amek 308 vti....nak power lgk amek yg 308 turbo. |
Ambik la Bugati Veron.. tentu terpesona |
ok ade few ques.
1-kalo aku nak beli neo, agak2 type per yg best? n say no to auto
2-klo d/p 10k. brape monthly utk 9 thn? (aku prefer monthly rendah, sbb duit bnyk nak pakai)
3-aku prefer bank islam/muamalat. interest camne ek?
aku skang pakai kete kebal, dah 4 thn (5 years more 2 go haha!). monthly 450. n nak kasik adik aku pakai n sambung bayor. so agak2 bleh x dpt around 450 gak utk kete baru nnt? |
Neo CPS kaler putih manual. Pastu tinted gelap.
Ada duit ke ko wat la lowered, etc.
Kalau byk sen aku beli je wat jadi 2nd car.
Nasib tak baik gaji aku kecik je... kekekekeekek |
kalo bujang amik jer neo...
nak kawen nanti .. buat as second car...
2 pintu takde hal... most of the time pon pi keje balik keje drive sorang jer... unless mmg ko kaki car pool... geng ko sume muke tak malu tumpang kete org... paling tidak ko nak rembat buat prebet sapu... if itu yg ko mahukan.. go for car with 4 doors... kalo tak... neo is the best option...
tapi.. bile ko ade ati nak kawen nanti .. kompom ko akan rase mcm nak tuko kete jer.... mcm kes aku.. tapi aku dgn jaya nya paw bakal bini aku suh tuko kete...
handling wise... vios,swift,myvi, dan seangkatanya.. mmg takleh lawan neo laaa... |
vote for accent 2008!!... ...aku pon baru amek keta tu..insyaAllah,sok dpt..hua hua hua..sape cakap mnyk mahal?camni la..besa la..sll sgt dok kata,org cakap,org cakap..tapi sape yg cakap tu ye?kalo kete yg previos2,mmg prob kot ngan myk..tapi tis new car,insyaAllah,mnyk ok..dah upgrade system enjin..my collegue pakai hyundai baru,no prob ngan minyk...in terms ofmentenens,tgk how u handle ur car la kan..for sure ramai lagik yg tau pasal ni..hehehe... |
neo cps...baru ler masyuk |
Reply #28 MengkuduMasam's post
a'ah kan. kawen nnt wat 2nd car. btul gak. |
Reply #29 ShaCroft's post
nak upgrade makan brape rm? |
Reply #31 rambutan's post
dorg soh aku amek honda city . peh bdarah idung. dah le x lawo. |
amek neo cps la....siyes xnyesal.
pnat aku tggu..smpai da beli dlu neo biase.
lambat sgt kuar..lepas setahun aku beli br launch cps.
ko nk ape,ckp je..handling superb,safety ok,design macho,pastu bedesup peginye (ko tekan slumber je 210km/j),nk make up pon xyah kuar modal byk cam maibi tu.da mmg sport.bkn sport wannabe...ehehe
kecuali space la.mmg kurang.
as 4 me,aku amik neo..pastu nnti suruh la bakal bini beli 4 pintu pnye lak..
hehe.. |
aku x smpat nak test drive lg neo/accent. tp aritu aku dok perhati neo, tetibe ade membe ckp, tayahle, seat blakang sempit. sabojela. |
smart tp handling xbgs buat per,arap muke je ganaz tp pengecut xguna gak hehe,dh la kete korea(org korea makan anjing bak kate jeremy clarkson)..proton atleast lotus tune,tuan rumah kalu nk bli neo cps nri klu boring gi sorang aku leh temankan hehe
[ Last edited by newzahari at 17-5-2009 15:07 ] |
Reply #37 tak_tahu's post
suh membe ko tu beli venette...
ingat lotus elise tu besar cam perdana ke.... |
Reply #38 strawbenna's post
mmg x ramai pn. paling2 2-3 org. tu pn g makan kat sogo time lunch jumaat
klu kuar ngan family, bese bawak kete abah aku. |
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