amalkan minum Red Guara Cafe. dihasilkan daripada salah satunya ekstrak GUARANA. Sejenis tumbuhan di Amazon, Brazil yg mana kehebatannya dikatakan mampu mengatasi Viagra.
juga cuba la try Putra Love Portion...
nak tahu lebih lanjut, pm saya ok? |
Trebest Plus
I'm distributing Trebest Plus, a local product with MAL number and KKLIU. Personally i like this product because it is 100% herbs. Some other product also claim they are 100% herbs but could not go through registration process cos government found a drugs call sedenafil (used in viagra) in them.
Trebest Plus is proven safe and no drugs or steroid. Can check from http://www.bpfk.gov.my for the registration record.
email me at [email protected] if u need more info. |
Product Trial
Baru ni ada satu product dari singapore, using nano tech menggunakan beute superba sejenis ubi dari Thailand. According to the prof. specially for man, boleh improve kelelakian. Masih dalam testing, personally i dah test memang ada effect, siapa nak tahu sila email [email protected], too personal to tell it here. Few others are also getting similar result, still got a few more samples for trial, its safe sebab dipakai luaran (topical) pada certain accupancture points. Siapa berminat utk Free Trial pls contact me. [email protected] |
silagra = viagra generic
cialis pun ok, or try levistra. |
how about disturbance in vision? i think in one articles written in NewScientist mags explained why it has been the case- this drugs actually or somehow affect the G- protein coupled receptor in the retina i think and somehow causing blue vision to occur.. |
Viagra vs Cialis
dear dr,
although i do not have erectional problem at my age of 33, but 1/4 of a 100 gramme viagra make the wonder in my sex life every time i need them. this blue pill let me have the same performances i had as teenages. it helps me to have full erection, sustain it and multiple times. it's just great.
but recently i was introduced another drug named cialis by my friend without much infomation. anyone can provide me the diferrent between the two in term of performance, price etc. |
abusaed This user has been deleted
nak tanya
kepada pakar2 perubatan saya nak tanya
cialis - tadalafil
ni jenis ubat berjadual ke tak berjadual???
tolong respon secepat mungkin |
ikanjarung This user has been deleted
The difference btw the two is the duration of aksi.
Viagra works for 12-24 hours at best
Cialis works for up to 72 hours - also called the weekend pill. |
GoRgEoUs25 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by ikanjarung at 29-7-2005 10:13 PM:
The difference btw the two is the duration of aksi.
Viagra works for 12-24 hours at best
Cialis works for up to 72 hours - also called the weekend pill.
pergh!...ni la yg dikatakan leh buat sexathon ni...:cak: |
GoRgEoUs25 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by abusaed at 27-7-2005 05:15 PM:
kepada pakar2 perubatan saya nak tanya
cialis - tadalafil
ni jenis ubat berjadual ke tak berjadual???
tolong respon secepat mungkin
cialis ni mcm viagra gak la..termasuk dlm B group...
only Dr can prescribe.. |
Kalau viagra? Pun available only on perscription ke? |
GoRgEoUs25 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by shahnazz at 30-7-2005 09:53 AM:
Kalau viagra? Pun available only on perscription ke?
by right mmg kena prescription...tapi ada gak yg jual illegally;).. |
ada sesiapa tahu harga cialis?
aku ada dengar citer viagra tiruan pun performance boleh tahan, tapi harganya jauh lebih rendah. |
Hello.. saya ingin mendapat pendapat tentang Cialis.. Ada sesape yg pernah guna cialis? Nak tau sikit pengalaman tentang effect dia dan side effect.. Apa yg I dengar, kesan dia boleh tahan lebih dari 24 jam.. |
Cialis ni sejenis pil macam viagra.. tapi lagi tahan lama.. dia pill pengeras zakar yang boleh tahan effect dia lebih dari 24 jam (masa terangsang la) |
Lebih 24 jam nak keras buat apa? Kang jam kang.... |
Reply #4 alphawolf's post
dia bukan keras 24 jam.. effect dia tahan lebih dari 24 jam.. nanti bila dah lembik balik.. next day kalau dah terangsang lagi, dia cepat keras dan bertahan lagi |
Originally posted by <i>azmee</i> at 18-1-2007 16:22<br />
dia bukan keras 24 jam.. effect dia tahan lebih dari 24 jam.. nanti bila dah lembik balik.. next day kalau dah terangsang lagi, dia cepat keras dan bertahan lagi <br />
dh tu..kalo tau ..apsal ko tanye lagi kt sini... |
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