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Author: CARI-MRO

Kehabisan Oksigen Dan Bekalan Elektrik, Berpuluh-Puluh Bayi Pramatang Dibungkus Guna Pembalut Aluminium

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Post time 14-11-2023 11:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 14-11-2023 11:11 PM
Keh keh...

Chezy being blinded alot.

Ukrainian feeling2 not my level kekdahnya. Padahal deyols paling pprt kat europe.


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Post time 14-11-2023 11:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 14-11-2023 07:19 AM
dua_chzy replied at 14-11-2023 07:01 AM
Aiyoh sis dari tered sebelah lagik chuols sebok sebut2 pasal Sabah. Punya la tak puas hati dengan  ...

Ummah pasti tidak percaya hamas curi pipe yang EU funded untuk water pipeline kepada palestine... Depa convert buat rocket/arsenal untuk serang israel.... Hamas sendiri yang record.. Maybe untuk diehard fan depa... Nanti takdak ayaq salah kan israel lagi...hehehe

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Post time 14-11-2023 11:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 14-11-2023 03:05 PM
So you condone the killing of 5000 babies and kids? Buat la berapa banyak baby pun dont worry nant ...

1. No, I don't.

2. What about you? You condone the way the Palestinians treat the body of that one Germany woman, who, has nothing to do with their pain and sufferings?

3. Aku kesian. But it is war. The deaths of civilians are inevitable. Pernah baca pasal unit 731 zaman WWII? How human beings were treated there? Try la baca. Far more inhumane than the modern war we hear of now.

4. Hamas knew what will come from the IDF. Yet they still proceed. Bak kata pengecatbintang, takkan takda pelan kontigensi lansung? The Gazans are their people! Don't they protect their people?!

5. Apa kaitan kerjaya aku dengan pendapat aku di forum? Kau orang ingat irl aku ngajo bebudak huntok pro Yisrohell ka? So aku condemn Hamas, dah tak layak la jadik cikgu, gitu? Kamon....

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Post time 14-11-2023 11:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dwdrum replied at 14-11-2023 03:17 PM
Ummah pasti tidak percaya hamas curi pipe yang EU funded untuk water pipeline kepada palestine...  ...

Yes this! Aiol hada tengok video pasal ni.

Dengar abang Yahudi ni membebel propaganda Zionist tentang why are there massive casualties on the Palestinians' side.


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Post time 14-11-2023 11:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 14-11-2023 11:19 PM
1. No, I don't.

2. What about you? You condone the way the Palestinians treat the body of that on ...

But you only using that German card and forget with all this babies killing then sinis pula pada Palestinian breed and end up akan ramai mati juga. Thats why i say your view blinded with your Christianity most supporting jews.

The rest i dont need to explain as me and pengecat have same view regarding this false flag attack.
You still can be a guru but from a perspective guru you lacking empathy towards other victims based on their skin color, i hope you dont apply IRL and segregate students by your view here.

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Post time 14-11-2023 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 14-11-2023 03:30 PM
But you only using that German card and forget with all this babies killing then sinis pula pada P ...

Where did I mention end up akan ramai mati juga?

Kenapa aku sinis terhadap Palestinians terus mahu terasa? Bukan selama ni aku di CI memang sinis part beranak ramai ini?

Again - Casualties are inevitable. It's war.

Forum ni pun mengamalkan kesian terpilih ya - bila anak2 Rohingla mati lemas di laut masa nak menyeludup masuk di sini ada porumer sini beramai2 show simpati? Bila ada berita budak mati lemas dalam kereta, macamana respon porumers? Penuh simpati ka keji meji?

Ni sebab Palestinians je kan korang marah betul dengan posts aku?

Eh tolong bila aku showed lack of emotions dalam tered Russian-Ukraine wars la whatever tered perang yang penah muncul di CI, apsal aku tak dikondem? So you want me to condemn Israel la baru aiol pass level of humanity and empathy that you expect me to show?

Dalam 2 thread dah aku mentioned, dunno which side is being played actually. Maybe both.

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Post time 14-11-2023 11:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 14-11-2023 11:41 PM
Where did I mention end up akan ramai mati juga?

Kenapa aku sinis terhadap Palestinians terus mah ...

Baca lah kat atas you were replying earlier.

Ok atleast you hear me and i hear you, harap lepas ni jangan la sinis bila Palestinian kids and babies dies kalau you bukan seperti itu tapi hanya bring up kesahkan German woman saja. Yahudi dia lansung tak kesah kalau you bermatian defend them pasal we are all just a goyim. Have some pride to be above than just a  GOY.

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Post time 14-11-2023 11:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 14-11-2023 11:41 PM
Where did I mention end up akan ramai mati juga?

Kenapa aku sinis terhadap Palestinians terus mah ...

Rohingya tu lari dari tempat asal mereka. Mereka tak pertahan pun tempat asal mereka.


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Post time 15-11-2023 12:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kenape bodo sgt y komen dlm ni?? korang ni mmg takde iman ke?? xbace quran ke?

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Post time 15-11-2023 12:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Orangkaya99 replied at 15-11-2023 12:05 AM
kenape bodo sgt y komen dlm ni?? korang ni mmg takde iman ke?? xbace quran ke?

You cakap kat I ker? Kalau you cakap pasal forumer lain dalam ni , just want to tell you dalam forum ni ramai yang berlakon to be malay or muslim, hence you jumpa la comment2 yang bash pada satu race,budaya, and their teachings and beliefs dengan alasan because they are one of them and can speak on behalf. Itu semua menyamar imposter.

Orang yang beriman takkan question those petty thing.

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Post time 15-11-2023 12:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 14-11-2023 11:41 PM
Where did I mention end up akan ramai mati juga?

Kenapa aku sinis terhadap Palestinians terus mah ...

Eh tolong bila aku showed lack of emotions dalam tered Russian-Ukraine wars la whatever tered perang yang penah muncul di CI, apsal aku tak dikondem? So you want me to condemn Israel la baru aiol pass level of humanity and empathy that you expect me to show?

Jawapannya sebab you duduk dalam Malaysia la sistur. Palestine issue mmg dekat d hati rakyat Malaysia dari puluhan tahun sebab agama and sentimen2 mcm tanah suci etc. So jgnla hairan org mudah kecil hati kalau Palestine kena olok2 begitu.  

Kalau you duduk d US and kondem2 Ukranian bagai haruslah ummah forum US pon meroyan. Paham tak. Read the room.

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Post time 15-11-2023 12:31 AM | Show all posts
sebab perang hancur kehidupan manusia... kenapa bantuan kemanusiaan mcm lembab , tak berani masuk ka, atau dihalang .. knp tak cuba pindahkan ke tempat yang bukan jadi pusat perang, seluruh kawasan palestin dah jadi medan perangka

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Post time 15-11-2023 12:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 14-11-2023 03:55 PM
Rohingya tu lari dari tempat asal mereka. Mereka tak pertahan pun tempat asal mereka.

Sebab memang bukan tempat asal meka kot. Isu meka pun aku gaduh la kan dengan porumer. Now terbukti la kan bila Rohingla tu banyak buat hal di Malaysia. Sokong lagi membabi buta atas dasar sedara seagama. Panggil lagi aku anti Islam la kapir segala macam.

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Post time 15-11-2023 12:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 15-11-2023 12:32 AM
Sebab memang bukan tempat asal meka kot.  Isu meka pun aku gaduh la kan dengan porumer. Now t ...

Itulah pelik kenapa tak pertahan rakhine tanah mereka. Pandai pulak tak nak duk acheh, tak nak duk cox bazaar. Tetap juga nak duk kat malaysia. Elok2 landing kat acheh, tetap cari kapal nak datang malaysia.


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Post time 15-11-2023 07:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Dwdrum at 14-11-2023 03:58 PM
dua_chzy replied at 14-11-2023 07:27 AM
Yes this! Aiol hada tengok video pasal ni.

Dengar abang Yahudi ni membebel propaganda Zionist ten ...

Akak bila free mahu cari buku son of hamas di library.... Di tulis sendiri oleh anak co founder of hamas... Kata nta dalam IDF or hamas ada spy.... Heshe jadi agent IDF or massad  spy semua movement hamas... Yang ber laku di israel akak dengar ada agent hamas juga(traitor) .... sekarang ini di israel depa deport gazan workers balik ke gaza... Memang kasihan yang betul betul bekerja di israel...

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Post time 15-11-2023 09:02 AM | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 14-11-2023 10:53 PM
Ntah. Berperang bukan baru sehari dua.

Nak banyakkan ummah untuk jadik tentera lawan Yahudi lakna ...

semlm meols tertgk satu video kat TT, Piers Morgan interview satu org Palestine nie...educated guy, tak salah study kat Harvard...22 org family dia meninggal dunia, dia tunjuk photo2 anak2, his niece yg meninggal...they all were well educated, ada satu sepatutnyer start training as doctor...pendek kata kalu semua masih hidup, insyaAllah profession semua bagus2...lelaki palestine tu kata, children to them is their hope...hope for their family, hope for their country...gitu lah lebih kurang...

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Post time 15-11-2023 09:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 15-11-2023 12:32 AM
Sebab memang bukan tempat asal meka kot.  Isu meka pun aku gaduh la kan dengan porumer. Now t ...

Bukan sokong membabi buta sis. Dua keadaan yg berbeza ni jgn mixed up dua2 ni.

Rohingya yang dibenci di Malaysia ni rakyat yg suda lari tinggalkan negara dorang atau kem pelarian and datang ke Malaysia bawa status and 'perangai' refugees.

Yg Malaysia tengah sokong sekarang ni pula org2 Palestine yang masih bertahan d Gaza.

Kalau Palestinian tu one day dtg sbg refugees n bawa 'perangai' dorg p Malaysia pun, of coz org marah. Tp marah ni bukan bmaksud kita suka & setuju dgn penindasan yg dibuat atas dorang selama ni.


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Post time 15-11-2023 09:14 AM | Show all posts
naina replied at 14-11-2023 10:15 PM
Serius kenapa masih ada orang sokong Israel. Serius cannot brain.
It's genocide. Memang terang yisro ...

sbb diorg anggap yg mati kena bunuh tu haiwan,

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Post time 15-11-2023 09:16 AM | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 14-11-2023 10:21 PM

Truth is dunia Arab yang berusaha nak hapuskan semua rakyat Yahudi.

diorg buat slow2 sbb xnk nampak diorg jahat,
ni diorg boleh buat sbb boleh salahkan hamas,

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Post time 15-11-2023 09:18 AM | Show all posts
naina replied at 14-11-2023 10:23 PM
Ada je nak putar belit tu nak menampakkan Yahudi tu suci. Apalah yang dimakan tu sampai benokk san ...

yg acah2 liberal tu la yg penyokong tegar yahudi,sbb agama
kalau yg bebetul liberal tu diorg ada jugak pandang hak asasi,pasal agama diorg campak tepi,

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