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Author: rapid

Pork (Khinzir):- Sape pernah makan?

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Post time 18-1-2004 02:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Milo_Ice at 2004-1-18 06:14 AM:
Buah dan sayur ada racun serangga pulak. Habis, nak makan apa?

My reply:-

Senang je. Kalau nak pilih sayur, make sure pilih yg ada digigit serangga. But anyway, consuming vege & fruits is still better than red meat/poultry.

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Post time 18-1-2004 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Nowadays there is cabbage imported from Indonesia which used natural treatment, there they don't use pesticide or chemical ...what they call it?

But the cabbage has no serangga or worm.... because they use the natural predator of this serannga to beat them...I think this is good choice.

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Post time 18-1-2004 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Milo_Ice at 16-1-2004 05:30 PM:
Aku selalu makan. Seperti semua jenis daging, ia memanglah sedap.

Berbanding dengan haiwan ternakan lain, babi lebih senang dijangkiti penyakit.

Tetapi daging babi adalah jauh lebih murah ber ...


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Post time 18-1-2004 04:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 16-1-2004 05:32 PM:
Not good to eat too much meat, pal.

I heard that pig meats are a bit hard to digest than other meats because of the thickness or something. Maybe fat. Not sure where I heard of it though.

usually chinese cooking methods will ensure that pork being easier to digest than other meats.......! trust me! chinese dun eat raw pork like westerner eating 75% cooked beef.......

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Post time 18-1-2004 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Milo_Ice at 16-1-2004 06:06 PM:
But believe it or not, despite of digustion, dog is more delicious than pig.

men's best friends win!


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Post time 18-1-2004 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 18-1-2004 12:57 AM:
Drink plenty of plain water & fruit juice plus vege. Consume more fish & cut down red meat & poultry. It'll guarantee good health. He he he.


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Post time 18-1-2004 04:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 2004-1-18 02:20 PM:
My reply:-

Senang je. Kalau nak pilih sayur, make sure pilih yg ada digigit serangga. But anyway, consuming vege & fruits is still better than red meat/poultry.

tak tepat tu my dear....
Bukan racun serangga sajer yg membahayakan kesihatan melalui pemakanan. Baja AAI sebagai contoh baja yg menggandungi penggalak pertumbuhan (homon pengatif).... Homon ini juga dimasukkan dlm bahan makanan ayam yg suatu ketika dahulu menjadi konteravesi kerana disuntik pada ayam. Sekarang ia diproses sebagai bahan makan dan baja tumbuhan. Ia sejenis bahan galian. Sayur boleh dituai hanya dlm jangka masa separuh dari pertumbuhan normal. Begitu juga pembesaran ayam. Akibat yg paling kerara dewasa ini adalah saiz badan generasi bari lebih besar tapi tegap tapi lembep dan tidak energitic (pondan dan pemalas). Dari segi daya ketahanan badan juga sangat lemah. Mudah dijangkiti penyakit.

Kesimpulannya?, Daging babi lebih sihat dari makanan yg lain dewasa ini. Lembupun OK jugak, tapi reziko lembu gila.....:re: Mungkin oleh itu banyak kes amuk dan rogol bunuh.... kerana jangkitan virus lembu gila!

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Post time 18-1-2004 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Builder at 2004-1-18 04:43 PM:
tak tepat tu my dear....
Bukan racun serangga sajer yg membahayakan kesihatan melalui pemakanan. Baja AAI sebagai contoh baja yg menggandungi penggalak pertumbuhan (homon pengatif).... Homon ini j ...

My reply:-

Tak apa, sayur2an kat belakang rumah ada. Go for local fruits. Still better than consuming red meat/poultry. Still can eat fish. Lagipun bnyk ikan dlm laut. Makan sikit pun tak apa. Badan pun maintain. Betul tak?

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Post time 18-1-2004 05:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kid at 2004-1-18 02:30 PM:
Nowadays there is cabbage imported from Indonesia which used natural treatment, there they don't use pesticide or chemical ...what they call it?

But the cabbage has no serangga or worm.... becau ...

My reply:-

Thank you for the info. Never heard abt it anyway.

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Post time 19-1-2004 08:57 AM | Show all posts
by Acong

usually chinese cooking methods will ensure that pork being easier to digest than other meats.......! trust me! chinese dun eat raw pork like westerner eating 75% cooked beef.......

I will just take your word for it.
And I will stick with my own diet - Sea food, Chicken and Fruits.

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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 19-1-2004 09:09 AM | Show all posts
It's natchal. Everything is unsatisfactchal.
Been reading Doctor Rense, lately? He's the best, eh? Yup. And the news you get from Jeff's site, well, it's ... it's ... informative. No where else. But, I'm afraid that you must have a very strong soul to absorb it all. And some serious interest in the world. Else, you may become stressed with all that news. After reading Jeff's site, some of my friends have complained of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD. Let me explain.
Take beef. Please. You take it. I don't want it. I quit eating beef years ago because it just doesn't sit well with me any more. I don't digest it as well as I used to. And besides, I read some posts about how pounds of undigested beef remains in the intestines, rotting there. Making you ill. Just the thought of that happening made me ill.
Then came Mad Cow. I have a very good friend living in the Midwest who kills an awful lot of meat each year during the hunting season. How may I inform this man how dangerous it is to consume game protein? Huh? Anyway, he wouldn't listen to me. But I can tell you this much; I once had a roast my buddy gave me, a roast of venison. God was that GREAT! But now? Not unless I had less than say 8 years to live. Which 8 years is the gestation period for Mad Cow. I think.
So much for beef.
Now for dairy. Got milk? Hell no. Can't drink milk. Dangerous. Prions and alla that. Hell No! No Milk. No cheese either. Well, I really like cheese. Especially on my pasta. Which is made from semolina wheat. Which recently has been found to have (Oh my gawd!) ... sit down. Please. This is gonna shock you.
Semolina wheat has ... WHEAT! Not good for you.
Then there is the fish which is so good for you. Loaded with fats which actually enhance your ability to fight cholesterol. Good for you.
But not fresh farm salmon. It has PCB's. And definitely not tuna. Loaded with mercury. And local fish, caught in polluted waters. God knows what's in that stuff. True. No joking.
So, let's see what we've got. No meat. No fish. No dairy. Shall we now proceed to water? Nope. Fluoride. Bad for you.
Sugar? Nope. Can't use it. Low blood sugar. Artificial sweetener? My gawd no. Gives you the creeping Al's Heiney with shingles and the shakes. Bad for the liver. The kidneys. The pancreas. The heart. The liver. Oh, wait, I already said liver.
Hmmm. What's left. Veggies. Very good for you. Especially broccoli and brousel sproots. And any coniferous (or izzit pernicious?) veggie. Prevents cancer. Except when it's tainted with Lord knows what kind of bugs. Veggies you see, and fruits of all kinds, are no longer grown here. They import the stuff from third world countries. You could die a lot from some of the garbage they put on veggies and fruit. Do you know how they feed veggies and fruits in the third world? Huh?
Human waste.
Lemme see. No fruit. No vegetables. No meat. No dairy. No artificial anything. No water. Not by bread alone ... etc.
Bob Dylan is right with jsut about everything he wrote. In his album, Infidels, he reports ... "They don't make anything here no more!" And, "They oughta grow food on the moon, and eat it raw."
There's more.
How about the air we breath? STOP BREATHING THIS INSTANT! Chemtrails! God know what's in that stuff.
We all now have all the information we need to keep healthy and alive. Don't do anything. Just sit there, stop breathing and die. Or, we can just eat, drink and be sick. Which do you prefer?
I know what I want to do. Do you?
Jim Mortellaro

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Post time 19-1-2004 09:15 AM | Show all posts
Hmph ... there is more sickness around us than cure.

A world which had been damned, indeed.

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 Author| Post time 19-1-2004 01:38 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 19-1-2004 02:29 PM | Show all posts
tumpang tanya... penganut hindu sekarang masih tak makan lembu ke...?

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Post time 19-1-2004 03:11 PM | Show all posts
Of course cannot eat lar..except if indian christian

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Post time 19-1-2004 03:21 PM | Show all posts
I knew a Indian Muslim neighbour who didn't eat beef also.

Not all Indian Christians eat beefs either.

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Post time 19-1-2004 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Why do you buddhists eat ikan bilis and not beef?

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Post time 19-1-2004 03:51 PM | Show all posts
by Debmey

Why do you buddhists eat ikan bilis and not beef?  

Lesser of Two Evils.

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Builder This user has been deleted
Post time 19-1-2004 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 18-1-2004 05:31 PM:
My reply:-

Tak apa, sayur2an kat belakang rumah ada. Go for local fruits. Still better than consuming red meat/poultry. Still can eat fish. Lagipun bnyk ikan dlm laut. Makan sikit pun tak apa. B ...

Ikan laut mengandungi banyak toksid kebelakangan ini mengikut kajian CAP. Ia juga membuka reziko hipetitis B.

Ikan air tawar yg mungkin menjadi penyelamat kepada sumber protin... Sayur tanam sendiri.......

Kesimpulannya kalau kita ingin menolak sumber makanan kerana resiko kepada kesihatan, alamatnya makanan kita semakin terhad sedangan penduduk dunia semakin bertambah. Pendek kata sepatutnya menambah usaha dlm mencari lembaran baru sumber pemakanan. atau mencari penyelesaian/neutralisasi kepada permasalahan dlm sumber pemakanan yg sedia ada. Contohnya. Dlm Quran mengatakan daging babi haram kerana ada virus yg memudaratkan. kajilah kaedah utk membunuh virus itu. Atau kalau dikatakan virus itu ada pada daging, buang daging; makan lemak dlm selain dari daging....:bg:

Tapi kalau ditegah bukan kerana alasan menjahanamkan kesihatan sebaliknya kerana reserve utk hidangan di syurga, puasalah dengan harapan masuk syurga......:re: aku kempunannnnnn!.

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Builder This user has been deleted
Post time 19-1-2004 04:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kyas at 19-1-2004 02:29 PM:
tumpang tanya... penganut hindu sekarang masih tak makan lembu ke...?

Akupun tak makan beef jugak!.... bauh busuk!!!!! Kalau aku kebuluranpun aku tak sanggup makan lembu. Bukan masalah paradigm tapi masalah bauh yg boleh mengakibatkan saya muntah. Daging manusia saya tidak makan kerana halangan paradigm membayangklan ia satu tabiat pemakanan yg kejam dan tidak bertamadun.

Babi Hutan (dan tapir) jauh lebih sedap dari babi peliharaan (babi rumah), Babi rumahpun lebih sedap dari kijang, kijang lebih sedap dari ayam, Ayam hutan lebih sedap dari ayam biasa, Ayam Kampungpun lebih sedap dari ayam bandar, Ayam jantanlah yg paling sedap antara banyak2 ayam. yg palint tak sedap adalah ayam tua dan ibu ayam.... Daging lembu masih lebih baik dari taik lembu.

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