Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
Siapakah yang berkata....
"The Islamic and non-Islamic powers of the world will not admit our power till such time that we establish our hold over Makkah and Madinah because these are the centers and citadels of Islam. Hence our domination over these places Is an essential requirement ... when as a conqueror I will enter Makkah and Madinah, the first thing to be done at that time by me would be to dig out two idols (Abu Bakar and Umar) lying by the side of the Prophet's grave."
[fly]Kata-kata siapakah ini?[/fly] |
Panglima Hitam This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Terong Pipit at 7-11-2003 14:48:
[fly]Kata-kata siapakah ini?[/fly]
Sunni Muslims constitute approximately 8 percent of the Iranian population. A majority of Kurds, virtually all Baluchis and Turkomans, and a minority of Arabs are Sunnis, as are small communities of Persians in southern Iran and Khorasan. The main difference between Sunnis and Shias is that the former do not accept the doctrine of the Imamate. Generally speaking, Iranian Shias are inclined to recognize Sunnis as fellow Muslims, but as those whose religion is incomplete. Shia clergy tend to view missionary work among Sunnis to convert them to true Islam as a worthwhile religious endeavor. Since the Sunnis generally live in the border regions of the country, there has been no occasion for Shia-Sunni conflict in most of Iran. In those towns with mixed populations in West Azarbaijan, the Persian Gulf region, and Baluchestan va Sistan, tensions between Shias and Sunnis existed both before and after the Revolution. Religious tensions have been highest during major Shia observances, especially Moharram. |
Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
Apa dia 'wasilah taqarrub'?
Munkin Bill atau Lax dapat huraikan.
Ianya sangat mereka amalkannya dalat solat-solat mereka.
Doa ini bermaksud saperti berikut:
"Ya Allah laknatilah kedua berhala Quraisy, kedua patung Quraisy, kedua thaghut Quraisy, kedua pendusta Quraisy dan kedua puterinya. Keduanya telah menyalahi perintah-Mu, menolak wahyu-Mu, mengingkari nikmat-Mu, mendurhakai Rasul-Mu, membalik agama-Mu, mengubah kitab-Mu, mencintai musuh-musuh-Mu, melupakan semua kurnia-Mu, menelantarkan hukum-hukum-Mu dan mengingkari bukti-bukti kebenaran (dari)-Mu. Ya Allah laknatilah keduanya dalam relung rahsia-Mu dan dalam alam nyata-Mu, laknat yang banyak, terus-menerus, abadi, selama-lamanya, tidak pernah henti dan tidak pernah putus, tidak pernah habis dan tidak pernah pupus, menerjang awalnya dan tidak kembali akhirnya, untuk mereka, pembantu mereka, penolong mereka, pecinta mereka, para mawali mereka, yang pasrah kepada mereka, yang cenderung kepada mereka, yang meninggikan mereka, yang meneladani ucapan mereka dan yang membenarkan hukum mereka. Ya Allah siksalah mereka dengan siksa yang penduduk neraka pun berlindung daripanya. Amin ya Rabbal 'Alamin." (Sila rujuk 'Tuhfah Al-Awam', Manshur Husain, hal. 423/424; 'Bihar Al-Anwar', Al-Majlisi, jilid 82, hal. 260)
Mereka mengatakan keutamaan doa ini luar biasa agung dan luhur, dan mereka juga mengucap DUSTA ke atas Saidina Ali r.a. dengan mengatakan bahawa beliau membacanya dalam qunut dan mengatakan tentang fadhilatnya,
"Orang yang berdoa denganya bagaikan pemanah bersama Nabi saw pada Perang Badar dan pada Perang Hunain dengan seribu anak panah." (Sila rujuk 'Tuhfah Al-Awam', Manshur Husain, hal. 423/424).
Na'udzubillahi min dzalik!
Ya Allah jadikanlah seribu anak panah dileher-leher mereka sendiri!
[ Last edited by Terong Pipit on 11-12-2003 at 06:26 AM ] |
Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Terong Pipit at 2003-11-7 06:48:
[fly]Kata-kata siapakah ini?[/fly]
Mana dia bill dan mereka yang sewaktu dengannya?
Betul ke, depa tak tahu sapa yang membuat kenyataan ini?
atau saja buat tak tahu...:cool:
Sebenarnya mullah Lax amat menyintai Ayatollah ini....
Lax, kenapa diam membisu... kita tidak perlu takut pada KEBENARAN!! |
Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
"Cerai" Kahwin Muta'ah, ada IDAH ke?
Syiah menggalakkan kahwin Mut'ah. Apabila habis waktu Kahwin Mut'ah, wanita tersebut ada waktu IDAH ke?
Apa firman Allah swt apabila pasangan suami isteri Islam bercerai?
Inilah yang dapat TP rujukkan;
Surah Al-Baqarah (2), ayat 228 yang bermaksud:
"Dan isteri-isteri yang diceraikan itu hendaklah menunggu dengan menahan diri mereka (dari berkahwin) selama tiga kali suci (dari haid) dan tidaklah halal bagi mereka menyembunyikan (tidak memberitahu tentang) anak yang dijadikan oleh Allah dalam kandungan rahim mereka, jika betul mereka beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. Dan suami-suami mereka berhak mengambil kembali (rujuk akan) isteri-isteri itu dalam masa idah mereka jika suami-suami bertujuan hendak berdamai. Dan isteri-isteri itu mempunyai hak yang sama seperti kewajipan yang ditanggung oleh mereka (terhadap suami) dengan cara yang sepatutnya (dan tidak dilarang oleh syarak); dalam pada itu orang-orang lelaki (suami-suami itu) mempunyai satu darjat kelebihan atas orang-orang perempuan (isterinya). Dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana."
Surah Al-Baqarah (2), ayat 232 yang bermaksud:
"Dan apabila kamu menceraikan isteri-isteri (kamu), lalu habis masa idah mereka maka janganlah kamu (wahai wali-wali nikah) menahan mereka daripada berkahwin semula dengan (bekas) suami mereka, apabila mereka (lelaki dan perempuan itu) bersetuju sesama sendiri dengan cara yang baik (yang dibenarkan oleh Syarak). Demikianlah diberi ingatan dan pengajaran dengan itu kepada sesiapa di antara kamu yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhirat. Yang demikian adalah lebih baik bagi kamu dan lebih suci dan (ingatlah), Allah mengetahui (akan apa jua yang baik untuk kamu) sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya."
Oleh itu, penyokong dan pesimpati Syiah disini boleh terangkan sikit. Manalah tahu munkin ada ayat Al-Quran yang memansuhkan ayat 228 dan 232 dari Surah Al-Baqarah mengenai perintah ini.
TP pun nak tahu juga... seronok kalau boleh Kahwin Mut'ah... sebab imam Khomeni berfatwa bahawa mereka boleh juga bermuta'ah dengan wanita bukan Islam, malahan pelacur pun boleh.
Nampaknya tiada respon dari seberang sana untuk mejawap apa yang TP utarakan.Boleh kot kalau saya bagi sedikit respon,walaupun saya bukanlah terdiri dari kalangan pakar dalam Fiqh Muqaran dan juga bukan juga termasuk dalam kriteria orang yang boleh memeberi respon ini mengikut apa yang TP tulis.
Sigheh atau nikah mutaah mengandungi tiga syarat utama iaitu;
c.Tempoh perkahwinan yang ditetapkan.
Secara dasarnya apabila habis tempoh yang ditetapkan,maka terbubarlah perkahwinan tersebut,jika keduanya setuju sambung perlu aqad,mahar dan tempoh yang baru.Jelasnya pembubaran iktan mutaah berbeza dengan dengan ikatan nikah daim,kerana ikatan nikah mutaaah tiada istilah talak raj`i(revocable talak) atau bain (irrevocable).Habis kontrak habis nikah.
Apakah ada eddah dalam nikah mutaah?jawapannya ya,ada iaitu selama 45 hari. Dan bagi yang tiada haid lagi mereka tidak perlu lagi bereddah.Ini berbeza sedikit dengan eddah nikah, bergantung pada haid atau kiraan bulan,samada 3 bulan,4 bulan 10 hari,atau tiga kali suci,kelahiran anak,atau tiada eddah langsung.Ianya bergantung pada situasi perempuan tersebut.
bagaimana dengan soal lain?
perwarisan : nikah mutaah tidak mewarisi.
nafkah: tidak wajib atas suami.
Mengenai nikah dengan non-muslim,mengikut apa yang saya jumpa dalam kitab-kitab syiah tidak dibenarkan kecuali dengan ahli kitab.(itupun terdapat khilap mengenainya,pandangan yang masyhur, boleh berkahwin secara mutaah dengan kitabiayah tetapi haram dalam nikah daim)
Demikian sedikit info sebagai maklumat kita bersama
Ruj: Lihat Husain Yusuf al-Amili: al-Mutah fi al-Islam 1958.
Abd Karim Redha, al-Ahkam al-Jaafariyah Fi al-Akhwal al-Syahsiah 1947.
Jaafar B. Hassan, Syaraik al-Azhar Fi Masail al-Halal wa al-Haram.
Artikel Institusi Mutaah Satu penilaian(Raihanah Abdullah UM)
[ Last edited by anwar66 on 17-12-2003 at 11:29 AM ] |
Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
awat bill dan lax tak nak berkokok pun disini?
irfani mana?
Kalau benar ada cakap ler... kenapa membisu seribu bahasa...
Adakah TP boleh membuat andaian bahawa ianya adalah BENAR dan SEMUANYA BENAR BELAKA!!!!! |
Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
Originally posted by anwar66 at 2003-12-17 03:21:
Nampaknya tiada respon dari seberang sana untuk mejawap apa yang TP utarakan.Boleh kot kalau saya bagi sedikit respon,walaupun saya bukanlah terdiri dari kalangan pakar dalam Fi ...
Salam anwar66,
Terimakasih diatas penjelasan anda.
Tetapi TP masih belum dapat memahami, selagi tidak mengetahui dalil-dalil yang membolehkan 'memansuhkan' perintah Allah SWT saperti yang terdapat dalam ayat 228 dan 232 dari Surah Al-Baqarah (Qur'an 2: 228 & 232). |
Dari segi Fiqh Mazhab jaafariah ni dalam bab eddah bagi perceraian nikah daim(tetap) sama je dengan mana-mana mazhab Fiqh Ahli Sunnah,samada eddah cerai mati atau cerai hidup,samada dengan quruk/bulan/atau dengan kelahiran.Prinsip dan hikmah eddah adalah sama.Tak timbul pada fahaman saya soal golongan mereka menasahkan ayat eddah tu.
Cumanya Nikah mutatah ni memangle lain konsepnya,bemula dari awal lagi,wali/saksi tak perlu.Soal talak rajei ke bain ke juga tak timbul.habis kontrak habsilah nikah.Terbubar bukan dengan perceraian sperti mana biasa.Namun dalam kitab-kitab fiqh mereka telah menetapkan 45 hari eddah bagi pembubaran mutaah ini.
Tu je yang dapat saya sebutkan disini. |
"....Keduanya telah menyalahi perintah-Mu, menolak wahyu-Mu, mengingkari nikmat-Mu, mendurhakai Rasul-Mu, membalik agama-Mu, mengubah kitab-Mu, mencintai musuh-musuh-Mu, melupakan semua kurnia-Mu, menelantarkan hukum-hukum-Mu dan mengingkari bukti-bukti kebenaran (dari)-Mu..."
apakah anda wahai terong pipit akan menyintai dan mewalikan seorang yg seperti disifatkan oleh doa di atas itu? apakah salah syiah sekiranya mereka memohonkan balasan ALlah ke atas org2 yg mereka dapati memang bersifat seperti sifat2 dalam doa di atas? |
ada dua sahaja kemungkinan;
1- ia adalah tidak benar, dan kedua
2- sekalipun kalau benar, siapapun berkata demikian bukanlah menjadi masalah, kerana org2 lain pun berkata yg sama, atau selainnya. ia adalah luahan hati secara individunya yg membenci org2 yg memusuhi Ahlul Bait a.s.
ada lagi kata2 yg berbunyi "sesungguhnya dia sedang meracau" yg difitnahkan kepada Rasulullah saaw saat baginda saaw memintakan tinta dan kertas.
bill: Terong siapa yg agaknya berani mengatakan Baginda sedang meracau tu agaknya ye? |
Mat Kampong This user has been deleted
Originally posted by billionaire at 5-101-2004 21:15:
bill: Terong siapa yg agaknya berani mengatakan Baginda sedang meracau tu agaknya ye?....
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakatuH, I pray that this reaches you all in the best of health and iman.
Typically for mullah billionaire dan depa yg sewaktu dengannya - soalan yang ditanya tak berjawab.. tapi dia pulak yang bertanya balik.... bagi MK senang aje... jika billionaire teramat bermegah dengan anutan anda kenapa dok cerita yang baik-baik aje.. kenapa yang tak baik disapu kebawah persian carpet...
Wallahu A'lam bi As-Sawab! Wasalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakatuH.. |
mengapa tak dijawab? kan dah dijawab dengan cara yg halus tu?
mengapa yg kotor disapu di bawah carpet? eh tak, yg kotor takde, kan Ahlul Bait a.s tu suci sesuci sucinya. kalau 'ada' tu mesti sebab cepat buat andaian, tak faham betul2 dan suka dengar cakap orang. Oh ye, lama tak nampak, soalan mengapa anda tinggalkan Kitabullah dan AHlul Bait a.s tak berjawab lagi. |
Mat Kampong This user has been deleted
Originally posted by billionaire at 8-1-2004 09:59 PM:
mengapa tak dijawab? kan dah dijawab dengan cara yg halus tu?
mengapa yg kotor disapu di bawah carpet? eh tak, yg kotor takde, kan Ahlul Bait a.s tu suci sesuci sucinya. kalau 'ada' tu mes ...
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakatuH, I pray that this reaches you all in the best of health and iman.
wahai billionaire,
SAPA YANG TINGGALKAN Kitabullah dan AHlul Bait a.s.?
Adakah AHlul Bait a.s. cuma imam -imam yang 11 + 1 yg masih ghaib itu sahaja.
Itu pemahaman anda lantaklah. Anda nak kata depa suci sesucinya maka lantaklah. Itu hak anda.. bagi MK jawapannya NO! dan AHlul Bait a.s. bukan terkongkong HANYA kepada imam -imam yang 11 + 1 yg masih ghaib itu saperti yang anda percayai dan taksubkan. I'm sori!
Cud you read my signature dan fahamilah..
Wallahu A'lam bi As-Sawab! Wasalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakatuH.. |
Originally posted by Terong Pipit at 7-11-2003 02:48 PM:
[fly]Kata-kata siapakah ini?[/fly]
Andainya inilah yang diperkatakan oleh Imam, maka akulah orang pertama yang akan mengikutinya. Memang kesyahidan cita-citaku seperti mana syahidnya Hussein atas nama kebenaran. Aku dengan keyakinan aku dan engkau dengan keyakinan engkau. Musuh tidak ku cari dan andainya cabaran yang datang..tidak ku lari. Wahai Hussein....darah mu lah yang menghidupkan kebenaran hingga kini. Alirkanlah darah ku ini agar dapat bersama mu nanti... |
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakatuH, I pray that this reaches you all in the best of health and iman.
wahai billionaire,
SAPA YANG TINGGALKAN Kitabullah dan AHlul Bait a.s.?
Adakah AHlul Bait a.s. cuma imam -imam yang 11 + 1 yg masih ghaib itu sahaja.
Itu pemahaman anda lantaklah. Anda nak kata depa suci sesucinya maka lantaklah. Itu hak anda.. bagi MK jawapannya NO! dan AHlul Bait a.s. bukan terkongkong HANYA kepada imam -imam yang 11 + 1 yg masih ghaib itu saperti yang anda percayai dan taksubkan. I'm sori!
Cud you read my signature dan fahamilah..
Wallahu A'lam bi As-Sawab! Wasalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakatuH..
wa'alaikumussalam wbth the dua goes back to you the same as it was first uttered.
Ini panduan buat Mat Kampong dalam menghadapi hari tuanya:
Dalam peristiwa Mubahalah seperti yg dicatatkan oleh Muslim dalam Sahihnya, dari saad bin Abi Waqas yg berkata: "Ketika ayat ini turun 'Katakanlah marilah kita memanggil diri-diri kami dan diri-diri kamu, anak-anak kami dan anak2 kamu, isteri-isteri kami dan isteri-isteri kamu...(Ali Imran 61)..Rasulullah saaw memanggil Ali, Fathimah, Hasan dan husein. lalu Rasulullah saaw berkata, "Ya Allah, mereka inilah Ahlul Baitku..."
(sahih Muslim, jil.2, Isa al-Halabi, Jil.15, hlm.176; sahih Tirmidzi, jil.4, hlm.293 hadis ke 3085; Mustadrak hakim, Jil.3, hlm.150)
P/S: mengapa Rasulullah saaw tidak memanggil Abu Bakar dan Umar sekiranya begitu besar kedudukan mereka? Dan perhatikan, Apabila Allah menyuruh “diri2 kami” diajak bermubahalah dalam ayat tersebut ternyata Imam Ali a.s adalah orangnya. Apabila Allah mengutamakan Ahlul Bait a.s di dalam KitabNya, Mat Kampong dan para sahabatnya rasa perlu utk mengutamakan org lain atas Ahlul Bait a.s!
mungkin anda patut cari Ahlul Bait yg anda sendiri fikirkan betul.
wassalam |
Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
Bacalah dan fahamilah..... kerana Allah SWT.
Retelling the tragedy of Karbala has traditionally been an important feature of Shi抜 spirituality. The passion plays of Iran and the Indian subcontinent, the literature, both prose and poetry, composed upon the subject of the martyrdom of Sayyiduna Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu and the general atmosphere of mourning that reigns amongst the Shi抋h during the month of Muharram, all bear eloquent testimony to the importance of that event in the Shi抜 calendar. To the Shi抋h, Ashura is probably the most important day of the year.
However, it is regrettable that despite the huge amount of attention the subject of Karbala enjoys, the event is persistently portrayed as two-sided. It is always depicted as Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu against Yazid, Right rising up against Wrong, the Quest for Justice against the Forces of Oppression. Many an opportunist has even gone to the extent of superimposing upon the event the theme of Shi抋h against Ahl as-Sunnah.
In this partial retelling that concentrates upon what actually happened at Karbala, and conveniently draws attention away from the other guilty party in the Ashura tragedy, lies another tragedy in itself. For while Sayyiduna Husayn抯 martyrdom has been oft commemorated, and his physical opponents and killers identified, cursed and eliminated, no one has spared a moment抯 anger for those who deserted him at the crucial hour. It is these men in the shadows, who squarely deserve to be called the REAL Villains of Karbala, upon whom this article seeks to cast light.
It was in Ramadan 60AH that the letters from Kufah started to arrive at the house of 慉bbas ibn 慉bdal-Muttalib in Makkah where Husayn ibn 慉li radiyallahu 'anhu was staying after his flight from Madinah, letters urging him to lead the Kufans into revolt against Yazid ibn Mu抋wiyah, and assuring him of their loyalty and allegiance. Mu抋wiyah radiyallahu 'anhu died two months earlier, and there was much resentment for his son Yazid for whom the bay抋h was taken as his successor. The people of Kufah especially were looking at Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu for leadership, and soon there was a stream of letters coming in from Kufah. On certain days there would be as many as 600 letters, with messengers who enthusiastically described the support he would receive from the Kufans. Kufah was a unique place, and the Kufans a peculiar people. In 37AH Sayyiduna 慉li Radiyallaahu 慳nhu shifted his capital from Madinah to Kufah, and ever since that city became the home of those who claimed partisanship of the Ahl al-Bayt. After the reconciliation between Hasan radiyallahu 'anhu and Mu抋wiyah radiyallahu 'anhu in 41AH many of those who had been in Sayyiduna Hasan抯 army settled in Kufah. At the time of Sayyiduna Mu抋wiyah抯 death in 60AH pro-扐lid sentiments were still to be found in abundance in Kufah. At the time of Mu抋wiyah抯 death in 60 AH Kufah was still very strongly pro-扐lid. Thus when the opportunity arose the Kufans, who still regarded themselves as the Shi抋h (supporters) of the Ahl al-Bayt turned to Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu to lead them against Yazid.
Sayyiduna Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu decided to send his cousin Muslim ibn 慉qil to investigate the situation in Kufah. If he found it feasible he would write to inform Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu, who would depart with his family from Makkah to join him in Kufah. Muslim arrived in Dhul Qa抎ah. The Kufans, when they learnt of his arrival, presented themselves at the residence of Muslim ibn 慉wsajah al-Asadi where he was staying. Soon there were 12,000 Kufans who had given their solemn pledge to support and protect Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu with their lives and all they possessed. When this number rose to 18,000 Muslim felt confident enough to dispatch a messenger to Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu informing him of the bay抋h of the Kufans, and urging him to proceed from Makkah.
Rumours of what was happening in Kufah soon reached Yazid in Damascus. He immediately replaced Nu抦an ibn Bashir, the governor of Kufah, with the ruthless 慤baydullah ibn Ziyad with orders to find Muslim ibn 慉qil and kill him. Ibn Ziyad entered Kufah early in Dhul Hijjah, accompanied by seventeen men on horseback. With the end of his turban drawn over his face he was unrecognisable, and the people of Kufah, who were expecting Sayyiduna Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu, mistook him for Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu. "Peace upon you, O son of Rasulullah," they hailed him. Thus it was that Ibn Ziyad learnt the truth of the rumours. It was only when one of his mounted men shouted at them, "Stand back! This is the governor 慤baydullah ibn Ziyad!" that the Kufans realised the seriousness of their blunder.
Soon after reaching the governor抯 residence 慤baydullah sent a servant of his own with a bag containing 3,000 dirhams to pose as a newcomer from the Syrian town of Hims eager to join the imminent revolution, and thereby discover the whereabouts of Muslim ibn 慉qil. He located Muslim in the house of Hani ibn 慤rwah, and took the pledge of allegiance at his hands. The money he handed over to Abu Thumamah al-扐miri who was acting as Muslim抯 treasurer. After staying with them for a few days, during which he learnt most of what there was to know about their intrigue, he returned to Ibn Ziyad and informed him. Hani ibn 慤rwah was arrested. At first he denied all knowledge of Muslim抯 whereabouts, but when the "newcomer from Hims" was brought before him he confessed. But he still refused to reveal where Muslim ibn 慉qil was.
...to be continued... |
Terong Pipit This user has been deleted
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
Bacalah dan fahamilah..... kerana Allah SWT.
In the meantime Muslim came to hear about the arrest of Hani ibn 慤rwah. Realising that the hour for a decisive encounter had arrived, he raised his battle cry 慪a Mansur", at which 4,000 of the men who had given him their oath of allegiance and loyalty to Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu gathered around him and proceeded towards the governor抯 fort. When he saw Muslim ibn 慉qil with the Kufans at his gate, 慤baydullah sent some of the tribal leaders of Kufah to speak with their people and draw them away from Muslim and warn them of the wrath that would descend upon them when the armies from Damascus arrived. Soon Muslim抯 army was upon by mothers telling their sons, "Come home, there are enough other people here," and fathers ominously warning their sons, "What will happen tomorrow when the Syrian armies start arriving from Damascus? What will you do?" The resolve of the men who had taken a sacred oath to support and defend the cause of Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu and the Ahl al-Bayt against Yazid and his Syrian armies, the men upon the strength of whose oaths of allegiance and loyalty Sayyiduna Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu was at that very moment making his way to Kufah with his nearest and dearest, the resolve of those men of Kufah could not hold in the face of such threats and discouragement. One by one they deserted Muslim ibn 慉qil under the gates of the governor抯 fort. At sunset he was left with only 30 men. He led them in Maghrib, and then moved away to the doorway of the Kindah quarter of Kufah. He went through that door with no more than 10 men, and before he knew it, he was all on his own in the streets of Kufah. Of all those who had so anxiously and enthusiastically written to Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu to come and lead them in revolt against Yazid, and out of the 18,000 men who but days before placed their right hands in his, solemnly pledging allegiance to the cause for which they had invited the grandson of Rasulullah sallallahu 慳layhi wasallam, not a single one was there to offer Muslim ibn 慉qil the solace of their company or refuge from the night.
Eventually, parched with thirst, he knocked at a door. The occupant, an old lady, took him in when she learnt that he was Muslim ibn 慉qil. She hid him away in her house, but her son, from whom she extracted a promise not to tell anyone of his presence there, waited only till the morning to take the news to the governor抯 residence. The next thing Muslim realised was that the house was surrounded. Thrice he managed with his sword to drive the attackers out of the house, but when they started putting fire to the house he was forced to face them outside. It was only when 慉bd ar-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn al-Ashath, one of those sent to arrest him, promised him the safety of his life, that he lowered his sword. It was a mistake, for they took away his sword and mounted him upon an ass to be taken to Ibn Ziyad. Muslim knew his death was at hand. Tears flowed from his eyes, not at his own fate, but at the thought of Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu and his family travelling through the harsh, merciless desert towards a fate much more harsher and merciless, to an enemy firmly resolved to bring an end to his venture, and to the most treacherous of partisans whose desertion at the hour of need had brought his life to this tragic end. He begged Ibn al-Ash抋th to send someone to Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu with the following message: "Ibn 慉qil has sent me to you. He says to you: 慓o back with your family. Do not be deceived by the people of Kufah. They are those same supporters of your father from whom he so dearly wished to part, by death or by being killed. The Kufans have lied to me and have lied to you, and a liar has no sense. |
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Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
Bacalah dan fahamilah..... kerana Allah SWT.
In Makkah, a number of the eminent Sahabah and children of Sahabah tried to dissuade Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu from going to Kufah, and reminded him of the fickleness of the Kufans with both his father and his brother. 'Abdullah ibn 'Abbas, 'Abdullah ibn 'Umar, Jabir ibn 'Abdillah, Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, his own brother, Muhammad, and his brother-in-law and cousin, 'Abdullah ibn Ja'far radiyallahu 'anhum all remonstrated with him and tried to persuade him not to go to Iraq. His mind, however, was made up. He set out from Makkah on the eve of Dhul Hijjah, not knowing of the sad end of Muslim ibn 'Aqil.
After an arduous journey of almost a month his party reached Iraq. It was there that he first heard of the treachery of the Kufans and the death of Muslim ibn 'Aqil. Later he also learnt of the death of Qays ibn Mus-hir. A large number of desert Arabs had by that time attached themselves to his party, thinking that Kufah was already practically his. Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu addressed them saying, "Our Shi抋h have deserted us. Therefore, whoever wants to leave is free to do so."
Soon he was left with only those who left Makkah with him. With them he continued towards Kufah.
Meanwhile Kufah was placed under heavy surveillance by Ibn Ziyad. When news of Husayn抯 approach reached him, he dispatched a 4,000 strong contingent, which was on its way to fight the Daylamites, to stop Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu. This contingent was put under the command of 'Umar ibn Sa'd. There can be little doubt that the Kufans witnessed the departure of this force from Kufah with their own eyes. This would be their last chance to honour the oaths of allegiance to Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu which they had taken upon the hands of Muslim ibn 'Aqil. This was the final opportunity to rush to the side of the grandson of Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam. It was after all their invitations and assurances of support that encouraged him to abandon the safety of Makkah for the precarious battlefields of Iraq. But once again faithfulness, courage and commitment was found lacking in the people of Kufah. Only a handful emerged to join Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu at Karbala.
And when the sun set on the 10th of Muharram, it was too late for the faithless Shi'ah of Kufah to make amends, for the sands of Karbala was stained red with the blood of Sayyiduna Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu and his seventy-one followers.
Four years later the Shi'ah of Kufah attempted to make amends for their desertion of the family of Rasulullah sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam. There emerged a group of Kufans calling themselves the Tawwabun (Penitents) who made it their duty to wreak vengeance upon the killers of Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu. On their way to Syria in pursuit of Ibn Ziyad they passed by Karbala, the site of Sayyiduna Husayn抯 grave, where they raised a great hue and cry, and spent the night lamenting the tragedy which they allowed to happen four years earlier. Had they only displayed that same spirit of compassion for Husayn radiyallahu 'anhu when he was so much in need of it, the history of Islam might have taken a different course.
If today 'Ashura will be commemorated as a day of struggle and sacrifice, let it also be remembered as a day of treachery and desertion. When the names of Yazid ibn Mu'awiyah, 'Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad, 'Umar ibn Sa'd and Shamir ibn Dhil Jawshan are mentioned and curses invoked upon their memories, then let us not forget the treachery of the Shi'ah of Kufah.
The time has long been due for the Shi'ah to reintroduce into their Ashura ceremonies an aspect that was in fact part of the very first commemoration ceremony of the Tawwabun. That lost aspect is the ADMISSION OF THEIR OWN GUILT, along with that of Ibn Ziyad, Yazid and others, in the shedding of the holy blood of Sayyiduna Husayn ibn 'Ali radiyallahu 'anhuma
..al-Fatihah.. |
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