Salam semua otai2 kat sini. Putri nak Tanya skit la psl air Asia punya sale ticket ke London tu, dia ...
putri Post at 16-8-2011 20:58
same goes to me..i try pun xdpt... |
same goes to me..i try pun xdpt...
wulan_cinta Post at 16-8-2011 21:56
kan wulan kan...senasib kita....dr smlm lg dok try, semua date dah tekan, tp hampeh gak |
Reply 380# kashaz
may be la kot...adui, penat tggu |
Salam semua otai2 kat sini. Putri nak Tanya skit la psl air Asia punya sale ticket ke London tu, dia ...
putri Post at 16-8-2011 20:58
putri, sya pun tgk kat http://www.airasiaplus.com , tapi route kl-london takde display apa2 pun.
cuba pi ikut paris. paris nye masih ada rm649 all in. searh by 1st july 2012..tapi rasanye dekat posa . |
putri, sya pun tgk kat , tapi route kl-london takde display apa2 pun.
cuba pi ikut paris. paris ...
syasya99 Post at 16-8-2011 22:39
thanks a lot syasya....tak pernah tau lak website tu...menarik gak ke paris tu...pelik lak yg london tu tak display..ntah2 tipu jer promo |
thanks a lot syasya....tak pernah tau lak website tu...menarik gak ke paris tu...pelik lak yg lo ...
putri Post at 17-8-2011 00:42
takde le AA tipu... korang kene ingat, AA promo seat tu brape bijik saje.. maybe for 1 date, diorng allocate dlm 50 jer seat promo... so first come first serve lah... utk korang dapatkan harga promo tu, korang kene standby siap2 la depan pc mase diorang launch the promo... kul 12 start promo, korang kene la cube masuk website AA kul 12 tu jugak... kalau tak, sah2 la korang ketinggalan ketapi .. biasenye utk route2 yg glemer mcm London, Paris semua, tiket promo akan abis within few hours jer after promo launched.... bile promo seat dah abis, diorang akan naikkan rega dah.... mcm promo kali nih, korang mmg dah terlambat aaa kalau skang baru nak start carik tiket.... promo tickets are long gone already..... |
Post Last Edit by mijot at 17-8-2011 11:46
Reply 387# dee556
lama tak dengar khabar berita...
dengar cerita tak, yg pihak MAHB nak naikkan airport tax LCCT dan KKIA2...
ada lagi yg masih tak paham dgn konsep pernerbangan tambang murah serta konsep promo AA ni....dah kasi panduan pun masih blur2... |
azra.....betul tu...tak ada tipunya kan sbb kita ni peminat tegar yang selalu siap sedia sebelum ...
dee556 Post at 17-8-2011 08:26
xde button LIKE plak..klu ade nk like dh nih..hik hik hik |
Reply dee556
lama tak dengar khabar berita...
dengar cerita tak, yg pihak MAHB nak naikk ...
mijot Post at 17-8-2011 11:28
mijot....akak selalu je on9 dkt fb tu mlm2.
siang2 ni pwd tak lps dkt opis...tu yg mcm senyap je.
tax tu bukan dgr lagi....pagi tadi berita dh umumkan...effective september klu tak silap.
mahal weiiii..............nasiblah makcik ni dh ada tiket hingga Jun, 2012.
nampak gaya mcm terpaksa dikurangkan aktiviti berjalan klu mahal sgt.
Reply 390# dee556
ooo dah confirm rupanya sbb baca dlm paper nak tangguh dulu sampai KLIA2 siap tahun depan...
nampaknya lepas ni aktiviti merebut tiket promo mungkin tak seghairah dulu |
from FB AA
"Important Announcement:
Please take note that all bookings made from 21 September 2011 (GMT+8) onwards will be subjected to a Counter Check-In fee of RM10 per Guest. Bookings made before 21 September 2011 (GMT+8) will not be affected. However, you can opt for self check-in to avoid the charges by checking in via our Mobile or Web check-in facilities, which is free, easy and convenient!"
Oh tidakkkkkkkkk..smua pn nk cas dh...
tax naik..cek in kt kaunter nnti kna bayor!!!pengsn...
nmpk gaya nye zman kegemilangan tiket hrga AA yg xmsuk akal mcm zaman dolu2 akan berakhir le..huhuhuhuu |
Reply 392# sicomel123
akhirnya, caj cek in kat kaunter akan dilaksanakan...
comel, benda alah ni dr tahun lepas dah diwar-warkan...AA dah galakkan kita buat self cek in...cuma sekarang ni baru diorg nak aplikasikan... |
Reply 393# mijot
Sekarang kat FB Air Asia memang semua orang kutuklapasal extra charge ni. Aku suka ada orang tu cakap Air Asia is the lowest fare flight but the highest hidden cost. Kalau ada unlike button kat FB tu aku dah tekan 800 kali. Macamla semua ada internet... |
Did you know?
After you’ve done Self Check-In, you can still Pre-book meals, Pick A Seat, Supersize Baggage and many others under Manage my booking except for Flight Changes and Infant Add-on.
All guest(s) may enjoy Self Check-In except for:
Guest(s) travelling with infants
Guest(s) with reduced mobility and those with special needs
Guest(s) that fall under this category may check-in at the counter. |
Did you know?
After you’ve done Self Check-In, you can still Pre-book meals, Pick A Seat, Super ...
Rzihan Post at 17-8-2011 15:51
saya selalu dpt je buat semua ni lps self check-in tp ada forumer lain kata tak dpt.
ni ambik dr fb ke?
saya selalu dpt je buat semua ni lps self check-in tp ada forumer lain kata tak dpt.
ni ambik ...
dee556 Post at 17-8-2011 15:55
Yg ni saya amik dr laman web AA |
Alamak, relaks la...tak kata depa tipu...tp sbb mmg dah tercongok dpn pc time launch harga murah tu....dok tekan satu2 tarikh every month sampai habis bln promo tu, tapi tak der pon tiket tu....tu yg akan tensen tu...hahaha....parents n adik nak visit I kat sini, tu yg gigih carik tiket murah tuk depa.... |
Reply 398# putri
mungkin awak bukan pengejar tiket murah...
ataupun yg jenis kerang travel...
majoriti forumer kt sini adalah pengejar tiket murah dan selalu berjalan...
jadi diorg dah faham dgn konsep AA ni dgn bagaimana cara nak kejar tiket murah... |
Post Last Edit by mijot at 17-8-2011 16:53
artikel penuh.....
Important Announcement:
Please take note that all bookings made from 21 September 2011 (GMT+8) onwards will be subjected to a Counter Check-In fee of RM10 per Guest. Bookings made before 21 September 2011 (GMT+8) will not be affected. However, you can opt for self check-in to avoid the charges by checking in via our Mobile or Web check-in facilities, which is free, easy and convenient!
This fee will apply for all domestic and international flights from all airports where AirAsia (AK) operates. As for AirAsia X (D7), counter check-in charges will apply for flights departing from all airports where the airline operates except airports in Tokyo (Haneda) & Osaka (Kansai) in Japan, Seoul (Incheon) in Korea and Tehran (Imam Khomeini) in Iran.
By encouraging self check-in (which is free), it also helps us reduce the cost of conventional counter check-in, which in turn will lower the total operational cost. We seek your kind understanding to improve our efficiency and opt for our self check-in facilities to counter the effects of rising costs.
For more information on AirAsia Counter Check-In Charges, please read the official PR Statement @ http://www.airasia.com/my/en/latestnews/selfcheckinpress_ak.page.
kesimpulan :
1. jika travel pergi balik dalam masa 7 hari, baik buat cek in tuk pergi dan balik sekali
2. jika percutian melebihi 7 hari, kenalah pergi CC atau pinjam komputer GH/hotel untuk buat web cek in
3. jika ada smart phone, leh buat mobile cek in
4. nampaknya kenalah cari smart phone murah yg ada wifi/3G untuk senang buat mobile cek in jika tracel ke luar negara...
5. ataupun kena bawa laptop jika nak travel (kurang menyenangkan) |
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