This kinda old actually but it's still good for ps3 users.CFW(custom firmware) is now a reality on ps3.With this you can throw away all those jailbreak dongles as it's not needed anymore well except for downgrading purposes.The CFW is now at v3.55 and can play over 95% 3.55 and older games without any problems.Some games are problematic but it's not related to the firmware and hacks/workarounds are available to play those problematic games.Feel free to upgrade to 3.55,I've tested it myself and it works flawlessly.
Sony released new firmware v3.56 about 2 days ago to counter the 3.55 CFW users.The effect of the new firmware is that 3.55 homebrews didn't work anymore as 3.56 uses new security keys and is rumoured to block internal hdd upgrade on newer ps3 slim models.PSN also not working if you still on 3.55 but you can bypass it with proxy method.The proxy method is just temporary until sony blocks it eventually.I just a matter of time when someone releases CFW 3.56 with some hacks.In the mean time,stay on 3.55 untill its safe to upgrade. |
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hah? hoh? hah???
Assalamu'alaikum lahhh weiii kawan2... hehehehe aku dah lama ziak tak masuk.. macam bz plak tiba2 lepas tuh balik banyak tanggungjawab nak buat *kof kof Dead Space 2 kof*
sooo apa cerita kawan2? ada sihatt???? |
Reply 385# gunblade712
wa'alaikummussalam warahmatullah
welcome back bro! harap semua ok aa ek! |
ok je, tarak hal.. heheh skarang tengah dok melayan dead space 2. pakai headphone. main tengah malam. tutup lampu.
boleh lemah jantung gua! har har har har |
dead space 2? best tak? hmy3:
jaga kesihatan jantung ko weh bro .. adehhh |
woahhhh dead space 2 is awesome sehhhh... seriously.. hehhehe itulah, kene pegi jogging sebelum main dead space 2 hehehehe |
aku pon tengah main dead space 2 gak tapi for pc la.aku tak boley main game fps kat 360/ps3 sebab aku tak boley nak control gune joystick.Dahla game ni ade banyak unsur boley buat orang sakit jantung dan memerlukan spesific aiming(tembak limbs) pulak tu.Kalau aku pakai joystick jawabnye memang banyakla peluru aku habis kat lantai ngan siling je hehheehehe.Btw,aku tunggu Marvel vs Capcom 3 pulak lepas ni |
fps eh? adehh .. nape aa aku kurang minat game fps ni .. lelebih lagi kalau ada unsur melemahkan jantung |
actually dia tps(third person shooter) sebab nampak body orang tu dari belakang.tryla game ni naen,best oooooo!aku pon tak suke sangat main game seram seram ni tapi seram dia still boley acceptable lagi.Kalau fatal frame series tu aku memang surrender,seram dia sangat effektif on mind psikologi sampai aku pon tak sanggup nak main. |
tak berapa minat nak main game shooting ekceli .. tak kisah aa fps or tps ..
tapi enjoy tengok adek/kazen aku main .. nanti aa tunggu deme racun aku dulu
fatal frame tu game yg amek gambar hantu tu kan? ahahaha rasanya pernah tengok kazen aku main
ntah aa ek .. nanti aku cuba aa usha2 dulu .. agak2 kalau terbukak pintu hati, aku try aa ..
tQ akulah 4 da review! |
tertarik ngan sony (codename) NGP .. next generation portable katanya ..
adehhh .. adakah poketku bakal terkopak lagi? |
Been playing Crysis 2 on 360 since yesterday.Aku suke gameplay dia yang baru ni as dia tak leceh macam yang first punye dalam bab nak activatekan powerup dia macam stealth,shield,sprint and strength.Instead of perang kat jungle biasenye,kali nni dia perang kat concrete jungle pulak.So far the game is entertaining and looks gorgeous on 360.
Been testing it on ps3 also and sadly it have the same graphical problem as COD blackops.Ps3 version runs at 1080p instead of 720p on 360 but it looked kinda low res and blurred overall while everything else is the same.360 version definately looks sharper and higher res from the ps3 version.Just my 20 sen hehehhehe |
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Reply 396# R3X
yuhuuuu~ salam rex
semua orang pun bz kot .. bod tgh musim slow skang ni |
Reply 397# naen
LOL...ada musim rupanya....tak tau kalo laju cammana...hahaha |
dah bertahun dlm bod nih baru nampak muka fluerza |
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