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Author: Greenbottle3

wajarkah pengedar dadah dihukum bunuh??(merged with Yipun)

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Post time 9-12-2005 12:35 PM | Show all posts

salam Blackmore...

Sis blackmore - youa re a TUAn now cayalah ...awat semua  ingat kiter lelaki? haiyaa...

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Post time 9-12-2005 03:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by EM at 9-12-2005 02:42 AM
sokong gantung.

your reasons being...:cak:

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Post time 9-12-2005 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 9-12-2005 12:35 PM
Sis blackmore - youa re a TUAn now cayalah ...awat semua  ingat kiter lelaki? haiyaa...

...heh...sekali2 dia tripping...biarkannnnnnnnnn....

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Post time 9-12-2005 09:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 9-12-2005 02:38 AM
tuan blackmore tentu faham macam idola nya ritchie blackmore dan semua geng2 nya dalam deep purple ...mereka kaki acid, lsd...dan mereka menghasilkan album dan musik terbaik mereka kerana dadah...misal nya Deep purple in rock (child in!!!) Machine head (highway star, smoke on the water dll)....led zeppelin juga begitu....stairway to heaven, dazed and confused...dll...Hendrix pun sama,...janis joplin pun juga....Pink floyd...dark side of the moon!!!!!...etc etc...

...fuuhhhyoooo!!!! greenie rockkkkkkksssssss!!!!...nie yang buat aku lagik sayang kat dia nie...

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Post time 9-12-2005 09:48 PM | Show all posts
...greenie one wants to be a drug addict or a drug abuser...u dont choose to be one...i dont think ada orang yang memilih untuk menjadi seorang penagih dadah....the fact is...too many people started out with experimenting...but what they didnt realise is that this supposedly 'harmless' and fun experiment leads to addiction....believe me...when addiction hits u... you wont even know when youve crossed the wont realize that what started out as just having some fun has turned into something you need and something you'll do anything to get....

...drugs are sneaky....they will sneak up on your butt and have you under their spell before you know what has happened....they steal your energy...passion...and drive to short...they take your life from it fair for these drug dealers to be executed...macam orang eye for an eye...a tit for a tat...



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 Author| Post time 9-12-2005 10:17 PM | Show all posts
blackmore my it fair for a person who has in his possession a few ecstasy pills or a few gm of marijuana to be charged as a pusher & be killed?

i think only people who is a murderer should be punished by death..(eye for an eye and all that...) tu pun sometimes misal nya manslaughter case...di malaysia ni pun bukan kena hukum bunuh....

pushers should at most should have jail sentence...give them a chance to rehabilitate themselves....

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Post time 10-12-2005 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 9-12-2005 10:17 PM
blackmore my it fair for a person who has in his possession a few ecstasy pills or a few gm of marijuana to be charged as a pusher & be killed?
i think only people who is a murdere ...

...greenie sayang...since u ask me...yes...i very much agree that these pushers should be executed...why???...becos...they are the ones yang menjadi salah satu punca mengapa ex-addicts kembali balik menagih...bila dah rehabilitate dan kluar dari pusat pemulihan...these drug dealers lah yang akan mencarik dan offer dorang barang nie semula...sebab...without addicts dorang tak de bisnis...thats why they are called as pushers...they keep pushing and pushing and they will only stop when u are patut ke dorang kena execute??...

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simplelife This user has been deleted
Post time 10-12-2005 07:37 AM | Show all posts
penagih dadah yang bodoh saja terperangkap dengan ketagihan nya....macam juga peminum alkohol ..bukan semua nya jadi drunkard...

ada banyak artis dan pengkarya pengkarya yang menghasilkan karya yang agung dengan 'bantuan' dadah...

Adakah Gb3 bermaksud semua penghuni di pusat serenti seluruh negara ini adalah orang-orang bodoh sahaja?

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2005 11:34 PM | Show all posts

Sesiapa yang tak dapat mengawal diri nya dan terjebak kedalam perbuatan yang memerbahayakan atau merugikan diri sendiri by definition are acting stupidly....ini bukan bermakna dia tu stupid as in low IQ....everybody including myself have done and continue to do all sorts of stupid things.... but it's a matter of how stupid the action is....sometimes less stupid, sometimes very2 stupid......

but all these do not justify executing 'pengedar dadah'....
.. only 3rd world and draconian countries have this extreme punishment for drug pushers....more civilized countries are well, yes...more civilized.....



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Post time 12-12-2005 10:37 AM | Show all posts
but, ape nk jadi ngan deficit yg m'sia ada dgn masalah nk accommodate drug pushers ni?

hmm....gajah pun leh kurus kalu slalu kena hisap darah ngan nyamuk....



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Post time 17-12-2005 09:34 PM | Show all posts
hukuman gantung tu ... dibuat utk menakutkan org supaya ... in the long run org takkan menjual dan mengedar dadah.. bkn begitu ker objective sumer hukuman ... bkn laa nk menghukum tapi memberitahu manusia pd setiap wrong doing ader consequences dier .... by the way ... penagh korang ... terserenpak atau ditego or being offer by  pengedar dadah ..... probably no in your lifetime ... by the way org yg menjual dadah takkan offer sekali and just leave .... the will try to influence u to buy drugs ... once u in their hand they will squeeze till u dry ... isn't that in a sense is killing ....  i think u should know drugs... like heroine will get u addictive .. even on the first try ... so as most drugs do ... if u asking whether we should put a death sentence towards this culprit ... would answer definitely yes ...



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Post time 18-12-2005 02:49 AM | Show all posts
in conjuction wif dadah nyer topic ni kan..apa pendapat korang pasal M'sia's now providing free jarum suntikan n condoms? r they gonna be beneficial in the long run?or gonna coz more deficit to m'sia?

coz, if i'm not mistaken, in countries where these steps are alredi taken, diorang tak stop kat sini jer....they also have a very stringent rule on their telly for example....not showing explicit stories...n more...(i wish i know more...)(ker dah ader topic ni kat thread lain?)



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Post time 7-1-2006 03:16 PM | Show all posts
saya berminat utk memberi pandangan dlm topik ini...

pada saya... saya turut bersetuju utk memberi hukuman gantung pada penagih tegar ini...


- memangla orang lain blh kata itu hak diorang,.... suka hati diorang nak buat apa ngan badan diorang tapi.... masalahnya....mereka ini berkemungkinan besar mempengaruhi golongan lain untuk terjebak sama.... dan mereka yang lemah fikiran akan turut serta menambahkan lagi bilangan penagih ini.... jadi alasan pertama diorang akan mempengaruhi orang lain....

- kedua....
banyak keluarga yang kacau bilau kerana dadah ini... yang menjadi mangsa biasanya adalah anak-anak... hak mereka utk hidup bahagia dinafikan sama sekali... saya yang terlibat ngan kerja masyarakat telah melihat sendiri kesan negatif kepada keluarga penagih khususnya anak2 mereka.... tak perlu kata mengenai dadah yang keras atau high seperti heroin etc... ganja atau syabu juga tetap sama kesannya... satu cerita benar yang saya lihat sendiri... seorang klien saya di sebuah institusi pemulihan dan perlindungan ini mengakui ibubapanya penagih syabu... hasilnya semua anak-anaknya terlibat dlm menagih syabu (termasuk klien ini).... dan hasil seterusnya sejak umurnya 8 tahun dia terpaksa membesar dan menguruskan hal sendiri kerana kurang perhatian dari ibubapa khusnya yang selalu keluar masuk pen jara..... slps itu dia sendiri telah mengupgradeka statusnya menjadi pengedar syabu.... ada banyak lagi contoh lain sebenarnya....
kesimpulannya alasan kedua.... boleh memporak perandakan sistem kekeluargaan..... jangan sesekali pandang remeh pada pentingnya sebuah keluarga yang bahagia... kerana ini lah juga yang akan banyak mempengaruhi kebahagiaan dan kejayaan hidup anak-anak pada masa depan....

- ketiga....
mendorong berlakunya keganasan dan jenayah....
pengalaman saya sendiri.... teringat waktu study dulu.... abis semua kasut2 kami serumah hilang sbb dicuri oleh penagih dadah...mahal wooo kasut2 tu pada kami yg waktu tu yg cuma student ... harga 100+...  pandai plak dia pilih yg cantik2 dan masih baru... macamana kami tau penagih dadah yg curi... sbb jiran rumah depan kami nampak yang dia masuk sambil mengutip kasut2 di rak.... dan seterusnya melompat pagar... napa dia tak menjerit minta tolong... itu adalah kerana penagih dadah itu adalah boipren pada seorang housemate kami... waktu tu dia tak tau lagi boipren dia penagih dadah.... jadi kesimpulannya.... boleh menggalakkan kesalahan tingkah laku dan meningkatkan kadar jenayah....


pada siapa yang merasakan itu adalah hak masing2 utk mengambil dadah...kerana penagih itu hanya merosakkan dirinya...
nampak di sini pandangan anda itu adalah salah.... kerana anda melihat dalam ruangan yang sempit dan terbatas...kerana mungkin anda hanya melihat pada diri penagih sahaja... tanpa melihatkan kesannya kepada orang sekeliling.... tidak terpikir kesan pada masyarakat... kesan pada keluarga....

ada banyak lagi sebab sebenarnya.... memandangkan ini memang bidang kerjaya saya.... banyak benda dan kesan yang telah saya lihat sehingga saya menyokong untuk hukuman mati pada penagih tegar ini....




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Post time 11-1-2006 02:45 AM | Show all posts
Katakanlah dadah membunuh , menjatuhkan hukuman bunuh gak , x menyelesaikan apa2 masalah pun , think n act wise , do it in a proper n civilize way



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Post time 12-1-2006 12:11 PM | Show all posts
belia benci dadah!

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Post time 12-1-2006 06:57 PM | Show all posts
Zam berpendapat menghukum gantung kepada pengedar dadah wajar, tapi jumlah dadah yang terlibat perlulah besar melambangkan pengedar sebenar.  Bukannya penagih yang mengedar seperti kebanyakannya.

Namun yang lebih penting lagi pada pandangan Zam ialah supaya sumber dadah dibenteras hingga pupus, habis dan tiada lagi.  Mustahil?  Realitinya memang mustahil.  Alangkah baiknya kalau masyarakat dunia dapat bersatu menghapuskannya.



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 Author| Post time 12-1-2006 07:32 PM | Show all posts
i love freedom...

freedom of expression & to act in whatever way you think fit and be responsible for your long as you don't directly affect others in negative way macam membunuh ke, menipu ke, rasuajh ke etc...i believe malaysia should have much much more flexibility...

so pasal dadah ni pun sama jugak la... saya tak lagi jumpa negara 'maju' yang hukum bunuh pengedar dadah... kalau saya salah tolong betulkan ye...

saya fikir kita kena keluar dari tempurung pemikiran sempit dan buka minda kita seluas luas nya...

bukan saja dadah yang memporak perandakan keluarga...judi pun sama, arak pun sama...seks bebas pun sama...rasuah pun sama...tapi semua ini tak pun di hukum bunuh... ada hukuman2 yang lebih rasional dan setimpal sebagai ganti nya...



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Post time 14-3-2006 10:52 AM | Show all posts

Marijuana again tied to memory problems

Marijuana again tied to memory problems By Amy Norton
Mon Mar 13, 5:51 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who regularly smoke marijuana may find their memories growing hazy over time, a study published Monday suggests.

In a study of long-term and shorter-term marijuana users, researchers in Greece found that both groups performed more poorly on tests of memory, attention and other cognitive abilities than a comparison group who'd only occasionally used the drug.

Long-term users - who'd smoked four or more joints per week for at least 10 years - showed the greatest deficits.

The findings, published in the journal Neurology, add to the conflicting body of research on the effects of marijuana on the brain. While many studies have suggested that long-time pot smoking dulls memory, attention span and mental acuity, some have found no large differences in these skills between marijuana users and non-users.

One recent analysis of 15 studies found only minor effects on memory among long-time pot users, and no clear effect on attention, language, reasoning and a number of other cognitive functions.

One problem is that it's difficult for studies such as the current one to establish a definite cause-and-effect relationship between marijuana and intellectual deficits, Dr. Lambros Messinis, the study's lead author, told Reuters Health.

Though the researchers accounted for a number of variables -- like education, use of other drugs and the presence of clinical depression -- it's tough to control for all the factors that could make heavy marijuana users different from other people, according to Messinis.

Still, he and his colleagues say, their findings are in line with certain past studies linking heavy, long-term pot smoking to "subtle" deficits in intellectual abilities.

The study included 40 marijuana users ages 17 to 49 who were in a drug abuse treatment program; all had used the drug frequently for at least five years, but half -- those considered long-term users -- had smoked for 10 years or more. They were compared with 24 adults the same age who had used pot no more than 20 times in their lives.

Overall, both long- and shorter-term marijuana users performed more poorly on tests of memory, attention and mental-processing speed. The proportion of study participants deemed "impaired," according to the researchers, was highest in the long-term group and lowest in the comparison group.

Long-time pot users showed the greatest problems on tests where they were asked to learn and remember a series of words. They were "significantly" below the published norms for these tests, according to Messinis and his colleagues.

It's not yet clear whether the intellectual deficits linked to marijuana are lasting, Messinis said, but research "generally supports" the notion that these problems are reversible after longer periods of abstinence. People in his study were required to have been abstinent only for the 24 hours before taking the tests.

Another unknown, according to Messinis, is whether marijuana use at a young age may affect the brain differently than use during adulthood. Knowledge in this area, he said, is still "poor."

SOURCE: Neurology, March 14, 2006



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Post time 19-3-2006 06:02 PM | Show all posts
kalau saya setuju dihukum bunuh

sebab golongan ni menyusahkan masyarakat, dan juga boleh jadi pengajaran pd sesiapa yg nak ambil

banyak masalah keluarga kacau bilau, kehidupan anak tunggang langgang sebab drug addict ni,

tak tau lah, tapi biarlah kita tak cukup belia, our next generation tak ramai, asalkan berkualiti



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Post time 29-4-2007 02:24 PM | Show all posts
while I understand the need for a strong sentence to be met out for the drugs dealers

I do simply believe that the drugsabusers are themselfves to be blamed too

how easy it is to find a scapegoat, when ur life is in shambles , when u urselves are the master
of ur own destiny!!

ponder upon these....will there be supply IF there is no demand???

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