Originally posted by jasonler at 6-8-2008 05:53 PM ![](http://eforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hi.. kawan2... saya pun tau pasal loan ni. dan saya pun sudah minta..
ok... kawan2... kita jgn pergi fikir ini bleh percaya ke x? sebenarnya... ini ialah satu money game... or something likes sk ...
u serius ke jason? if yes, i will call you very soon. but of course with all the evidence and whatsoever which is related dgn koperasi ni. btw, u dah dpt ke? u cume ckp u dah apply. |
Reply #22 aku88's post
tu ler aku pun risau gak...org yg bagi form kat aku ni asik lah tanya biler nak submit ..2nd batch application nak masok & tutup by end of this month...cuma aku pelik..biz apa..dari mana datang duit duit tu..penah ker orang dapa...jason ko dah penah dapat tak...my 1st concern..is kite submit i/c..wei jaman la ni ..pelbagai cara con depa guna..takut nanti tahu tahu 5yrs down the road..kite dapat surat loyar x bayar loan...hmhm 2ndly duit RM52/-..kire burn la kalo x dpt loan tu kan...hmhm kalo ni kes con, RM52 X 100,000 org yg apply = RM5,200,000 ...
jason..ko dah lama submit..depa janji berapa lama dapat duit?..biler dapat...?..cite lebih lanjut kat sini...lagi ramai nak tahu ni.. |
tak reply la pulak si Jason nih! |
ok... yg sy tau... xda sesiapa dpt duit tu skrg. AHHHH...??? apa cite ni? Memang lah... for me... kita xpayah takut apa2, just treat it as a pemohon pinjaman, even ur ic gave to them... also can't meant you agree with all the codition and regulation about the loan. i want to say, we applied 1st, then waiting the agreement posted to us. ok friend, think it possible 1st, if yes, it's reality, every loan must have a agreement when it approved. even you go to bank apply loan also. would u afraid you submit your application form and ic to bank, then the bank tipu u? 2nd, who can confirm, after we submitted the application, and the bank must give loan to us? so this koperasi same.... koperasi ni openned loan to public, even u wan to loan, with logic, koperasi also can reject it. sama juga, koperasi have approved your applied, but b4 sign aggreement, kita bleh terminate jugakan? so now nobody know it's real or not..... b4 received the agreement. You do it = 50% and you do nothing = 0% my friends. |
actually, aku takde la nak question kan sgt pasal duit RM52 yg kite panggil processing fees (kononnye tu). yg aku soalkan kat sini, legal @ not. dah ade yg dapat ke belum. takyah la nk sembang je. kalau betul dah ade org yang dapat, dengan semua hitam putih, tunjuk kn la. ni bile org tanye dah dapat ke belum, dok diam jer. bile org mntk bukti diam jugak. klu cenggitu jugak, sahih lah aku tak percaya all this rubbish. |
Reply #1 aku88's post
ala... korang ni.. igt senang ke nak dpt duit... org nak bagi duit free mcm tu ke... skim usahawan mikro ni sebenarnya org2 kenamaan yg duit dia float kat oversea.. derang gunakan korang utk dptkan dia dia balik dr oversea.. alasan nak bagi pinjam kat korang.. bia ade projek... so.. derang buat la projek2 usahawan mikro atau ape2 ni...nanti dato2 n tan sri2 yg duit derang float kat oversea ni ade alasan nak bawak masuk mesia... .. jgn tertipu.. mcm2 taktik derang buat |
Reply #29 tokey_'s post
sebenarnya usahawan mikro ni x yah la korang byr.. dia free jer...fee ape2 pun.. amik kesempatan korang terkena.....igt senang ke org nak bg duit mcm tu jer.. jgn bharap sgt laa... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi