Owh .... nie mesti ati menuntut ilmu dengan abg jamil nie ... |
Reply #21 kiki-lala's post
hmmmm kucing aku dah nk masuk 7 bulan tapi tak penah vaksin
bleh lagi ke nk g vaksin...dia indoor cat |
Reply #23 kulit's post
Boleh kulit ... masih boleh vaksin... kucing kulit masih kateogori kitten lagi
walaupun dah berumur 7 bulan ... cuma 7 bulan hanya 2 step vaccine jerk...
tapi aper2 hal pun refer kat vet dulu ..dan tanya pendapat nye .... |
frankly ... akak x penah bawak anak2 vaksin? nak try jugak lah
nak tanye, berapekah spesifik umur kucing utk dibawa jumpe vet utk divaksin?
kalau BUBU dah umur dekat 2 thn.. boleh lagi ker nak bawak vaksin...
BUBU skg byk spent time kat outdoor, rasa cam perlu bawak utk vaksin... |
Reply #25 leotazz818's post
Uish boleh lagi kak....umur kucing dari 2 bulan ke atas boleh vaccine ...
kalo outdoor mmg kena vaccine kak...sebab kita tak tahu dia berkawan
dengan sapa2 yelah stray cat nie ader cam2 penyakit ... |
Reply #27 leotazz818's post
owh bubu hensem nie...yelah jadi romeo ...menjadi kegilaan kucing2 betina
kalo macam tu sis leo kena vaksin bubu ... untuk keselamatan bubu ... |
baru g vaksin bebi senin lepas...kalu kite lewat skit tuk 2nd dose bole ke...aku ni payah skit nk cuti.... |
Originally posted by kiki-lala at 10-8-2007 09:07 AM
owh bubu hensem nie...yelah jadi romeo ...menjadi kegilaan kucing2 betina
kalo macam tu sis leo kena vaksin bubu ... untuk keselamatan bubu ...
itu lar monic.. npk gaya nak kena bawak g vaksin nie......
byk sgt kegiatan sosial si bubu nie... nak kena pantau kesihatan dia |
Reply #30 pcyduck's post
lewat berapa lama pcyduck ... jangan lah sampai berbulan2...lewat 2 atau tiga hari
tu OK lah .... |
Reply #32 leotazz818's post
Setuju kata sis leo ... good for him sis .... |
sheer This user has been deleted
utk kucing i every year i akan hantar utk dapatkan vaksin feline rhino and dewormer |
Reply #35 sheer's post
Kalau ikutkan permulaan ada 3x Vaksin rite..? Then yang Doc. cakap kat I tue...jangan terlewat lebih dari
7-10 hari....kalau tak kena ulangi dari asal...maksudnya kalau kita dah buat yang 2nd time...tiba2 kita lupa
nak wat yang 3rd lebih dari 10hari...means kita kena ulang lagi 2x....so make sure tarikh tue betul n jangan
lewat sangat.... |
Reply #35 sheer's post
Good for her/him ... bertuah dia dapat tuan kucing yang penyayang
alhamdulillah .... |
Reply #36 MiKiee's post
Betui ader 3 step ... bagi yang dah buat vaksin 3 step tu ... andak
hendak lah vaksin kucing2 anda once a year ..... begitu tahun
seterusnya ..... |
Feline Combination Vaccines
Combination Vaccines Plus Leukemia
Fel-O-Vax LV-K IV
By Fort Dodge. Killed feline leukemia, panleukopenia (feline distemper), rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and chlamydia (pneumonitis). Given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For cats 8 weeks of age and older. Box of 50 doses.
Eclipse 4+FeLV
By Schering. Modified live panleukopenia (feline distemper), rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and chlamydia with killed feline leukemia virus. Given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For cats 9 weeks of age and older. Box of 25 doses. *Residents of MN please ask your veterinarian for a prescription.
Fel-O-Vax IV
By Fort Dodge. Killed vaccine. Protects against rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia (feline distemper), calicivirus, and Chlamydia. For cats 8 weeks of age and older. Subcutaneous or intramuscular. Available in 10 dose vial (price is per vial) or Box of 50 doses.
Eclipse 4
By Schering. Modified live panleukopenia (feline distemper), chlamydia, rhinotracheitis, and calicivirus. Given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For cats 9 weeks of age and older. Box of 25 doses. *Residents of MN please ask your veterinarian for a prescription.
Combination Vaccines Without Chlamydia or Leukemia
Felocell 3 (formerly called Felocell CVR)
By Pfizer. Modified live panleukopenia (feline distemper), rhinotracheitis, and calicivirus. Given subcutaneously or intramuscularly. For cats 6 weeks of age and older. Box of 25 doses. *Residents of MN please ask your veterinarian for a prescription.
Cat Vaccination Schedule
Drs. Foster & Smith
CONSULT YOUR LOCAL VETERINARIAN to determine the appropriate vaccination schedule for your cat. Recommendations vary depending on age and health status of the cat, the potential of the cat to be exposed to the disease, whether the cat remains indoors or also goes outdoors, the type of vaccine, whether the cat is used for breeding, and the geographical area where the cat lives or may visit. These recommendations are consistent with the 2006 vaccination guidelines developed by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP).
Distemper combination vaccine* |
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Reply #39 kiki-lala's post
Yess...pastikan anda membawa rekod kesihatan kucing anda dan ini PENTING kerana :
1. Bacaan pada rekod penting sekiranya kita nak bawak ke Klinik lain sb Doc. akan refer pada jenis vac. dan
sebaragn ubatan yang kita gunakan. Kdg2 kita balik kpg lama...mungkin tak sempat ke klinik asal. rite..?
2. Tarikh terakhir sebelum 3x Vac...itu juga mustahak sebab tanak nanti kena recycle suntikan hanya sb kita
lambat vac ikut tarikh dan masa yang ditetapkan dalam rekod.
3. Penting mengetahui ubatan dan vac, yang sama khasiat/ kegunaan kadangkala datang dari jenama dan
jenis yang berlainan. So ini penting bagi memastikan kucing kita dapat apa yang sepatutnya utk dia....
Sekian melaporkan... |
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