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Author: jac_diehard_fan

CARI IDOL 2 : Spectacular 2 Result Show

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2008 09:07 PM | Show all posts
Kla malas nak buang masa.. stat sekarang

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:08 PM | Show all posts

Balas #18 jac_diehard_fan\ catat

nak tahu update pasal Anwar

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:08 PM | Show all posts
kalo org dh sudi.

amek je jac.......

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:09 PM | Show all posts
yay.... :kiss: :kiss:

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:09 PM | Show all posts

Balas #20 jac_diehard_fan\ catat

waa kaka JEDEF dsah kawin
tak cite pun

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2008 09:09 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 16-7-2008 09:10 PM | Show all posts

Balas #25 mehacomp_91\ catat

meha taw...

dia wt mjlis tepi pntai tym sunset....

tetamu pon 20 org je.

pnt death jd paparazi................

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2008 09:10 PM | Show all posts
kawin ngan sape? diri sendiri?

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2008 09:11 PM | Show all posts
okla.. berikut adalah komen-komen dari Pengkritik tetap. Pengkritik tetap kesayangan alyana tidak dapat bersama lagi kerana masalah pc ngan tenet.

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:11 PM | Show all posts
bla nk stat ni?????

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2008 09:11 PM | Show all posts
Kritikan dari Pengkritik 1, KOSE

Fairuz Hafeez- Perpisahan
Pelu diperbaik: Kenapa vokal u minggu ni macam sengau sikit. Macam keluar dari hidung. Persembahan u kali ni kurang maskulin. Feel pada verse awal lagu hampir tiada sebab u terlalu concentrate pada pengawalan vokal dan sebutan lirik.Last korus kurang dramatik(bahasa beralas sikit kepada tak dramatik langsung).
Yang bagus: I still love ur tone. Good effort mengimprovisasikan lagu ini mengikut gaya u sendiri. Big credit for that.Peserta lain, tolong belajar improvisasikan lagu. Part lirik KEHILANGAN tu best and u seolah2 meronta kehilangan something and I can feel it.

Santeira- Eyes On Me
Perlu diperbaik: Another boring song and boring singing from u. Nyanyian u mendatar seperti Faye Wong juga.Takde dinamik.U menjadikan lagu yang boring ni semakin boring untuk didengar. U kena beri nyawa pada lagu lagu yang bosan macam ni supaya menjadi interesting untuk didengar berulang kali.
Yang bagus: Bunyi seruling pada guitar break.
General: Suara u agak soothing dan sesuai dengan lagu lagu yang haunting seperti kebanyakan lagu2 Sarah Brightman, Heyley Westenra, Sarah Mclachlan, Enya.

Evildead- Dealova
Perlu diperbaik: Kenapa nyayian anda begitu skima minggu ini? 2 verse awal tak konsisten. Banyak pitching lari. Korus pertama disaster. U telah mengubah tempo lagu lebih cepat dan telah menghilangkan feel untuk korus yang begitu indah sebenarnya. Korus kedua lebih baik tapi still kurang feel.
Yang bagus: Ada improvement pengawalan vokal u pada high note esp pada last korus yet masih belum mencapai tahap piawaian yang bagus.Still the best performance from u ialah ur demo.

Mizz Ford- Gravity
Perlu diperbaik: U kena belajar dan take effort untuk mengimprovisasikan lagu supaya menjadi ur own song. Part ending lagu tu u boleh goreng habis habisan. Tapi u just ikut versi penyanyi asal.
Yang bagus: Pengawalan vokal part rendah pada verse lagu agak bagus. 2 korus pertama disampaikan dengan baik.Feel lagu pun bagus. Ending lagu juga disampaikan dengan baik dan dramatik pada part lirik I still know is that you're keeping me DOWNNNNNNNN...

Perlu diperbaik: start second verse "Walking down the streets of Nothingville... sepatutnya u dah mula ada dinamik berbanding verse pertama. U nyanyi sama jer. Semua korus disampaikan dengan gaya yang sama. Lepas ni u nyanyi sekali je korus dan guna teknik cut and paste. Bridge lagu mendatar. Last korus pun biasa je. U tak all out.
Yang bagus: Suara latar yang mengharmonikan setiap korus lagu.

033589(boleh tak u reka satu nama glamour) - Ini Satu Kisah
Perlu diperbaik: Perlu ke dalam berjuta juta lagu u pilih lagu ni? Dari segi pemilihan lagu pun u dah tertinggal dengan peserta lain. Nyanyian u terlalu biasa. Pitching lari. Tempo banyak lari. Kawalan vokal pun teruk.
Yang bagus: Tiada.

Muntz- Whenever U Call  (Berani mati!!)
Perlu diperbaik: Start verse kedua dah mula goyah. Pitching dah mula out. Masuk korus kedua ok balik. Part bridge sungguh mengerikan. Korus selepas bridge disaster. Nasib baik last korus ok.
Yang Bagus: Wow..u boleh hit last korus dengan agak baik. Tinggi giler part tu.

Reez- Tapi Bukan Aku
Perlu diperbaik: U boleh goreng korus korus lagu tu dengan lebih berskill. Kena ambil risiko sikit mungkin gorengan u tu tak sedap. But u kena cuba. Sebutan T u dah berjangkit dengan Fairuz ke? Pls improve sebelum peminat u lari.
Yang bagus: Nyanyian u sedap didengar. Ada dinamik. Pengawalan vokal pun bagus. Feel lagu ada. Anda penyelamat minggu ini. Please konsisten dan buat yang lebih baik dari minggu ke minggu.

Bakat - Cinta Arjuna
Perlu diperbaik: Nyanyian anda terlalu biasa. Trying too hard pada high note dan hasilnya tak best pun. Feel lagu pun hampir tiada. Kualiti rakaman u sgt kureng. Bunyi tenggelam timbul menyebabkan vocal u juga jadi tenggelam timbul. Kedudukan u dalam bahaya minggu ni.
Yang bagus: Tone suara u sedap sebenarnya. Kalau u terselamat minggu ni, tolong kerja lebih keras untuk next spec. U have to fix ur basic things of singing sebelum saya boleh komen tentang improvisasi lagu-apatah lagi skil menggoreng lagu.

Miss Anne



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Post time 16-7-2008 09:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by iH82udEAth at 16-7-2008 09:05 PM

seat tgh tu untk bintang ci1..............

lame x jumpe cinta ungu kt thread the mole...........

tak kire..nak duk jugakkkk.....:@

hehe..tengah layan the mole laa nie..episode 6...

sambil nyelam minum air...

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2008 09:12 PM | Show all posts
Komen dari Pengkritik 2, ALYANA

Prince Caspian: Perpisahan
Technical: Very shaky and very pitchy. Styling yg sungguh keras ya hampunz, it was like Shrek singing to Princess Fiona  (Siapa tu?). But I di inform that you tak feeling well, hurmm, still a good try. but not good enuff. So average performance.
Song Sellection: Good Song, but shaky execution. Terlalu keras and kasar. So Karaoke!
Diva Says: A Shrek's singing. Please go back to your cave!. Bring me back our real Prince! But I confidence that you will move to next round so cari lagu yg show your colors.

Santeira: Eyes on me
Technical: Wow! this was my most magical moment ever listening to ur singing.  It was very Squall and Yuna. Very Final Fantasy. To me you did, as good as the original Singer, Faye Wang. It was very emotional, very soft and tender, very well control. You make me fly and Superb!. Superb crying sensation, I was crying, really. And watching back my Final Fantasy Clip, and remember someone......This is a singing that can make pokok2, dinding, batu2, katak, kucing2, berhenti untuk listen to your singing and terbang ke angkasa....
Song Selection: Perfect!, Good Routine and  Pro execution!
Diva Says: A magical moment! So Innocence! Haunted Oriental Feeling! Superb!Goose Bump!. I'm cryinggg.... I really can see you BERSATU dgn this lagu and convince us with your story. Amazed!

mizz_ford - Gravity
Technical: Good technic, very well control, good vibrato, good voice/tone, good styling, Not bad high note execution, you boleh lepaskan lagi sikit actually, then it will be dramatic chorus and ending. Attitude and emotion yg not bad, you boleh bagi lebih lagi actually. But still good for me. Emphasis certain words to convince us with your feeling. But Good!. I like it!. It was like you berada dlm bas, di tepi tingkap dan memandang keluar, di waktu senja. sambil mengenangkan kisah2 cinta yg gone.... sambil menitiskan air mata..ouch so sad and touching!.
Song Selection:Good Haunted Song. Good Routine and quite ok execution.
Diva Says: Good!. Keep on this good effort...

Abg Nomor: Ini satu kisah
Technical: Just like your last week. Very average in voice control & dynamic. Not convincing attitude/emotion. Pitching byk sgt2 larik!. high note dan adlib yg burok, and falsetto also tak indah.
Song selection : love song, but ehh.
Diva Says: A very scary and joke performance. Your position in threaten!.  It was a very Pasar Malam show. Seriously. Having said that you have shown very good effort. I believe you can be big someday.

death : soledad.
Technical: Sweet and nice, but u realize tak tone u ya hampunz, sebijik mcm si Urban_Iz!. SEBIJIK!. tp ade serak2 sikit. anyway, your routine just  nice! falsetto, vibrato, highnote, the switching from chest register to head, amat kemas. a sweet performace. but your crying sensation is not that strong, work on that, than you can be super. bagi more attitude and character ke word2 yg u sebut.
Song Selection: Good. Good level of difficulties, and you execute it well.
Diva Says: Very sweet performance.

Miss_anne - Foolish
Technical: A bit monotonous, although got lenggok, vibrato all that. Learn how to emphasis certain word, or lessen it volume/ketebalan of sebutan to make it more beautiful singing. Learn it!. But still, good control. But feeling mcm takde, it was like you just singing it like a singing box. Other than that ok.
Song Selection: Ahhh, not that strong for this competition. Not touching enough. Execution almost ok.
Diva Says: Good but biasa2 shj.  sayang sgt2, sbb u a good singer actually, but this song?. boring ya hampunz kak non oii. But you still have aura and charisma.

Evil Death: Dealova
Technical: Good voice control. Nvthless, lacking dynamic and styling and sounded monotonous. So the color was quite lacking. Your falsetto also not convincing. and your high falsetto was bad. Feeling tak kesampaian.  
Song Selection: Good Haunted song but execution was so-so.
Diya Says: Not bad. But very so-so.Forgetable.No aura and no charisma.

underWoodrockz: demi masa
Technical: Good Nasyid singing! So tender and very soothing.  a very nasyid performance. Kind of Urban Iz  a bit. well, what I can say, still  comfort zone song.
Song: Almost ok song of choice, and u execute it ok. But originality? Tak rasa ke u ikut sebiji2?. But not bad.
Diva Says: Find more challenging song!. When you have to battle with great singer, don't be mediocre.  But u improve a lot compare to 1st Spec.

Bakat: Cinta Arjuna
Technical:  Quite shaky, at times very pitchy.A messsy performance, and average voice control.
Unfortunately you was using vocal cut *i beleive*, sayang sgt2. High note tak sedap, you need to change your technic.
Lacking in stamina. I tak paham how come this happen.Bad breath support.
Song Selection: Lagu yg indah, there are a lot of adlib or acrobatic that you can do, but you make this song even boring.
Diva Says: Shaky!. Your position in threaten!. Totally wrong song of choice. And you are not prepared!.

Fairuz Hafeez: Perpisahan
Technical: You bawak lagu ni dgn terlalu berangan. Hilang air lagu. Then you syok sendiri sampai hilang kesenian lagu ini. Tak mengapa kalau nak ubah here and there, but ni dah overdose. Haruslah lagu ini ditukar tajuk kepada 'Fairuz yg Sengsara'. Hopefully u rujuk jua ke kawan2 next time ye. Vibrato tak kemas, dan alunan styling tu pun tak stabil. But your tone still tetap indah. that what will save u. but until when?.
Song Selection: Good Choice but u ruin it.
Diva Says: Terlalu syok sendiri.... but your tone will save you.

Muntz:Whenever you call
Technical: Amazing vocal range!. Very sopranista again. The most difficult song in this spec!.Your high note, was amazing. But your voice control masa verse awal2 tu agak shaky. your falsetto also agak shaky. Lacking in breath support!. your styling average shj. And your 0:31 and 0:32 , and 0.43 to 0:44  very annoying, as if I'm hearing someone SX18. *Tepuk dahi*. Feeling was kosong. I tak rasa, sorry. Sayang sekali Muntz, this song will kill u. i pray that u may not out this round because i believe in your talent.
Song Selection: OMG! the most difficult song, execution below average but ada some routine yg agak baik. But too ambitious la fulak.
Diva Says: Below Average and too much flaws. Can your amazing range and high note save u?  I hope u do

Reez:  Tapi Bukan Aku
Technical: Good voice control, rich with vocal styling, good. Your vocal blend perfectly with guitar playing! but minute 2.36 to 2.44 agak awkward. agak shrek sikit. your 2.38 to 2.40 was SUPERB!  work little bit your high note tu. good harmony.  I believe you have to find a magical touch in emotion department , a little bit more.Thats the kesempatan yg Gravity dan Eyes on me telah rampas from u. But it was a good effort tho
Song Selection: Very Good. a lot of routine yg terpuji. Good execution.
Diva Says: Good!. I like your styling and good control. But convince us more in feeling department.



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Post time 16-7-2008 09:13 PM | Show all posts

Balas #32 cinta_ungu\ catat

best pisod kali ni....

tp x leh cite kt sini...

nnti kena halau....

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jac_diehard_fan at 16-7-2008 09:07 PM
baru kawin ahad lepas..takkan nak kawin lagik kot

bkn tiap2 minggu boleh kawen ke??

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by iH82udEAth at 16-7-2008 09:13 PM
best pisod kali ni....

tp x leh cite kt sini...

nnti kena halau....

takpe...takpe..nanti sambung cite kat umah sane...

nie ape kes 2,3 kerat je yg ade...
peserta pun tak datang kew....

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2008 09:15 PM | Show all posts
baca la dulu ye komen2 itu.. 9.20 i dtg blk

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 Author| Post time 16-7-2008 09:15 PM | Show all posts

Balas #35 hannan_rayyan\ catat

kawin sekali lebey meriah

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:16 PM | Show all posts

Balas #37 jac_diehard_fan\ catat

buleh ke cmtu??

nk gi toilet ek......

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Post time 16-7-2008 09:16 PM | Show all posts
- pi sediakan text ucapan sat-

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