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Author: Cari-Saiful

"Sebab Itu Anak Dara Aku Sentiasa Pakai Seluar, Juna Ada Obsesi Dengan Jasa

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Post time 24-9-2018 05:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sydasyda replied at 23-9-2018 10:50 PM
Good 4 u la, i tgu turn lama tp sokey la bnda free kan xblh la nk ckp bnyk, ada kali tu dlm pantan ...

Lepas brape lamer u nmpk perubahan anak u? Pasal anak i baru jgk start therapy tu.. jd nk tau jgk brape lamer lepas start, budak dah pandai ckp.

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Post time 24-9-2018 03:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nana_Man replied at 24-9-2018 05:24 AM
Lepas brape lamer u nmpk perubahan anak u? Pasal anak i baru jgk start therapy tu.. jd nk tau jgk  ...

Lepas 3 bulan lbh kurg tp as parent mmg kna rajin la, my son bkn boleh terus cakap dia kluar words dlu, mcm mama,yayah, bubam(abg) sbb masa my son 2y+ sepatah pon xkeluar dari mulut, dia cuma nagis dgn bunyi aaaa aaaa mcm dlm drama klu bisu2 mcm tu la ank i, i xperasan pon ingat biasa la, my terapis bg task mcm exsesise tu penat ny nk buat wlaupon kna buat 10minit je, ank akn melawan sbb dia mcm xselesa masa tu i tgh sarat bby no 3,
Lama2 i give up dgn exsesize tu i beli trampolin, tp utk bdk yg mcm ni dorg takut sgt, ank i nagis2 xnak lompat i tpaksa lompat atas trampolin tunjuk dia kata ok that time i 8 bulan prgy melendut trampolin tu, ambik masa 1 bulan jugak utk ank i btul2 jump atas trampolin tu bila dia dah rasa ok dia lompat sendiri je i pantau kira berapa lompatan, paling kurg 10 kali jump sekali main.. Hari2 i make sure dia buat 2@3 kali, lepas tu sikit2 dia dah nk brcakap

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Post time 24-9-2018 04:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sydasyda replied at 24-9-2018 03:09 PM
Lepas 3 bulan lbh kurg tp as parent mmg kna rajin la, my son bkn boleh terus cakap dia kluar words ...

Oh... jd trampolin tu bole tolong budak2 ckp ke? Lg bnyk budak lompat, lg stimulate daya cakap dia? Ape lg exercise yg dorang ajar u?

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Post time 24-9-2018 05:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nyra replied at 23-9-2018 02:14 PM
then die mention antara ramai2 anak die..anak die yang tak vaksin ni paling jarang sakit..

Kat barat sane dh merebak pn info psl vaksin ade mercury utk preserve. Tp org x caye. Aku g hospital blambak file budak suspected autism. Pepandai la malaysian people. Yg kene anak sndirik. Sape rasa tau la bile anak normal pas cucuk jd regress. Bole bcakap ttibe jd senyap. Kite sembang lebat sbb anak x kena lg. Utk kes aku, anak dh suspected. Omputih sume hntr budak autism nye hair test. Heavy metal tinggi. Ade yg lg best before vaccine heavy metal rendah, pas vaccine jd autism dh budak tu naik tinggi. Entahlah. Kite kat malaysia kesedaran macam ni msih sgt rendah. Duk balik2 ulang ckp.autism ni kecacatan xleh diubah. Kat sane , siap dh okey budaknya pas rawatan. Research ni sesuatu yg bkembang. Kalau duk takuk lama pcaya satu bende je mmg x bgerak la. Tau anak autisme,pg kurung. Xpcaye kite bole heal budak tu. Smpai situ je usaha ko yg so called suke mencari sinar tu. Aih panjang lak aku marah ni.

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Post time 24-9-2018 05:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nana_Man replied at 24-9-2018 04:56 PM
Oh... jd trampolin tu bole tolong budak2 ckp ke? Lg bnyk budak lompat, lg stimulate daya cakap dia ...

A ah. Biasa budak speech delay or autism. Diorang ni gayat. Sbb otak diorang xstable bila tinggi. So nk biasakan bende tu, kene ajar la. Naik trampoline or panjant bende tinggi sket. Lgi tinggi tapak kaki die lompat tinggalkan permukaan lg bgus.

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Post time 24-9-2018 05:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lg stu group autism malaysia tu. Tu bukan medan bkongsi info. Tu medan blagak antara parents bdk autisme. X sudah2 share pasal anak die dh pandai itu, anak die dh pandai ini. Sapa nak selamat xyah join la. Ade good info tp yg slebihnya kelaut. Nama lg spectrum disorder. X sume cepat pick up ape yg diajar. Tp utk spesis kokping yg delusional ni elok la pg masuk group tu dri xde info langsung smpai kurung anak. Pas rs ade info sket2 upgrade la info dri therapist ke.aduyai ssh public figure ni. Sikit tau terus post. Yg bodo nye follower ikuttt je ape die ckp.

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Post time 24-9-2018 05:21 PM | Show all posts
aku baca, ada kaitan umur parents yang tua dengan anak autisme

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Post time 24-9-2018 05:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sofiazara replied at 24-9-2018 05:21 PM
aku baca, ada kaitan umur parents yang tua dengan anak autisme

Betul jgk kn? Pasal skrg pun ramai yg beranak lewat. Tapi tak sure kalau umur bpk pun jd sebab.

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Post time 24-9-2018 05:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
soy_beans replied at 24-9-2018 05:12 PM
A ah. Biasa budak speech delay or autism. Diorang ni gayat. Sbb otak diorang xstable bila tinggi.  ...

Aku kene ajak dia main trampoline lah mcm tu. Pasal panjat2 dia ok jer.

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Post time 24-9-2018 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Nana_Man replied at 24-9-2018 05:34 PM
Betul jgk kn? Pasal skrg pun ramai yg beranak lewat. Tapi tak sure kalau umur bpk pun jd sebab.

aku baca-baca artikel

banyak penyebab autisme / adhd / skizofrenia / mental disorder dll

antaranya umur sperm, makanan, gen, lead atau toxin dalam udara, gadget, malah keaktifan ibu pun ada jadi faktor. kalo ibu mengandung banyak tidur, lepak, jadi kurang darah ke rahim ibu. so taktau mana satu sebab utama...

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Post time 24-9-2018 06:08 PM | Show all posts
Senior author Dorota A. Crawford, associate professor at York University, in an interview with Healthline.

How Can I Protect My Child?

If you or your partner is expecting a child, or planning to have a child, Crawford has advice on how to minimize the risks to your child’s developing brain.

“Being an informed consumer is of utmost importance,” she said.

Doctors already recommend that expectant mothers avoid certain foods. This includes raw meats and eggs, which could carry infections that can impact the baby’s brain. It also includes large predatory fish, such as tuna and swordfish, which carry high levels of heavy metals like mercury.

“However, it is not just the food we eat that can affect the developing baby, but also the products that we use on a daily basis, such as skin creams and cosmetics,” she explained. “Our best advice is to avoid those creams and cosmetics that you don’t need—especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, when filtering barriers between the mother and baby are not fully developed.”

Crawford added, “As a mother of two toddlers and a scientist, I would advise pregnant women to avoid exposure to any medications or cosmetics during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, if you buy any products, look at the list of ingredients—the shorter the list, the better.”

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Post time 24-9-2018 09:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nana_Man replied at 24-9-2018 04:56 PM
Oh... jd trampolin tu bole tolong budak2 ckp ke? Lg bnyk budak lompat, lg stimulate daya cakap dia ...

Kata ny mcm tu la, trampolin tu utk stmulate daya ank2 la utk potty train pon boleh pkai jugak, mcm bdk lmbat ckp or autsme ni daya ransangan kuran dgn lompat ni membantu la, lg dr tu suruh ank i gayut, boleh beli hanging bar kt shopee rm80++ sbb klu nk beli monky bar mahal nakmaty lg pon mkn ruang, tp klu u jenis rajin bwk ank g play ground u guna je monky bar yg kt situ tp make sure hari2 buat la sruh ank gayut dlm 10 saat lbh kurg pin xpe dah,tp lg lama lg bagus la... Btw tiap bdk xsame mcm ank i agk slow jugak dekat 2 thn jugak g terapi ni sbb ada huruf2 yg ank i xlepas nk sebut, point dia sekarg ni kita kna bnyk ckp dgn ank la, beletiaq la apa pon dgn ank dia xfaham xpe lama2 dia faham,

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Post time 24-9-2018 10:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
soy_beans replied at 24-9-2018 05:09 PM
Kat barat sane dh merebak pn info psl vaksin ade mercury utk preserve. Tp org x caye. Aku g hospit ...

Iols rasa if kat malaysia ni lagi banyak merkuri berasal dari skincare mak dia. Stok2 nak muka putih macam dinding

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Post time 25-9-2018 01:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by soy_beans at 25-9-2018 01:32 AM
bulanbulat replied at 24-9-2018 10:32 PM
Iols rasa if kat malaysia ni lagi banyak merkuri berasal dari skincare mak dia. Stok2 nak muka put ...

Boleh jd. Kes autism ttibe mcm boom ttibe jd banyak recently. But many cases belah sana diagnose after mmr injection. Ni aku tulis bukan nk menakutkan orang. But jarang sekali ye org kite record behavior anak after injection vaccine. Yang banyak amik gambo dh cucuk pastu buh insta. adoiii. I m not against vaccine. But I against vaccine yg dipreserve guna heavy metal. Kite sume tampung gigi yg kaler silver tu pn ade mercury. Tp tak sume org tau. Outdated dah mende tu. Tp still ade kt sini. Haih.

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Post time 25-9-2018 01:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by soy_beans at 25-9-2018 01:29 AM

Nurse pulak. Kalau x vaccine marah2 cam hapa. Ok fine. Ace mak2 tnye kandungan vaccine kt kk di negara kite. Mampus la kene maki. Memandai2 la ape la. Padahal we have right to know. Kite pakai sumbat je dlm bdan our sons n daughter without knowing what is it inside there. Ko tanye lebih org cop ko anti vaksin terus.Tp utk kes fynn ni I m not sure if juna got diagnosed due to pseudo autism or not. Sbb dia bg tab overdose sgt. Ni ikut apa yg tgk kt ig la. Pelik betul. Kalau die jumpe terapi. Gadjet tu pkara pertama die kene buang bile dh diagnose.

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Post time 25-9-2018 01:58 AM | Show all posts
soy_beans replied at 24-9-2018 12:24 PM
Boleh jd. Kes autism ttibe mcm boom ttibe jd banyak recently. But many cases belah sana diagnose ...

mmr injection ialah measles, mumps, rubella vaccine ?

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Post time 25-9-2018 02:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 25-9-2018 01:58 AM
mmr injection ialah measles, mumps, rubella vaccine ?

Yup. That one.

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Post time 25-9-2018 02:24 AM | Show all posts

so sad kalau betul sebab first sign autism  no eyes contact...
dan ini kita boleh detect even sebelum setahun....

dan mmr kalau cam di canada, 12 bulan dan 18 bulan...
by usia tu first word, baby dah aktif bertindakbalas,
kalau compare camana dengan autism baby...

dan kita semua ambil rubella masa usia 12 tahun kan....

anyway syukur my daughter tiada tindak balas
apa apa dengan vaccin dia..


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Post time 25-9-2018 03:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 25-9-2018 02:24 AM
so sad kalau betul sebab first sign autism  no eyes contact...
dan ini kita boleh detect even seb ...

Yup. Selepas umur setahun dh boleh detect but here ade certain hospital kerajaan tunggu 3 tahun baru nak sahkan sbb xnk misdiagnose or simptom belum obvious. Tapi dah agak lmbt nak bg early intervention bila makin lambat diagnose. Parents kene bgerak laju. Hantar la pegi nasom utk diagnose. National autism association, diorang charge rm700 if I m not mistaken. I hope my post can help parents out there yg clueless xtau apa nak buat with this issue. Jgn bunuh our child slowly dgn trap mereka dalam rumah. Takde sapa ke nk report fynn ni? Dh la suami ade mental health prob.

And I nk tambah. Jgn sesuka hati ckp anak org autism tu sbb mak ayah x pandai jage. Heavy metal in our body ni affected based on  polymorphism in dna jgk. Tak boleh simply kate anak saya vaccine tak jadi ape pun,kenapa anak awk yg kena. No, we cannot say that. We have to do something as their parents. Be it therapy, biomedical. Google it. Byk info kat tgn kite sendiri. I bukan nk agungkan org barat .but budak syndrom down kat sana smpai bole keje diorang bg terapi. Bg I juna can be better than that. He got potential.

Penat bebel pasal fynn. Hopefully can help her and other people as well.

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Post time 25-9-2018 07:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sydasyda replied at 24-9-2018 09:07 PM
Kata ny mcm tu la, trampolin tu utk stmulate daya ank2 la utk potty train pon boleh pkai jugak, mc ...

Hanging bar tu yg mcm kat gym kan? I dah ade benda ni kat ruma. Tak tau lak bole gunakn untk ni padahal dah lama laki i fix kat pintu.
Kalau trampoline, dkt ruma i ade playground yg ade trampoline. Kalau tk pun i suruh jer dia lompat kat atas katil i. Pasal katil i pun takde bedframe, i tak kisah lah kalau untk dia.
Terima kasih bnyk2 bagi i tips ni.

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