sementara tggu cut video KJK dr COOL KIDZ ON THE BLOCK, tepek sikit artikel version english
SHINee’s Minho and Kim Jong Kook to play soccer on “Cool Kiz on the Block”
Two celebrities who are known to be competitive and love to play soccer, SHINee’s Minho and the “Sparta Kook” Kim Jong Kook, are finally set play on the same team.
In a friendly match on television program “Cool Kiz on the Block”, they are on the blue team that is trained by Kang Deok Hwa. They will be against the red team that consists of B2ST’s Doojoon and BtoB’s Minhyukm, who are trained by former national soccer player Lee Young Pyo.
KBS has released pictures of players, which show Minho, Doojoon, Minhyuk, Kim Jong Kook and other players seriously playing soccer.
“It’s an exciting game with young and veteran players on the teams. Fans should watch this,” Lee Young Pyo said.
“Cool Kiz on the Block – soccer special” is scheduled to be broadcast tomorrow on May 20.
clara_nur posted on 20-5-2014 09:23 PM
hari ni punya shooting..mybe tuk ep-200..mgkin sempena WORLD CUP 2014
p/s: smart keta diorg p ...
Oppa dah start pakai short pants dah..
rasa cepat pulak musim sejuk berlalu..hehe
aku suka jugak tgk oppa pakai short pants ni tp mcm dalam gambar ni la..
tak ketat sgt mcm dia selalu pakai tu..
konpius pulak nengok diaorang main wakaka. bukan dengan KJK sorang jer hahaha. tensen tensen . anyway minho tu competitive sungguh ek
Lee Young Pyo cakap KJK terlampau banyak bercakap (?)
sexy back is back
vs Lee Young Pyo
alolo shian jatuh tergolek
hiyaaaaa kejar itu bola!!
credit to lovejongkookie@tumblr
ps: fun episode nevertheless. maybe sebab pasal soccer hahaha. rasa macam dah tersangkut dengan show ni T_T
kaz2y5 posted on 20-5-2014 10:54 PM
aaa kim kOok jONG!! muahahaha~
konpius pulak nengok diaorang main wakaka. bukan dengan KJK sorang ...
amboi semangat uollss! siap tgk live streming lagi tuu
plg last me layan CKOTB ni masa diorg bt epi badminton..dah lama tuu tggl
disebabkan me ni kira fanatik bola gak, harusla me layan balik show ni..haha...
btw me harap gak kalo satu hr nanti oppa boleh masuk bertanding balik kt DREAM TEAM tuu..boleh cabar ACE yg sedia ada kt dlm show tu sbb situ semua org competitive belaka..
clara_nur posted on 20-5-2014 11:58 PM
amboi semangat uollss! siap tgk live streming lagi tuu
plg last me layan CKOTB ni masa ...
ahakz me memang suka tengok bola. lagipon curious nak tengok KJK main macam mana so tambah bersemangat nak tengok Last edited by kaz2y5 on 21-5-2014 12:10 AM