ikut darat p krabi dari phuket ambik masa lbih kurang 4jam,kalau naik bot lagi ok,singgah p.p dulu,spend few days kat situ,kemdian baru pegi ke krabi |
splendid... leh la plan gi Krabi plak. |
The viking cave
mengugat kalbu.. nak pi berurut tepi pantai la pulak |
Originally posted by kEk_KeL@d| at 15-9-2006 11:32 AM
penah tgk tempat ni dalam citer The Fox and The Sugar Cube ... heheh.. cantik gak :bgrin:
aku tau citer nie..best2 citernyer...citer tue belakon kat krabi ker?/ |
Reply #19 surya's post
dah ader dah skang flight ke krabi....murah gak tiketnyerr......next destination krabi laaa nmpak gaya nyer.... |
i have one question...
which one is better between krabi n phuket?? |
Pada musim cuti skolah nih wak dah plan utk ke Krabi, tiket pun dah beli via AirAsia, hotel pun dah bayor deposit, booking kat Krabi Pura. Nak dok kat Aonang Beach, rata2 hotel kat situ mahal belaka.
Ada browse some info about Krabi, ...sebelum pegi kenalh study dulu.. tmpat makan, things to do, shopping, dan mcm2 lagi.
Thailand is a unique blend of modern western facilities with oriental cultural heritage but at the same time devoid of bad effects of both worlds. It has all the charms the wandering tourists lust for; at a cost that any one can afford to pay. Krabi is one of the great attractions in Thailand. It is the small capital town of the Krabi province sitting snug on the banks of Krabi river. It has got the distinct advantage of being a later discovery as tourist attraction. It is a beach spot that a tourist to Thailand can hardly afford to miss out.
Krabi down town
Krabi town is very close to the river mouth that opens to the great Andaman Sea. Krabi river flows about 5 km through the town and opens into the Andaman sea at Tambon Pak Nam. Quite a few other rivulets originating from the mountain ranges in the province , Kao Panom Benja ; the Klong Pakasi, Klong Krabi Yai and Klong Krabi Noy - also joins the sea at this area.
Krabi street
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Krabi market...tak beza dgn typical market kat Msia |
Krabi street...shopping |
Krabi downtown |
Walaupun lebih kurang 90% daripada penduduk Thailand berugama Buddha, namun majoriti penduduk di Krabi adalah berugama Islam. Jadi untuk dapat makanan halal takde masaalah.
peniaga makanan Islam |
mencari rezeki yg halal.. |
Penduduk Islam Krabi adalah berketurunan Melayu, sama gak ngan Pattani, Hatyai, Songla...
kain batik lagi tuuu.. |
Nasik goreng pattaya satuuuuu!!!!..
kasih seorang ibu.. |
Wajah2 puteri Islam Krabi..
Syiar Islam ...salah sebuah masjid di Krabi..
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