Untold History : The Lost Samurai Contingent of Malacca
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Reply HangPC2
mekasih mekasih..
kirenye mereka ni macam kisah kisah kat China jugak ...
pawangBuaya Post at 7-6-2011 17:26 
ini lokasi yang dikatakan Hang Tuah pernah sampai.... bukan kat Jepun pun sebab Kat Jepun tengah berperang sesama sendiri (Zaman Sengoku) |
"While at Malacca, on an Indian island, Xavier met Yajiro, a samurai of Kagoshima and from him learned about the Japanese people.
So in 1549 accompanied by two Europeans, three Japanese and two Indian servants set out for Kagoshima, Japan. While here Xavier, with the help of Yajiro, learned Japanese and wrote a catechism in Japanese.
In instructing the Japanese Xavier emphasized God as Creator which they had no knowledge of. Unfortunately the bonze, Buddhist priests and monks, were opposed to the Christian law. He wrote, "The Japanese are certainly of remarkably good dispositions, and follow reason wonderfully. They see clearly that their ancestral law is false and the law of God true, but they are deterred by fear of their prince from submitting to the Christian religion. (Xavier letter from Japan to Jesuits at Goa, 1551) So xavier was forced to leave."
banyak teks pasal si xavier ni dengan orang kagoshima..heh tapi pebenda yang Yajiro dah buat smpai kena title "fugutive" ?? |
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The first Japanese whom Xavier met was Yajiro, a samurai of Kagoshima. How Yajiro was introduced by George Alvarez to the "Santo Padre" at Malacca is too well known a story to be repeated here.
Suffice it to say that Xavier was enthusiastic about Yajiro's curiosity, good common sense and charming personality and that he wrote to his Society in Europe, "If all the Japanese are as eager to learn as Yajiro, they will be the most remarkable of all races in the world."
When Xavier asked Yajiro whether many Japanese would desire to become Christian, if he were to go with him to Japan, Yajiro replied, according to the record preserved, that "they would not at once accept the Christian faith, but would first ask him questions, examine his answers and, above all, try to see if his conduct was in conformity with his teaching.
If his answers satisfied them and if they found nothing blameworthy in his conduct, all the nobility and the intellectuals, and even the Emperor would be willing within one year to receive baptism, for they are people guided only by reason."
http://pweb.sophia.ac.jp/britto/xavier/laures/laures.html |
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Post Last Edit by kertasputih at 7-6-2011 22:51
A keris found at the royal Enkakuji Temple.
Surprising find at Okinawa temple
OKINAWA: An ancient blade of a keris found recently at the royal Enkakuji Temple grounds near the 15th century Shurijo Castle might unravel the ties the Malay world had with these southwestern islands of Japan.
As the war-ravaged Enkakuji Temple was being restored, construction workers stumbled upon a protruding porcelain pot handle at a spot where offerings were made to the gods.
The ensuing archaeological dig unearthed nine other items, including the wavy blade of a keris, foreign to this part of the world.

Historians believe the keris could be from either Malacca or Java as Okinawa and the its surrounding islands under the old Kingdom of Ryukyus had diplomatic and trade ties with ancient cities and ports in Asia, including Malacca, before it became a part of Japan in 1879.
The blade measuring 22.1cm from the tip to hilt was found without the handle and sheath, as the wooden parts had been destroyed.
According to the Okinawa Prefecture Archaeological Centre officials the blade was found buried along with other items, including a clay plate with carvings of a dragon shaped boat, a glazed pot, a gold-plated door hinge and a metal door skirting.
The castle restoration work started in 1989 and the Shurijo Park was opened to public in 1992 while restoration work at the temple is still ongoing.
Prof Dr Kurayoshi Takara a historian from the University of The Ryukyus said the discovery had not been publicised much and is unknown to people outside Okinawa and Japan.
He believes the discovery of the blade of a keris would spark international interest among historians and archaeologists to determine its origin.
“I personally believe it could have been from Malacca because the Ryukyus Kingdom had started trading with Malacca in the 15th century,” said Prof Takara, who has been to Malaysia and Malacca to carry out research on the ancient ties the Kingdom of Ryukyus had with Southeast Asian kingdoms.
From historical records, Prof Takara said, the Ryukyus had started trading with Siam (Thailand), between 1425 and 1570, Malacca (1463-1511), Patani (Southern Thailand) (1490-1543) and several other areas in Indonesia (Palembang, Java and Sumatra) and Cambodia.
“Records also indicate Ryukyuan junks went to Malacca every year for 49 years and carried out trade with local merchants, Arabs and Indians.
“They would bring gold, silver, copper, tin, and Chinese ceramic from mainland Japan and China and trade them for ivory and wine,” he said, adding that there were also correspondence between the rulers of Malacca and Ryuyukus.
Malacca was also known for its high quality wine (believed to be nipah wine), but later years Ryukyuans started buying it from Thailand when Malacca stopped making it.
Okinawa now has its own rice wine known as awamori and there are about 40 factories producing them.
Prof Takara said the Japan-Asean Exchange Year 2003 is the best opportunity to get students in Asean countries and Japan to carry out research work in understanding the different cultures and history.
He said the printing on fabric, locally known as bingata, is similar to batik printing in Malaysia and Indonesia, but no records had been discovered to show bingata originated from Southeast Asia.
A visit to a rice wine factory located at the foothill of the Shurijo Park revealed that drinking awamori has become an Okinawa tradition.
A awamori factory owner Takeshi Sakumoto said the consumption of the beverage had become part of local culture, with people buying and storing away a bottle or jug of awamori every time a child was born and drink it when the child reached adulthood at 21.
http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2003/6/26/nation/drkeris&sec=nation |
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Ninja Melayu-Badai Mencak Kelambit
Mengikut Hikayat Hang Tuah, ketika Dato Laksamana menjadi duta daripada Kerajaan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka, beliau telah bertembung dengan sekumpulan ninja bertaraf shinobi dari Jepun. Mereka ini berhajat untuk merampas kuasa daripada Raja Siam. Dalam keadaan kucar-kacir ini Hang Tuah telah membantu Raja Siam menumpaskan shinobi-shinobi itu. Semua terbunuh kecuali satu. Semasa ninja yang terselamat itu hendak menbunuh diri secara hara-kiri, Dato Laksamana telah memujuk beliau supaya tidak mensia-siakan hidupnya. Kemudian mengikut Hang Tuah serta memeluk Islam dan memakai nama Adi Golok. Beliau selepas beberapa lama telah berpindah dan menetap di Perak.
Ramai yang mengatakan ilmu ninja Melayu bermula dengan Adi Golok. Tetapi sebenarnya ilmu halimunan ini telah lama bertapak di nusantara. Jika kita memegang pada Hikayat Hang Tuah. Sila rujuk pertembungan Hang tuah dengan penjurit-penjurit Jawa.
http://salampenjuritan.blogspot. ... encak-kelambit.html |
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Reply HangPC2
mekasih mekasih..
kirenye mereka ni macam kisah kisah kat China jugak ...
pawangBuaya Post at 7-6-2011 17:26 
Ilmu Mempertahankan Diri Seperti Karate dan Kenpo berasal... Kepulauan Ryukyu |
Kapal mohor merah
Kapal mohor merah ( 朱印船 Shuinsen ) adalah kapal layar bersenjata pedagang Jepun yang berlayar dalam perdagangannya ke pelabuhan-pelabuhan Asia Tenggara, dengan izin bermohor merah yang dikeluarkan di awal Keshogunan Tokugawa, pada paruh pertama abad ke-17. Antara 1600 dan 1635, lebih dari 350 kapal Jepun melakukan pelayaran dagang ke luar negeri di bawah sistem izin ini.
Awal mula
Kapal-kapal Jepun cukup aktif berlayar di perairan Asia selama abad ke-13 sampai ke-16, yang seringkali adalah Lanun Jepun " wakō " kerap menjarah wilayah pesisir Kemaharajaan Cina. Misi perdagangan resmi juga dikirim ke Cina, seperti misalnya Tenryūji-bune pada tahun 1341. Aktiviti wakō berhasil dihentikan secara efisien pada akhir abad ke-16 dengan dikeluarkannya larangan perlanunan oleh Hideyoshi, serta Kejayaan membanteras kegiatan lanun di pesisir Cina oleh jenderal-jenderal Dinasti Ming.
Antara abad ke-15 dan abad ke-16, perantara perdagangan utama di Asia Timur dipegang kerajaan pulau Ryūkyū (sekarang adalah Okinawa), yang mempertukarkan produk-produk Jepun (perak, pedang) dan Cina dengan kayu secang dan kulit rusa dari Asia Tenggara. Secara keseluruhan tercatat 150 kapal Ryūkyū berlayar dari kerajaan itu ke Asia Tenggara, 61 di antaranya menuju Annam (Vietnam), 10 menuju Malaka, 10 menuju Pattani, 8 menuju Jawa, serta lain-lain tujuan. Perdagangan mereka menghilang sekitar tahun 1570 dengan mulai berkembangnya para pedagang Cina dan intervensi dari kapal-kapal Portugis dan Sepanyol, serta sehubungan dengan awal dimulainya sistem mohor merah. Kerajaan Ryūkyū akhirnya diserang oleh Jepun pada tahun 1609.
Ketika orang-orang Eropa pertama mulai melayari lautan Pasifik, mereka secara teratur bertemu dengan kapal-kapal Jepun, seperti ketika Sepanyol pada tahun 1589 menerima di Manila sebuah jung Jepun yang rusak kerana badai dalam perjalanannya menuju Siam, atau ketika penjelajah keliling dunia Belanda Olivier van Noort bertemu dengan jung Jepun seberat 110 ton di Filipina pada bulan Disember 1600, serta dalam pelayaran yang sama ketika ia bertemu dengan kapal mohor merah yang bernahkoda seorang kapten Portugis di lepas pantai Kalimantan yang lalu menceritakan kepada mereka mengenai kedatangan William Adams di Jepun.
Sistem mohor merah
Sistem mohor merah muncul setidak-tidaknya pada tahun 1592 di bawah pemerintahan Hideyoshi, yaitu saat pertama kalinya sistem tersebut disebutkan dalam sebuah dokumen. Surat Izin mohor merah (Shuinjō) tertua yang berhasil ditemukan ialah yang dikeluarkan tahun 1604 di bawah pemerintahan Tokugawa Ieyasu, penguasa pertama Dinasti Tokugawa di Japan. Ia mengeluarkan surat izin tersebut untuk para tuan tanah feodal favoritnya serta pedagang-pedagang besar yang tertarik pada perdagangan luar negeri. Dengan hal tersebut, ia dapat menguasai para pedagang Jepun dan mengurangi penjarahan bajak laut Jepun di Laut Selatan. mohor yang dikeluarkannya juga menjamin keamanan kapal-kapal tersebut, kerana ia menjanjikan akan mengejar setiap bajak laut atau bangsa manapun yang melanggar kebijakannya itu.
Selain para pedagang Jepun, 12 orang Europa dan 11 orang penduduk Cina juga diketahui menerima izin tersebut, diantaranya termasuk William Adams dan Jan Joosten. Pada suatu waktu setelah tahun 1621, Jan Joosten tercatat telah memiliki 10 buah kapal mohor merah untuk perdagangannya.
Kapal-kapal Portugis, Spanyol, Belanda, Inggris, dan kerajaan-kerajaan Asia pada dasarnya melindungi kapal-kapal mohor merah Jepun, kerana mereka mempunyai hubungan diplomatik dengan para shogun Jepun. Hanyalah Dinasti Ming di Cina yang tidak melakukan hal tersebut, kerana pihak Kemaharajaan Cina dalam kebijakan resminya melarang kapal-kapal Jepun untuk memasuki pelabuhan-pelabuhan Cina. Namun para pejabat Ming tetap tidak mampu mencegah para penyelundup Cina yang diam-diam berangkat ke Jepun.
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kenapa org melaka suka menentang kerajaan sendiri
sekngucing Post at 7-6-2011 11:31 
pasal dulu sultan melaka lupa diri. main pompuan, kejam, x adil dll. sbb tu la klau ikut sejarah, tentera melaka ni lawan portugis sekali je, sampai portugis terpaksa berundur tapi portugis serang sekali lagi askar melaka lansung x melawan. |
Post Last Edit by winamp05 at 9-6-2011 12:11
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Post Last Edit by winamp05 at 9-6-2011 12:11
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Post Last Edit by winamp05 at 9-6-2011 12:10
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Post Last Edit by winamp05 at 9-6-2011 12:10
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Post Last Edit by winamp05 at 9-6-2011 12:10
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Post Last Edit by winamp05 at 9-6-2011 12:09
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Post Last Edit by winamp05 at 9-6-2011 12:09
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Post Last Edit by winamp05 at 9-6-2011 12:09
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sudah-sudah jangan gaduh dekat sini.... |
ceh lalat taik ni..
tak sadar diri bawak najis merata thread..
semua orang dalam bod ni kenal k ...
capiloton Post at 8-6-2011 10:12 
eh. bukan ko ke yg suke berak merate??
relaxs ler.. jgn ler bawak masalah peribadi yg mak ko x kasik kawin tu kat sini.. pegi luahkan tempat lain k  |
Sila Kembali Kepada Topik Asal |
tt, ke mane pergi nye keturunan jepun ni ? dh balik ke? |
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