Reply #15 sinalegna's post
reminds me of a phrase I read somewhere before ..
" i feel loneliest, when i am in a crowd of people ....."
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Be friendly
Makanya Allah menjadikan kita berbagai2 rupa dan bangsa supaya kita mengenali dan bersilaturrahim, harus berbaik sangka antara satu sama lain, jngan mencaci, menghina tak tentu pasal. Dlm persahabatan perlu ada keikhlasan. Namun, buat baik berpada2, buat jahat jngan sekali. |
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Reply #4 wisteria's post
but I always believe.. when you've done your utmost... let God be the witness to your sincerity. |
Reply #12 LostSoul's post
off topic japs..
hi yanggg.. windunyerrrrr.. muahhhsss |
when being friendly, we just have to be able to distinguish acquaintences and friends.
friends then divided into close friends and normal friends.
this is where the sifting begins...
i wish i had this traits from my mother (she's really friendly), but i didn't... maybe i was too careful or maybe the time hasn't come yet :hug:
" i feel loneliest, when i am in a crowd of people ....."
i believe as an individual, what we've got in this world is only ourself... we could have a family, we could look for friend or partner, but still we only got ourself to rely on because we are what we live for... i love my privacy, maybe i'm just too secretive personally :re: |
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being friendly during our job especially dengan client, i dont think it hurts at all.in fact it is quite handy. people likes you and will take you seriously, and paling penting they will be willing to cooperate with you. |
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Originally posted by Mansairaku at 29-10-2007 11:49 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
reminds me of a phrase I read somewhere before ..
" i feel loneliest, when i am in a crowd of people ....."
just perfect to describe me..... |
Originally posted by sinalegna at 31-10-2007 08:44 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
i believe as an individual, what we've got in this world is only ourself... we could have a family, we could look for friend or partner, but still we only got ourself to rely on because we are what we live for... i love my privacy, maybe i'm just too secretive personally :re:
Good points you have there ...
many ppl made a mistake thinking that they're "complete" when they meet their "other halves", and a graver mistake by thinking that they "own" somebody by marrying them ...
hrmmm ...
dulu saya ms berkawan memg akan anggap org tu kwn baik kalo memg dah rapat ...
n hope that friendship will last 4eva ...tp semenjak ditikam dari belakang ..perasaan nk berkawan baik tu xdak ...biler ader kengkwn yg nk stat baik jerk , sy mesti larikk ....dah xmo ....cukupler skali ...hehehe ...
tp, 4 me, the true relationship ie biler kite leh share anything ngn someone ..n tkat nih blm jumpa lg kwn yg sejati ...yg rapat memg rmai ..tp mostly ms senag lah ...ahakss ..pd sy, memg sng nk berkwn ngn rmai ....org ..tp silaturahim tu nk berkekalan hingga ke tua cam pyh skit jerk ...![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
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Originally posted by Mansairaku at 6-11-2007 11:23 PM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Good points you have there ...
many ppl made a mistake thinking that they're "complete" when they meet their "other halves", and a graver mistake by thinking that they "own" somebody by marr ...
Half a person theory, eventhough romantic, may not be true.
You're not half a person seeking another half to be complete. You're alraedy a whole person, seeking another whole person爐o爁orm燼 better爓hole companionwise. |
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Reply #26 cokkodok's post
As I understand it we ought to be friendly with friends. I have this thing about people being pally with customers, principals, bosses etc. Worst is being so friendly with people you don't really know. It is sending a message, no?
I guess it is time for us to understand what "friendly" means. Any taker? |
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Reply #32 hamizao's post
Sorry, am in vague...need clarification on what is 'sending a message'...tak faham...
'Friendly'. To me...just being the opposite of 'menyombong'...Mesra...macam petugas di kaunter...should be a bit friendly...sumtin like dat...![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Sebagai renungan bersama......
Abul Laits Assamarqandi meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Abu Ayyub r.a. berkata: "Seorang Badwi menghadang Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dan memegang kendali untanya lalu berkata: "Ya Rasulullah, beritahukan kepadaku apakah yang dapat mendekatkan aku kesyurga dan menjauhkan diriku dari api neraka?" Jawab Baginda s.a.w.: "menyembah Allah s.w.t. dan tidak mempersekutukan-Nya dengan suatu apa pun dan mendirikan sembahyang dan mengeluarkan zakat dan menghubungi kerabat."
Abul Laits meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Abdullah bin Abi Aufa r.a. berkata: "Pada suatu waktu petang hari Arafah kami bersama Bagindas.a.w. tiba-tiba Baginda s.a.w. bersabda: "Jangan duduk bersama kami siapa yang memutuskan hubungan kekeluargaan, supaya bangun dari tengah-tengah kami." Maka tidak ada orang kecuali seorang dibelakang Baginda s.a.w. sendiri, tetapi tidak lama ia kembali maka ditanya oleh Baginda s.a.w.: "Mengapakah engkau , sebab tidak ada orang yang bangun kecuali engkau?" Jawabnya: "Ya Rasulullah, ketika saya mendengar sabdamu itu, segera saya pergi kerumah makcikku yang memutuskan hubungan dengan aku, lalu dia bertanya: Mengapa kau datang, ganjil sekali kedatangan mu ini?" Maka saya beritahukan apa yang saya dengar daripadamu, maka ia membaca istighfar untuk ku dan aku juga membaca istighfar untuknya." Baginda s.a.w. bersabda: "Bagus engkau, duduklah sekarang sebab rahmat tidak akan turun pada suatu kaum jika ada di antara mereka seorang yang memutuskan hubungan kekeluargaan."
Abul Laits berkata: "Hadis ini sebagai dalil bahawa memutuskan hubungan kekeluargaan itu dosa besar sebab dapat menolak rahmat baginya dan bagi kawan-kawan yang duduk bersamanya, kerana itu maka kewajipan kita tiap muslim harus bertaubat dari pemutusan terhadap kekeluargaan dan istighfar minta ampun kepada Allah s.w.t. dan segera menghubungi keluarga untuk mencari rahmat Allah s.w.t. dan menjauhkan diri dari api neraka."
Baginda s.a.w. bersabda: "Tidak ada perbuatan hasanah yang lebih cepat pahalanya daripada menghubungi keluarga dan tiada dosa yang layak disegerakan pembalasannya didunia di samping siksanya kelak di akhirat seperti putus hubungan kekeluargaan dan berlaku zalim aniaya."
Abul-Laits meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya dari Abdullah bin Amr bin Al'ash r.a.berkata: "Seorang datang kepada Baginda s.a.w. dan berkata: "Ya Rasulullah, saya mempunyai keluarga yang saya hubungi tetapi mereka memutuskan hubungan kepadaku. Saya baik kepada mereka tetapi mereka zalim kepadaku dan saya tolong membantu mereka dan mereka berbuat jahat kepadaku, apakah boleh saya membalas perbuatan mereka dengan perbuatan yang sama? " Jawab Bagindas.a.w.: "Tidak, sebab jika kamu membalas mereka, maka sama dengan mereka, tetapi hendaknya engkau tetap mengambil cara yang lebih baik dan tetap menghubungi mereka, maka selalu engkau akan mendapat bantuan dari Allahs.w.t. selama engkau berbuat demikian." |
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Originally posted by hamizao at 7-11-2007 03:35 PM ![](http://forum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
As I understand it we ought to be friendly with friends. I have this thing about people being pally with customers, principals, bosses etc. Worst is being so friendly with people you don't really ...
apa mesej nye ye?
actually, memang tak dinafikan yang bila being friendly ngan customers etc, some people will assume she/he is 'on something'. Especially kalau yang terlibat ngan kerja-kerja enforcement and kewangan. Tak boleh nak salahkan pandangan these people, coz kadang2 memang ianya berlaku.
i think each of us define the meaning of being 'friendly' differently. And i believe yang definition tu dipengaruhi oleh kita punya intention. To me, being 'friendly' with my clients is important since that i terlibat dengan kerja-kerja enforcemnet and to get the 'win-win' situation. (l 'cubit & tiup'). i believe that to make some people become aware of our law especially pada yang baru nak kenal the existence of certain law , we have to first educate them and one of the way to educate people is with an assertive but friendlymanner. |
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many pplmade a mistake thinking that they're "complete" when they meet their"other halves", and a graver mistake by thinking that they "own"somebody by marrying them ...
i agree... that's what i've been afraid of, when someone is living off you |
Originally posted by hamizao at 7-11-2007 03:35 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
As I understand it we ought to be friendly with friends. I have this thing about people being pally with customers, principals, bosses etc. Worst is being so friendly with people you don't really ...
friendly is for me...being cordial to a person regardless of what they represent in ur lives..
when we approach or reciprocate people with a smile on our face...chances for the other party to the same
is bigger...doesn't matter what you set out to gain in the first place |
Originally posted by Mansairaku at 6-11-2007 11:23 PM ![](http://forum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Good points you have there ...
many ppl made a mistake thinking that they're "complete" when they meet their "other halves", and a graver mistake by thinking that they "own" somebody by marr ...
this happens when they view marriage as coming together of 2 souls
how wrong that is...in any relationship you got to maintain your TRUE selves..else you are lying to your selfves |
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Reply #33 seribulan's post
You know...if you are being friendly in the wrong places ....I tend to think that others may think that you are easy or even disrespectful. Friendly..is acting like a friend...........so rightly with friends lah.
Take the Malay men for example...when they are friendly, they go into "kau" and "aku" mode.....they let loose a bit. But I still think that they shouldn't use this mode with ladies, for example. The reason in this case is men should still keep some distance from the ladies as they are perhaps spouses of their friend.......so some regard is in order. Also, that is my perception of how one should behave in front of ladies.... If they don't I shall feel that they might have other agenda ....
Overall there is a place to be friendly, cordial, approachable, reserve, warm ...........various ways of communicating/showing relationship. |
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Senyum tu satu sedekah..can also be interpreted as an act of being friendly, warmth and hospitable.....But just becoz senyum tu satu sedekah, bila dok sorang2, takder saper kiri kanan, senyum tak henti2.......seram jugak eh???????? ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
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