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Author: TipinTakTipu

[Komunikasi] Italiano

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2007 10:40 PM | Show all posts
Subject Pronouns

In modern Italian he, she, and they are usually expressed by lui, lei, and loro, respectively. (Egli, ella, essi, and esse are used more in written Italian than in the spoken language. Esso and essa are seldom used.)

Remember that tu and its plural form voi are used in addressing members of the family, peers, children, close friends, and animals. In all other cases, Lei and its plural Loro are used. Note that Lei and Loro always take, respectively, the third person singular and the third person plural of the verb

Ascolti, Luisa? (Are you listening, Luisa?)
Ascoltate, ragazzi? (Are you listening, boys?)
Ascolta Lei, signorina Rossi? (Are you listening, Miss Rossi?)
Ascoltano Loro signorine? (Are you listening, young ladies?)

Singolare         SingularioItuyou (familiar)lui (egli/esso)helei (ella/essa)sheLeiyou (formal)

Plurale           Pluralnoiwevoiyou (familiar)loro (essi)they (m.)loro (esse)they (f.)Loroyou (formal)

Since the endings of conjugated verb forms indicate person and number, subject pronouns may be omitted in Italian except when necessary: (1) for clarity, (2) when modified by anche (also), or (3) when emphasis or contrast is desired. It and they referring to things are almost never used in Italian and need not be translated.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2007 10:50 PM | Show all posts
Simple Prepositions

[table][tr]  Preposizioni  Semplici     [/tr][tr][td]di (d

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2007 11:04 PM | Show all posts

In questions beginning with an interrogative word, the subject is usually placed at the end of the sentence.

Quando guarda la TV Michele? (When does Michael watch TV?)

Prepositions such as a, di, con, and per always precede the interrogative chi. In Italian, a question never ends with a preposition.

A chi scrivono? (To whom are they writing?)
Di chi

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 Author| Post time 25-4-2007 12:41 AM | Show all posts
Mari dengar lagu sambil nyanyi ikut lirik

Per Te  (For you) - Josh Groban
Music  :  Josh Groban and Walter Afanasieff
Lyrics  :  Marco Marinangeli
[table=98%][tr][td=4,1]Sento nell'aria il profumo di te
Piccoli sogni vissuti con me
Ora lo so
Non voglio perderti
Quella dolcezza cos



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Post time 25-4-2007 12:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #24 TipinTakTipu's post

Hi semua, saya org baru kat forum ni. Menarik gak tgk forum psl bahasa2 dunia. Saya pon sgt suke dgn Italiano. Saya ade byk gak lagu Tiziano Ferro dgn video clips skali. Eros ader 2 tiga lagu je... Laura Pausini ..ok gak la collection yg sy ade. Saya pon suke tgk film dr Italy, cth nye Malena. hehehe, harap2 leh blaja byk lg dr thread ni.


p/s: sy pon ade kenal italian gak, tp dier bilingual (italiano+inglese)

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 Author| Post time 25-4-2007 05:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #25 amaryusof's post


Meh la meriahkan thread, tambah apa yg patut..

  Di KL, Italian albums/songs susah gak nak carik. Album Andrea Bocelli & Luciano Pavarotti bnyk tapi lebih kpd Opera/classics. Yg saya jumpa good collections kat MidValley Megamall (Tower Records).. ada bberapa album Eros Ramazzotti, Laura Pausini dan Italian cafe music... dan a few di Borders Berjaya Timesquare.
  Mixed album : Patrizio Buanne, Il Divo, Sarah Brightman, Russell Watson & Josh Groban pun bnyk.. not bad to feel the Italian spirits.

I've watched Malena also, and few other good ones like
- Il Ciclone
- La vita e' bella (Beautiful Life) - Best Foreign Movie & Best Actor (Roberto Benigni) Academy Awards 1999
- La Dolce Vita (classic)
- Ladri di biciclette ( Bicycle Thieves)

Buona fortuna! (Good Luck)

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 Author| Post time 27-4-2007 11:18 PM | Show all posts
I  COLORI (warna)




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Post time 1-5-2007 09:46 PM | Show all posts
camne nak sebut warna2 tu tipin?

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 Author| Post time 2-5-2007 10:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #28 mrs_livingstone's post

Italiano lebih kurang macam BM jer.. sebutan sama macam tulisan (dgn beberapa pengecualian), tak macam french. So sebut betul2..

rosso > ros so

giallo > jial lo

* g before a, o, and u is as in the English word go.
* g before e or i is like the g in gem.

blu > blu

verde > ver de

marrone > mar ro ne

viola > vi o la

nero > ne ro

bianco > bi an ko

(betul tak Cikgu Chowski ??? kalau baca la..)

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 Author| Post time 2-5-2007 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Italian Alphabet

Italian Alphabet

The Italian alphabet (l'alfabeto) contains 21 letters:

Letters  -  name of letters
a - a
b - bi
c - ci
d - di
e - e
f - effe
g - gi
h - acca
i - i
l - elle
m - emme
n - enne
o - o
p - pi
q - cu
r - erre
s - esse
t - ti
u - u
v - vu
z - zetta

The following 5 letters are found in foreign words

Letters  -  name of letters
j - i lungo
k - kappa
w - doppia vu
x - ics
y - ipsilon

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Italian Vowels

Italian vowels (le vocali) are short, clear朿ut, and are never drawn out. The "glide" with which English vowels frequently end should be avoided. It should be noted that a, i, u, are always pronounced the same way; e and o, on the other hand, have an open and a closed sound that may vary from one part of Italy to the other.

The approximate English equivalents are as follows:

a is like a in the English word ah!

Italian  -  English
casa  -  house
antipasto  - apptezier
ama - loves
banana - banana
sala - hall
Papa - Pope
fama - fame
pasta - pasta; dough; pastry

e is sometimes like e in the English word they (without the final i glide)
Italian - English
e - and
beve - drinks
me - me
fede - faith
vede - sees
mele - apples
sete - thirst
pepe - pepper
e is sometimes like e in the word met. This is the open e.
Italian - English

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 01:29 AM | Show all posts
o is sometimes like o  in or. This is the open o.

Italian - English
moda - fashion
toga - toga
no - no
oro - gold
posta - mail
brodo - broth
cosa - thing
trono - throne
rosa - rose
olio - oil

u is like u  in rule

Italian - English
luna - moon
fungo - mushroom
uno - one
lungo - long
fuga - fugue
mulo - mule
uso - use
tubo - tube



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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Italian Consonants

The consonants not listed below (b, f, m, n, v) are pronounced as in English. The approximate English equivalents are as follows.

c before a, o, and u is like the English k

Italian - English
casa - house
fico - fig
con - with
Colesseo - Colosseum
capo - head
Cupido - Cupid
cane - dog
camera - camera
culla - cradle
caff鑋/size] - coffee

c before e or i is like the English sound ch in chest.

Italian - English
cena - supper
voce - voice
cibo - food
concerto - concert
aceto - vinegar
cinema - cinema
cipolla - onion
facile - easy

ch (found only before e or i) is like the English k.

Italian - English
che - that
chimica - chemistry
perch閇/size] - because
fichi - figs
chilo - kilo
chi - who
chiuso - closed
anche -also

d is somewhat more explosive than in English, with the tongue near the tip of the upper teeth but with no aspiration.

Italian - English
di - of
data - date
dove - where
due - two
denaro - money
dodici - twelve
donna - woman
lunedi - Monday
moda - fashion
undici - eleven

g before a, o, and u is as in the English word go.

Italian - English
gala - gala
albergo - hotel
gondola - gondola
gamba - leg
gusto - taste
fungo - mushroom
gonna - skirt
gomma - eraser
lungo - long
guanti - gloves
guidare - to drive
lingua - tongue

g before e or i is like the g in gem (seperti  jahat)

Italian - English
gelato - ice cream
angelo - angel
pagina - page
gente - people
gesso - chalk
gentile - kind
gita- outing
gennaio - january
Parigi - Paris

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 05:50 PM | Show all posts
gh (found only before e or i) is like the g in go

Italian - English
ghetto - ghetto
funghe - escapes
laghi - lakes
maghi - magicians

gli is approximately like ll in million

Italian - English
egli - he
meglio - better
figli - sons
famiglia - family
mogli - wives
aglio - garlic
fogli - sheets (of paper)
bottiglia - bottle

gn is approximately like ny in canyon

Italian - English
signora - lady
lavagna - blackboard
signore - gentleman
bagno - bath
signorina - young lady
sogno - dream
lasagne - lasagna

h is silent

Italian - English
ho - I have
hotel - hotel
ha - has
ahi! - ouch!
hanno - they have

l is as in English, but sharper and more forward in the mouth
Italian - English
olio - oil
lingua - language
sale - salt
lungo - long
melone - melon
luna - moon
scuola - school

p is as in English, but without the aspiration that sometimes accompanies this sound in English

Italian - English
pane - bread
patata - potato
pepe - pepper
papa - dead
papone - melon
ponte - bridge
pipa - pipe
punto - period
pasto - meal
pronuncia - pronunciation
psicologo - psychologist
Alpi - Alps

qu is always pronounced like the English qu in quest

Italian - English
questo - this
quinto - fifth
quale - which
quarto - fourth
quanto - how much
quantita - quantity
quadro - picture
qualita - quality

r is different from the English r; it is pronounced with one flip of the tongue against the gums of the upper teeth. This is the trilled r

Italian - English
ora - now
tenore - tenor
albergo - hotel
baritono - baritone
arte - art
orologio - watch
porta - door
sardina - sardine

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 06:22 PM | Show all posts
s is sometimes like the English s in house

Italian - English
soggiorno - living room
testa - head
stanza - room
festa - party; holiday
posta - mail
stufato - stew
pasta - pasta; dough; pastry
pista - track

s is sometimes (but always before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v) like the English s in rose

Italian - English
rosa - rose
tesoro - treasure
frase - phrase
svelto - quick
sbaglio - mistake
esercizio - exercise
musica - music
sgridare - to scold
susina - plum
sbadato - careless

sc before a, o, or u is like sk in ask

Italian - English
ascoltare - to listen
scuaola - school
pesca - peach
tasca - pocket
toscano - Tuscan
scaloppine - cutlets
scarpa - shoe
scultura - sculpture
disco - disk; record
scopo - purpose

sc before e or i is like the English sound sh in fish

Italian - English
finisce - finishes
sci - ski
pesce - fish
conoscere - to know
scena - scene
scendere - to descend
uscita - exit
uscio - door

sch occurs only before e or i, and is pronounced like the English sk

Italian - English
pesche - peaches
tasche - pockets
dischi - disks; records
scheletro - skeleton
fiaschi - flasks
lische - fishbones

t is approximately the same as in English, but no escaping of breath accompanies it in Italian

Italian - English
contento - glad
carta - paper
arte - art
matita - pencil
turista - tourist
antipasto - appetizer
telefono - telephone
testa - head

z is sometimes voiceless, like ts is bets

Italian - English
pizza - pizza
negozio - store
marzo - March
Venezia - Venice
grazie - thank you
dizionario - dictionary

z is sometimes voiced, like ds in beds

Italian - English
zero - zero
zebra - zebra
pranzo - lunch
zelo - zeal
romanzo - novel
zanzara - mosquito

When ci, gi, and sci are followed by a, o, or u, unless the accent falls on the i, the i is not pronounced. The letter i merely indicates that c, g, and sc are pronounced, respectively, like the English ch, g (as in gem), and sh.

Italian - English
arancia - orange
giornale - newspaper
ciliegia - cherry
ciao - so long
salsiccia - sausage
camicia - shirt
lasciare - to leave
scienza - science

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 09:52 PM | Show all posts
Italian Double Consonants

In Italian, all consonants except h can be doubled. Double consonants (i consonanti doppie) are pronounced much more forcefully than single consonants. With double f, l, m, n, r, s, and v, the sound is prolonged; with double b, c, d, g, p, and t, the stop is stronger than for the single consonant. Double z is pronounced almost the same as single z. Double s is always unvoiced.

Double consonant examples:

assaia lot
pennellopaint brush
espressoespresso coffee

Most Italian words end in a vowel.

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 09:59 PM | Show all posts
Diphthongs (i dittonghi) are two vowels fused to emit a single sound. A diphthong is formed when an unstressed i or u combines with another vowel (a, e, o) or when the two vowels combine with each other, in which case either the i or u may remain unstressed. In diphthongs, unstressed i and u become semivowels approximating in sound the English consonants y and w, respectively.

Diphthong examples:

Italian - English
ieri - yesterday
buono - good
fiore - flower
chiuso - closed
invidia - envy
pi鵞/size] - more

Tripthongs also exist. These are sequences of three vowels with a single sound, usually a diphthong followed by an unstressed i.

Italian - English
tuoi - yours
miei - mine
buoi - oxen
pigliai - I took

Italian has numerous words that contain sequences of vowels. The following words are not triphthongs (which are infrequent), but sequences of a vowel and a diphthong.

Italian - English
noia - boredom
febbraio - February
baia - bay
fioraio - florist

Each of the words below has a sequence of two diphthongs:

Italian - English
ghiaia - gravel
muoio - I die
acquaio - sink
gioiello - jewel

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 10:10 PM | Show all posts

Stress / Accento Tonico

Usually, Italian words are stressed on the next杢o杢he杔ast syllable.

to speak
to study
to telephone

When the final is dropped from a word, as happens with some masculine titles when they are directly followed by a proper name, the position of the stress remains unchanged.

dottor NardiDoctor Nardi
professor Paceprofessor Pace

When words are stressed on the last vowel, they always have a written accent over that vowel.


It is useful to remember that open e and o occur only in stressed syllables.


Note: The written accent is used with a few monosyllables in order to distinguish them from others that have the same spelling but a different meaning.

lathe; it; her
s閇/i]himself, herself

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 10:18 PM | Show all posts
Punctuation Marks

Punctuation Marks / Segni d扞nterpunzione

,la virgola
.il punto
;il punto e virgola
:due punti
...i puntini di sospensione
!il punto esclamativo
?il punto interrogativo
朳/size]il trattino
梉/size]la lineetta
?le virgolette
()le parentesi tonde
[]le parentesi quadre
醄/size]l抋ccento acuto
郲/size]l抋ccento grave
/la sbarretta

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2007 10:23 PM | Show all posts

Many words that are capitalized in English are not capitalized in Italian. These include: the days of the week, the months of the year, proper adjectives, a few proper nouns, and titles such as Mr., Mrs., and Miss.

Arriva domenica.  -  He is arriving on Sunday.
Il signor Neri

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