Ingatkan korang tgk online kat intenet.......................
azmira81 Post at 3-1-2010 02:00
motipp bersms bagai? meh no tepon..
kan dah bgtau lama dulu ada LIVE kat kbsw..
pg tadi pun ada ulangan kat tv jugak..
ada ulangan lg ari isnin ni kul 11.25pg..
u kalo terlepas gak tak tak dapek den nk nolong...
They're seated so close together that at times it appears to be Hyesun is already leaning on Minho...
Minho'snod and expression after she whispered to him is seemingly like that ofa good boyfriend who had been together with his girlfriend for sometime and who's so use to her nagging that he knows it's fruitless tosay anything...
Andthe way Hyesun looked back after and whispered to him after is exactlylike that of a girlfriend who knows he'd do just that and checks backto see that he really got what she's saying... Hahaha!
They are just so attuned to each other...
I also like how Minho and her whisper to each other and then share a laugh over some private joke...
Butmost of all i love how Minho seemed to ask Hyesun what or whyimmediately and looked at her when she leaned forward to threw her gumaway as if asking her if she needs anything...
motipp bersms bagai? meh no tepon..
kan dah bgtau lama dulu ada LIVE kat kbsw..
pg tadi pun ada ulangan kat tv jugak..
ada ulangan lg ari isnin ni kul 11.25pg..
u kalo terlepas ga ...
minho_nora Post at 3-1-2010 02:07
This may be off topic but i just want to make a comparison...
I'mwatching the MBC entertainment awards and Hwang Jung Eum of High Kickand We Got Married bagged the Best female newcomer award in a varietyshow for WGM... The girl is paired on the show with her REAL life boyfriend of 3 years, singer Hyung Jun of SG Wannabe..
WheneverJung Eum is on stage for her acceptance speeches (she won sevearalawards), the cameras would fix on Hyung Jun as if waiting for hisreaction (which is the same for our MinSun couple during the KBS dramaawards... do the cameramen know something we don't? hahaha!
Iwatched Kim Tae Hee's acceptance speech and the cameras were not fixedon Byung Hun except when she mentioned him and only for a couple ofseconds before it panned to include Jung Joon Ho in the frame ...
Whatgives that everytime our couple is on stage the camera would fix onwhoever among them is left in the audience while the other is giving aspeech ALL THE TIME... Maybe the cameramen are MinSun shippers too...hahaha! )
Anyways,the look on Hyung Jun's face whenever Jung Eum wins and whenever shethanks him? THAT IS UNDENIABLY THE LOOK OF A PROUD BOYFRIEND AND A MANIN LOVE...
Now see and compare....
GAHHH!!! look at the way he stares at her in the last picture.. I lovehow he took his eyes from her for a moment as if looking at her for along time would somehow give away how much he's spazzing but then themegawatt smile and stare he gave after wards was so much more than whathe did in the beginning...
Ireally don't think Minho looks like a mere friend who is happy for hiscoworker or friends accomplishment... the similarity in the wideness ofhis smile and the look in Minho's eyes from the REAL boyfriend abovesays everything...
Anyways, i might be rambling because i'mmissing MinSun like crazy... it might be the giddiness from their newyears eve sighting that is making me babble and making me loony...