Women that can squirt.Can u squirt? (WOMEN ONLY)
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baru berlaku last week. best. nak coba lg. |
sukersuker posted on 25-2-2014 02:46 PM
cammana nak buat kita squirt
Yang ada xperience tu tolong bagitau caranya
suroh hubby you apply pressure to your gspot laaa.. it will be heaven tawww.. gushing like a spray you..
Ekceli squirt ni fasa lepas climax..
Boleh ke perempuan squirt??bergantung pada otot.
Kekuatan otot...so buat lah kegel banyak2.
Ni dari apa aku tahu..latihan kegel,kuatkan otot dari dalam,mcm
Ko diet,tp xsenam..dgn org yg diet bsenam..otot mana lebih cantik??
Sama mcm masukan jamu skrg ni dr bawah..benda tu hanya kesat dan ketatkan sajork..
Xdtgkan kesan kekuatan kemutan pun.nak latih kegel beli bola khas ada jual bsepah..
Dr situ ko amik jamu ke..konon utk ketat..tgk jelah sejauh mana kekuatan otot ko tahan bola tu..
Kdg2 baru org perasan akhirnya otot tu nak tahan bola yg dimasukan pun xboleh.
So bila otot bagus...mudah squirt.dr dulu baca bhn bacaan squirt ni mudah kalo otot kita baik.
Ramai yg cuba sejam pun otot kemutan xbagus..xsquirt pun.
I can squirt,and i'm malay, i don't know how i could, it started since i keep squating to build my butt. Then i read somewhere, squat will build kegel muscle and will give pleasure when having sex.hehe |
I think only transgender can really squirt. or shemale.
fire_place posted on 20-3-2014 01:04 PM
Ekceli squirt ni fasa lepas climax..
Boleh ke perempuan squirt??bergantung pada otot.
Kekuatan oto ...
kegel exercise only helps women to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles tu je.no such thing as squirting lah.
cahaya_emily posted on 17-10-2014 04:59 PM
kegel exercise only helps women to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles tu je.no such thing as sq ...
sape cakap??,base on ur experience or ada kajian yg cakap.sbb tis one aku dapat dr tiap org yg cerita psl mcmne dr xboleh squirt n after doing kegel dia org boleh squirt.
mmg lah kegel tu only helps to strengthen pelvic muscle..tp kalau pelvic muscle lemah..otot tu xmampu nak tahan untuk kefasa seterusny hingga squirt.mcm nak buang air kecil lah..otot lemah..kau xmampu tahan akhirny kecundang terkencing dlm seluar.kalau otot lemah rangsang berjam2 pun xkn squirting.nk terangkn susah..bnyk tentg ni dlm forum luar. Last edited by fire_place on 18-10-2014 11:09 PM
melinda_kerr posted on 19-10-2014 12:37 AM
Squirt tu bukan urine?
researchers analyzed female ejaculatory fluid and found that it is not urine, but rather a combination of secretions from the paraurethral glands that chemically resemble prostate secretions in men.
fire_place posted on 18-10-2014 11:04 PM
sape cakap??,base on ur experience or ada kajian yg cakap.sbb tis one aku dapat dr tiap org yg c ...
well..mungkin ye la women can squirt, but not as much as one bucket full.
cahaya_emily posted on 20-10-2014 10:09 AM
well..mungkin ye la women can squirt, but not as much as one bucket full.
Maybe tu depends individu sebanyak mne boleh squirt.. Last edited by mamamoo on 15-11-2014 12:35 AM
Bess giler pompuan squirt |
Squirting bukanlah kencing tapi air mani....bukan semua perempuan dapat squirt
I pun pernah squirt sebanyak 7 atau 8 perempuan...termasuk melaYu dan cina...kebanyakkan nya 1at time squirting...and some of them boleh squirt beberapa kali bila dirangsang
Cara yg saya tahu sama ade dia org boleh squirt ialah are they normally very wet when having sex sampai boleh bash katil atau air mani boleh mengalir keluar....so far out of 7, all of them tell me yes |
cuba bg tau teknik u?
u put a pressure pada bawah urinary glands kan?the the woman rasa mcm nk kencing sgt2
rasa mcm nk terpancut gitu ke?
that's what i read...
lps i try..boleh kasi review kat sini
i pun dah rajin squatting skang
sehari paling sikit 50 squat je...
normally i will use my 2 middle fingers...then the other 2 fingers as supportso akan gosok cepat2 dalm lubang yg akan mengena gspot
Well...tak tahu lah mcm mana nak explain tapi i ade video utk tunjuk..PM me kalau nak
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki