Ada sesiapa berminat nak keja sebagai fruit picker?
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uk punye working holiday scheme bukan ke tgh stop dulu skang ni utk mesian. |
Originally posted by abangbikerz at 26-7-2007 11:50 AM
uk punye working holiday scheme bukan ke tgh stop dulu skang ni utk mesian.
I don't know bro. Coz i'm not eligible for WHV. Tapi kalau cek immigration website for UK, diorg tak ada pula sebut tentang WHV for Malaysian kena stop, sebab WHV ni tak semestinya kena apply kat British Embassy jer. Nak apply online pun boleh, approved within 48 hours.
Originally posted by nenektua at 26-7-2007 08:16 AM
keje brapa lama kat sana? sebulan? dua bulan?
bila nak berangkat pi?
Kalau setakat sebulan dua nak keja sana, mmg tak berbaloi la nenektua. Saya plan nak keja as fruit pickers ni for a minimum of 1 year. Kalau kerja sebulan dua aje, mmg takkan boleh kumpul duit. I plan to travel sambil keja. So from NZ, maybe move to OZ, then maybe to UK, or go to Canada first. Tentang accomodation, saya akan tinggal kat tempat terdekat yg ada beri Free Accomodation for foreigners. Tapi kena minta permission diorg dulu la. Most probably saya akan bertolak dlm sebulan dua lagi. Insya Allah.
Originally posted by amanda_shamira at 26-7-2007 06:11 AM
wahhh andria............cayalah!
actually i was thinking the same thing...
Well Amanda, if you've made your decision, dan nak jalan in a group, I invite you to come with me. At least, we're in a group, susah senang, tanggung sama2. That is, if you want to.
Originally posted by faraway at 26-7-2007 06:01 AM
mostly backpacker ni keja under table aje...
yang me tau according to my friend,
gaji ikut berapa bakul buah yang dipetik.. i dont think sampai 100 dollar sehari..
Actually, keja fruit picking ni ada 2. Satu, dia bayar ikut jam. 1 hour, ada certain wages. Lowest is $8++. Highest is somewhere around $12++. Another type is contract wages. They pay you by how much you can pick per bucket/bin. Maknanya, tak ikut jam. You dibayar ikut berapa banyak buah u dpt kutip dalam sehari tu. Example, for apple, satu bin ialah around $20. So kalau u dpt penuhkan let's say 11 bins per day, your pay for that day is $220. Semuanya bergantung kpd kemampuan individu tu sendiri. Berapa rajin dia nak kerja. Org yg dpt below $100, atau below $50, usually ialah mereka yg baru belajar jadi fruit pickers, atau mmg malas. Sebab fruit pickers yg rajin boleh dapat sampai $350 per day.
Anyway, kalau sesiapa berada di bawah 30 year old, I advise u all, sebelum u all 30 ni la peluang u all utk go abroad dan cari duit. Kalau mcm i, dah over 30, baru tau psl benda2 ni, mmg susah. But I believe, kalau kita berusaha, Insya Allah, Tuhan akan bantu kita. |
Reply #23 andria's post
beshnya..nak pegi bla ni?pegi sorang ke ngan family?b4 this da pernah kerja ni d ke? |
Reply #1 andria's post
kalo father i nak pegi buleh?.... |
Originally posted by marlissa_musa at 26-7-2007 08:41 PM
beshnya..nak pegi bla ni?pegi sorang ke ngan family?b4 this da pernah kerja ni d ke?
Insya Allah akan bertolak in within 1-2 months time after I settled everything here. Nope, never done fruit picking before, but I know enough about it so no one can bully me when I actually get there.
Originally posted by firdmim at 26-7-2007 09:08 PM
kalo father i nak pegi buleh?....
Boleh, but how old is your dad? Is he healthy? Sebab fruit picking is physically tiring. I takut father you tak tahan. Tapi kalau dia jenis tahan lasak dan boleh berpanas berhujan di negara org, he is most welcome to join. |
Originally posted by andria at 26-7-2007 03:18 AM
I don't know bro. Coz i'm not eligible for WHV. Tapi kalau cek immigration website for UK, diorg tak ada pula sebut tentang WHV for Malaysian kena stop, sebab WHV ni tak semestinya kena apply ...
i dont think so kalau ambil contoh hanya di canada sebab 1 of my classmate pegi kutip strawberry
murah sangat bayaran dia sbb ikut bakul, so keja ni selalu dorang import mexican yang buat...
but tempat lain tak tau lah..
so, so far dekat mana u dah penah petik buah ni... |
Originally posted by faraway at 26-7-2007 23:09
i dont think so kalau ambil contoh hanya di canada sebab 1 of my classmate pegi kutip strawberry
murah sangat bayaran dia sbb ikut bakul, so keja ni selalu dorang import mexican yang buat...
farway, like I said, it depends on what type of rate. Ada wages per hour, ada wages per bin. And it also depends on which location/country and the farmer him/herself. Kalau farmer yg mmg kureng tu, dia akan aniaya dgn berkata, 'Half of the fruits in your bin are rotten so they cannot be used.' Jadi walau pun kita kutip satu bin, kalau farmer tu nak bayar separuh aja, dia akan bayar separuh. Tapi farmer mcm ni people will avoid in the future. Tak ramai farmer yg bersikap mcm ni sebab word by mouth akan cepat tersebar di kalangan fruit pickers yg lain. One farmer screw up, you can bet other fruit pickers will most definitely put up his/her story about that farmer somewhere on the internet. Usually yg stick to this type of famers ialah yg baru masuk atau ppl yg really don't have any other options to choose from, so they stay. If you wanna know more about fruit picking, I suggest you masuk banyak fruit picking forum kat overseas, ask questions, go check out those fruit picking websites in OZ, NZ, UK and Canada, email the owners DIRECTLY, or be in touch with fruit pickers all over the world and get some insights on what EXACTLY is it you wanna know about because I'm not the right person to answer all your doubts. Your friend's experience does NOT justify the actual situation in other places. Perhaps your friend had a bad experience, but not all farmers tend to treat fruit pickers that way. Farmers like this are in the minority. So again, like I said, it depends on the location and the owner of the farm. If you really go out there and read experiences from fruit pickers all over the world, you'll know that earning $350 per day is not impossible at all. |
Originally posted by andria at 26-7-2007 10:27 AM
farway, like I said, it depends on what type of rate. Ada wages per hour, ada wages per bin. And it also depends on which location/country and the farmer him/herself. Kalau farmer yg mmg kure ...
well just pegi strawberry picking 2 weeks ago.. best gila sebakul 3.50 cent aje.
i bagitau ni sebab me tau lagipun sekarang memang musim nak pakai orang
petik buah, siap sediakan pengangkutan bas lagi.. once again me cuma
cakap untuk area canada yang me menetap ni aje... other place me no komen.
lagipun i'm backpacker myself masa belum berkahwin.. |
Just to avoid confusion, there are 2 types of fruit picking. The 1st type is where you WORK as a fruit picker and you get PAID.
The 2nd type is where you PAY the farm owner to take home fruits from his/her farm. Berapa banyak kita ambik, itulah yg kita bayar.
The type that I'm talking about in my thread is WORKING as fruit pickers, NOT paying the farm owners utk ambil buah-buahan dari kebun dia.
These are 2 different things. Harap org lain tak confuse yer. |
Bole join u tak Andri.... |
Originally posted by basi at 27-7-2007 05:45
Bole join u tak Andri....
If you're physically and mentally fit, and you can very well support yourself while backpacking, tahan lasak and berani, kecik tapak tangan, stadium putra i tadahkan... just pm me..
Originally posted by NagaVillage at 27-7-2007 09:36
mmg interesting.. tapi camner kos b4 pegi??
incase ler... pi sana x dpt kejer ke... (kot2 owner ladang x bekenan ) camner lak nak survive.....?? mau kena jd begger lak.... tu ...
Cost depends on which country you're going. But roughly, from my place to NZ/OZ, flight ticket costs about RM 3K. Plus passport and Visa, around RM 3.3K. Kalau u ada RM 10K, much better. Kalau takde, pinjamlah duit sapa2 then pay back bila u dah keja kat luar negara besok. Kalau rajin, boleh byr balik duit tu in 1 month time. In my case, I have 2 options. OZ or NZ. I baru dpt contact from someone who could help me in OZ, tapi dia nak I buat Visa dulu before he would give me all the details. So I'm keeping my fingers cross.
Ladang buah ada beratus2 kat abroad, bukan mcm kat sini. So in case satu ladang tak nak, u can always go to other farms. As far as I know, jarang sgt tak dpt keja, because they usually hire anyone yg show up on their farms. And as far as i know as well, local people kat sana jarang yg nak keja kat ladang buah because diorg semua prefer keja kat bandar. Kebanyakan yg diambil bekerja ialah immigrants, travelers and students. However, you need to be prepared to work all sorts of odd jobs, not just fruit picking, and that includes cleaning. As long as it is halal, do it. Make a target, and save some money, then go back home. You MUST have a target, berapa you nak kumpul in a certain period. Kalau tak, you will tend to waste money and time like I did last time back in SG. |
RM 10K tu utk support u while u go job hunting and in case immigration officer nak tengok ur cash in hand. Tentang kes kena tipu, mana2 pun ada org kena tipu, tak kira jauh atau dekat. Saya pun penah kena tipu masa keja kat SG. Tapi kalau asyik nak takut aje, selamanya la hidup kita akan sentiasa berada di takuk lama... Allah itu berada di mana2.. DIA akan jaga kita di mana pun kita berada... |
Originally posted by andria at 27-7-2007 06:16 PM
RM 10K tu utk support u while u go job hunting and in case immigration officer nak tengok ur cash in hand. Tentang kes kena tipu, mana2 pun ada org kena tipu, tak kira jauh atau dekat. Saya pun p ...
betul tu..... cuma naga tak seberani andria...... tambah2 pegi dgn orang yang kita tidak kenal.... (sorry.. not my intention 2 hurt ur feeling ) tapi itu antara main faktor sukar nak pegi selain RM 10k tu.......... |
Reply #26 andria's post
umur 47..dulu dia keje HR..tp kena VSS...
i tgk sihat je...jarang sakit...tahun lepas dia ada gak aply keje cmni under syarkt ape ntah..(xingat)...dia kn bayar dulu pastu tgu surat sampai...byk x gak dia cal syrkt 2..tp org 2 asik ckp bulan depan je..dh bape x bulan depan daa...sampai skrg xde pape cite... |
Originally posted by NagaVillage at 27-7-2007 23:08
betul tu..... cuma naga tak seberani andria...... tambah2 pegi dgnorang yang kita tidak kenal.... (sorry.. not my intention 2 hurt urfeeling ) tapi itu antara main faktor sukar nak pegi selai ...
I wasn't offended by your remarks, cuma menerangkan apa sebenarnya. Actually, konsep backpacking ni dah lama kat negara2 Barat. Even in certain Asian countries, seperti Jepun, Singapore, Thailand, people have been backpacking all the time. Cuma di Malaysia, sangat jarang kita dgr tentang perkara ini maybe because tak ramai Malaysian yg berani dan ada minat utk travel secara backpacking. Memanglah kita tak kenal siapa yg akan pergi bersama kita, tapi bila dah pergi bersama, of coz kita akan kenal. Pegi sekolah dulu pun mana kita kenal sesiapa, kita pegi sekolah dulu, then baru dpt kawan. Same thing here. You wanna go with someone, you berkenalan la dulu dgn org tu. Get to know him/her. Anyway, like you said, this thing is only meant for those yg berani saja. Kalau yg tak berani, well I don't have comments on that. Setiap org ada kehidupan masing2. So live your life according to your own comfort level.
Originally posted by firdmim at 28-7-2007 01:53
umur 47..dulu dia keje HR..tp kena VSS...
i tgk sihat je...jarang sakit...tahun lepas dia ada gak aply kejecmni under syarkt ape ntah..(xingat)...dia kn bayar dulu pastu tgusurat sampai...by ...
Sorry to hear that. One of my friends pun baru2 ni kena retrenched w/out any compensation. Skg dia pun tgh fight case dia dgn industrial court. Cuba tanya ur dad, apa nama syarikat yg dia bayar duit tu? Nanti i cuba tlg cek background company. Setengah agensi ni bukannya betul sgt pun. Ambik duit jer tau. Anyway, kalau betul ur dad nak pegi, pm me, so that I can arrange something for him. Sebab nak cari free accomodation utk all my travel companions yg ikut (kalau ada la, kalau takde i pegi sendiri). |
i am so interested to go..
kadang2 rasa dah tak larat nak keje dalam ofis ni..
leteh badan lebih baik la dari leteh otak... |
Originally posted by jannahsyazana at 28-7-2007 15:09
i am so interested to go..
kadang2 rasa dah tak larat nak keje dalam ofis ni..
leteh badan lebih baik la dari leteh otak...
Hi jannah, u can pm me if you want further details. |
Reply #40 andria's post
ko ni pompuan ke laki
andria? |
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