Post time 5-4-2020 01:29 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Org jepon lebih paham fungsi mco...
Mungkin dia perlukan penerangan oleh polis China, baru paham? Moga2 ah so, loyar, dan sekalian ummah yg tak paham, sila tgk dan hadam..
Published on 12 Feb 2020
Credits to the owner.
China enforces lockdowns and to minimise gatherings in the midst of controlling the spread of the COVID-19/Coronavirus. Yet, Mahjong is the national hobby and this group of relatives simply couldn't resist the urge to play. China officer reprimands elders and civilians for endangering their families, themselves, and society.
Subtitles are in English (captions).
1. What are you guys trying to do?!
2. Huh?! *Goes on a hammering rampage*
3. Watch closely!!
4. We are now in the face of a national disaster.
5. How can you all behave this way? How are you setting a good example for your kids?
6. Huh?!
7. Don't you all have family members?!
8. You're all older than me!!
9. Why do you not care to wear your face masks?!
10. But care to gather to gamble?! *the men proceeds to wear their face masks*
11. The virus situation is very serious...
12. But your actions are akin to committing a crime!
13. You are all parents yourselves...
14. Some are even grandparents
15. What kind of example are you all setting?!
16. Anyone of you could have harmed your whole family!!
17. Or even the whole society!
18. The front line medics...
19. Endangering their lives...
20. Do you have any idea how many medical workers have fallen?
21. Your actions are disrespectful!
Post time 5-4-2020 03:35 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Harap Kerajaan PN dan PDRM
tak bagi muka kpd pesalah2 yg
melanggar perintah dan kurang ajar.
Kasi saman cukup2 dan sumbat sepet sohai ni dlm lokap.
Dgn adanya peguam2 bodo dan pihak2 jilaker yg menyokong puak2 biadap ni la
maka undang2 negara diperlekehkan.
Bila kaum sepet dan rentong buat salah, mulala kaper2 lahanat nak bersuara backing, kalo Melayu salah buat fiam ajer..lantak situ masok lokap.
Zaman PeeH yg rule of law hanceng, pembunuh Adib boleh dilepaskan, sengaja terbalikkan bendera Msia tiada dikenakan tindakan, komik komineh dan abu bangkai komineh lepas masuk msia tiada tindakan, menyokong pengganas LTTE dgn senjata pong boleh dibebaskan.
Deyyy...PeeH sial ni memang kerajaan PHundek lahanat
Pls PN...jangan jadik kerajaan bodo dan sial macam PeeH.