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Author: whitedove

[FujiTV] 24-Hour Emergency Ward 4 >August 09~Eguchi Yosuke,Matsushima Nanako~

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2009 06:31 PM | Show all posts
"Kyumei Byoto 24 Ji" still sees strong ratings
Wed, August 12, 2009 (1:41am EDT)

The fourth season of Fuji TV's drama series "Kyumei Byoto 24 Ji" opened on Tuesday night. Starring Yosuke Eguchi and Nanako Matsushima, the popular show averaged about 20% ratings for its first three seasons, and this one appears to be on track for another strong performance.

For Tuesday's premiere, ratings in the Kanto region achieved an average of 20.3%. This is weaker than the past season openers (24.0%, 21.5%, and 21.4%), but compared to the other drama series that have been airing this summer, it is still exceptionally high. In fact, it is the first show of this season to break the 20% mark, despite starting a month late due to Eguchi's injury in a motorcycle accident in June.

To fill in the gap caused by the show's delay, Fuji TV aired four special episodes that revolved around Matsushima's character. Ratings for those episodes ranged between 12.5% and 15.0%.



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Post time 15-8-2009 09:25 AM | Show all posts
nampak dah tua kan nanako kan... suka sgt biler dia berlakon GTO!

tapi Yosuke Eguchi nmpk maintans jer kan! tak nmpk cam tua pung!

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 Author| Post time 15-8-2009 07:26 PM | Show all posts
22# logy

Eguchi-san mmg nmpk sama je mcm dulu

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2009 04:56 PM | Show all posts
mcm lama giler tak update thread ni mwahaha!

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 Author| Post time 27-10-2009 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Episode 1 (RAW & subs by Rollins)
Rating: 20.3%


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 Author| Post time 27-10-2009 05:11 PM | Show all posts
SYNOPSIS (highlight for possible spoilers)

Episode 1: Emergency’s crisis

An ambulance carrying a bride, who collapsed at a wedding hall, is searching for a place that will accept her but every hospital refuses to take her in because they don’t have sufficient emergency doctors and can’t treat her. As this is going on, her condition takes a sudden turn for the worse. The groom grabs the driver and the ambulance comes to a sudden stop in the middle of a traffic intersection. At that moment, a man alights from a taxi in the line of vehicles caught in the traffic. That man is Shindo Issei.

At Kainan Medical Hospital’s critical and emergency care centre, Kamoi Chinatsu and the other nurses are panicking when they hear that the ambulance is coming their way despite their refusal to accept the patient. The emergency doctors at this hospital have resigned en masse because their demanding jobs have exhausted both their physical and mental strength. However, Shindo, who is also on board the ambulance, takes a job at the hospital’s emergency care centre and makes the surgery a success with his deft handling. He is told of the centre’s actual state of affairs and is startled to see the empty place. Furthermore, he hears from Yamashiro Saeko, a nurse working at the hospital’s radiology department, that Kojima Kaede may have quit being a doctor and is shocked.

Kaede is in court. She is actually being sued for medical malpractice and is right in the middle of the trial. Shindo visits her. Kaede is delighted to meet him again but says she is not confident of being an emergency doctor and Shindo is at a loss for words.

Reluctant doctors from various departments have been temporarily brought together at the emergency care centre. There is a houseman, Kudo Ryosuke, training under Shindo, but he wishes that his housemanship will end quickly and has completely no interest in emergency medicine too. At that moment, Sawai Etsushi, a brilliant surgeon is appointed as the head of the department in order to rebuild the emergency care centre. However, Sawai focuses on lectures talking about the current state of medical care and is hardly at the centre. When Sawai shows up once in a while, his philosophy of triage – that patients should be sorted based on their need for or likely benefit from emergency medical treatment to determine their medical priority – is completely at odds with Shindo, who won’t refuse patients.

Furthermore, Sawai confronts Shindo over the acceptance of the bride the other day. If some problem had occurred when the baby was delivered through the emergency Caesarean operation, the groom would have kicked up a fuss and they would have been taken to court. Shindo is informed that this is the reality of medical treatment in Japan.

At that moment, what is thought to be an outbreak of mass food poisoning occurs at a factory. Shindo accepts the requested 11 people but the staff, who have worked without rest since his appointment, are totally exhausted and receive the patients with a subdued mood. They have accepted a large number of people but Sawai has gone out for lecture this time too. Sawai thinks there won’t be a problem if it is food poisoning but …

As patients thought to be suffering from food poisoning continue to be brought in, Shindo receives an emergency request from Kaede. Kaede is in an ambulance carrying a child whose head was hit by a baseball bat while playing baseball. However, the emergency care centre cannot afford to take in another person. Shindo asks Kaede who she thinks she is and hangs up the phone. With those words, Kaede gets the ambulance, which has been sent around from one hospital to another, to pull over and she begins the boy’s emergency surgery.

A large number of patients are being brought into the centre and Saeko also comes over to help. Patients who are able to speak are found but they say that they didn’t eat the bento or drink the tea thought to have caused the food poisoning. Shindo suspects that they are suffering from toxic poisoning. That suspicion proves right. They are experiencing a toxic reaction from left-over tea at the factory. However, Kainan Medical Hospital doesn’t have the remedy for the specific toxic agent. Saeko hurries to other hospitals to obtain the medicine.

Through Kaede’s emergency surgery, the boy survives and is finally transferred to a hospital that will admit him. She brings the boy into the hospital and calls out to Saeko. Kaede rushes to Kainan Medical Hospital with Saeko. Then she assists Shindo and the rest, fighting against time to administer the antidote to the patients. The patients that Shindo accepted are successfully saved.

Just as everyone is filled with relief, a patient goes into shock. Shindo diagnoses that the stress from the toxic agent has caused the patient to suffer from a heart attack. Just when they are about to go into surgery, Sawai returns. This time, Shindo and the rest of the emergency care centre staff learn of Sawai’s superb technique.

Dawn breaks. Now that work has let up, Shindo takes medication and heads to the rooftop. Kaede comes over. She says that he was correct and expresses her desire to be an emergency doctor with Kainan Medical Hospital.

Back in the centre, Shindo is stopped by Chinatsu. She passes him an envelope from the groom the other day. Their baby has no abnormalities. In the envelope is a happy picture of the couple and their infant, with a thank-you note written on it. The baby’s tiny handprint is also enclosed …

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 Author| Post time 28-10-2009 03:52 PM | Show all posts
Episode 2 (RAW & subs by Rollins)
Rating: 18.3%


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 Author| Post time 28-10-2009 04:06 PM | Show all posts
SYNOPSIS (highlight for possible spoilers)

Episode 2: Where are the patients who can’t be saved?

Shindo and Sawai, the head of Kainan Medical Hospital’s critical and emergency care centre, have a disconnect in their philosophies on patient admissions. In addition, staff shortage and teamwork deteriorates further.

At that moment, Sawai visits Kaede who is testifying in court. He says he wants to welcome her on the team as an emergency doctor and Kaede agrees to take up her new post the following week in spite of her bewilderment. Sawai then goes on contact Hatada Tomoyuki, the plaintiff in Kaede’s case.

Sawai brings Hatada and his son, Takami, to the critical and emergency care centre which is hastily holding a general meeting. Learning about Kaede’s situation for the first time, Noguchi Akimitsu and the rest of the doctors at the centre are unsettled. Sawai seems to have exposed Kaede’s dispute to make the other doctors uneasy. Shindo is angry and questions his motive. That night, he demands an explanation from Sawai but doesn’t get a clear answer.

Several days later, Kaede comes to the emergency care centre. However, she gets a chilly reception from the doctors. Furthermore, it is as if they are following the reverse of Kaede’s example as they strive not to get sued by patients. At that moment, Tanbara Hiroshi sees Shindo drawing blood samples in the hospital’s laboratory. Unable to keep up with the intensity on the scene, Tanbara returns to the department of ophthalmology and his animosity towards Shindo builds up.

Meanwhile, Hatada looks Kaede up. Having been brought here by Sawai to see the actual conditions of an emergency centre with his own eyes, he says he is dropping the lawsuit. Kaede learns of Sawai’s appeal to Hatada and is grateful. Then Sawai asks Kaede for her cooperation to restrict the acceptance of patients through the emergency request hotline.

At the department’s office, Kaede reports that the lawsuit against her has been dropped. Then Tanbara appears and discloses Shindo’s blood test. Thrusting the test results that he had taken without permission at Shindo, Tanbara presses him, demanding to know what had happened in Africa. Shindo unflinchingly tells him everything. He had in fact made a mistake in Africa and pricked himself with a patient’s syringe needle. As a result, he is at risk of contracting HIV. There is complete silence in the office. Then, having seen the test results, Shindo quietly leaves. Kudo looks at the results he had left behind. It is negative. Tanbara now understands the reason for Shindo’s earlier reaction when he had left a used syringe needle lying around instead of disposing it … Sawai tells Tanbara that he is willing to overlook his actions this time and orders him to leave the emergency care centre.

The hotline rings. Kaede takes the call and it seems that five people have sustained burns in a fire. Shindo says to accept all five of them but Sawai argues that they should take three. Everyone is sleep deprived and they don’t have enough doctors at this moment, he says. Kaede is about to reluctantly reply that they will accept three people when a voice other than Shindo’s tells her to admit five. Tanbara has returned. Kaede says they will take all five people in.

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Post time 29-10-2009 12:13 AM | Show all posts
byk sgt citer medic smpai tepu dh ilmu medic... jadik makin tensen lak nk stadi... :geram::kant:

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2009 03:09 PM | Show all posts
Episode 3 (RAW & subs by Rollins)
Rating: 19.3%


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 Author| Post time 29-10-2009 03:24 PM | Show all posts
SYNOPSIS (highlight for possible spoilers)

Episode 3: The choices of life-savers

The emergency care centre has managed to function well with Shindo and Kaede but Sawai says it will collapse again if this goes on and he urges the hospital to revamp the system.

Former emergency doctor, Hanawa Katsushi, wanders over to Chinatsu’s side as she checks the vitals of Tachibana, a patient who had been brought to the hospital with serious injuries sustained in an accident. Although he cracks jokes in his usual manner, he casually offers her advice and leaves. Seeing this, Shindo browses through past medical records and ascertains Hanawa’s credentials as an emergency doctor.

Hanawa visits the hospital room of Oyama Shuzo, the former head of the centre. He feels responsible for adding to the burden of the other doctors and for Oyama’s collapse because of his resignation from the emergency care centre. Oyama’s wife, Fumiko, consoles him.

Houseman Kudo Ryosuke treats a half conscious middle-aged man at the outpatient clinic. He diagnoses the man with stroke and sends him to the department of radiology. However, nurse Yamashiro Saeko identifies it as a symptom of the low blood sugar of a diabetic. Sawai intends to arrange for Saeko, who is a qualified emergency nurse, to transfer to the emergency care centre but she cannot because she is raising her 5-year-old son on her own.

Three people – a father and his two sons – are brought in because of a traffic accident. While all the doctors and nurses treat them, a request comes in for the centre to admit another person. Kaede accepts. However, the condition of Tachibana, whom Chinatsu is treating in the ICU, takes a sudden turn for the worse. Chinatsu asks Kaede to help but she is not available because she is in the middle of treatment. Ordered to check his blood pressure, Chinatsu runs back and collides with Hanawa, who is clad in a suit. She asks Hanawa to treat Tachibana but he leaves because he has something important to do.

The condition of Chinatsu’s patient is deteriorating by the minute. Noguchi comes but he is of no help. Then Hanawa arrives. He begins to administer precise treatment but this time, Chinatsu gets nervous. Saeko appears at the ICU. She makes Chinatsu calm down and helps Hawana. Tachibana’s condition stabilises.

Hanawa is actually scheduled to appear for the settlement of parental custody on this day. His ex-wife, Masumi, is angry with him when he turns up late at the court. Hanawa also admits that he is at fault and says he will not see their son again. But Masumi guesses that it must have been because a patient required urgent treatment. After all, his dedication to his work at the emergency care centre had been the reason for their divorce. Then she shows him an essay that their son had written. It is an essay expressing his admiration for his father … Masumi tells Hanawa to go back to being an emergency doctor. She agrees to continue letting him see their son on condition that he does not break his promise with him. Hanawa returns to the emergency care centre …

Meanwhile, Saeko visits Sawai. She expresses her desire to be a part of the emergency care centre. Sawai replies that he will give her preferential treatment but Saeko says that she wants to have the same terms as the others. And so, Saeko and Hanawa, two formidable and talented people, join the understaffed emergency care centre but …

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 Author| Post time 29-10-2009 04:03 PM | Show all posts
29# Kittie

hati tetap cinta pada drama medic...nak lagi kalau senseinya kakkoi! 

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Post time 30-10-2009 12:43 AM | Show all posts
29# Kittie

hati tetap cinta pada drama medic...nak lagi kalau senseinya kakkoi! 
whitedove Post at 29-10-2009 16:03

tp jepun mmg terer ngan derama2 medic derang...

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 Author| Post time 30-10-2009 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Episode 4 (RAW & subs by Rollins)
Rating: 19.0%


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 Author| Post time 30-10-2009 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by whitedove at 30-10-2009 14:51

SYNOPSIS (highlight for possible spoilers)

Episode 4: What it means to save a person’s life with all your might

Kudo, the houseman attached to Shindo, goes straight to Sawai to request for a change in supervisory doctor because he is unable to keep pace with Shindo’s standards. Seeing Kudo rebel against Shindo, Kaede tries to give him advice but it falls on deaf ears.

Chinatsu confides her uneasiness about getting used to death to Saeko. In the midst of this, Chinatsu realises that Uno Kikuyo, a patient brought to the hospital because of a bone fracture, is suffering from dementia. Kikuyo has forgotten about the death of her grandson in an accident one year ago and Chinatsu is not sure how she should deal with this. Then Kudo tells Kikuyo that her grandson has died. This brings back memories of the painful reality and Kikuyo cries aloud. All Kudo can do is to stand there as if rooted to the spot. Kikuyo seems to calm down after that but later goes missing from the ICU. Chinatsu and the others launch a search and Kudo finds her. Kikuyo had gone out to buy crayons for her grandson.

Kikuyo is under the impression that Hiroaki, a young boy who has been hospitalised for an asthmatic attack, is her grandson. Hiroaki also has the same thoughts. Kudo is asked by Kikuyo to be the model for the drawing. Then, the emergency hotline rings. Shindo leaves Kudo behind with Kikuyo. A bored Kudo brings the drawing that Hiroaki had done for him back to the department’s office and shoves it into the dustbin. Shindo gives him a warning glance and goes out of the office.

Hiroaki experiences a seizure again. Kudo stops Chinatsu from calling Shindo, and begins treatment. However, the boy’s breathing stops because his diagnosis is wrong. Shindo and the others rush over and frantically try to resuscitate him. Kikuyo is reminded once again of the painful past as she watches the situation. She prays for Hiroaki’s recovery as she cries. His heartbeat doesn’t return. Then Kudo, who had been staring in a daze, starts to give a heart massage. Willing the heartbeat to return, he continues to perform the massage while crying. Then Hiroaki’s heartbeat finally revives. He has escaped death. Kudo withdraws his request to Sawai for a change in supervisory doctor as a result of this incident.

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2009 05:10 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by whitedove at 1-11-2009 17:11

Episode 5 (RAW & subs by Rollins)
Rating: 18.8%


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 Author| Post time 1-11-2009 05:14 PM | Show all posts
SYNOPSIS (highlight for possible spoilers)

Episode 5: Emergency doctors who save hearts

Kaede’s mother, Azusa, visits the hospital. She says she is worried about her daughter being left alone since the death of her fiancee in the earthquake disaster and also because of the trial. Kaede is filled with mixed feelings.

Saeko, who has hidden the fact that she has a child from her colleagues, has been working overtime day after day. On this day, she calls to say that she will also be late because of an emergency case and her 5-year-old son, Takeshi, angrily hangs up the phone. An upset Saeko makes a careless mistake during the treatment of the patient. Shindo is worried as Saeko rarely makes mistakes. Then, Saiki Toru, one of the nurses, strains his lower back. As a result of the change in shifts, another nurse Yokomizo Shizuka, who is unable to take her summer vacation, complains about Saeko’s fewer night shifts. This prompts Sawai to disclose to the nurses that Saeko has a child.

Kaede’s patient, Kashiwagi Satoko, is suffering from a backache. The test results show that she has end-stage pancreatic cancer. Kaede is hesitant about breaking this news to Satoko, who lives alone and has no family, but when Shindo asks her, “What if you were in the same position?”, she resolves to face Satoko. Kaede tells Satoko the truth. Satoko quietly accepts the news and asks Kaede to buy her a CD that has her favourite song.

That night, Takeshi has a nasty fall and is brought into the emergency care centre. Saeko is shocked. Saeko’s mother, who accompanied Takeshi to the hospital, says it was because he had climbed up the railing of the emergency stairway. It is the place where he always waits for Saeko to come home.

Takeshi slips out of the ICU unnoticed and Sawai finds him. With Sawai’s encouragement, the boy returns to the ICU. Having learnt of the situation, Shizuka offers to do the night shift for Saeko.

When Kaede comes back after buying the CD that Satoko had requested, the ICU is in a tumult. Satoko’s condition has deteriorated rapidly. Despite the efforts of Shindo and the rest of the staff, Satoko passes away. Kaede laments that Satoko had died alone but Shindo comforts her, saying, “You were with her.”

Kaede attends Satoko’s funeral service. There are many people at the service. They are all former students of Satoko, who had been a teacher. The students send her coffin off with a song. That song is the tune that had been recorded in the CD Kaede was asked to buy.

Saiki recovers and returns to work. Saeko is also accepted by the nurses and the emergency care centre goes back to normal. However, Sawai receives a phone call. The caller hints that Sawai will replace Shindo …

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2009 05:51 PM | Show all posts
Episode 6 (RAW & subs by Rollins)
Rating: 18.9%


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 Author| Post time 3-11-2009 05:59 PM | Show all posts
SYNOPSIS (highlight for possible spoilers)

Episode 6:  The targeted emergency care centre

Kamikawa Yuri, a lady who tried to commit suicide using hydrogen sulfide, is brought to the hospital. Shindo, Kaede and the nurses treat her at the carpark to avoid affecting the other patients. At the same moment, Sawai is showing Okabe Soichiro, a Diet lawmaker who has come to learn about the emergency care centre, around. Then a man called Asagoe Mamoru comes to the emergency care centre with blood dripping from his palm but Sawai urges him to go to the outpatient clinic.

After that, the centre receives successive prank calls on the emergency hotline. It seems that Sawai’s refusal to treat Asagoe is the reason. Not wanting the matter to blow out of proportion, Sawai visits Asagoe with Kaede to offer his apology. Asagoe accepts the apology. However, when Sawai and Kaede are about to go back, they discover a photograph of Asagoe with Yuri, and they make a police report.

Okabe, who is running for election, recruits Sawai to be an adviser of the independent administrative institution for the reform of critical and emergency care. Sawai offers to resign as a doctor and commit himself to the reform. Just at that moment, Okabe collapses from a heart attack. Sawai brings Okabe to Kainan Medical Hospital and through the collaborative efforts of Shindo and Sawai, he is snatched from the jaws of death and moved to the ICU.

At that moment, Yuri, who has regained consciousness, shouts “Murder!” and grows agitated. From Yuri’s remarks, Shindo and the others learn that she didn’t commit suicide. Yuri used to date Asagoe in the past. When she initiated a breakup, he turned into a stalker and attempted to kill her and make it look like a suicide. Sawai contacts the police and finds out that Asagoe has just been released and gone back home.

Feeling uneasy, Shindo and the others push Yuri’s stretcher out of the ICU and into the corridor, with the intention of transferring her to the surgical ward. However, Asagoe is there blocking their way with a bucket and knife. Shindo manages to get Yuri out but is stabbed in return. Furthermore, Asagoe bursts into the ICU. Learning that Okabe is a lawmaker, he threatens to take Okabe’s life if Yuri is not brought over. Sawai rushes in and persuades him but Asagoe pours liquid from the bucket onto the floor and threatens to mix it with another liquid. Shindo and Kaede succeed in snatching the liquid because of Sawai’s quick wit but Asagoe tries to kill himself. Ignoring his own injury, Shindo holds back the policemen who have surged into the ICU and treats Asagoe.

After the incident is settled, Kaede is summoned by Sawai. Sawai reports that five doctors will join the emergency care centre next month. Furthermore, he designates Kaede as the head of the department. But Kaede suggests that Shindo is a better person to head the centre. Then Sawai tells her that he wants to ask Shindo to resign from the hospital …

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Post time 4-11-2009 06:41 AM | Show all posts
citer nih best tp tak ramai yg donlod sbb format file... tp mm betl2 recommended citer nih...

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