sedihnya story nie... menitis air mata aku |
Originally posted by LittLEmiera at 4-4-2008 08:31 PM ![](http://forum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
sori kalau silap bod..kalau silap tolong merge kan yek..
ni story aku dapat dari email..
saje nk share dgn sume forumers..
kalau da ade delete la yek...
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Ish...sedihnya cerita...![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
Hargailah ibu anda semua sementara dia masih lagi boleh membalas apa jua kata-kata dan sentuhan anda...
Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan yang masih ada ini, berbaiktilah kepada nya, riangkanlah hatinya dan sentiasalah berusaha untuk membuatkan ibumu menguntumkan senyum...
Semoga Allah memberkati dan melimpahkan rahmat dan kurniaNYA untuk arwah ibu disana.. Semoga ALlah mengampunkan semua dosa-dosa 'emak' dimasa lalu... AMin...
I miss u mom, i miss u badly..... |
...eerrr....article nie mempunyai cerita yang baik...very touching indeed...but...i find that the title of the article is not appropriate lah...to me...it sounds so degrading and distasteful...betapa tergamaknya kita memanggil seorang insan semulia ibu kita as a liar??...
....berbohong is a negative behaviour...with negative impact...and once kita dah berbohong...sampai bila2 pon orang takkan meletakkan kepercayaan pada kita...ianya suatu sifat yang tidak baik dan nobody wants to be called a liar or to be associated with one...
...so...afterall that爋ur爉other has done...for us...for her family...segala pengorbanan yang dilakukan untuk kita...instead of kita bersyukur...kita panggil dia pembohong plak...and what is worst...in our attempt to appreciate dan konon2 to acknowledge her sacrifice...we called her a liar....we deliberately pick and count the times that she made those sacrifices and interpret those noble and kind acts as lies...
...ntah lah...maybe im just a bit cranky...but...honestly...if u want to show to your mother that u love her and that u appreciate all those sacrifices that she has made for u...then...start by not calling her a liar...and those things that she did...those are not lies....thats pure maternal love...ok??...
...pagi2 thread dah sangkut...hehehe...![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
:victory: wa stuju pendapat Kak Tam....
eniwei... this story betul-betul menyentuh sanubari wa....
Originally posted by blackmore at 21-4-2008 09:11 AM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
...eerrr....article nie mempunyai cerita yang baik...very touching indeed...but...i find that the title of the article is not appropriate lah...to me...it sounds so degrading and distasteful...be ... |
pepagi page dah sangkut...![](static/image/smiley/default/3shakehead.gif) |
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