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Author: Sephiroth

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2014 11:11 AM | Show all posts
by Sam1528

Korban Eid Adha untuk makan dan sedekah

Korban Gadhimai Mela untuk keuntungan kuil dan pembaziran

Sedekah kepala hotak kamu. Kamu fikir kami tak nampak ke duit yg dikutip oleh mereka2 yg menjual daging itu di masjid (dan kini, di luar sekolah pun ada).

Sama je dua2. kalau kamu kata korban Gadhimai Mela itu salah, kami akan kata korban Eid Adha pun salah juga.

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2014 11:19 AM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

habis tu, yang kau cari tu kat mana
atas langit ke???????

Lu faham bahasa Malaysia kah? Bila masa kami mencari apa2? Kami sedang MENUNGGU, bukan MENCARI. Ada perbezaan antara menunggu dan mencari.

yg ni aku akui
dalam AGAMA - plot yg sempurna dan pengakhirnya juga......sama kan

Tak sama. Apa yg kamu menunggu itu adalah MIMPI INDAH dlm bentuk Iman Mahadi ke ataupun Nabi Isa yg kononnya akan datang menbawa kamu ke kejayaan (terhadap orang kafir). Kamu teruskanlah mimpi indah kamu itu.

Apa yg kami menunggu adalah Masa bagi Dia menyempurnakan JanjiNya dgn memusnahkan dunia ini dari semua jenis kepercayaan karut, palsu dan benda2 materistic yg lain dan menberikan dunia yg bersih kpd kami. Sebaik shj ianya berlaku (dan kamu lesap dari dunia ini), kami akan maju ke hadepan dan mengembalikan Juriat manusia kpd keadaan asalnya.

kalau dok menunggu
mungkin.............mati akan jemput kamu dulu kot!!!

Tiada maut bagi aku. Yang mati hanyalah tubuh badan aku dan minda aku. Roh aku akan mencari tubuh yg baru dan aku akan kembali di dunia ini lagi spt apa yg aku buat beratus ribu kali sebelum ini. Hanya mereka2 yg tidak ada kepercayaan je yg akan mati terus.

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Post time 3-12-2014 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 3-12-2014 08:16 AM
Beza sangat ke dgn apa yg kamu (orang Islam) buat pada perayaan Hari Raya Korban?

soalan cepu emas belain intan tu....

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2014 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Al-Patih posted on 3-12-2014 11:21 AM
soalan cepu emas belain intan tu....

Tak, itu soalan selipar.

Di India sana, ada undang2 yg mengatakan haiwan2 spt lembu dan kambing tidak boleh disembelih di kuil2. Orang2 Hindu patut dgn undang2 ini dan kalau perlu sembelih pun, mereka mengunakan ayam. Tetapi ada juga yg menpersoalkan KENAPA orang Islam je tak termaktub dlm Undang2 ini? Apasal orang Islam boleh sembelih apa2 yg mereka suka (termasuk lembu) pada hari raya korban mereka tanpa risaukan undang2 ini? Apasal undang2 di India berat sebelah?

Perbuatan mereka menyembelih haiwan ini adalah satu tamparan selipar kpd Institusi Perundangan di India serta setengah NGO yg menjadi anjing bangsa Islam (di India dan di luar negara). Apasal tak ada orang Islam yg ditangkap kerana menyembelih lembu? Apasal tak ada NGO menyalak macam anjing tersempit setiap kali orang Islam menyembelih haiwan pada hari raya korban?

Sebab itu saya kata ianya soalan selipar (serepu adi).

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Post time 3-12-2014 01:08 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 3-12-2014 10:10 AM
Banyak beza dia .... meenachi

Eid Adha
Korban Eid Adha untuk makan dan sedekah

Korban Gadhimai Mela untuk keuntungan kuil dan pembaziran

dua-dua pun salah......

Act of faith comes within our heart not by torturing animals ....
if need to help the needy, there is many way not necessary to wait for eid adha ...

God tested    Abraham  faith ....hence God  instructed  him to  replaced animal rather than his son ..what muslims doing now is not according to God way as God did not mention this need to be done on yearly as ritual as reminder....

hence both are wrong

watch the following video how the animal are tortured ... itualslaughter.html

Last edited by Truth.8 on 3-12-2014 01:10 PM


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Post time 3-12-2014 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 3-12-2014 11:11 AM
by Sam1528

Sedekah kepala hotak kamu. Kamu fikir kami tak nampak ke duit yg dikutip oleh mereka2 yg menjual daging itu di masjid (dan kini, di luar sekolah pun ada).

Sama je dua2. kalau kamu kata korban Gadhimai Mela itu salah, kami akan kata korban Eid Adha pun salah juga.

LOL , kononnya kamu nampak masjid jual daging korban?

Mintak bukti tapi tak mampu bagi. Jadi ini hanyalah spekulasi dari mimpi seorang meenachi

Tak kata daging Gadhimai Mela salah tapi kroban tersebut adalah salah pasal ia pembaziran dan adanya 'cukai kuil'. Nampaknya ugama Hindu benarkan pembaziran dan pungutan 'cukai kuil'.

Betul tak?


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Post time 3-12-2014 01:15 PM | Show all posts
    sam1528 posted on 3-12-2014 10:10 AM
    Banyak beza dia .... meenachi

    Eid Adha

    Korban Eid Adha untuk makan dan sedekah

    Korban Gadhimai Mela untuk keuntungan kuil dan pembaziran

dua-dua pun salah......

Act of faith comes within our heart not by torturing animals ....
if need to help the needy, there is many way not necessary to wait for eid adha ...

God tested    Abraham  faith ....hence God  instructed  him to  replaced animal rather than his son ..what muslims doing now is not according to God way as God did not mention this need to be done on yearly as ritual as reminder....

hence both are wrong

watch the following video how the animal are tortured


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Post time 3-12-2014 01:18 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-12-2014 01:08 PM
dua-dua pun salah......

Act of faith comes within our heart not by torturing animals ....
if need to help the needy, there is many way not necessary to wait for eid adha ...

God tested    Abraham  faith ....hence God  instructed  him to  replaced animal rather than his son ..what muslims doing now is not according to God way as God did not mention this need to be done on yearly as ritual as reminder....

hence both are wrong

watch the following video how the animal are tortured

I am surprised that you don't know that animal sacrifice is in your bible. It is for the atonement of sin
In one place atonement is also provided for an animal, the scapegoat used in the atonement rituals found in Leviticus 16. Sacrifice accomplishes atonement "for sins" in many places, though these passages always mean atonement for people "because of" their sins rather than atonement "on behalf of" sins, as if sins were being personified and therefore in need of redemption.

Primary among the objects of atonement in the Old Testament are the people of God, but the means of atonement can vary. Goats, sheep, and birds are listed among the acceptable animals to be sacrificed,

Certainly the most frequently mentioned means of atonement in the Old Testament were the blood sacrifices, dominating the use of the term by constant reference in the books of Leviticus and Numbers. Atonement needed to be made for everything from heinous crimes like idolatry ( Num 16:47 ) to mistakes of intent, when the only sin was ignorance or error, not willful disobedience ( Num 15:22-29 ).

I think you should check your bible first before making a fool of yourself.


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 Author| Post time 3-12-2014 01:51 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

dua-dua pun salah......

Sudah, jangan cakap banyak.
Pergi cari tornado yg kamu nak hantar pada saya tu.

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2014 01:55 PM | Show all posts
by Samseng1528

Tak kata daging Gadhimai Mela salah tapi kroban tersebut adalah salah pasal ia pembaziran dan adanya 'cukai kuil'. Nampaknya ugama Hindu benarkan pembaziran dan pungutan 'cukai kuil'.  

Oh, kamu boleh minta bukti Muslim jual daging lembu korban. Boleh bagi, tetapi sebelum itu, kamu bagi dulu bukti kpd "pungutan cukai kuil" yg kamu katakan itu.

Kamu kata korban Gadhimai Mela itu satu pembaziran? Habis itu, korban Hari Raya Korban itu bukan pembaziran kah? Apa yg bazir? Bazir tak boleh habis makan? Bazir nyawa haiwan? Cakap ... apa yg bazirnya?

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2014 01:59 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

God tested    Abraham  faith ....hence God  instructed  him to  replaced animal rather than his son ...

If your god had common sense, he could have told Abraham that it was merely to test his faith and no need to kill anything - Abraham's son or anything else for that matter.

But since your god had no common sense, he allowed the animal sacrifice in the Bible and that lead to thousands (if not millions of) animals being slaughtered. In the end, he had to sacrifice his own son to satisfy his blood lust.

Ini tuhan kah Syaitan?

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Post time 3-12-2014 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 3-12-2014 01:59 PM
by Snake.8
If your god had common sense, he could have told Abraham that it was merely to test his faith and no need to kill anything - Abraham's son or anything else for that matter.

Test is act of faith. If God going tell you that i m testing you, you would act as pretender to be God fearing person. People like you always like as pretender in eyes of God .....that why you are  questioning about test and faith or shall I says lack of understanding on God testing humans on faith....Test is to  see how humans can take it : whether he/she is sincere  or fail to understand it rather you doing ritual like slauthering animals or breaking coconuts or poking sharp object in body which look stupid..

u believed your god shiva play from time to time with humans. My GOD do not play rather HE test his followers . so, which is better? play or test?

But since your god had no common sense, he allowed the animal sacrifice in the Bible and that lead to thousands (if not millions of) animals being slaughtered. In the end, he had to sacrifice his own son to satisfy his blood lust.

Does  Bible reading peoples slauther animals for this issue? No...rather we took the story about Abraham to understand how God care and love if one sincerely have faith in HIM but muslims took it other way round which slauthering animals which God did not command us to do such ritual...

so, what muslims doing now is not according to God sayings rather following to their own thinking....

Ini tuhan kah Syaitan?

I do not view God being gender bender  or God who drink samsu and cigar smoking...but you faith believed god is gender bender , enuch are scared and god smoked cigar and drink, you should ask yourself " Ini tuhan kah Syaitan? "
Last edited by Truth.8 on 3-12-2014 03:09 PM


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Post time 3-12-2014 02:56 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 3-12-2014 01:18 PM
I am surprised that you don't know that animal sacrifice is in your bible. It is for the atonement ...

animlas scarficed no longer practise at present time . It is faith that count in eyes of GOD
        The ability to pause, give thanks and be satisfied with our blessings is something God wants us to learn. It is something He knows can greatly increase our happiness. In fact, there are biblical commands for thanksgiving, both in the Old Testament for the nation of Israel and for us today in the New.
        Ancient Israel, as a nation, was required to make sacrifices to atone for their sins. This involved an animal sacrifice made on behalf of the individual by the priests (Leviticus:7:1-5 ).
        Notice, though, that another sacrifice is described in verses 11-12: "This is the law of the sacrifice of peace offerings which he shall offer to the Lord: If he offers it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer, with the sacrifice of thanksgiving, unleavened cakes mixed with oil, unleavened wafers anointed with oil, or cakes of finely blended flour mixed with oil."
        This passage goes on to describe how the offering should be made and when it should be eaten. This was a separate sacrifice from the animal sacrifice for sin. It was a sacrifice that the Israelites could make simply as a thanksgiving offering  to God.
        Later, when the nation of Israel had broken apart into the separate kingdoms of Judah and Israel, they strayed from God many times, with intervening years of repentance and obedience. When repenting and turning back to God, they would sometimes offer sacrifices of thanksgiving on the altar. Accounts of this are recorded in 2 Chronicles 29 and 33.
        A new offering of thanksgiving        There is no need for sin sacrifice since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. His death atoned for all the sins of mankind. There remains another kind of sacrifice, however, for the present-day Christian.
        Hebrews:13:10-14 talks about the sacrifice of Christ for our sins, and how we can seek the coming "city"—the coming Kingdom of God—as a result of that sacrifice. Verse 15 tells us what God requires from us in return: "Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name."

        This is the second type of sacrifice mentioned in Leviticus 7. It is the sacrifice of thanksgiving. The Old Testament sacrifice of thanksgiving required fruit of the ground to be offered before God. The New Testament sacrifice of thanksgiving requires the "fruit of our lips," but it is the same central idea. God requires our thankfulness to Him for our many blessings.
        In our modern world, we tend to think of a sacrifice as doing without something we wanted. We think of it as self-deprivation for the purpose of achieving a higher goal for ourselves or perhaps for a loved one. Remember, though, that the sacrificial system of the ancient Israelites was simply a method for offering something to God.
        The American New Heritage Dictionary  lists one meaning of sacrifice as "the act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage." That is what our personal sacrifice of thanksgiving should be. We offer our humble thanksgiving to our Creator for His many blessings.
        Thanksgiving today        We've all heard about or perhaps experienced the dilemma of finding a present to give to someone who has everything. The difficulty lies in finding something that the recipient doesn't already have, and the thought and feelings behind the gift are generally more important than the gift itself.
        Our God truly has everything. He created and owns the universe and everything in it. What could we possibly have to offer Him? One important thing He desires of us is found in the scripture just quoted, Hebrews:13:15. He desires our thanksgiving  before him.
        King David of Israel was considered a man after God's own heart. Consider his admonition in Psalm:107:21-22

: "Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare His works with rejoicing."

Last edited by Truth.8 on 3-12-2014 03:38 PM


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 Author| Post time 3-12-2014 03:00 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

If God going tell you that i m testing you, you would act as pretender to be God fearing person. People like you always like as pretender in eyes of God .....

What? Your god is blind AND deaf also, kah? He cannot differentiate between who is faithful and who is not just by looking at a person's conduct, behavior and the way he lives? Your god must go and tell some poor slob to kill his son just to see whether he got faith or not? Stupid god. fail to understand it rather you doing ritual like slauthering animals or breaking coconuts or poking sharp object in body which look stupid..

When comparing between poking sharp object onto one's own body or breaking coconut AND killing hundreds of innocent animals, it is clear which is more stupid. Our Spiritual practice is one of nurture strength of the body and mind - that is why we able to withstand attacks from atheists, Muslims and Christians for the past 2,000 years. You practice is nothing but satisfying bloodlust of a devil, which is why you are willing to kill others without any thought or mercy.

... God did not command us to do such ritual...

And yet, God told the Bible reading folks - "You shall not kill" - he didn't mention whether not to kill humans or animals, and yet, Bible-reading folks are biggest consumer of pork, beef and all the other meaty stuff. You really don't know $hit about what your god command you, do you?

I do not view God being gender bender  or God who drink samsu and cigar smoking...

Who gives a damn what a snake like you think? I'm still waiting for that tornado you claimed will come and take my life, and it is already passed my birthday.

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Post time 3-12-2014 03:08 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 3-12-2014 03:00 PM
by Snake.8
What? Your god is blind AND deaf also, kah? He cannot differentiate between who is faithful and who is not just by looking at a person's conduct, behavior and the way he lives? Your god must go and tell some poor slob to kill his son just to see whether he got faith or not? Stupid god.

GOD not deaf nor blind but is   you are blind and deaf who need all the ritual....when someone has faith in HIM....nothing is possible ...when someone do not have faith in comes: coconuts breaking, rolling over and over, shaving head and etc...

When comparing between poking sharp object onto one's own body or breaking coconut AND killing hundreds of innocent animals, it is clear which is more stupid. Our Spiritual practice is one of nurture strength of the body and mind - that is why we able to withstand attacks from atheists, Muslims and Christians for the past 2,000 years. You practice is nothing but satisfying bloodlust of a devil, which is why you are willing to kill others without any thought or mercy.
well, i do not break coconuts nor poke object in my body to reach GOD...but your faith got lah...

And yet, God told the Bible reading folks - "You shall not kill" - he didn't mention whether not to kill humans or animals, and yet, Bible-reading folks are biggest consumer of pork, beef and all the other meaty stuff. You really don't know $hit about what your god command you, do you?

in begining it was all veges eating ...until sin enter ....pork lovers is not according to Bible sayings....i would suggest you read the Bible with open heart  rather making yourself as drunked person just like ur god who drink samsu...


[quote]Who gives a damn what a snake like you think? I'm still waiting for that tornado you claimed will come and take my life, and it is already passed my birthday.
it will come sooner or just matter of time...when it come...there is no turn warned!!!!


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Post time 3-12-2014 03:34 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 3-12-2014 11:31 AM
Tak, itu soalan selipar.

Di India sana, ada undang2 yg mengatakan haiwan2 spt lembu d ...

ingat soalan terompah....

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2014 03:51 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

GOD not deaf nor blind but...

Dey Pambhu (Snake), what are you talking dah?
One minute claim your god want Abraham to kill his son to prove his faith, another minute you claim your god don't need to do that to know faith. Your god retard kah or you are the one retard?  

well, i do not break coconuts nor poke object in my body to reach GOD...

Because you are a WEAK and have NO FAITH.

People tell you to make sacrifice for your own life - you run and look for some roman god who commit suicide with claim that fellow died for you. He - IF he exist - don't even know you.

People tell you to eat less meat because it is good for your body, do yoga because it is good for the (body and) mind and meditate for it is good for the soul - you make all kinds of bull$hit reason to hide your WEAK AND PATHETIC existence.

in begining it was all veges eating ...until sin enter ....

Yakah? Then if it is true about your claim that you god (Jesus) died for your sin, that could mean you are sinless now. Are you willing to discard all non-vegetarian diet and consume ONLY vegetables? just matter of time...

When lah? So far, all I got was your bull$hit only.

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Post time 3-12-2014 03:59 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 3-12-2014 02:56 PM
animlas scarficed no longer practise at present time . It is faith that count in eyes of GOD
        The ability to pause, give thanks and be satisfied with our blessings is something God wants us to learn. It is something He knows can greatly increase our happiness. In fact, there are biblical commands for thanksgiving, both in the Old Testament for the nation of Israel and for us today in the New.
        Ancient Israel, as a nation, was required to make sacrifices to atone for their sins. This involved an animal sacrifice made on behalf of the individual by the priests (Leviticus:7:1-5 ).
        Notice, though, that another sacrifice is described in verses 11-12: "This is the law of the sacrifice of peace offerings which he shall offer to the Lord: If he offers it for a thanksgiving, then he shall offer, with the sacrifice of thanksgiving, unleavened cakes mixed with oil, unleavened wafers anointed with oil, or cakes of finely blended flour mixed with oil."
        This passage goes on to describe how the offering should be made and when it should be eaten. This was a separate sacrifice from the animal sacrifice for sin. It was a sacrifice that the Israelites could make simply as a thanksgiving offering  to God.
        Later, when the nation of Israel had broken apart into the separate kingdoms of Judah and Israel, they strayed from God many times, with intervening years of repentance and obedience. When repenting and turning back to God, they would sometimes offer sacrifices of thanksgiving on the altar. Accounts of this are recorded in 2 Chronicles 29 and 33.
        A new offering of thanksgiving        There is no need for sin sacrifice since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. His death atoned for all the sins of mankind. There remains another kind of sacrifice, however, for the present-day Christian.
        Hebrews:13:10-14 talks about the sacrifice of Christ for our sins, and how we can seek the coming "city"—the coming Kingdom of God—as a result of that sacrifice. Verse 15 tells us what God requires from us in return: "Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name."

        This is the second type of sacrifice mentioned in Leviticus 7. It is the sacrifice of thanksgiving. The Old Testament sacrifice of thanksgiving required fruit of the ground to be offered before God. The New Testament sacrifice of thanksgiving requires the "fruit of our lips," but it is the same central idea. God requires our thankfulness to Him for our many blessings.
        In our modern world, we tend to think of a sacrifice as doing without something we wanted. We think of it as self-deprivation for the purpose of achieving a higher goal for ourselves or perhaps for a loved one. Remember, though, that the sacrificial system of the ancient Israelites was simply a method for offering something to God.
        The American New Heritage Dictionary  lists one meaning of sacrifice as "the act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage." That is what our personal sacrifice of thanksgiving should be. We offer our humble thanksgiving to our Creator for His many blessings.
        Thanksgiving today        We've all heard about or perhaps experienced the dilemma of finding a present to give to someone who has everything. The difficulty lies in finding something that the recipient doesn't already have, and the thought and feelings behind the gift are generally more important than the gift itself.
        Our God truly has everything. He created and owns the universe and everything in it. What could we possibly have to offer Him? One important thing He desires of us is found in the scripture just quoted, Hebrews:13:15. He desires our thanksgiving  before him.
        King David of Israel was considered a man after God's own heart. Consider his admonition in Psalm:107:21-22

: "Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! Let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare His works with rejoicing."

Don't you think you have contradicted yourself in the belief that Jesus sacrificed himself for the sins of mankind?

The sacrifice atonement in the Hebrew Bible is for unintentional sin
Animal sacrifices are only prescribed for unwitting or unintentional sin (shogeg)–Leviticus 4:2, 13, 22, 27; 5:5, 15 (cf. Numbers 15:30).

In the case of other types of sin , one need to repent - refer to the Lord's Prayer.

Where is it , the so called sacrifice of Jesus fit into the scheme of things?
(1) if you claim he died being a God - God cannot die (else it is not God)
(2) if you claim he died a man , how can a man bear the sins of others ; eze18:20 (NIV Bible)
The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.

The argument you present does not make sense


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Post time 3-12-2014 04:10 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 3-12-2014 01:55 PM
by Samseng1528

Oh, kamu boleh minta bukti Muslim jual daging lembu korban. Boleh bagi, tetapi sebelum itu, kamu bagi dulu bukti kpd "pungutan cukai kuil" yg kamu katakan itu.

Kamu kata korban Gadhimai Mela itu satu pembaziran? Habis itu, korban Hari Raya Korban itu bukan pembaziran kah? Apa yg bazir? Bazir tak boleh habis makan? Bazir nyawa haiwan? Cakap ... apa yg bazirnya?

Arti kata lain , kamu tak ada jawapan.

Nak lagi bukti tentang 'cukai kuil'?
Animal rights activists accused the temple holding the festival of "cashing in on people's beliefs", and have called for it to be abolished.

"They are extorting money ... in the name of entry fees, parking, and so on," said Manoj Gautam, president of Animal Welfare Network Nepal, who is in Bariyapur to protest against the ritual.

Mana bukti daging korban dijual? Apa soalan pulak yg kamu akan tanya supaya kamu dapat lari daripada memberi bukti tersebut. Malulah meenachi ....

Definisi pembaziran : Perbuatan yang lebih lebih hingga terbuang

Daging Korban diagih agihkan dan tidak terbuang. Korban Ghadhimai Mela .... ha ha ..... terlantar jadi bangkai. Baca balik pos #19

Aiyoyo meenachi , apa yg kamu takut sangat nak bagi bukti? Mungkin tak ada bukti kot ....

Nampak betul yang kamu ni teramat takut kalau isu isu berkaitan Hindu diutarakan.

Last edited by sam1528 on 3-12-2014 04:11 PM


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Post time 3-12-2014 05:24 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 3-12-2014 03:59 PM
Don't you think you have contradicted yourself in the belief that Jesus sacrificed himself for the ...

I think you not able to understand  the meaning : sacrificed...what you muslims doing is act of ritual which sacrificed animals  which no longer needed at present is  spiritual sacrificed that needed to observed , secondly, the quran never mention such ritual needed to be practised .......

what is true sacrificed?

The first recorded offering made to God is found early in the book of Genesis.  There were two brothers, Cain and Able, and they brought offerings to God.  Now it's not clear what instructions God had given to Adam and his family about offerings but both Cain and Abel brought offerings from their livelihood.  Cain was the tiller of the ground.  He was a farmer and he brought an offering of the fruit of the ground.  Abel was a keeper of the sheep and he brought the first born of his flock.  But which sacrifice pleased God?  It says that God respected Able and the offering that he brought, but it also said He did not respect Cain and the offering that he brought.  Was it the offering?  Was it the attitude?  Was it both?  Well God makes it clear several places in the bible that there are some sacrifices that please Him and there are other sacrifices that do not please Him.
The sermon for today is titled "What Sacrifices Please God?"   What sacrifices please God, what kind of sacrifices shall we bring to God so that God will respect us and the offering that we bring?  I hope to bring out the answers to that question and to help us as we think about how we can be pleasing to God.
In Abel's case the sheep that he had offered would most likely been sacrificed on an altar.  It would have been first killed and then consumed by fire and that would be the end of that sheep.  The animal would no longer be living.  It would have been sacrificed.  It would have had it's life taken as an offering to God.
I'd like to turn this afternoon to Romans, chapter 12 and verse 1.  The apostle Paul is writing this letter to the church in Rome and he is instructing them on the Christian way of life.
Romans:12:1 I beseech you therefore brethren, (Paul wrote that he would be beseeching his readers.  That means that he was asking them urgently and fervently.  It was more than just a passing request.  He was begging them, imploring them to do something.) by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, (Well the thing that Paul urges the Christians to do deals with how we treat our bodies.  We're to present them as a living sacrifice.  He goes on to say how they should be presented.) holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
Now a typical sacrifice, at least the type of sacrifice we think of and read about in the old testament involved the death of whatever it was that was being sacrificed.  So Paul was introducing a slightly different concept that we can present ourselves to God in a sacrifice, but that we will continue to live.  It reminds me a little bit of the story of Abraham and Isaac.  God tested Abraham by commanding him to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering.  Isaac was required to present his body as a sacrifice.  But God stayed Abraham's hand and provided a ram for the offering.  I can't imagine how Isaac felt as his father bound him and laid him on the wood of the altar and then looked up at his own father stretching out his hand above him with a knife. That was a total commitment, a total sacrifice.

In a similar way we are also asked as Paul wrote, to be a sacrifice, not a physical sacrifice like Isaac was supposed to becoming, but a spiritual sacrifice.  Not a sacrifice that going to end in our own death, but a sacrifice that's a part of our life.  We're to be a living sacrifice and that indicates to me an ongoing life of sacrifice.
During today's sermon I want to bring out seven points about the sacrifices that please God, what it means to be a living sacrifice.  This was something that the apostle Paul was urging, fervently asking us to become.


Last edited by Truth.8 on 3-12-2014 06:19 PM


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