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Author: ekmal_sorrow

GLC pun susah nak masuk ke?

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2013 04:56 PM | Show all posts
missyqaldina posted on 28-5-2013 02:40 PM
share ler..x mampu sorang2..hehehe..

sy xde la nak wat loan umah...sbb umah sendirik dah ada,
actually parents punya......dulu diorng sewakn kt org,
tp org tu wat jahanam kt umah tu....mak bengang dan suruh i pulak take over umah tu.

loan yg i nak wat kt bank sblom2 ne actually nak cover utang2 credit card

akibat ada sekor dua company swasta i keje terdahulu X bayar gaji i...2-3bulan dowh~!!
(bumiputera lak tu) ne cam trauma plak nak keja swasta.

ada org kata...."keje swasta dulu gain experience".
Der......aku dah been thru 6yeatrs sumthin' kt private. udah2 le tu.....time to move on.

and hope with GLC.

Aku ada la follow up ngan HR Hicom....HR pun mati paku camtu je sbb yg wat decision top management.
so if its possible for me to approach top management? sbb person involved dah tau dah sapa dia.

lagi 1, kalo aku gi follow up byk kali org X boring ker?


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Post time 29-5-2013 08:58 AM | Show all posts
ekmal_sorrow posted on 28-5-2013 04:56 PM
sy xde la nak wat loan umah...sbb umah sendirik dah ada,
actually parents punya......dulu diorng  ...

bgus la da ade umah sendiri..hehehe..
alaaa..nak seribu daya..mane tau kalau u dah slalu menempel kt die tanye die kesian..and die bgtau..
try la another cmpany aku ni da x terima org susah la nak msuk skrg..huuhuhu...

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Post time 31-5-2013 03:07 PM | Show all posts
aku tak sure tempat laki aku keje GLC ke tak ehh? ape beza GLC ngan public listed?

nak cakap susah dapat tak jugak kot...dia pun inteview ikut prosedur biasa gak. tapi result ade la dekat sebulan kot baru tau dapat ke tak...tu pun laki aku pi follow up...
rasanya kalau candidate tu memang berpotensi dan tak demand gaji, takde masalah kot.. kalau expect gaji tinggi sangat pun kadang2 tak dapat walaupun candidate bagus...
Last edited by PrintChez on 31-5-2013 03:13 PM


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 Author| Post time 1-6-2013 12:53 AM | Show all posts
PrintChez posted on 31-5-2013 03:07 PM
aku tak sure tempat laki aku keje GLC ke tak ehh? ape beza GLC ngan public listed?


boy....aku dah lama x sembang ngan nko.
tak tau lak nko dah kawin....
best aaa laki nko keje half government.

mau2 raya nanti dpt 6x bln bonus. heaven~!

aku dah lebih sebulan tunggu result wo...! proper channel aaa...
well bile nko dah sebut pasal gaji, aku nak tau sket.....kalo ada pengalaman 6thn.
munasabah tak mintak dlm RM3.5k to RM4K startup?

anyway....aku tgk GLC leh apply loan MBSB. up to RM150,000 ngan 3.5% flat rate interest.
teringin gak...sbb aku utang timbun sbb keje swasta nye pasal la. diorng x bayo gaji.

Last edited by ekmal_sorrow on 1-6-2013 12:59 AM


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 Author| Post time 1-6-2013 12:58 AM | Show all posts
missyqaldina posted on 29-5-2013 08:58 AM
bgus la da ade umah sendiri..hehehe..
alaaa..nak seribu daya..mane tau kalau u dah slalu menempel ...

company GLC nko tu dah tak baper terima org lagi?
uuhhh....biar aku teka. Putrajaya Holdings kan?
sbb aku siang tadi ada la tanya HR pasal last intake dan baper org?
dier leh jwb:

"2013 ne takde lagi last recruitment thn lepas. spjg thn 2012 tu kami ambik masuk pun X sampai 10org"


owh ya..aku nak declare ne. tepat 31may2013 kontrek aku dah tamat. aku x nak sambung another year.

----aku merasmikan projek tanaman anggur. Yeearrgghh~~!---


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Post time 2-6-2013 07:49 PM | Show all posts

jangan tunggu & apply 1 company ajer bro...apply jer banyak2 kompeni lain

banyak lagi kompeni2 swasta yang besar & stabil kat malaysia ni...usaha kuat ada ler rezeki nanti


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Post time 3-6-2013 08:19 AM | Show all posts
ekmal_sorrow posted on 1-6-2013 12:53 AM
boy....aku dah lama x sembang ngan nko.
tak tau lak nko dah kawin....
best aaa laki nko keje hal ... lagi ko kan ngan nick aku... ko still macam dulu, taip komen mesti pakai kaler purple...
dah kawin, dah jadi mak budak pun....hehehe
hmmm iskandar waterfront kira half gomen eh?
bos cina, bonus pun time raya cina ler.... tapi takde la sampai 6 bulan bonus...
pasal gaji tu pendapat aku sangat munasabah... kira logik la

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Post time 4-6-2013 09:14 AM | Show all posts
buDak_gaTaL posted on 2-6-2013 07:49 PM
jangan tunggu & apply 1 company ajer bro...apply jer banyak2 kompeni lain

banyak lagi kompeni ...

setuju yang ini. tak boleh harap pada satu. ku pun selama 2 tahun cuba cari kerja, berpuluh-puluh interview dah attend selama 2 tahun tu, sekarang baru mendapat kerja tempat baru. selalu company yang macam ni, walaupun ada pengalaman 6 tahun bekerja, mereka masih punya saringan yang ketat. cuba lagi, mungkin rezeki ko tak tempat lain dan mungkin Allah nak bagi ko tempat yang lagi baik dari yang ko harapkan sekarang.


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 Author| Post time 4-6-2013 01:18 PM | Show all posts
buDak_gaTaL posted on 2-6-2013 07:49 PM
jangan tunggu & apply 1 company ajer bro...apply jer banyak2 kompeni lain

banyak lagi kompeni ...

about to try (target: multinasional)....aku dah tau dah result Hicom aku. hampeh.....dierorg KIV.


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Post time 4-6-2013 02:38 PM | Show all posts
ekmal_sorrow posted on 4-6-2013 01:18 PM
about to try (target: multinasional)....aku dah tau dah result Hicom aku. hampeh.....dierorg KIV.

Dik, DRB-HICOM you apply katner? holding co? property? services or automotive?

btw, DRB-HICOM bukannyer GLC tapi PLC. ada beza GLC and PLC tau.

i dulu worked with GLC..7 years.....lepas tue head hunt....join non-glc. now kena headhunt lg.....ada both GLC and PLC panggil....tapi, tengok dulu lah kalau kerja dan whole remuneration package menarik baru pergi. tak semua GLC tue best.....depends lah.

what is ur discipline of study? what is your experience?

my division haritue, nak pakai org cepat...iklan dkt facebook less 2 weeks, dah appoint dah pon orang tue....

fastest way nak get the attention of your future immediate superior ialah, send ur resume straight to the particular division or department. and get in touch with them....HR nie bila nak formalize recruitment ajek....this is my past experience lah.... Last edited by tina^^ on 4-6-2013 06:48 PM



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 Author| Post time 4-6-2013 04:53 PM | Show all posts
tina^^ posted on 4-6-2013 02:38 PM
Dik, DRB-HICOM you apply katner? holding co? property? services or automotive?

btw, DRB-HICOM b ...

Ye ker? kalo PLC camne staf DRB Hicom leh apply loan MBSB dan Bank Rakyat aaaa?
sbb yg tu utk staff sektor awam, government agencies, badan berkanun dan off course GLC.

Woah, u ne mesti cam old-roomate i masa kat kampus dulu. last year serempak ngan dier.
dier blah dr SIME DARBY Energy and Utilities pegi ke consultant oil and gas kecik yg mmg ternyata private sepenuhnya.
so i x paham u all ne, naper tinggalkan GLC sedangkan benefit byk? ye la kan, byk sgt org kejar GLC ne.

so head hunt after 7-8years, u still dpt peluang GLC, but u still choose private? erkk..

i apply division aner? since i nyer field of exp. and qualif. pun Civil, so ari tu diinterview manager dr construction division. Hicom Builders kot?


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 Author| Post time 4-6-2013 04:54 PM | Show all posts
PrintChez posted on 3-6-2013 08:19 AM lagi ko kan ngan nick aku... ko still macam dulu, taip komen mesti pakai kaler purple. ...

iskandar waterfront bawah IRDA kan?
iskandar regional development authority ada link ngan state government. so kira GLC ler kot.
eh, husband nko ulang alik skudai ke IRDA ker? biar btol..jauh tu.


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Post time 4-6-2013 05:42 PM | Show all posts
ekmal_sorrow posted on 4-6-2013 04:53 PM
Ye ker? kalo PLC camne staf DRB Hicom leh apply loan MBSB dan Bank Rakyat aaaa?
sbb yg tu utk sta ...
i did not mention that i will choose private over glc. my job afterall only relevant dkt plc companies ajek.kalau private, dah tadek makna. so weather glc or not, thats not really matter so long the work and remuneration packages are attractive, that will be the considering point. so, tau tak aper beza PLC ngn GLC??

MBSB and bank rakyat bukan hanya utk GLC , badan berkanun and its kind ajek. of course, whoever in that group akan ada "special rate" with syarat kelayakan yg longgar, but that doesnt stop others from applying from them too. afterall, MBSB loan bukannyer best pon...its among yg paling cekik darah. i wud say, orang yg tadek choice ajek akan apply to MBSB esp housing loan, whilst other bank offer BLR minus, MBSB is the only financier that offer BLR plus at this juncture.

GLC benefit banyak??? i think dulu i heard new comers dah byk capping on benefits. but still good i supposed. the best benefit of course medical benefits. my time dulu, its unlimited capping. they even gave us the bestttttt EPF rate by 19% monthly. tadek co lain offer high rate like that. standard contributor dr employer is 12% ajek...lelain tue, ada car loan and housing loan. itupon, we can have attractive rate dr bank luar. as for me, i wud go for overall work and remuneration packages. tak kesahlah glc or plc....... in my current PLC's co, walaupon tadek housing loan benefit for employee per se, tapi co subsidize housing loan at 5% regardless dgn memana bank yg u engaged. skang housing loan int rate circa 4.2%-4.4% ajek.

overall, adaler lebe dan kurangnyer pegi memana pon. kat private, less benefit tp compensated thru higher remuneration.

and as i mentioned before, drb-hicom bukan glc. u know who is their shareholders??? HICOM Builders is just a small portion dlm property arm of DRB-HICOM.dlm property arm, they segregated into 3 sectors- property, asset & construction? so, this hicom builder is park under construction and compared to the entire drb-hicom businesses, this HB is very tiny winy margin and earnings generated.....
Last edited by tina^^ on 4-6-2013 06:20 PM



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 Author| Post time 4-6-2013 06:22 PM | Show all posts
tina^^ posted on 4-6-2013 05:42 PM
tau tak aper beza PLC ngn GLC???

MBSB and bank rakyat bukan hanya utk GLC , badan berkanun and ...

Well, camana kita nak tau yg branch/wing kita apply has high cap, margin and earning aaa?
(x kira la sime darby ke, drb ke, khazanah nasional ker, uem ke, kwsp-plus ke).....
and at the same time provide lotsof benefit for employee?
(i xde expect la sebanyak dan se"heaven" kakitangan awam, enough to be in the comfort zone).

masa interview kt HICOM Builders diorg dah state yg diorng bkn GLC sbb title sdn.bhd ....
wholly own aje by Glenmarie Properties. tp i takde la tanya benefit ape yg diorng provide.
I guess maybe cukup untuk berada dalam comfort zone. Apply loan pun dr mana2 pun xde masalah.

MBSB provide kami yg dok kompeni kecik2 mcm ah-tiau sdn bhd, rate tu dah cukup rendah bg kami.
gomen staff syukran jazilah aje la.....

whoa.....PLC subsidize loan umah? ha...this is why people nak keje ngan developer,
especially housing developer yg link to the government. take as an example......PR1MA. sedap tu kalo dapat.
i think the chances to get hired kinda high because they're new.
Tak macam Sime Darby Properties and Putrajaya Holdings...........setahun je x sampai 10 org diorng employ.

untung la sepupu i ke Putrajaya Holdings....dia dpt mcm2 even sethn ajek keje sana. Umah kat presint 8 tu.


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Post time 4-6-2013 06:41 PM | Show all posts
ekmal_sorrow posted on 4-6-2013 06:22 PM
Well, camana kita nak tau yg branch/wing kita apply has high cap, margin and earning aaa?
(x kir ...

the easiest way, baca ajek dkt annual report derang. u can gauge how much is their earnings, market cap, financial performance and lots more.

benefit varies from company to company. u must know what kind of benefits yg u mostly look after? if u ask me, since i dah berkeluarga, of course medical benefits is the most important benefit that i wud not want to miss. dah 3 kali i bersalin dkt private hospital, keluar lenggang kangkung tayah bayar sbb co support. so, that kind of benefit is the one that i treasured (and be thankful) most. even, the new co yg offer me job nie (its GLC - heavily owned by KNB), medical benefits nyer i asked them to compensate with higher remuneration since medical benefitnyer tak menarik compared to one that i currently enjoyed.

that 3.5% interest rate nie aper? personal loan? housing loan? car loan? so far, no bank can offer below 4% for housing loan. and on car loan, utk new car, selalunyer below 2.5% depends pd model. i think, yg u mentioned nie is personal loan right? that 3.5% is that fixed rate or on reducing balance? ada beza disitu .if its fixed rate, u have to annualised it, normally biler convert to flat rate, it will be somewhere around 6-7%. pls google the annualised calculator to check the absolute amount. btw, i tak pernah jumper personal loan on reducing balance thus far.

byk ajek company kat luar tu subsidise loan rumah. tak semestinyer kerja dgn housing developer ajek. cthnyer, axiata.....pon ada subsidize housing loan. so, all this benefits are varies from co to co. u really gotta find out urself.....and know benefits aper yg u sought after??

if u ask me, if salary is high enough to compensate the "absence benefits", then its worth considering......



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Post time 4-6-2013 06:58 PM | Show all posts
btw, since ur concern is about applying loan, suffice to say, kalau your paycheck ada big fat number, u keja mana pon tadek memang sayang dgn org2 yg handsome pay nie...

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Post time 5-6-2013 12:03 AM | Show all posts
tina^^ posted on 4-6-2013 06:41 PM
the easiest way, baca ajek dkt annual report derang. u can gauge how much is their earnings, marke ...

wah...suka baca tina nyer pengalaman...untung jugak lompat2 kompeni senang naik gaji


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Post time 5-6-2013 10:08 AM | Show all posts
buDak_gaTaL posted on 5-6-2013 12:03 AM
wah...suka baca tina nyer pengalaman...untung jugak lompat2 kompeni senang naik gaji

it depends on which company you wanna hop...

you must make sure whichever company you go, it MUST add value to your resume in future. where u had worked, your experiences and exposure will speaks volume for it in future...later, u tak payah cari kerja, rather kerja yg cari you.

bukan simply lompat2 ajek...frequent job hopping indicate that u r unstable and recruiters always write frequent-job-hoppers off because their resume looks like they won’t contribute enough to the company....


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Post time 5-6-2013 10:44 AM | Show all posts
ekmal_sorrow posted on 4-6-2013 04:54 PM
iskandar waterfront bawah IRDA kan?
iskandar regional development authority ada link ngan state g ...

IRDA badan berkanun kerajaan, IWH confirm GLC...
(IWH adalah perkongsian awam-swasta yang melibatkan Kerajaan Negeri Johor melalui KPRJ)

tak sama company...tak sama boss...walaupun opis satu block... hehe
ye.. kitorang ulang alik dari pulai ke danga bay tu...ade la dalam 30 kilo sehala...

aku rase ada betulnya komen tina tu...tak semua kot GLC ni best...
company tempat laki aku keje tu memang better dari opis lama...
tapi ramai jugak staff opis dia nak benti atau tengah tunggu offer lagi baik
aku sempat la berkenalan ngan opismate dia yang dah keje lamaa...
dia nak blah sebab benefit yang diorang dapat skrang dah tak best macam dulu sejak pertukaran big boss...


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 Author| Post time 5-6-2013 04:05 PM | Show all posts
tina^^ posted on 5-6-2013 10:08 AM
it depends on which company you wanna hop...

you must make sure whichever company you go, it MU ...
so, all this benefits are varies from co to co. u really gotta find out urself.....and know benefits aper yg u sought after??
let me answer this first. benefits yg i target ada 2jenis

1. direct benefits - faedah yg dicompensate direct every monthly/yearly  (if necessary) dlm bentuk payment. cth: medical (mcm kerajaan), elaun perjalanan, elaun makan, elaun liburan (utk entertain client, company based on project byk yg bg. kalo kilang diorng bg monthly movie passses) or elaun percutian (mcm IOI group offer) <-- any of these la. i Xde la demand sgt and X baper focus sgt all these as the main klaus.

2. prospect benefits - anything related to employee future endeavour. ini ler yg I pentingkan. percaya atau x, byk dah company yg multinasional or GLC hantar staff further master or degree studies abroad siap bagi duit poket harian lagi. kalo company2 kecik....nak antar seminar kursus 2-3 ari pun liat. kalo consultant civil.....mula2 je promise kat candidate yg diorng ada wat development training staff obtain professional engineer (P.E), pastu senyap....hampeh.

Pasal lompat keje tu plak.....
well....percaya atau x I dlm 6thn keje company kecik, I dah lompat 6company yg mmg status kerdil, xde satu pun company gergasi.
1. first, contractor kecik (7bln) - tamat project je i decide nak join consultant industry. sbb I tgk cam rilex je keje kat office. (tp tidak seperti yg aku lihat ngan mata kasar. cheh). lgpun...i nak apply apa yg i dah belajar kt univ on in-office design works.

2. second, consultant 100%kiasu (8bln) - specialized project kilang haram (defuq??)......pastu xde pun project dr kerajaan sbb status non-bumi. so jgnkan project highway, project jalan2 kampung pun xdpt. surau pun xde. kalo gini mampus idup blk aku x akan develop skill kt sini. ye la,

3. 3rd, company bumiputra yg pertama aku je. (4thn lebey) - leh tahan OK keje sini. byk benda I belajar, I develop skill yg mostly xde pun I I bersyukur. every friday ada bacaan yassin. unfortunately.....diorng nak relocate I ke IRDA (refer posting Printchez) utk 16bulan. I masa tu, heheheh...ada personal problem sket so I terpaksa refuse dr posting. maklumla, x sampai sthn br kawin. so company pun bagi kata dua. Finally, I pun blah la..

4. 4th - company bumiputra gak....specialized in military based development. tp bayar gaji lambat (client byk x byr, low monthly cap) .....masa ne semua utang I start bayar lambat. kena ccris terus dr bank. gua blah.....malas nak sembang byk. dah la ulang2 alik jauh, 25km. arrgghh~!

5. 5th - company bumiputra gak (dan lagi kecik) kerje sini best sbb kawan2 sekampung 2-3 org kt sini. mmg happening la bila ada gang. malangnye income company teruk. low monthly cap, byk projek statusnyer dah mmg tenat dan x dpt diselamatkan lg time mula2 masuk. wat stesen minyak je...apa la sgt. at the end, gaji I 2bulan lebey x byr sampai ke ari ne. utang I kt bank terus menggunung. gua blah.....malas nak byk mikir.

6. 6th (last one) half bumi half non-bumi. specialize wat project highway. off course 1001 benda i dpt belajar. malangnyer contract setahun. I x renew sbb kalo contract is still currently intact, nanti I x leh berenti in case i dpt offer dr mana2 company GLC / PLC (mmg byk I dok mintak slama ne). sebulan nak blah tu I thought I dpt offer dr DRB tp ...... last monday i dpt tau i application nyer kena KIV. so burn la.

i tulis pjg2 just nak bagitau....everybody left the previous company (even on-off) dalam masa yg singkat sebenarnya ada masalah diorng tersendiri.....ada reason.
tp "that reason" bg sesetengah employer di translate sbg "excuses"....which is unfair. I guess I x dpt keje kt GLC sbb ini le addition my CGPA yg rendah.
(am i a useless degree holder?)

satu is natural kalo pun org tu lompat keja sana sini as long as company yg dier mintak staff yg x sampai 10org, job masuk pun sket2. yg kais pagi makan tender, kais petang makan project (no sustain monthly cap), gaji ntah kena mana. pastu nama company pun org tak ketahuan mcm cth: ah tiau sdn bhd, kanusamy sdn bhd, puncak ghairah sdn bhd, ali bin ahmad sdn bhd. so salah ke org tu cari opportunity sana sini sbg batu lonjakkan utk end up kat company besar/badan berkanun/GLC/sektor awam?



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