kebebasan yang diperjuangkan di barat hanya menghimpit diri mereka sendiri dalam ketekanan krisis diri, masyarakat dan alam. Manusia tidak akan mampu membebaskan diri dengan membuat undang-undang sendiri. |
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Originally posted by canna at 13-4-2007 11:55 PM
the only freedom which deserves the name is dat of pursuing our own good, in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs.....or impede their efforts to obtain it.
ff: Regarding your avatar, what kind of plant it is? |
Reply #22 Agul's post
smilling n happy plant...i guess |
Are we truly free? Free to do what ? Free from what? What is freedom for human being apart from being able to choose freely to do good or evil ....but don't forget though we are certainly not free from the consequences of our actions be it evil or good. |
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diri sendiri
bebas....... utk ape saja
tidak bebas.... utk bersuara , media dikongkong kerajaan , perhimpunan aman tidak dibenarkan , dikongkong sikap binorkrasi dan kroni , pelajar ipt kena belajar je jgn nak sibuk2 hal kerajaan..................................... |
to me freedom is a dimension, like time or space .
so it has a quality and can be quantify
it has a beginning but has got no ending so i would say freedom is open ended
number 9 is bigger than number 1
but number 9 couldnt reach itself without being 1 , so number 9 need number 1.
when u r bigger than someone else in all aspects, u are stronger (pertaining power) but doesnt mean u are free to do what u like since u r bound to the smaller beings
creatures or any creations are bounded together somehow so there is no truth in saying any one of them is free at all..they are all bound together in what i term as a system
any creation is a system. and every system has its own weakness. open ended system.
Peace is a neutral stance, we always in chaos order state and peace as a neutral stance are commonly misunderstood as peace is paradise like living.
what is the ultimate neutralisation? this is an intervention to finally differ freedom as uncivilsed compared to freedom as civilised human beings, after all u can be as free as orang asli di hutan negara
this neutralisation is what we called religion (to creationist), another term we can say this neutralisation is an AUTHORITY
so we have chaos order , we have freedom and now we have authority and add up all these so each second in our lives we must always IN PEACE (neutral stance).
what is a neutral stance? bila u makan ur mouth become acidic after eating and digestion so u need to gosok gigi using alkaline substance macam obat gg..and that is neutralisation.
so there must be a balancing act bw freedom and authority for finally to be the best of the best in life. The result must always be in peace and bring forth creativity amongs the curious subjects (human beings)..and this must always be the case. |
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Bertanya pada sang burung : "Wahai burung, gembirakah engkau dengan kebebasan yang engkau ada?"
Jawab Sang burung : "Walaupun aku bebas, namun aku tak lepas dari hukum alam... aku sekadar burung kecil yang melayang terbang bagi memenuhi fitrah ku." |
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Bertanya pada Sang harimau : Gembirakah engkau wahai sang Rimau kerana dengan perkasaan mu kau bebas membunuh apa yang kau mau...
Jawab Sang Harimau : Aku tak sebebas yang engkau sangka... aku membunuh hanya sekiranya aku lapar mahu makan... dan tidak sesekali aku membunuh harimau yang lain... |
Freedom is like the board where the chess pieces are played. Without it the chess game means nothing. By the way chess is my most favourite board games. |
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aku ingin bebas...
bebas dari segal-galanya
bebas dari dosa2 silam...
bebas dari kesilapan lalu.... |
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manusia semuanya bebas sebenarnya, tapi yg mempenjarakan manusia
adalah ketakutan terhadap, sesuatu yg baru |
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Reply #31 dutchy's post
manusia kurungkan minda manusia sendiri...........
manusia beria-ia nak kaya....
dia telah kurungkan minda dia sendiri nak kaya sahaja sehingga tak lihat benda yang lain selain duit.....
semua adalah dalam minda..... |
Reply #32 wei_loon5063's post
yup, I always believe in mind over matters
you can control things....with your mind |
Reply #33 dutchy's post
the mind........
I am still learning about my mind.... consciously and subsonciously....
sometime if we are not too possesive, we can be free.... often it is us that keep ourself leash........ not other people..... |
Reply #34 wei_loon5063's post
yup, i believe that we are the one who imprisoned ourself |
Originally posted by dutchy at 28-4-2007 11:32 PM
yup, I always believe in mind over matters
you can control things....with your mind
What things can you control with your mind? Can you elaborate further? |
Reply #36 free2rhyme's post
I will...........
it is you that you make yourself happy or sad........ not other people....
you will feel sad or disapppointed if you wish for something that is not there.
there are no certain thing in this world.... you give yourself hope by hoping tomorrow will better... who know?? you will feel disappointed if tommorow is worse..
IF tomorrow is worse, just be it.. do not feel sad as nothing is certain.... |
Originally posted by free2rhyme at 29-4-2007 09:41 AM
What things can you control with your mind? Can you elaborate further?
you can control how things are perceived to be in the negatieve or positive
if you set ur mind on things being negatieve, it will turn out negatieve
if you set ur mind that things are positieve, then chances are, its going to be positieve
the mind is a powerfull tool, if used correctly |
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Memang ramai manusia mahu hidup bebas tetapi manusia yang paling bijaksana adalah manusia yang mahu menjadi hamba kepada Allah. |
Memang ramai manusia mahu hidup bebas tetapi manusia yang paling bijaksana adalah manusia yang mahu menjadi hamba kepada Allah. |
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