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Author: Abahmung

[Tempatan] Kembalikan UPSR versi 1988, bukan yang telah ‘dirosakkan’ – Anuar

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Post time 24-9-2024 04:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Shayang replied at 24-9-2024 04:16 PM
Ya tahun 1997 1st batch 5 subjek ada sains
Itupun kira batch eksperimen gak

Tq ingatkan kaka.
Anak kaka pula merasa UPSR 6 subjek. Bm penulisan, bm pemahaman, english 2 paper, math dan  sains. Soalan kbat.

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Post time 24-9-2024 04:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kucingitam replied at 24-9-2024 04:21 PM
rasanya 1988 tu ada alam & manusia. masa tu upsr 5A. tak tau thn berapa dimansuhkan jadi 4A je.

Saya 1990 4 paper. kantoi umur

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Post time 24-9-2024 04:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yg jd rosak sbb pembuat2 dasar hanat ni la. Masing2 nak tinggalkan legacy. Tp legacy yg bodo menyusahkan org buat apa.

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Post time 24-9-2024 04:44 PM | Show all posts
Kiahlemau replied at 24-9-2024 03:47 PM
Saja nak kabor...kak kiah batch upsr 1988 hehe

akak pula penilaian djh5 tahun 1985..ancient sungguh rasanya hehehe

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Post time 24-9-2024 04:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syamzana replied at 24-9-2024 03:16 PM
iyerr betul la tu. iols upsr 93 ada 4 paper, 2subjek je.
alam dan manusia best bljr mebi sbb takde ...

Dulu cikgu muzik kaka anjurkan talentime masa sekolah. Sekarang tak dengar pulak.

Alam dan manusia memang subjek favourite masa sekolah. Santai2 belajar sains.

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Post time 24-9-2024 04:48 PM | Show all posts
anak iols gembira je takde exam besar. elok je jawab exam akhir tahun. tak penah tengok baca buku asik lukis watak anime je. puas gasak baca buku ujung-ujung top 3 batch jugok.

Ada exam xde exam kalau baka mak pak bodo memang menurun ke anak la jawab nye. pak-pak malam weekday melepak mamak ujung minggu g rider gi mancing memang terus bodo la anak2 kalau asik harap ke binik.

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Post time 24-9-2024 04:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kiahlemau replied at 24-9-2024 03:47 PM
Saja nak kabor...kak kiah batch upsr 1988 hehe

1988 Acik baru je lahir

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Post time 24-9-2024 04:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
juruterra replied at 24-9-2024 04:44 PM
akak pula penilaian djh5 tahun 1985..ancient sungguh rasanya hehehe

1985 mungkin acik masih dalam bentuk baja untuk padi

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Post time 24-9-2024 04:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tripleid replied at 24-9-2024 04:27 PM
Bangnon menteri pendidikan 1988 yg perkenalkan upsr..zaman dia jadi menteri KPM jugaklah budak2 laki ...

Iols masa boys school kt KE..pakai seluar pendek smpai darjah 2...1991..

Darjah 3 kene pindah ke Kelantan pulak..masih lagi maintain pakai seluar pendek..

Darjah 4 di Kelantan baru start pakai seluar panjang...

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Post time 24-9-2024 05:02 PM | Show all posts
jari10 replied at 24-9-2024 04:04 PM
Woww dia kata “ Mengulas lanjut, Aminuddin berkata jika isu ramai murid yang tidak menguasai lite ...

Ini adalah konsep asas untuk early brain development. Brain development perlu bermula sejak bayi lahir. Bukannya tunggu Darjah 1, bukannya tunggu UPSR.

Sebab apa ia perlu bermula sejak bayi lahir? Ketika lima tahun pertama (infancy until 5 years old), brain manusia mengalami kadar perkembangan neuron yang paling tinggi. Ketika ini neuron berkembang pada kadar 1 juta neuron per second.

Cuma, brain development ketika 0 to 5 perlu dilakukan dengan cara yang betul. Jadi penjaga kena belajar daripada expert dan sumber yang berkredibiliti macam mana nak develop brain ketika 0 to 5.

Tak keterlaluan untuk kita simpulkan ... sepatutnya, kita perlu ada kurikulum untuk develop brain ketika 0 to 5. Bukannya fokus bina kurikulum ketika peringkat sekolah dan universiti saja.

Bila kita tak develop kurikulum, kita tak de mechanism yang teratur yang boleh digunakan oleh ramai orang untuk develop brain dengan cara yang betul ketika 0 to 5. Kesannya, hanya yang tahu saja tahu. Jadi, hanya yang tahu saja ada anak pandai.

Brain development ketika 0 to 5 adalah fasa paling penting untuk otak manusia. Sebabnya, brain development ketika 0 to 5 menjadi asas untuk perkembangan brain pada fasa yang seterusnya.

Kiranya, kalau brain development berlaku dengan betul ketika 0 to 5, kita mudah jadi pandai bila mula masuk sekolah. Classroom 40 murid, kita masih pandai. Cikgu mengajar bosan, kita masih pandai. Syllabus KBAT susah, kita masih pandai.

Likewise, bila brain development tidak berlaku dengan betul ketika 0 to 5, kita susah nak pandai bila masuk sekolah. Masalah sosial, masalah emosi, masalah pengurusan diri ... ini semua merupakan symptom brain development yang bermasalah ketika 0 to 5.

Dalam thread sebelum ni, ada forumer tulis, "Budak pandai akan jadi pandai seawal Darjah 1." Ini adalah contoh keadaan di mana brain development berlaku dengan betul ketika 0 to 5.

+ + +

Tentang soalan literacy skills sewaktu early childhood. Ini adalah jawapan ChatGPT. Untuk jawapan ni, ChatGPT tak produce hallucination. Jadi kita boleh terima penerangan ChatGPT kerana ia selari dengan sains. Hallucination = Artificial intelligence produces unfounded information.

Sekarang, kita cerita tentang literacy pula. Literacy adalah salah satu skills yang perlu dibina ketika 0 to 5. Banyak lagi skills lain yang penting dan perlu dibina ketika 0 to 5 seperti emotional development, emotional regulation, social development, executive functions, curiosity, language development, speech development, etc.

Ini specifically tentang literacy development untuk 0 to 5:

The best time to develop literacy skills in children is from infancy through early childhood, with key developmental stages occurring in the following periods:

1. Infancy (0–2 years): Even though babies can't read, exposing them to language through talking, singing, and reading aloud helps build early literacy foundations. Babies learn the sounds and rhythms of language, which are essential for later reading and writing skills.

2. Toddlerhood (2–4 years): This is a critical time for literacy development. Toddlers begin to recognize letters, develop vocabulary, and understand that symbols (letters) represent sounds and words. Reading simple books, encouraging drawing and scribbling, and playing with language help strengthen these skills.

3. Preschool (3–5 years): This stage is important for building pre-reading skills, such as letter recognition, phonemic awareness (understanding the sounds in words), and developing a love of stories. Children start to grasp basic reading concepts like left-to-right text direction and turning pages.

4. Early School Years (5–7 years): Formal literacy instruction typically begins during this period. Children start learning how to read and write, decoding words, and improving comprehension. Encouraging regular reading and writing practice, as well as providing a literacy-rich environment, is essential at this stage.

The earlier children are exposed to language, reading, and writing, the stronger their literacy foundation will be, setting the stage for future academic success.

+ + +

Dekat America, kanak-kanak mula masuk elementary school ketika usia 6 tahun. Elementary school = Sekolah rendah.

Kenapa America start sekolah umur 6 tahun? Sebab America selarikan waktu mula sekolah dengan fasa brain development.

Fasa pertama brain development bermula ketika 0 to 5. Apabila kanak-kanak berusia 6 tahun, brain mula memasuki fasa kedua untuk brain development.

Mechanism untuk brain development ketika Fasa 1 dan Fasa 2 sudah tidak sama. Kerana, keadaan brain ketika Fasa 1 dan Fasa 2 sudah tidak sama.

Kita sepatutnya bina solution berdasarkan pemahaman tentang brain development. Baru kita execute sesuatu yang selari dengan fitrah yang ditetapkan oleh Tuhan.

Dekat Malaysia, memang bagus kalau government boleh ubah waktu wajib bersekolah. Sama ada wajibkan masuk tadika ketika usia 6 tahun.  Atau, kanak-kanak perlu wajib masuk sekolah rendah ketika umur 6 tahun.

Jadi, cadangan NUTP untuk meminta agar solution kepada masalah 3M diadakan sewaktu peringkat tadika ada asasnya daripada perspektif neurosains.

Pertama, kita betulkan daripada aspek masa, i.e. permulaan untuk brain development Fasa 2 ketika 6 years old.

Kedua, kita buat aktiviti yang betul, yang disokong oleh neurosains. Maksudnya, kita buat apa yang neurosains suruh buat ketika usia tertentu.

Bukannya kita ikut apa Zahid Hamidi kata. Zahid Hamidi pula ikut apa Wanita UMNO Penang kata. Bukan juga apa Asyraf Wajdi kata. Bukan ikut polls yang dilakukan terhadap parents - sebab parents pun tak tahu tentang brain development. Bukan ikut komen di social media - netizen pun tak tahu tentang neurosains. Bukan ikut system belajar tahun 1980an - sebab banyak ilmu baru sudah diterokai sejak 1980an termasuklah ilmu berkenaan neurosains.

Pada hari ini, maklumat tentang neurosains untuk pelbagai peringkat usia manusia sudah tersebar meluas. Tak de sebab government tak tahu tentang fakta dan bukti yang dikemukakan oleh neurosains.


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Post time 24-9-2024 05:07 PM | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 24-9-2024 08:28 AM
Coba buat experiement lagi... Budak yang excell dalam academic buat grade skipping..tinggal average  ...

Yang ni pernah buat.,.excel darjah 3, trus naik darjah 5,,adik yg no 3 lalui fasa ni..pastu depa hapus plak mende ni,,

iols batch terakhir UPSR 4 subjek,,best je n belajar Alam dan Manusia,,bila masuk 5 subjek,,adik iols ada Kajian Tempatan kan hahaha..


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Post time 24-9-2024 05:11 PM | Show all posts
Here is a list of scientifically supported activities parents and guardians can engage in to help children from infancy to 5 years old develop effective literacy skills:

### 1. **Talking and Narrating (0–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Talk to your child throughout the day, describing what you're doing, asking questions, and encouraging responses (even if they can't talk yet).

   - **Why it works**: Research shows that rich verbal interaction helps build a child’s vocabulary, language skills, and understanding of how language works .

### 2. **Reading Aloud Daily (0–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Start reading aloud to your baby as early as possible, even during infancy. Use age-appropriate picture books, and allow toddlers to choose books as they grow older.

   - **Why it works**: Reading aloud promotes bonding, builds vocabulary, helps children develop print awareness (understanding that printed words have meaning), and fosters a love of books .

### 3. **Singing Nursery Rhymes and Songs (0–3 years)**

   - **What to do**: Sing songs, especially those with rhymes, rhythms, and repetition, like nursery rhymes.

   - **Why it works**: Songs help develop phonemic awareness (the ability to hear and manipulate sounds), which is critical for reading success. They also teach new words and concepts .

### 4. **Playing with Alphabet Toys and Letters (2–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Use magnetic letters, alphabet blocks, or letter puzzles to introduce the alphabet. Encourage your child to recognize letters and their sounds through play.

   - **Why it works**: This play builds letter recognition and phonics skills, which are key steps in early reading development .

### 5. **Engaging in Dialogic Reading (3–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Instead of just reading a book, engage your child in a conversation about the story. Ask open-ended questions, encourage them to predict what will happen next, and retell the story in their own words.

   - **Why it works**: Dialogic reading strengthens comprehension, narrative skills, and vocabulary .

### 6. **Pointing to Words While Reading (2–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: When reading, point to the words as you read them to show the connection between spoken and written language.

   - **Why it works**: This helps children develop print awareness, understanding that text carries meaning and is read from left to right .

### 7. **Storytelling and Pretend Play (3–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Encourage your child to make up stories and engage in pretend play, using toys or props to act out scenarios.

   - **Why it works**: Storytelling and imaginative play build narrative skills, creativity, and understanding of story structure, all of which support literacy development .

### 8. **Encouraging Scribbling and Drawing (2–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Give your child crayons, markers, and paper to scribble and draw. Encourage them to “write” stories by drawing pictures and later adding letters.

   - **Why it works**: Scribbling is a precursor to writing. It develops fine motor skills and teaches children that writing is a form of communication .

### 9. **Letter and Sound Games (4–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Play games that focus on matching letters with their sounds, like “I Spy” (e.g., “I spy something that starts with the letter ‘B’”).

   - **Why it works**: These games help children develop phonemic awareness and sound-letter associations, crucial steps for learning to read .

### 10. **Labeling Everyday Objects (3–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Label objects around the house with simple words (e.g., “door,” “chair,” “table”), and encourage your child to read or recognize them.

   - **Why it works**: This helps children connect written words to the objects they represent, boosting vocabulary and word recognition .

### 11. **Attending Storytime or Library Visits (2–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Take your child to the library for storytime or to explore books. Let them choose books to borrow and explore different genres.

   - **Why it works**: Early exposure to diverse books and a library environment encourages a lifelong interest in reading and helps children build their literacy skills .

### 12. **Phonological Awareness Activities (3–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Play rhyming games, clap syllables in words, or break down words into individual sounds (e.g., "cat" is "c-a-t").

   - **Why it works**: Phonological awareness is one of the strongest predictors of early reading success. It teaches children to recognize and manipulate the sounds in spoken language .

### 13. **Encouraging Conversations and Questions (3–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: Prompt your child to ask and answer questions during daily activities (e.g., “What do you think will happen next?” or “Why did this happen?”).

   - **Why it works**: Encouraging conversation builds language comprehension and critical thinking, essential components of literacy development .

### 14. **Using Bilingual or Multilingual Exposure (0–5 years)**

   - **What to do**: If your family speaks more than one language, expose your child to both languages consistently, using books, conversation, and songs.

   - **Why it works**: Research shows that children who grow up with multiple languages have stronger cognitive skills and literacy development in both languages .

These activities are supported by research showing that early literacy skills are closely linked to language exposure, interaction with text and symbols, and phonological awareness, all of which are crucial for future academic success.

I included activities backed by research that promote literacy development in young children. Let me know if you'd like more detailed explanations or additional ideas!

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Post time 24-9-2024 05:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cycra replied at 24-9-2024 09:07 AM
Yang ni pernah buat.,.excel darjah 3, trus naik darjah 5,,adik yg no 3 lalui fasa ni..pastu depa h ...

Apsal ya dimansuhkan exam ni dulu2? Sayang. Tak sempat aiol merasa (aiol yaqin boleh lompat darjah if ambik exam ni).

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Post time 24-9-2024 05:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mcm aku dulu, mmg x guna cadar putih. Mlm tu, aku lapik cadar dgn kain pelekat aku. Malu gak kalo org tua masuk bilik ade tompok2 merah. Walaupun xde tradisi tu. Sape xnk projek mlm tu jugak kalo benda dh ade dpn mata. Halal plak tu. Hehehe.....

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Post time 24-9-2024 05:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kakikuDibibirmu replied at 24-9-2024 05:12 PM
Mcm aku dulu, mmg x guna cadar putih. Mlm tu, aku lapik cadar dgn kain pelekat aku. Malu gak kalo or ...

Apa kaitan dgn upsr sisthur?

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Post time 24-9-2024 05:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kiahlemau replied at 24-9-2024 03:47 PM
Saja nak kabor...kak kiah batch upsr 1988 hehe

Iols second batch..tapi SRP  yg last sekali.

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Post time 24-9-2024 05:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tripleid replied at 24-9-2024 04:27 PM
Bangnon menteri pendidikan 1988 yg perkenalkan upsr..zaman dia jadi menteri KPM jugaklah budak2 laki ...

Dia jugak yg menukarkan nama  kementerian pelajaran kpd kementerian pendidikan.

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Post time 24-9-2024 05:36 PM | Show all posts
meols penah tengok heols ulas pasal isu ni tahun lepas macam tu. Asalnya UPSR ni untuk tentukan tahap penguasaan 3M murid-murid sebelum melangkah ke alam sekolah menengah. Tu saja.

lagi satu, heols penah je bidas syed saddiq live pasal keperluan subjek titas/TISA kat universiti. Relevan sangat idea2 heols semuanya.

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Post time 24-9-2024 05:39 PM | Show all posts
pocongkiutss replied at 24-9-2024 09:25 AM
Apa kaitan dgn upsr sisthur?

kaitannya alam dan manusia kot. bab 3 darjah 6


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Post time 24-9-2024 10:21 PM | Show all posts

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