the extensive work needed to pull off the two car crash scenes.

All in all though it's a nice package, let down a bit by the transfer, of an emotionally satisfying and wholely successful film that most definately rewards the adventerous viewer.


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 Author| Post time 8-11-2006 08:21 PM | Show all posts
Lee Mi Yeon & Lee Byung Hun

Credit: CINE21 & Everything Lee Byung Hun

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Post time 8-11-2006 08:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 8-11-2006 08:21 PM
Lee Mi Yeon & Lee Byung Hun

http://us ...

muka lbh nampak cam lain sket....

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2006 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by penggwin at 8-11-2006 03:28 PM
dasat ek, industri film korea ni...agaknya terlampau maju kot, tu pasal ada kategori2 filem macam ni...tapi yg plg tak best kalau pelakon yg kita suka, belakon plak citer mcm tuh, mau terkejut beruk seketika...huhu

Memang boleh terkejut pengsan... tambah2 kalau kita jenis yang ingat filem2 Korea ni semuanya 'sopan' macam drama2nya. Memang ada movie yang bagus2, romantic & sweet je atau yang jenis yang action-thriller (yang boleh lawan Hollywood) tapi itulah... ada juga jenis yang selitkan banyak unsur2 seks dalam filem2 cinta (ikut director). Tapi selalunya filem2 ni orang tak berapa tahu sangat sebab tak berapa meluas promosi (rating = R/restricted).

Cuma... macam KSS, OJH, RSY (Ryu Sun Young; second hero Save the Last Dance for Me)... filem2 jenis "R" ni mereka buat sebelum nama mereka 'meletup' di persada drama2 Korea terkini.

Macam Kim Rae Won pun ada berlakon 'Plum Blossom' sebelum nama dia naik dengan Attic Cat, etc... sekarang dia one of the most active young movie actors. :jeling:

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Post time 8-11-2006 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by btho at 8-11-2006 06:00 PM
astro AEC tuh channel maner ek?
maklumlah...., aku punyer peberet kat astro channel 50 ngan 52 jer.
channel lain aku tak hafal.

heheheh .... astro AEC tu channel 19 ..... channel cina tapi included dlm package yg free sekali ngan ria tu ...aku dah lupe nama package tu ....

channel 19 ni ada drama korea pukul 9 malam isnin - jumaat...skrg ni tengah tayang MISA ....
ada dorama jepun ari sabtu n ahad tapi hampehhhhhh takde subtitle ....
movie pun ada gak on weekend .... tapi aku pun baru tahu disbbkan nampak iklan 'addicted' ni ....

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Post time 8-11-2006 11:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 8-11-2006 01:36 AM
Itu pasal kita tak boleh nak minat KSS (Full House, Lawyers, Stained Glass) dengan OJH (April Shower, The Rookie). Their movies... mengalahkan mat salleh berlakon. Seriously... kalau boleh jangan tengok. Dahlah boleh kabur mata... kabur hati... memang tak boleh nak percaya.... Korea bukanlah se'konservatif' yang disangka.

JJM (Fashion 70s) pun ada scene dengan JDY (Lovers in Prague) tapi ... kita suka pulak acting JDY... bergantung pada cerita sama. ...

aku pernah tengok gambar KSS & OJH yg agak revealing tu ...eeeee .... terperanjat sekejap ....
aku pun sama gak ngan katt ...tak minat dua2 org ni walaupun dorang not that bad looking ....
jangan le ada oppa2 aku yg berlakun crite2 cam ni .....

JDY dlm 'untold scandal' ada scene camni gak ke? kat tv dah  kena potong sana sini ....
JJM tu tak kenal sbb aku tak tengok fashion 70s .... jadual over padat masa tayang kat 8tv tu ...

tapi movies korea mmg tak sama ngan drama dorang yg so 'innocent'....
aku pun baru tau sejak berjinak2 ngan youtube ni ... terperanjat beruk, terperanjat badak ...semua jenis terperanjat le ...

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Post time 9-11-2006 12:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 8-11-2006 08:18 PM
Addicted - aka "Jungdok" (2002)

But the full consequences of the twist are revealed in a deeply moving final scene (magnificently played by Byung-hun Lee) which ensures that "Addicted" leaves the viewer on a powerfully emotional note. ...

:setuju: .... dok teringat beberapa ari lepas tengok .... terpikir apa akan buat kalau jadi kakak ipar tu ....

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Post time 9-11-2006 12:24 AM | Show all posts


katt .... video all in dah ada kat youtube ... rasanye complete semua ep ...semua ada 24 ep kan?
happynye ..tapi bile le aku nak tengok .. drama yg tak tengok pun banyak lagi ni ...

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2006 12:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 8-11-2006 11:59 PM
JDY dlm 'untold scandal' ada scene camni gak ke? kat tv dah  kena potong sana sini ....
JJM tu tak kenal sbb aku tak tengok fashion 70s .... jadual over padat masa tayang kat 8tv tu ...

Ada love scene (fully exposed in nude) BYJ-JDY dalam Untold Scandal tapi taklah macam filem2 KSS, OJH tu. Ada jugak scene BYJ dengan pelakon perempuan yang lain dalam Untold Scandal. Dalam tv memanglah takkan lepas punya... no way.

Ada satu filem JDY (Happy End) dia berlakon dengan JJM dan Choi Min Sik (pelakon Old Boy) tahun 1999. Ada scene2 yang boleh buat orang terkeluar bijik mata... in the first 10 minutes. No kidding tapi filem ni bagus sebab acting CMS, JDY berkesan, murder story. JDY menang Best Actress for this role... pengkritik filem semua puji dia sebab lakonannya. Percaya tak sebelum tu dia berlakon filem dengan LBH (Harmonium in My Memory) jadi pelajar umur 16 tahun, so naive & innocent, selamba habis.. era 60-an. Padahal umur dia dah 27 masa tu, lepas tu berlakon pulak dalam Happy End daring habis... ramai kata she's very versatile... no restriction.

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2006 12:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 9-11-2006 12:24 AM
katt .... video all in dah ada kat youtube ... rasanye complete semua ep ...semua ada 24 ep kan?
happynye ..tapi bile le aku nak tengok .. drama yg tak tengok pun banyak lagi ni ...

Ye ker? Wah... thank you, thank you! :tq:

Ada linknya tak...kalau tak susahkan :love:

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Post time 9-11-2006 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 9-11-2006 12:51 AM

Ye ker? Wah... thank you, thank you! :tq:

Ada linknya tak...kalau tak susahkan :love:

ni dia link ALL IN  ... yujin yg jumpa .... ... yung%20Hun%20korean

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Post time 9-11-2006 01:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 9-11-2006 12:50 AM

Ada love scene (fully exposed in nude) BYJ-JDY dalam Untold Scandal tapi taklah macam filem2 KSS, OJH tu. Ada jugak scene BYJ dengan pelakon perempuan yang lain dalam Untold Scandal. Dalam tv memanglah takkan lepas punya... no way.

Ada satu filem JDY (Happy End) dia berlakon dengan JJM dan Choi Min Sik (pelakon Old Boy) tahun 1999. Ada scene2 yang boleh buat orang terkeluar bijik mata... in the first 10 minutes. No kidding tapi filem ni bagus sebab acting CMS, JDY berkesan, murder story. JDY menang Best Actress for this role... pengkritik filem semua puji dia sebab lakonannya. Percaya tak sebelum tu dia berlakon filem dengan LBH (Harmonium in My Memory) jadi pelajar umur 16 tahun, so naive & innocent, selamba habis.. era 60-an. Padahal umur dia dah 27 masa tu, lepas tu berlakon pulak dalam Happy End daring habis... ramai kata she's very versatile... no restriction.  ...

Wahhhh ...ya ke ... BYJ ku ...noooooo ....
actually ada jumpa video crite untold scandal kat dailymotion tapi nak kena check dulu le ... lebih2 sgt tak leh la aku letak link nye ....

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 Author| Post time 9-11-2006 01:31 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kayla at 9-11-2006 12:57 AM
ni dia link ALL IN  ... yujin yg jumpa .... ... yung%20Hun%20korean

Wah... sayang kat yujin & kayla! :love:

:tq: :tq: :tq:

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