Ada sesiapa berminat nak keja sebagai fruit picker?
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Originally posted by che'mah at 25-12-2008 12:16
Korang la yang memburukkan nama Malaysia di luar negara. Do you know what you are doing is ILLEGAL? Kita kat Malaysia ni buat operasi nak perangi PATI tapi rakyat kita sendiri yang buat kat negar ...
Oh wow. Didn't expect i'd get a bashing from someone so 'mature'.
1st of all, if u had even bothered to read the whole thread, i've already stated that i did NOT promise anything to anyone. I did not promise riches, lotsa monies, i did not promise ANYTHING. All i have displayed thus far have been mere facts, from my own RESEARCH, eg. employers, employees, corporations. I did my own research for more than a year. All i gave to those ppl in this thread here are a chance to go with me, THAT WAS ALL. I have even dictated ALL the risks & the whyfores.
I have full respect and confidence that the ppl who read this thread are of sound mind, they are fully responsible for what they do & they know of the consequences. I believe everybody here is an adult & i believe they are all matured ppl.
Another thing, i dont think im 'memburukkan nama Malaysia'. Im here working using a LEGAL WORK PERMIT called the TRSE work permit. And THERE IS NO OTHER WAY to apply for this work permit except that u have to be here 1st. And to be able to be here, there is just no way ur gonna tell the immigration officers u intend to apply for a job. But i suppose u know more than i do since u've been in new Zealand before urself.
U see, not everybody has a 'nice' life like u do (well i assume u do since what im doing is 'memburukkan nama Malaysia'). A lot of ppl has different reasons as to why they would like to work abroad. U DONT JUDGE PPL simply because ur not in their shoes and u have no idea just why they choose to want to work abroad. If u have a nice life, then go ahead with ur life. But try not to simply judge ppl just because u think it's 'memburukkan nama Malaysia'.
Do u think a sane person would want to work out of Malaysia if they have a better option in their home country? Do u REALLY think a sane person would be crazy enough to hurdle thru' all the obstacles if they have a better option in their very own hometown? I hope next time u think carefully before u accuse someone else as 'memburukkan nama Malaysia'. Lest one day, the same thing happens to u as how u have accused others now.
God is fair, dont u think?
PS. Thanks for ur 'doa' anyway. I have God with me, and that's enough. Let HIM judge me.
P.P.S To the others, don't let me 'poison' any of u. Im sure u have ur mind and matured enough to choose whats best for u. All the best ppl. |
Balas #402 andria\ catat
terharu baca statement andria ni. dewi setuju, kerana sebab-sebab tertentu la dewi nak cari rezeki kat overseas, kerana desakan dan masalah peribadi yang payah sgt nak selesai kat sini. dulu dewi pernah pegi bertanya pasal keja mcm ni kat agent pekerjaan, but diorang tak provide more info, so tak berani nak pegi. so since andria baik hati share ur knowledge n info kat siney,..i appreciate u. .
andria..do u think by 2010 u still buat fruipicking ni tak? kalau u buat, bleh dewi ikut that time. confidence skit nak ikut org yg dah tahu selok belok tempat org.. |
interesting... ada hati nak gi, kena tunggu update from adrian je... |
bagi yg single bole le.. kalo da kawin ada anak susah sket.. cara lain paling senang wat ebiz online.. low cost- high profits biz model.. tp bg yg mreka yang suka travel muda2 ni boleh la join community backpackers.. |
Originally posted by diananisa at 29-12-2008 11:52 AM
buat la ayat tu elok2 sket yang melambangkan warganegara malaysia....
anyway wish u good luck andria...and i pun akan pegi jugak ikut jejak langkah u tapi i nak info from u first...
a ...
abgbikerz pun nk g jugak.. tp, die plan nk g x lama lagi.. tasyha insyallh mmg nk g next year.. u lelaki ke pompuan? |
next year tu agak2 biler?
Originally posted by tasyha3 at 29-12-2008 03:53 PM
abgbikerz pun nk g jugak.. tp, die plan nk g x lama lagi.. tasyha insyallh mmg nk g next year.. u lelaki ke pompuan?
abg bikerz nk p bln 7 next year katernyer. u agak2 nk p bila? |
Reply #410 tasyha3's post
kalo ko nak pegi july upwards, mungkin boleh pegi sekali... lagi satu ko takde hal ke nak jalan dengan laki. kang kut parent tak bagi plak..
[ Last edited by abangbikerz at 29-12-2008 08:03 PM ] |
ader geng baru la best
alamak sowie ar abng bikerz...ampun...ampun...
diana pun raser klu nk p mid next year. skrg nk settle pasal umah, keter, n segalanyer dl.
pasal ngan lelaki, xder hal asalkn kiter sumer tau batas kita...ajaran mak bapak kita dr kecik sampai le ke besar tahap neh.
coz diana raser klu ader geng lelaki lebih selamat..i mean susah senang bersama.... |
Balas #397 che'mah\ catat
ni ape hal masuk cni tiba2 wat mcm umah sendiri? tak paham aku jenis manusia yg -ve aje pastu nak poison org..klu ko tak agree or tak suke..ko shut up ajela..takyahla nak posting emo+hatred ko tu..buat org kat cni menyampah nak baca..
aku pun silent reader kat cni tp bila dah baca ape ko carut2 ni rasa mcm terpanggil nak tegur ko sikit..
lain kali masuk umah org bg salam..jgn nak sedap je bercakap..ok?
u bkn god or kastam or authority yg leh suka2 justify ape2..same as the rest of us here..
juz read..if u dont like the idea..you can get lost!
to me, its a freedom to choose and thats what andria is choosing & i dont think it does cost u a penny if u pray for their safety & success..do u? :victory::victory:
[ Last edited by fatt at 30-12-2008 02:58 PM ] |
Originally posted by fatt at 30-12-2008 02:48 PM
ni ape hal masuk cni tiba2 wat mcm umah sendiri? tak paham aku jenis manusia yg -ve aje pastu nak poison org..klu ko tak agree or tak suke..ko shut up ajela..takyahla nak posting emo+hatred ko tu ...
oit! ko dah abes ker baca threat neh? amacam? story mori pasal minah finland tu ko raser btol ker?
[ Last edited by diananisa at 30-12-2008 02:55 PM ] |
opss ader trip lagi
alamak fatt, aku luper ar, kiter kn ader trip g bangkok la bln 7, hmm.. nmpk gaya kene postpone la neh... |
salam..adria...u kat mana sekarang...?aku berminat la nak join ko.. |
pasti la ko kat nz ..hehehe...aku akan usaha kan agar aku smpai kat sana..tp bukan sekrg la...2010 insyaallah |
Originally posted by fatt at 30-12-2008 02:57 PM
kita kan dah sembang dgn budak ireland aritu..in fact dorang pun backpacking & jadi fruit picker at the same while travelling across aussie..aku tgk idup je lagi minah tu..pucuk pangkalnya ki ...
fatt n diana friend ye? x mo join ke? jom la.. reramai cam best sikit.. |
Originally posted by tasyha3 at 30-12-2008 04:37 PM
fatt n diana friend ye? x mo join ke? jom la.. reramai cam best sikit..
yup kiterorg kawan masa kat U lagi..same kelas n course... p backpackers memana ngan minah fatt ni lah... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi