Reply 20# aku_EnSeM
sayang sekali... berita masih tak byk bagi info ttg company ni dan juga dia punye 'miracle' fuel iteww...
aku jumpe site ni kat bernama :
a good starting effort from them as a future economic generator...
so.. the best question will be:
-how they want to implement it?
-do gov. support them in future?
-how about petronas? and others
-whats the planning / strategy to build and marketing their 'product' nationwide?
and in the same time compete it with the malaysia's giant petroleum maker?
p/s: ade sesape berani nk bertaruh gov. will take serious about this project? {:1_144:} |
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a good starting effort from them as a future economic generator...
system_failure Post at 2-8-2010 12:14 AM
every single discovery utk bahan api hijau x semestinye economic generator. klu tgk literature, mmg byk gler bahan api hijau yg researcher2 jumpe dan setiap bahan api ni, ade proses2 tersendiri. bahan api ni mungkin murah dan environmentally friendly, tp inefficiency associated with the manufacturing process n costs associated with changing the system membuatkn implementation bahan2 api hijau ni non-economical.
-how they want to implement it?
-do gov. support them in future?
-how about petronas? and others
-whats the planning / strategy to build and marketing their 'product' nationwide?
and in the same time compete it with the malaysia's giant petroleum maker?
system_failure Post at 2-8-2010 12:14 AM
as i said, implementation requires the whole system to change. engine kete tuka, producer kne tmbh, manufacturing process kne optimise utk large scale production, dan mcm2 lg. nmpknye, implementation kne buat gradual n tgk ape effect die ke atas isu2 lain.
psl govt, aku prefer xkomen. psl mne2 govt kt dunia ni xpernah selari dgn bnde2 ni unless terbukti bnde ni blh bwk keuntungan hahahah..
Projek ni mesti terbukti blh diaplikasikan dlm skala besar. as i said, environmentally friendly x bermaksud applicable dlm skala besar. Mcm mne klu sume raw material utk buat Banapi ni, raw material utk buat brg lain jugak? Kte nk purify air utk buat minyak instead of utk minum dan mandi, adekah ini 1 langkah yg bijak? Cmne dgn 16 bahan2 kimia yg lain? Klu bahan2 kimia yg diperlukan tu bahan komoditi, cmne kte nk tingkatkan production bahan komoditi ni? Dan klu bahan2 kimia tu bukn bahan komoditi, which will elevate the price of Banapi, sape yg nk beli fuel ni nnt? Sume isu2 ni kne amik kire sblm govt paksa tiap kenderaan kt mlysia gune Banapi, n until such time, Petronas dan sume giant oil company xkn rse tergugat dgn teknologi Banapi.
final comment, aku bukn nk jatuhkn usaha company ni utk commercialise Banapi, tp proses ke arah tu memerlukan kte utk ubah setiap aspek fuel production, n ini akan mengambil masa yg agak panjang. dan aku xtekejut klu govt x amik bnde ni dgn serius due to the large costs (time, effort, n finance) associated with it. |
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